Should we use the swastika?

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A loyal NS comrade and fmr Rockwell-party stormtrooper like myself wrote me:

Andrew Anglin has a very negative impression of any WN that uses the hakenkreuz or calls themselves NS (“nazi”). But should we retreat every time Jews lie about us? I refuse to.

I replied:

Well, I sort of get Anglin on this, though reluctantly. I did see maybe more weirdos in the NSWPP than in the National Alliance, which Pierce decided should be NS in everything but the name and not use the swastika, but instead the life rune, which to me looked wimpy, and supplicating. 😉

Pierce himself was super-hardcore NS and revered Rockwell, whom he knew very well.

Pierce, a PhD in physics, was born on September 11, 1933 and stood 6’4″. 

He also told me the swastika scared off the educated, professional, elites he wanted to attract. “You can’t get to first base with that level of people if you throw a swastika at them from the start.”

Now Hitler designed the swastika, HIS version of the swastika, to radiate raw power, total self-confidence, and, above all, motion. His hakenkreuz is up on its toes — and pitching forward!

Hindu or Buddhist swastikas


And it is also spinning, and in fact spinning forward — in a clockwise fashion, because it is rotating into the future. We are not looking too much back into our past! As glorious as some of our past was, our future will be utterly magnificent!

And the greatest achievement will be the non-whites who will want to live under our rule and not fight us as we rise to power. They know by the hatred of the RINOS, Never-Trumpers and “moderates” for us national socialists that we are anything but fat-cat Republicans.

Fat pig RINO Mike P0mpeo wants a nuclear war with Russia .. He  figures he’ll be down in his elite bunker, well stocked with champagne and little boys, when it happens.

We have not sold our souls for the Almighty Dollar and a big Cadillac, nor do we exploit white workers almost as badly as greedy businessmen do the minorities. (What can a Mexican illegal alien do if working conditions are extremely polluted and unsafe? Complain to the authorities?)

We will rule because it is obvious that God made us to be the rulers, wise, caring and strong; we must become Aryan supermen, the most brilliant, honorable, trustworthy promise-keepers of all times.

And then Saint Michael will forever be with us all. Angels are real, and so are archangels, and they are former humans who know how our life is. They won’t help whiners and pussies!

Saint George, the dragon-slayer

I wish to salute Dr. William Luther Pierce, my old boss, at this time for this great video, because I saw what he was talking about myself in my own family — the private schools, the gated communities, the Cadillacs and the top-shelf gin — while our white brothers who were blue-collar went down the toilet of racially mixed schools, drugs, booze, joblessness and despair:


(Making a blog of this 🙂 )



A Scandinavian comrade commented:

Hitler did know about the germanic spirit and also reincarnation.

How have these jews been permitted to reincarnate for so long when they are so evil ?

I replied:

Well, that is a good question, but is just part of the overall issue:

Why does God permit evil?

And thus, why does he permit the evil to reincarnate, and in their new incarnation seek out new victims to abuse and murder?

God never does for us what we can do for ourselves.

That would be an insult to our abilities, and our basic goodness.

The jews are 1/4 of 1% of the human race. If we united, we could easily take care of them.

I have run this image before:

We are here by our own choice on this planet, which is both beautiful and horrible. We can make it un-horrible any time we want.

National socialism proved life can be wonderful. It was not a theory but an amazing reality for 12 years, which shattered every record for excellence in every field and brought untold human happiness and fulfillment.

It can be a reality again!

But we must believe, obey, and fight for it!

For this, just one thing is missing: the leader and the plan.

Soon that man will appear.



An Italian NS comrade wrote, after seeing an old clip of me speaking:


What I find incredible is your smile! 🙂

The Führer of the past could never have smiled like that.

At least he didn’t do it in public speeches; he only smiled on other occasions.

“A mother’s happiness”

Same thing for Savitri Devi; same tone of voice, same seriousness.

I have some German recordings of him! (I don’t know where they ended up though. 🙁)

A friend and neighbor of ours gets scared every now and then when I get angry about certain issues . “You scare me!” he says…..

Because certain issues touch me very closely, and then I can’t hold back my righteous anger!

I don’t know how to explain it, however, that you can be funny, ironic and hard-hitting at the same time!

This anger I carry around is the thing that makes me lose my mind sometimes, uhm .. and it makes me also feel somewhat embarrassed.

For me it is impossible to ever clash with you .. So how do you do it? Stay serene?

You have brought out that “lighter” part of myself, that “ironic” detachment. How we love you! … My God. 🙂




I responded.

Thank you! One of the many great things about America is that it is a thorough mixture of all the whites of Europe, and add to that the American spirit of optimism! “The best is yet to come!”

Italians (many!), Slavs, Kelts and Teutons — we have the good traits of all these Aryans in America.

But face it — a sense of humor is not the strongest point of the pure Teutons. 😉

In the end, however, we cannot persist if stressed out from grimness, aggravation and frustration.

We will win this way, serene as we wade through oceans of blood, with a smile of pride and victory on our face. 🙂


If we die in battle, those we kill will go to hell — and we, as heroines and heroes, shall rise to Valhalla! We win by living, and we win by dying for our race!


And we should always be able to make fun of ourselves and be self-deprecating. We need rulers who can laugh about their foibles.

President John Kennedy, gifted with Irish wit (and secretly a fierce antisemite), was well aware of how popular, well-dressed, and beautiful his wife Jackie was.

At a speech in Paris, he said:

“I am glad you turned out today to also hear a few words from Jackie Kennedy’s husband.”  😉

Maybe the swastika of the future will be in happier colors, in red, white and blue, the beloved colors of America, our mother country of Great Britain, of feisty Australia and spectacular New Zealand, of suave and elegant France, of the franco-germanic little Luxemburg, of the hard-working Dutch, of the Viking descendants in both Norway and Iceland, and, among the Slavs, the Croatians, the Slovenes, the Czechs, the Slovaks, and the gigantic, valorous and victorious Russia!

And then the words of John Kennedy will be fulfilled:



  1. I have to admit that I laughed the first time I saw Dr. Pierce’s rune. I heard others call it a “chicken foot”. I drove from a semi-rural part of Illinois into the city of Chicago to help street activists fight integration.

    Even though I was sympathetic to their cause, I quickly discovered the reason they were anchored to their old neighborhoods: substance abuse. I knew one man who spent $500 a month on cigarettes alone. Beer was an absolute “necessity.” (What’s water?)

    They couldn’t tear themselves away from these expensive habits. It was heart-breaking to see White people stuck in this rut.

    I seem to remember Adolf Hitler writing about this same tragedy from his days as a laborer in Mein Kampf.

    The middle class must do what it can, but the working class must do what it must. Excellent analysis by Dr. Pierce.

  2. Il Blu di Aton.

    Il Rosso di Nefertiti.

    Non sono semplici colori massonici ma il principio maschile e quello femminile,usati in modo errato dai Sacerdoti di Amon.

    L’Eretico Akhenaton,figlio del Sole vivente.

    Savitri aveva ragione; è stato un grande Faraone, ebbe il coraggio di rompere le tradizioni incestuose e di combattere il clero di Amon.

    Merita Aton, sua figlia,aveva regnato per un breve periodo dopo la morte dei suoi Genitori (la prematura morte di Nefertiti colpì duramente il Faraone) ma i nemici ostili e tutto il clero di Amon ebbero la meglio e si vendicarono creando poi ciò che noi oggi chiamiamo Deep State.

    I tempi sono maturi per la tua Religione e con la tua nuova swastica.

    • Transl:

      The Blue of Aten.

      The Red of Nefertiti.

      They are not simple Masonic colors, but the male and female principle, used incorrectly by the priests of Amun.

      Heretic Akhenaten was the son of the Living Sun.

      Savitri was right; he was a great Pharaoh, he had the courage to break the incestuous traditions and to fight the clergy of Amon.

      Meritorious Aten, his daughter, had reigned for a short time after the death of his Parents (Nefertiti’s untimely death hit the Pharaoh hard), but the hostile enemies and all the clergy of Amun prevailed and took revenge by creating what we today we call the Deep State.

      The time is ripe for your religion and your new swastika.

  3. I really like Joe Biden. He is funny as hell. Here his best quotes:

    “Poor kids are just as bright as white kids.”
    “150 million americans have been killed by gun violance since 2007.”
    “All men and women are created by the…by theee, you know the thing.”
    “Iran are a bunch of bad boys.”
    “Why shall I take a test, do you take a cocaine test, are you a junky?, come on man!”
    “If you do vote for Trump, you are not black!”
    “Donald Trump is like a Jojo.”
    “The most important thing is, afer I am elected , defeat Donald Trump.”
    “you are a dog faced pony soldier!”
    “We chose truth over facts”
    “I am Joe Bidens husband”
    “my former boss Reprock Obama”

    Here is the coolest song at the moment:

    Joe will fix it for you!


    The Jew considers themselves to be apart from and above Nature. In other words to have Dominion over it. As well as being above and having Dominion over the goyim (cattle).

    When they created Christianity, which one must keep in mind was a Jewish Sect originally, they kept their original philosophical position regarding both Nature and the goyem. All the earliest Christians were Jews. This situation would hold until the coming of Paul (A member of the governing body of Judaism at the time the Sanhedron.) He opened membership in the cult up to the gentiles (goyem). But its leadership remained overwhelmingly Jewish and its attitude towards Nature, Jewish. Paul was angling for the gaining of control over the Roman Empire which required that the Roman Ruling Classes would become his willing accomplices. After their crushing defeat in 70AD at the hands of the Romans the Jews finally realized that they couldn’t gain control of the world by themselves. They would have to buy off the Ruling Classes of the gentiles (goyem) by promising them absolute and unaccountable power over their subjects. They taught that rulers are appointed by God, govern in his name, and are solely answerable to him. Resistance to them is rebellion against God’s Holy Government. Something unheard of before in Europe. Among the Celts, Germans, Greeks, Romans, or Spanish, except for the occasional renegade and usually short-lived tyrant. But this was standard for the Middle Eastern desert dwellers, and especially the Israelites/Jews/Canaanites. There would be a bloody power struggle between Jew and gentile Christians which lie outside of the parameters of this particular study.

    I must briefly discuss the term Positive Christainty once again. A term I myself have been known to use. As well as certain individuals within the NSDAP. The Lord “Christ” of Free Germania was in actual fact the God Baldur, son of All Father Odin and his wife the Goddess Frigg. Who is destined to take Odin’s place as the chief God during the upcoming Golden Age. His parents moving on to an even higher plane of existence. While elements of him come from Baldur, who was renowned for a certain gentleness, etc. among the Germans, the Biblical Jesus Christ is a Jewsih counterfeit of him created originally to help them gain control of the Roman Empire. So when one thinks of the Christ of Positive Christainity one should think of Baldur.

    The fragmentation of the Aryan psyche came about because the Jew considers themselves separate from and having absolute dominion over Nature, which enables them to deal with it in whichever way they choose to benefit themselves. In stark contrast the Aryan sees themselves as part of nature, subject to and responsible for it. A basic belief they hold in common with other Traditional Peoples. The races of men are not equal, but they are all part of the Natural Order on Earth and must be as wholes preserved, but only in their Natural places. Everything is on Earth connected, because everything is part of Nature.

    Instead of functioning as part of the Sacred Natural Order the Jew functions initially as a parasite and ultimately as a cancer which begins to spread to other organs (peoples) and begins to eat up the rest of what would otherwise be a healthy Earth Mother.

    The fragmenting of the psyche results in things that are part of one thing being treated like they are part of different things. One loses the ability to see how one’s actions in one area affect other areas and come back on you from them. One mistakenly focuses on the functioning of one part of a system rather than on the whole system that functions as a singularity. This fragmentation foisted off on our ancestors by Judeo-Christainity is what created modern so-called Western Civilization and is also what is busy now destroying it. Western Civilization is not actually European as our Ancient Ancestors were. Instead it is the product of a renegade desert dwelling Middle Eastern tribe.

    To the Ancients, including our Aryan Ancestors, the Body, the Mind, the Spirit, and Nature, are not separate things but rather they are just different aspects of one thing. They can’t be dealt with separately because they are not in reality separate. Just as an example the Giza Pyramids were built by people and others who thought of engineering, science, and spirituality as all being part of the same thing. You cannot ever hope to truly understand anything about them unless you can adjust your mind to function like the minds of the builders functioned. This holds true for any Ancient Sacred Site anywhere.

    In a very modern context the whole Alien and UFO mystery must be dealt with as part and parcel of any spiritual investigation because they are as much spiritual in nature as they are physical at one and the same time. Were the Ancient Gods mankind’s creators really Alien Astronauts as some have concluded? My position is that that is a false dichotomy in actual fact. THEY WERE ONE AND THE SAME THING! There are Gods and Goddesses, there are Devils of both sexes, there are Ancient Astronauts, and they are all part of one overarching process played out over the course of the Great Year. The Nordic Aliens or Imperial Germans as some call them are not the Ancient Higher Spirits of Our Ancestors. Neither are they Elves or Faeries. BUT! Nonetheless they have close connections to all of them. They are all parts of Our Ancestral Traditions and thus all parts of what makes us Aryans. Once our psyches are no longer fragmented by our blood enemies and we become whole beings once again.

    Heil Our Gods!

    Heil Our Ancestors!


    Heil Adolf Hitler deva!

    Randall Lee Hilburn

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