Slave rebel Nat Turner, who killed 55 whites, glorified in coming October 2016 film “Birth of a Nation”; main black actor/producer/director says he wants a “riotous disposition” to result; descendant of vile Jew Armand Hammer as key white actor

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……In October, just two months away — and — one month before the November general election,

…..Hebrewwood is set to release one of the most racially polarizing films ever seen:  THE BIRTH OF A NATION  (2016). 
With all the strife and violence we have had this year between the races it is clearly predictable what this movie will generate.  It appears that the movie release is timed perfectly to coincide with the election and will fan the flames of racial hatred hotter than ever before.  
The October Surprise is coming your way.   Brace for impact.



…….Based on fact?

Yes. In August, 1831, a group of slaves, led by lay preacher Nat Turner, rose up in rebellion in Southampton County Virginia. Over the next couple of days they killed about 50-60 whites, before being stopped by a large militia force. About fifty slaves, including Turner himself, were formally executed. Hundreds of others, including many who had not taken part in the rebellion, we’re killed as well by white mobs seeking vengeance. Turner himself managed to evade capture for about two.months before being caught, tried, and hanged.


Quote (Wiki):

…Turner started with a few trusted fellow slaves, but the insurgency ultimately numbered more than 70 enslaved and free blacks, some of whom were mounted on horseback. On August 13, 1831, an atmospheric disturbance made the sun appear bluish-green. Turner took this as the final signal, and began the rebellion a week later on August 21.

The rebels traveled from house to house, freeing slaves and killing all the white people they encountered.

Because the rebels did not want to alert anyone, they got rid of their muskets and used knives, hatchets, axes, and blunt instruments instead of firearms.

(The latter also would have been more difficult for them to collect.)

Historian Stephen B. Oates states that Turner called on his group to “kill all the white people.

A contemporary newspaper noted, “Turner declared that ‘indiscriminate slaughter was not their intention after they attained a foothold, and was resorted to in the first instance to strike terror and alarm.'”

The group spared a few homes “because Turner believed the poor white inhabitants ‘thought no better of themselves than they did of negroes.'”

The rebels spared almost no one whom they encountered. A small child who hid in a fireplace was among the few survivors. The slaves killed approximately sixty white men, women and children before Turner and his brigade of insurgents were defeated.

A white militia with twice the manpower of the rebels and reinforced by three companies of artillery eventually defeated the insurrection.


Within a day of the suppression of the rebellion, the local militia and three companies of artillery were joined by detachments of men from the USS Natchez and USS Warren, which were anchored in Norfolk, and militias from counties in Virginia and North Carolina surrounding Southampton. The state executed 56 blacks. Militias killed at least 100 blacks, and probably many more. Another estimate is that up to 200 blacks were killed. The number of black victims overall far exceeded the number of rebels or of white victims.

Rumors quickly spread that the slave revolt was not limited to Southampton, and that it had expanded as far south as Alabama. Fears led to reports in North Carolina that “armies” of slaves were seen on highways, had burned and massacred the inhabitants of Wilmington, and were marching on the state capital.Such fear and alarm led to whites’ attacking blacks across the South with flimsy cause “the editor of the Richmond Whig, writing “with pain,” described the scene as “the slaughter of many blacks without trial and under circumstances of great barbarity.”

Two weeks after the rebellion had been suppressed, the violence against the blacks continued. General Eppes ordered troops and white citizens to stop the killing: 


He [the General] will not specify all the instances that he is bound to believe have occurred, but pass in silence what has happened, with the expression of his deepest sorrow, that any necessity should be supposed to have existed, to justify a single act of atrocity. But he feels himself bound to declare, and hereby announces to the troops and citizens, that no excuse will be allowed for any similar acts of violence, after the promulgation of this order.

In a letter to the New York Evening Post, Reverend G. W. Powell wrote that “many negroes are killed every day. The exact number will never be known.”

A company of militia from Hertford County, North Carolina reportedly killed 40 blacks in one day and took $23 and a gold watch from the dead.

Captain Solon Borland, who led a contingent from Murfreesboro, North Carolina, condemned the acts “because it was tantamount to theft from the white owners of the slaves….”


…..Main white actor Armie Hammer


——-is the Jewish great-grandson of ultra-evil Armand Hammer (whom I ran into in Wash DC in 1998)

“My great-great-grandfather Julius founded the Communist Party in New York.”

Height 6′ 5″ (1.96 m)

Personal Quotes (32)

I’m half Jewish, but no one believes me because my looks lean a little WASP-y… It’s sometimes hard for me to get the roles I’m drawn to.

Mini Bio (1)

Armand Douglas Hammer was born in Los Angeles, California, to Dru Ann (Mobley) and Michael Armand Hammer, a businessman. His great-grandfather, Armand Hammer, was a prominent tycoon and philanthropist [JdN: they always say this, and it was for Jew charities!] who ran the company Occidental Petroleum for many decades. Armie’s recent ancestry includes Russian, Jewish, English, Scots-Irish, and German. He has one younger brother, Viktor Hammer. His father is chairman and CEO of the Armand Hammer Foundation, where his mother is a board member. His parents also serve together on the boards of the Los Angeles Dream Center and Knoedler & Hammer Galleries in New York. In addition, his father is a member of the board of trustees for Oral Roberts University, and his mother, a former bank loan officer, teaches Bible study in Los Angeles.


…..”The Birth of a Nation” (2016) Trivia


Fox Searchlight Pictures bought the worldwide distribution rights for the film for $17.5 million, the biggest deal in the history of the Sundance Film Festival.


Nate Parker invested $100,000 of his own money into the film.
The film was shot in 27 days.


This movie deliberately shares its title with D.W. Griffith‘s 1915 movie The Birth of a Nation (1915). That film, an adaptation of Thomas Dixon Jr.‘s 1902-1905 pro-Klan novels The Leopard’s Spots and The Clansman, was a runaway critical, commercial, and cultural success. President Woodrow Wilson, who screened it in the White House, was said to have declared that it was “like writing history with lightning, and my only regret is that it is all so terribly true.” It was also the subject of protests against its virulently racist view of African Americans. Historians see the movie as a major impetus for the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan and a concomitant rise in lynchings and other racist violence during the early part of the 1900s. Protesting the film’s racist views was an early action for the then-young NAACP. Long into the twentieth century, mainstream, mostly white cinema scholars continued to praise the film as a landmark technical achievement in the history of motion pictures, while minimizing or ignoring altogether its racist message. Spike Lee was so outraged that his NYU Film School professors taught The Birth of a Nation (1915) with no mention of its racist message or legacy that he made a student short film titled The Answer (1980) as a response. The film so offended many of his professors that Lee was nearly expelled from NYU. He was ultimately saved by a faculty vote.


Nate Parker began writing a film about Nat Turner in 2009.


The rebellion occurred in Southampton Co. VA. August 21- 23, 1831.


Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Norman Jewison tried to establish a film project about the life of Nat Turner in 1969.


Shot in Savannah, Georgia


The song in the teaser trailer is “Strange Fruit,” recorded by Billie Holiday in 1939. The song, which was written in 1937 by poet, teacher, and activist Abel Meeropol (under his pseudonym, Lewis Allan), was a protest against lynchings in general and specifically against the 1930 Marion, Indiana, lynching of Abram Smith and Thomas Shipp. “Strange Fruit,” which became one of Holiday’s signature songs, has also been recorded or sampled by many other well-known singers, including Nina Simone, Diana Ross, Tori Amos, Cassandra WIlson, and Kanye West.


The 2016 film, The Birth of a Nation (2016), uses the same title as “the title of D.W. Griffith‘s 1915 KKK propaganda film in a very purposeful way”, said The Hollywood Reporter. Nate Parker said his film had the same title “ironically, but very much by design”. He told the magazine Filmmaker, “Griffith’s film [The Birth of a Nation (1915)] relied heavily on racist propaganda to evoke fear and desperation as a tool to solidify white supremacy as the lifeblood of American sustenance. Not only did this film motivate the massive resurgence of the terror group the Ku Klux Klan and the carnage exacted against people of African descent, it served as the foundation of the film industry we know today.
I’ve reclaimed this title and re-purposed it as

a tool to challenge racism

and white supremacy in America,

to inspire a riotous disposition

toward any and all injustice in this country

(and abroad) and to promote the kind of honest confrontation that will galvanize our society toward healing and sustained systemic change.”

……”Healing,” yeah….

The only solution is a white republic. For that whites have to be very different from how they are now.


1 Comment

  1. Yes, White countries are just so full of “White supremacy” that the majority of White people just sit idly by as their cities and countries, built by the blood sweat and toil of their ancestors, are increasingly being usurped by “enrichers” who, if the shoe was on the other foot, would never allow the same to be done to them without a fight.

    How much longer will White people continue putting up with this anti-White race-baiting BS coming out of Hollywood and the MSM?

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