Slinging around the word “Nazi”

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Navalny was a total US puppet and thus a traitor to Russia

I commented (but JewTube already sent me, in fact, instantly, a warning about this post, though it was moderate and factual, and now I cannot see it at all.) [with photos added by me for this website]:


Brian, greetings from a fellow former Marine (intel) and also US Army infantry sergeant (as well as Georgetown ’81, magna cum laude). I love your videos, and this exposé of Navalny as a US Deep-State puppet.

BUT I cannot sign off on this wild overuse of the word “N-a-z-i.”
From all I know, and correct me if I am wrong, Navalny was against muslim mass immigration — Mohammedans pouring into a Russia (esp. Moscow and St. Petersburg) which by DNA was mostly European, Putin himself has blondish hair and blue-gray eyes, and all the women he has ever seriously gone with have been white. Also, Russia’s heritage has been Christian for a thousand years.
If being “against muslim mass immigration” is “n-a-z-i,” then, come on, that means half the people in Germany, France and England, as say all the polls, are also n-a-zi-s. The French certainly have not forgotten the Bataclan nightclub massacre of 2015 and the 130 white French kids murdered there in Paris by muslims or many atrocities since then.


National Socialism in the 1930s and 1940s also meant

1) open antisemitism,


The Third Reich was very skeptical of vaccines, and removed vaccine mandates which the Weimar Republic had established. Julius Streicher in particular saw vaccines as a dangerous jewish con.

“The vaccination/I feel strange about this poison and this jew”


2) a belief that there are both advanced and primitive races,



3) the view that multiparty democracy is only a sham and a cover for a plutocracy, a rule by [jewish] billionaire oligarchs.

NS promoted instead a “Führer state.” This was a one-man rule by a benevolent dictator. (This is exactly what ruled the Roman Empire from Julius Caesar to Augustulus in 476, for 500 years, with “emperor” — “imperator” — meaning, in Latin, “commanding general.”)
Did Navalny ever actually advocate 1, 2 and 3: Antisemitism, racialism, and a Führer state?

If not, then Alexei Navalny was NOT a national socialist.
IMO we should not throw words around and twist them like the Left, or like Big Brother and his Ministry of Truth in “1984.”

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