Are elements of the US Intelligence Community paying a WN felon to agitate two others to kill me?
An illegal, unconstitutional, federally funded “Stingray” tower has a camera trained directly on my small, light-yellow, rented house, and specifically on my office window.
Previously I received implied death threats, harassing phone calls, and defamatory, slanderous insults from three WNs led by a convicted felon. See end of this blog for links.)
Dear Sheriff Rantala [who called all three men with my request that they cease all contact with me, to which they agreed. I have no desire to escalate this, and assume they are of the same mind.]:
Thank you, sir. I think coming from you, this will have plenty of weight. And I appreciate the time you have spent on this.
I just hope there is no Plan B now.
Btw, my webmaster, over in rural [], a former Army Rifle Team member, tells me there is a big muslim “camp” out in the sticks 50 miles from his house. And yes, they practice “riflery.”
Just like maybe whoever supposedly is a Muslim between Ewen and Bruce’s Crossing, if the report is true.
(My source is an Iraq vet, and can definitely tell a Muslim from a dark-complected Obijway. I said he should talk to you, and he said he does not want his friendship with me coming out. )
Were I a rogue element inside the FBI, why not pay an “Allahu Akbar”type from Dearborn, Michigan a juicy $2,000 upfront to come up to little Ontonagon to take out a blasphemer. 🙂
All-American Dearborn, five hours south of here in lower Michigan
Two of the Religion-of-Peacers who just drove over pregnant women and carved up white English people
Then said jihadi gets another $2K upon completion, except what he really gets is a bullet in the back of the head and a disposal in Lake Superior. 🙂
The center of the lake, the world’s largest, btw, has water so cold that decomposing bodies do not float back to the surface. (My photo of a beach party at Ontonagon Beach on Lake Superior: party-goers are burning a driftwood tree.)
It took four attempts to get Kennedy:
1) December 1960 in Palm Beach, Fla., before his inauguration.
2) Chicago: The same morning that the CIA had the South Vietnamese president, Diem, and his brother assassinated, for which official records show that JFK called an emergency meeting and delayed departure for Chicago.
When Bobby Kennedy got the report from Chicago’s Secret Service of Cuban nationals having high-powered arms and ammunition in a hotel room along the motorcade route, he insisted that JFK cancel the trip to Chicago.
When Abraham Bolden, the first black U.S. Secret Service agent, was going to tell the Warren Commission after the Kennedy murder in Dallas about the planned assassination in Chicago, he was ARRESTED BY THE FBI! Bolden was sentenced/railroaded to six years (of which he served three) for “taking bribes” from men he as an Illinois state trooper actually had put in prison! Bolden only went public with this, overcoming his fear, at age 72 in 2007.
3) There was another attempt on Nov 18 at McDill AFB (Air Force Base) in Florida.
So, sheriff, the excitement may not yet be over.
Thank you sincerely again,
John de Nugent
…..Previous blogs on all this
Local girl dreams a local low-life will kill me – and the FBI is in town
Holappa and mind control; the White House threat of November 2015
January 1: Weird omen again, and death threat AGAIN; — sorry, Darwin, Aryans are not from monkeys
The State of Michigan has these towers located at various points through out most of the counties “to monitor weather conditions.”
Are you sure the feds have equipment mounted on the one near you?
Here is a list of cameras! The one on the bridge near you is not listed.,4616,7-151-9615-253230–,00.html
As it is not listed by the State of Michigan, it is possible that it is indeed a federal operation.
The feds fund all sorts of operations and equipment for state and local police-sheriffs, including used combat equipment such as MRAP trucks, automatic weapons, etc.
Then if the staties or sheriffs “disobey” the fed master, they cut the funding.
Nixon started this, calling it “the new federalism.” 🙁
Yes, most grants, State or Federal, usually come with strings attached. I believe most Sheriff Dept’s and large city Police Dept’s have become Federalized.
And it is strange that that particular tower is not on the SoM weather camera list.
I sent an email to the MDOT as to why camera on M-64 bridge in Ontonagon is not working and received an answer this morning. Said thanks for noticing and sorry about the inconvenience, the camera is up and working now.