Somali stabs blonde Minnesota girl 14 times for literally nothing

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Morgan Evenson, 26, was stabbed 14 times by a Somali man while walking home from work Dec. 13, 2017

Nobody more naive on the Planet Earth than a blonde, blue-eyed white, female Minnesota liberal… These are the sorts that voted Bernie and cheer on Antifa. My compassion is tempered by what Job realized: “The ways of the Lord are righteous altogether.” Agonizing pain is the only teacher some will accept! Getting stabbed 14 times by a diversitarian m-i-g-h-t wake her up — maybe. 

Morgan Evenson was walking home in downtown Minneapolis about 8:30 p.m. on Dec. 13 when a black man got out of his car, chased her down, tackled and ¦


Media hush up brutal Somali stabbing attack on Minneapolis woman


While disturbing in itself, the article below should not be read as an isolated incident. Mainstream media outlets have been bending over backwards for years to cover up Islamic crime, especially in Western cities receiving large numbers of Muslim migrants. Pakistani sex-grooming gangs operate across the UK, raping little English girls with impunity, and the official UK media response has been silence. It was only by a stroke of luck, which I write about in my book ˜Stealth Invasion,’ that the grooming gangs were exposed in one city, Rotherham, and after it could no longer deny the horrific reports of abuse and coverup the British media tried to convince the public that the problem was contained to that one city. In fact, the Pakistanis continue to operate their disgusting grooming gangs in cities across the UK. I have encountered the problem of media bias in favor of Muslims first-hand, at newspapers for which I worked in the past. Part of it is caused by fear ” fear of blowback from aggressive Muslim civil rights groups like CAIR but also fear by reporters/editors for their own safety. Some have personally confided in me that they don’t want to lose their heads for pursuing the truth about Islam and that I must be crazy for doing so. We saw the media covering for Muslims who act badly in Sioux Falls, S.D., earlier this year, when a Muslim armed with firearms and 1,000 rounds of ammo terrorized a Christian conference, an incident totally ignored by the local newspaper, which reported the story only AFTER my report hit We saw it in Twin Falls, Idaho, in 2016 when a 5-year-old girl was sexually assaulted by three migrant boys from Sudan and Iraq, and we saw it in Minneapolis when an entire neighborhood was terrorized by Somali thugs for three straight days in June 2016. All of these media blackouts and more are documented in “Stealth Invasion,” which you can purchase at Amazon.


Morgan Evenson was walking home in downtown Minneapolis on the evening of Dec. 13 when a black man got out of his car, chased her down, tackled her and repeatedly thrust a 3-4-inch blade into her flailing body.

The 26-year-old computer-store clerk frantically fought back, kicking, scratching and screaming for help.

At some point, neighbors heard her screams and came to her aid. Her attacker “ described as a Somali man in his early 20s, about 5-foot-7 with a slight build and wearing grey stone-washed jeans “ ran away.

Evenson was left bleeding on the curb with 14 stab wounds on her arms, neck and back. Her kidney was lacerated. She was lucky to survive the attack.

It happened while she was walking home from the Apple Store, where she worked, about eight blocks away from her apartment. That’s when the man attacked her for no apparent reason. Police, who have not made any arrests in the case, are calling it a botched robbery.

Police said the case was unusual for the level of brutality employed just to get a woman’s purse. But some Minnesotans are wondering if there isn’t more to the story, if maybe the young redhead’s assailant didn’t want more than just a purse.

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune, the city’s largest newspaper, has been  completely AWOL on the story.

The newspaper’s on-duty news editor, Maria Reeve, did not return my calls Tuesday to inquire about why it went dark on such a brutal, unprovoked attack on a defenseless, unarmed woman walking home from work.

Other media, such as the Southwest Journal, have reported on the crime but left out the assailant’s full description as a Somali migrant.

Only one media outlet, local ABC News affiliate KSTP, included in its on-air coverage the fact that the victim described her assailant as Somali, but the station’s website article failed to mention that fact.

Watch KSTP’s description of the attack and the suspect

A friend of Evenson’s started a GoFundMe page to raise money for uncovered medical costs.

The page said Evenson was readmitted to the hospital Dec. 19 to monitor a recurring fever and blood pressure.

As of Tuesday afternoon the GoFundMe page had raised more than $15,000 for uncovered medical bills.

No isolated case

The case of Morgan Evenson continues a pattern of Somali crimes being covered up, downplayed, lightly investigated and eventually falling off the radar in Minnesota.

For a list of other notorious coverups by the Minnesota media and law enforcement see the full version of this article at The list of victims includes the 40-year-old Australian woman Justine Damond, who was shot by a Somali cop after she called for help, an entire neighborhood on Lake Calhoun that was terrorized by Somali thugs for three straight days, three people who  lost their lives in an apartment explosion, and even the Somalis themselves who must endure a “Sharia cop” enforcing Islamic law in their neighborhoods without consequences from the corrupt Minneapolis Police Department.

Debra Anderson, chair of ACT For America’s Minnesota chapter, said she has been trying for four years, without success, to get Minnesota sheriffs to train their departments to better prepare and deal with Sharia-related crime such as FGM, honor violence and terrorism.

She said it was telling that no police response was recorded in the stabbing attack on Morgan Evenson. Her life was saved only because she fought back and her screams were heard by people living and working in the area.

“It was interesting the articles I read didn’t say anything about the police coming. Not a thing. Just sounds like the classic media template used in Europe,” Anderson said. “You had to get all the way through that KSTP [broadcast only] report to find out he’s Somali, and it was never mentioned in the other media outlets at all.”

That’s very disconcerting for someone who has been trying to educate Minnesotans about the pitfalls of kowtowing to the Somali community and its “civil rights” advocates at CAIR.

“It’s unofficial but Minnesota law enforcement agencies are enforcing, or at least tolerating, Shariah law. Most people don’t know it yet but the police are not here to protect the indigenous Minnesotans anymore,” Anderson said. “They have been incrementally changing their search policies and their use of force policies for years. We’re not being protected anymore. They’re protecting the Muslims, so it’s becoming increasingly like Europe. Yes, it’s here now.”

Read the entire article and reader comments at

Randall Carey Minneapolis is an official “Aryan Collective Suicide Center”. Has been for years.
Crom Dempsey I doubt she will wake up. She will probably apologize and forgive them. Reap it….
David Michaelson I live in Mpls. It made our media. We dont know what her politics were.
John de Nugent Well, if she were a WN, then her FB postings would already be being denounced, and Antifa would be saying she got what was coming to her. 
Crom Dempsey Ok got it. I take back my comment.
John de Nugent Why? She likely IS a libtard, like 80% of Minnesota white women.
Crom Dempsey Haha. Probably correct John. I haven’t looked into the story at all but if libtard…reap it. If not sorry about her luck having to live with Somalians. The worse immigrants as whole you can have into a country
Blenda Richter Crom Dempsey ~ Quit the jitters, Crom. What you said you said. Not’n wrong…
Crom Dempsey Roger that blenda!
John de Nugent The governor of Minnesota is an exceptionally evil Khazar:…/beautiful-blonde-australian…/Manage

Stephen Oof Nàºmenor Here she spoke about the attack. She doesn’t say whether she feels sorry for him though.…/woman-stabbed-14-times…/4714419/Manage

A Minneapolis woman who was stabbed 14 times ¦
Holly Bell Aye yi yi
Kenneth Todd There are tons of these stories, but they don’t go beyond the local media. So nobody learns from them. Even fairly major things like this Rubashkin thing — they just don’t really piece it together.
Holly Bell Massachusetts come in next. They make CA look conservative.
John de Nugent Try living for 18 years in Washington DC…. It was such a relief when we first moved in 2008 to western Pennsylvania (and then in 2014 to the UP of Michigan.. both areas that in 2016 landslid for Trump) and you could actually say something — not about the JQ, AH or the Holo, of course, but definitely about the blacks, gays, guns, Obama, illegal immigrants, speaking English and not Spanish, vaccines, chemtrails, etc.
I also lived in the greater Boston, Massachusetts area 1971-75 and again in 1993-2002, and it was just horrid having to watch every word you said. (Plus southern New Englanders can be rude, crude and arrogant, have a horrible accent, and do a lot of the “f-word” and “the finger.” To be undiplomatic, you have a high percentage of lowlifes of Sicilian, Shanty-Irish (not Lace-Curtain Irish) and Jewish extraction in southeastern New England. Here in the UP, you can see a huge difference by having a majority that is German, Finnish and Swedish. People are polite, friendly and reserved. In bars, you do not hear the f-word, and it is not because they are Born-Again Christians, either. It is just against their culture… or against their genes. 😉 
And in the Midwest, you better not flash your wealth, big car, jewelry or education around. Modesty is a cardinal virtue here.)  My father, who was a native Rhode Islander like me, of course, but grew up in Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania, used to quietly quote Barry Goldwater of Arizona to me: “The whole Northeast should be cut off and shoved into the ocean.” 😉 )
Having spent plenty of time in CA, OR, WA, MA and RI, as well as DC, I can say that the leftists in all these states really believes that they “own” them, we are on “their” turf, and conservatives literally have no right to be there. They get right in your face and vituperate as if you were a monster or a criminal, full of violent hate, oppression and danger to victim peoples.
Actor James Woods posted this video on Twitter of “California under Jerry Brown”

I once saw Richard Dreyfus, yes, a J-Teamer, being interviewed by Bill O’Reilly on FOX, and though a liberal, he is a tolerant one. His message was a warning that there are no more civics classes, and young Americans have only a very fuzzy, vague idea about the First Amendment. It is just not sacred to them, though we assume it is for them as it has been for us. Basically, if free speech offends someone, then you should not be allowed to say it.
Had Hillary or Bernie won, I think both would have introduced hate-speech legislation, and 80% of the Millennials would have been for it. And that is the end of the white race, when you cannot even talk about being genocided, or the genociders. The end of “Net neutrality” may be a sneaky way to basically get hate-speech banned.

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