Shocking excerpt from leftist “Shutdown DC” manual for post-election overthrow of Trump

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If we begin to think about shutting down entire cities, regions, or lines of commerce we need to map the physical locations that might get us to our goal. Power exists within individual power holders but also flows along geographic lines. We can demand change and embody non-compliance by shutting down physical areas like highways, urban districts, or individual buildings.

Last summer Shut Down DC used multiple affinity groups to organize actions at multiple intersections across the city, effectively halting operations across a wide region. If our goal is to truly interrupt business-as-usual as an act of resistance to a coup, then we should know how business flows. What intersections in your town make sense to coordinate to take over and hold? Are there major highways that act as regional conduits for traffic and commerce that can be sites for actions? Are there relevant institutions that could be permanently occupied that would stop the functioning of business and/or political processes? 



Remember that shutting down just Washington DC would have a huge impact on the whole nation. It is the seat of the US government.

One might think, in normal times, that none of this would be allowed by the feds, especially with Trump as president.

HUGE mistake.

A hallmark of jew subversion is when the cops and military, to the amazement of worried citizens, do NOTHING at the decisive moment.

Why nothing?

Because the commanders were bribed with HUGE amounts of cash, or were blackmailed, or it was both.

In doing a massive audiobook and online pdf for The Nameless War (see below), I saw this bizarre phenomenon over and over. The State seems paralyzed and unable to act, to move, to strike back, when the jews strike at the centers of power with mobs, guns and sabotage.

BRIBES, huge bribes have flowed to greedy subhumans with a badge.

“Just do nothing” is all they have to do to get MILLIONS.

So here is the scenario:

DC is paralyzed, and Trump orders the DC National Guard, Marines, DC police and US marshals to raid and arrest revolutionaries.

To his shock, nothing is done.

“Like I said, we’re working on it, Mr. President.”



..Captain Archibald Ramsay’s “The Nameless War” — how the Jews plan, finance and run revolutions against the goyim

(See also


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