Sickening — Jews planning to bribe politicos to exonerate toilet rapist-strangler Leo Frank

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Dateline May 2019: The metro Atlanta Jewish supremacist community have put together a clandestine multiethnic and multiracial research group for the forthcoming months ahead, with the predetermined purpose of re-adjudicating the Mary Phagan murder trial (July 28 to August 21, 1913) and exonerating the defendant Leo Frank who was convicted on August 25th, 1913, and sentenced to hang the next day by the presiding judge L.S. Roan (1849-1915).
Leo Frank is going to be “exonerated” though totally guilty of a vicious, premeditated anal-rape, murder and planned incineration of the body in a furnace. It’s the preconceived conclusion when Jew money is spread around big-time, but publicly, the group analyzing the case will have to give the impression of being non-biased and examining both sides of the case with impartial scrutiny.
Who knows what threats coupled with handsome bribes and promises of a glowing and golden political future were promised to our narcissistic political caste?
As a co-curator of and activist on this since 2013, I am sickened that this arrogant, pedophile Jewboy is going to get his day in court AGAIN, a century later, when THREE juries, and the county, state and federal courts (including twice the US Supreme Court) all found him guilty!
In fact, all three top private detective firms hired to find evidence exculpating Frank by the New York City Jews backing the Atlanta toilet rapist also found him guilty!
Back when white men were men, little girls did not get raped and killed by Jews without punishment!
Said who? Said the Jew, Harvard graduate, and professor of history at the University of California/Santa Barbara Albert S. Lindemann!
In this book Lindemann discusses three sensational trials of Jews for treason or murder, and in all three cases World Jewry screeched it was “antisemitism, prejudice and bigotry.”
Yet in all three cases, the Jew in fact WAS guilty!
And why not? Jews are TAUGHT in the Holy Talmud to hate, betray, rape and kill all the goyim!
This ain’t over, folks.
I am HOT.

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