Sliding into a nuclear apocalypse ….. and still no one brings up the jews; Fail Safe (1964)

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Eisenhower, Kennedy, and now in our era Tucker Carlson, Douglas Macgregor (fmr Army lt. colonel, being interviewed all over YouTube), Clayton Moore (of “Redacted” on YouTube), the Duran (on YT) and also Lawrence Wilkerson are warning us about the “military-industrial complex”….

….as if the greed for profits alone were what ran “the uniparty,” “the Cabal,” the “RINOs,” the “neo-cons,”  and (to use Alex Jones-speak) “the globalists” and “the banksters.”

Actually, the term “the banksters” goes way back to the 1930s and possibly to the late, great Belgian fascist and later Waffen-SS superhero Léon Degrelle.

German Army officers do the standard salute to the Commander-in-Chief Adolf Hitler, but not Léon. 🙂 Degrelle was the most highly decorated of the 400,000 non-Germans who fought in the Waffen-SS. A fantastic orator in the 1930s, in Spanish exile under Franco after 1945 he evolved into a superb writer. 

Margi and I translated his memoirs. It was a pretty defiant title that Degrelle chose: “Hitler for a thousand years” 😉


Someone, and I can see that it has to be me once again, has to come right out and say it:

It’s the Big Jews.

And their goal is this:

— to kill off  90% of us, with the 10% who survive

as the jews’ miserable, humiliated slaves.

Th e Soviet gulag 1917-57 showed us with crystal clarity what the jews want to do to us. Eight of the eleven branches of the gulag were run by jews. The goal was 1% deaths per day, so a total kill-off every 90 days.

And, yes, I do believe that, exactly  as in the “Hunger Games” movie series, in a classic case of the mandatory “warning the victim,” done constantly via Hollywood films, they will have actual hunting parties for sadistic fun and hunt us as the animals in human form which they see us as being. 

An Italian comrade told me about this big hubbub: Russia supposedly COULD  built some sort of nuclear weapon to take out US military satellites. Congressman Turner admits that no such weapon has been deployed, but it’s hysteria time.

I replied:

Thanks. Yes, all these things are indicators, unfortunately, that Van Rensburg was right.

The worst thing would be giant military lasers in space. A laser beam travels at the speed of light and could blast the White House or the Kremlin in a tenth of a second, so there would be no time for any warning, no chance to stay calm and ask questions — to call the other side on the red telephone and try de-escalation.

The movie “Independence Day” shows what a laser strategic weapon can do:

In any period of heightened tensions, with gigantic laser weapons, there would be a triple fear compared to now of a surprise attack, and the desire —or  even the mental compulsion —  to do a preemptive attack. Just nervousness alone could cause WWIII if there were space lasers.

I highly recommend “Fail Safe,” a 1964 movie (with Henry Fonda as a believable, level-headed US president) about how technical mishaps plus rampant fear on both the American and Soviet sides leads to a nuclear exchange. (Just as an aside, the actor playing US Air Force general Bogan looks a lot like George Lincoln Rockwell. 😉 )

Just as in the actual Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, the hardliners — both Soviet and American — denounce those who want to negotiate and calm things down as being weak appeasers who are wasting precious time. They claim the technical mistakes are merely a ruse — that the other side is actually preparing a surprise first strike.

…….US Army Colonel (retired) Lawrence Wilkerson: America, by expanding NATO and arming Ukraine, has caused the crisis with Russia

This is a very prestigious man, with an outstanding career, and he worked  in the administrations of Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and Bush II.

Wilkerson says flat-out that we lied to the Russians, betraying their trust and good will…and that the Washington establishment  economically thrives on and wants WAR.

First, this was Eisenhower’s famous January 1961 speech — his final speech as president — on the “MIC,” the Military-Industrial Complex:


Wiki on Wilkerson:

Lawrence B. Wilkerson (born June 15, 1945)[3] is a retired United States Army Colonel,  He was the special assistant to Colin Powell as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


Then he became chief of staff to Powell as Secretary of State.

In his early Army career, Wilkerson volunteered to serve in the Vietnam War. He told The Washington Post: “I felt an obligation because my dad had fought [in WWII], and I thought that was kind of your duty.”

Wilkerson arrived as an Army officer piloting an OH-6A Cayuse observation helicopter and logged about 1,100 combat hours over a year.

[This was VERY dangerous. Forty percent of US Army helicopter pilots in Vietnam were KILLED.  Helicopters are relatively slow, very loud, and drop like a rock if the engine conks out.]

Wilkerson flew “low and slow” through South Vietnam, and was involved in one incident in which he says he prevented an atrocity by purposely placing his helicopter between a position that was full of civilians, and another helicopter that wanted to launch an attack on the position. He also had many vocal disagreements with his superiors and his own gunner crew over free-fire zones, including an incident in which one of his crew shot a wagon that wound up having a little girl inside it. He graduated from both Airborne School and Ranger School.

He attended the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, and later returned there to teach. He later served as deputy director of the Marine Corps War College at Quantico.

He was the assistant to Colin Powell as the National Security Advisor 1987-89 during the Reagan administration.

Wilkerson spent years in Korea, Japan and Hawaii, assigned to the Navy’s Pacific Command, where he burnished his skills as an executive assistant to the top brass.

“He’s the most competent Army officer I’ve ever worked with,” says retired Lt. Gen. James W. Crysel, one of Wilkerson’s bosses at Pacific Command. “He could run a large corporation.” Retired Rear Adm. Stewart A. Ring, whom Wilkerson served for three years, is similarly effusive: “He is the most principled individual I have ever met and ever worked with. He is a remarkable guy with essentially no ego. He stands up for what he thinks is right — not for Larry Wilkerson, but for what is right.”

I recommend you watch the first 14 minutes (or the whole thing).

But they all are slinking around the steaming-hot porridge, as the Germans would say.

Yes, DC does run on greed. It is an oasis of WEALTH, luxury car dealerships, tony restaurants, and McMansions.

But I can say after 18 years in that town (1977-89, 1990-1993, plus 2005-08) that it is not just the human flaw of greed (a pursuit of wealth to enable ego trips,  sexual affairs, rapes without any punishment — as in Biden with Tara Reade — lies, betrayals, even espionage and treason.)

It is EXACTLY what the great Bobby Fischer said. The Big Jews are using the American people as their cannon fodder to conquer and rule the world —  a billionaire master race with thousands of goy slaves.



It hit me finally what John F. Kennedy meant when he spoke harshly against “secret societies,” but was vague as to whom he had in mind. It cannot be just about communism, which hardly was a secret thing.

Clearly, the jews per se are not a “secret society.” They openly have a Jewish State in the Middle East, Israel. They have thousands of synagogues right on the streets of America — and their ADL, and AIPAC, operate openly, and the like are active in other white countries.

The secret society, however, is the secret inner core,  the pedophile jewish billionaire elite.

I have known enough “little jews” to know that they are oblivious to the atrocious master plan, which is the genocide of 90% of the goyim, and enslavement for the remnant they keep alive.

When the little  jews see the mighty ADL or AIPAC, they think: “Given our history, we have to be strong to defend ourselves, and prevent another Hitler.” They see Israel as “defending itself against Hamas.”

The little jews are, in many ways, like the little whites, in denial of what is really going down and what the Big Jews have planned…and that antisemitism is simply opposition to being killed or made a slave!

But the crux of the matter is this:

People do not love themselves enough to face the awful truth and then defend themselves.

And so it comes down to what Jesus said. God is love, and that is the key. He loves us, so we should love ourselves and one another.

People who hate or despise themselves will not fight..… people shattered by depression, people moaning : “Life’s a bitch and then you die.” It’s that simple. Do we love ourselves?

And the video to launch my movement is all about this — loving ourselves.


I am releasing this video out of love for this country and its people, and for the other nations on this planet, because unless we change course, either we will end up with a total police state — and we are halfway there now — with cameras everywhere, a digital dollar that the government can just turn off from Washington, a total-surveillance society where you have no rights, no guns, no freedom of speech, and no privacy at all, OR the alternate nightmare is an all-out thermonuclear war where the lucky half will just be fried instantly and the unlucky survivors will die within a month to five years from  radiation, then no electricity, water, food or medicine, and because of all the dust in the upper atmosphere from nuclear explosions on the ground, a nuclear winter will happen for three to five years where 75% of the crops will die from cold and lack of sunlight.

But fear, as any former Marine like myself can tell you, can keep you alive and on your toes to take actions to avoid disaster. It is time to start truly loving yourself, and your friends and families, and then you will face reality with courage and a plan.

The great American novelist Ernest Hemingway was in action in both WWI and in WWII. Here he was in his WWI US Army uniform.

He was an ambulance driver, taking wounded men to the rear for medical care. He saw ghastly wounds, buckets of blood, arms and legs blown off, eyes shot out…it was terrible. In fact, he came up to my beautiful area, the forests and streams of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, to hunt and fish and heal from his awful memories of WWI.

But tragedy can either destroy you or make you wiser and stronger. And you know what Ernest Hemingway realized through the war? Courage comes from love, and cowardice from a lack of love.

So love yourself, more than you ever did before. And then you will be able to handle the things I will be saying.

And what is cowardice? It means there is nothing you would give your life for, nothing you love, no country, no cause, no truth, no virtue, and no person at all for whom you would die, even though you will die anyway. Thus, there is nothing sacred in your life if you have no love.

So the first thing I wish you to get out of this video is to love yourself. Cherish yourself. God is your Father. You have been through a lot and haven’t killed yourself yet! You have not quit. Think back to all the people you have helped in your life. Remembers the good ways you have changed.

It’s okay to give yourself a hug, caress your face, and do something loving for yourself, because while not perfect, you are a brave child of God.

And God is not some comforting myth but real….and so is a whole higher world.

This experience here is not as rare as you may think. I have talked with many people who have had supernatural warnings.



  1. There is a grey area between self-love and narcissism. What about respect and responsibility for what you were given by your Creator?

    • A grey area…. Once the egoic mind has been superseded, then you can love yourself with no narcissism, and see your faults simultaneously and not be floored, because you know you are working on them.

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