Sickeningly fat, flat-chested, plain Israeli female singer with no range and dud song “wins” Eurovision song contest; then goes political (against the rules) and promotes Jerusalem

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And since when, “Eurovision” directors, is Israel part of Euro-pe? 

“I’m not your toy, boy!” is Netta Barzilai’s beyond-delusional “feminism-of-the-fat-and-ugly” song.

Her loud and mediocre song, “Toy!” starts at 12:24 and runs to the end. (I wonder just maybe if her being Jewish had something to do with such an unattractive singer and a C+ song winning? But hey, lots and lots of confetti.)

As my friend, Brit comrade Jack Sen, wrote me:

“This is the reason why Hitler put these degenerates in camps. “I’m not your toy, you stupid boy”… And revolting to watch all those white males who are singing along with “stupid boy.”

I doubt any Blacks or Arabs would ever be like that, humiliating themselves in public. 

Furthermore, it was a ‘me too’ song, and all feminist, yet she promotes far-right-wing Israel, which is the ultimate in militarism, police brutality, sexism, nationalism, racialism [throwing the blacks out, and discriminating even against the dark-skinned sephardic Jews] and religious fundamentalism.


“I’d normally expect a knock at the door soon for saying this, but thankfully I’m currently outside the EU, where the people are conservative and the State leaves people like us alone so no knock will be forthcoming.

And people like Tommy Robinson tell us that the Muslims are the problem! At least they don’t preach cultural filth!”

Store renting actual women for sex in Tel Aviv


‘Next time in Jerusalem’: Israeli winner adds political jab to Eurovision Song Contest

Freshly-crowned Eurovision queen Netta Barzilai struck fire with her victory speech, as she invited viewers to see next year’s song contest in the occupied Jerusalem, not the internationally-recognized Israeli capital Tel Aviv.


Barzilai, who was a favorite to win the contest, clinched first place with her song “Toy,” riding the wave of female empowerment. But it was not only the catchy tune that made Twitter erupt after the show but also the highly polarizing statement Netta made on stage after being proclaimed as the winner.

“Thank you so much for choosing difference, thank you so much for accepting differences between us… I love my country, next time in Jerusalem!” the singer said.

Some users were quick to point out that Barzilai betrayed the message of acceptance and diversity by ending on a statement in tune with Israeli propaganda.

“How can Eurovision celebrate diversity and inclusion when, steps away, Palestinians are getting shot in the head? Eurovision is about to get very ugly,” one Twitter user wrote.


Netta made it clear her music is for Israel’s propaganda. And she declared 2019 to be in Jerusalem. How can @Eurovision celebrate diversity and inclusion when steps away Palestinians are getting shot in the head? is about to get very ugly.

vee 🌈@goesbyvee

Tbh I was a bit put off by Netta’s comment about Jerusalem. Let’s hope that they have the decency to do this in Tel Aviv instead… I doubt it though…

Many reminded Barzilai, who had served in the Israeli Navy as part of her mandatory army service, that Tel Aviv was the officially recognized capital of Israel, while the UN’s original partition plan for Palestine envisaged Jerusalem to be placed under international rule.

Joe Costello


Surely Israeli winner, Netta, should know Tel Aviv is capital of Israel- not Jerusalem- and with her being a former member of Israeli Navy

David Mor@WildSparrowYT

Israel didn’t deserve that win. The song was a crap pop-culture-reference-fest, the singer appropriated multiple cultures, and btw, Netta, Jerusalem is Palestinian territory, gtfo.

One user even suggested Barzilai should be disqualified for violating contest’s rules by promoting a political message.

Claudia P.@deetsy

just bc im happy for israel’s netta, i do not support the politics of israel or u.s. action to move us embassy to jerusalem

While Israel’s control over West Jerusalem, which is mainly populated by Jews, has the silent consent of the international community, its claims to East Jerusalem, with its Palestinian majority, have faced strong opposition. Israel, nevertheless, considers Jerusalem its “undivided” capital.

The December decision by US President Donald Trump to relocate the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem added fuel to the smoldering Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in which dozens of Palestinians were killed and hundreds were injured in the wave of recent protests.

Israeli activists rallying behind the BDS [ Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions] movement against the occupation of the Palestinian territories and the oppression of Palestinians by Israel took issue with Barzilai even before she ‘invited’ fans to Jerusalem.

In a Facebook post, the activists claimed that Barzilai, as part of an Israeli Navy band, sang to soldiers that later were involved in the seven-week “Protective Edge” operation in Gaza, which resulted in over 2,000 Gazans being killed and over 10,000 injured in July and August 2014.

“Israel’s Eurovision entry, entitled “Toy,” which is all about women’s empowerment and social justice, does not address the Israeli Navy’s massacres in Gaza. Nor does it seek to empower the women of the Gaza open-air prison,” the activists wrote, calling for “zero points” for the Israeli contest. However, as her subsequent success has shown, the flashy performance scored higher than the plight of Palestinians.




1 Comment

  1. Hab ich irgendwie eine kollossale Kontinentalplattenverschiebung verschlafen oder seit wann liegt Israel in Europa und kann deshalb beim europäischen Songcontest teilnehmen?

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