Since 75 mio Whites still love Trump, this “Evil Nazi” is giving the p-u-b-l-i-c jew-lover every last chance to man-up…..or discredit himself forever

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1991: Boris Yeltsin in Moscow climbs atop a tank and speaks to the Russians, thwarting a communist coup. Trump, also experiencing a communist coup, instead flew away to Mar-a-Lago.

A comrade wrote me:

If only Trump had gone to the Capitol, even in the last stages of the protest, climbed atop an armored police vehicle, and given a speech, it would have been a heroic moment, but he missed the chance. Sure, there were security concerns, but sometimes a man has to take risks to reap big rewards.

I could not possibly agree more!

Yes, just as Yeltsin in Moscow did when the old-style communists deposed Gorbachev.

But (((Daddy’s Girl Ivanka))) would have vetoed it — not moderate enough. The RINOs Pence and McConnell might not have approved.

In reality, of course, far more was justified than yet another fiery speech. George Washington realized in 1775 that speeches were useless.

Trump, sadly, turned out to be like Boulanger, wussing out:

Trump, depressed and surrounded, feels unable to act as the clock ticks to Bidengeddon

Patrick Henry in 1775

I will quote what Patrick Henry said in 1775 in the Virginia legislature as the news arrived from Boston that the hot air phase had ended, and a massive gun-confiscation raid by the British army in Concord, Massachusetts, had led to two violent armed battles with patriots, a British defeat and a disastrous 18-mile retreat back to Boston, being picked off by sniper, waiting in ambush and knowing every twist and bend on the high road back to Boston. (I was a guide on the Freedom Trail myself,)

“Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? …

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?

Forbid it, Almighty God!

I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”


I have been here at the North Bridge many times, pondering what it takes to get white men to act – and why they wait every time until it is almost too late. When the situation was manageable, when Whites were 90% of America and every man did military service (in 1965), it was neglected,. And now that the jews, communists and blacks have gotten completely out of hand, we are late again. There is nothing new in this long and somber catalog of the uselessness of human experience and the confirmed obtuseness of mankind. This perpetual refusal to face unpleasant realities is why the truly noble idea of democracy remains a dangerous model for running a country. The demos refuses to act.    





  1. “If only Trump had gone to the Capitol, even in the last stages of the protest, climbed atop an armored police vehicle, and given a speech, it would have been a heroic moment, but he missed the chance. Sure, there were security concerns, but sometimes a man has to take risks to reap big rewards.”

    I read that his security stopped him from appearing at the Capital.

  2. I don’t see any place to respond to some other things on yr website so:

    The book *The Scalpel and the Soul* also made a very big impression on me. I read it twice.

    I also offered to donate by Amazon gift card. I thought it was my own idea, because I just did it for someone else, and it was so easy and i thought that your suggestion, sending cash donations wrapped up in foil, was not too great (tho I hate Amazon itself as must any decent person). But you did not even respond to me.

    • Sorry, I did not see your email or PM about offering to donate via Amazon. Believe me, I would have responded.

      Ah, I just found it now, from Dec. 23rd, an email notifying me of a comment to moderate/approve (and it is strange I never saw it before; I actually had no comments “pending” to approve):

      Author: werewolf (IP address: [])
      Email: []
      “Amazon gift cards are fine.”

      I just sent someone an amazon gift card. That was easy (assuming it went through). I’ll send u one too right now but i seem to need a phone number or email address to do it. I’d never done it before – and that’s all it asked for.


      If they want my email address, it is

      Thank you!

  3. I very much doubt that Donald Trump has ever had an independent mind. Mind control programming is done to little children so they can be controlled for life. The wealthy and powerful have to keep their future leaders under control. As needed, each mind controlled person is given a detailed persona that includes all memory and personal identity and background, which he really believes. Likely, Trump was re-programmed to believe he could be and act as President. Every mind controlled person has to have a handler at his side to keep him under control and order him to obey commands. It is quite possible that Jared and Ivanka are Trump’s handlers. It is also quite possible that Ivanka actually hates her dad for ditching their intimacy by marrying his two wives after divorcing Ivanka’s mom, Ivana. However, dumb Trump must still believe that Ivanka is Daddy’s sweetheart, not the poisonous snake she really is. This sounds very contrived, but horrible realities do exist, as do vile psychopaths.

  4. Thousands of US troops are sardined together in Washington D.C. which should be alarming to any not stupid military commander. A missile attack on D.C. now would wipe out a major military defense force. I doubt that so many have been stationed together since D-Day invasion preparations were made. Waiting to be sent to fight and die on the beaches. The D.C. area has been tactically equipped and blockaded within and around for What? To fend off offensive military forces, or to forcibly keep D.C. occupants imprisoned inside? Now is a decisive time for American citizen soldiers, to use, or not use weapons against other Americans. But which ones?

      • Fire and brimstone on D.C. during the fraud inauguration could take out the multitude of traitors therein. There are far too many to actually apprehend and imprison. And the US judicial system is so corrupt, what authorities would prosecute all the criminals since they themselves are corrupt? A new government would have to be created in order to have government at all. At best, under martial law, the US military might assume powers and control. At worst, the UN would rush in troops that would never leave with Jews controlling completely, as they wish. Never-ending wars would continue with the US wiped out. If Trump actually had a secret plan hatched with any loyal military commanders, they have kept the secret well away from insider ears. Would be a jolly jolt to have news that Trump was sworn in before Biden had a chance to do his fraud act.

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