Spiritual reading; miraculous soothing technique; can Americans ever accept Hitler?

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English animal therapist James French performs true miracles in just days with his “trust technique,” getting frightened animals to relax in deep respect and spirituality.  Abused or neglected animals can take weeks, months or years to relax otherwise, or, tragically, they even have to be put down if they repeatedly attack the very humans who are doing their best to help them. See much more on French below, about two-thirds down, and his Trust Technique. It is VERY IMPORTANT.

You can also skip down to there.


…Spiritual reading for August 20

Look around. Is there another day? Is there another life? Is there, in fact, another moment? Of course. Time is infinite, and your opportunities to craft yourself endless. It is one way to see your position and it is not without merit. On the other hand, though, you are in this very moment and there is no other. Tomorrow is illusion.

We won’t belabor this as you have all done your thinking and reading and soul-searching on the subject. We will, however, use this moment to goad you into doing what your heart longs to do without delay.

You could wait. You could. You could watch for another, slightly more propitious moment. You could
just ride this one out without making a wave. It is a choice that some of you will always make. And it is legitimate if it is done, not from fear, but from faith.

Still, this day speaks to us, and then to you, of an urgency that all of you can feel, viscerally. You know it is there in your very gut, telling you that in the context of cosmic events, time is not infinite and that even though there are aeons in which to evolve, this moment is of extraordinary brilliance and promise.

It is not a moment to be missed unless you love the slow road.

Please understand us: everyone does get to choose (in some way) their own trajectory and we do not want to change that. Heaven forbid! But for those of you held back by timidity, uncertainty, fear or despair, we say—seize the day.

Your hearts are like great lanterns that long to be held up in the darkness, that were brought into being to shed light and to show the way. Your hearts are beacons and it is time that you took them from under their lampshades and let them do that which it is their purpose to do.

Courage, a word that has been arising often here of late, is necessary. To stand in such stark relief, to be so visible, to be source instead of supplicant—these can be frightening things to do. But what if tomorrow never comes? What if this is your moment to shine? And even if there are a billion tomorrows, why would you hide your glory and the gifts it brings for another one of them?

Just some things to mull. Today would be a perfect day to start radiating your beautiful light everywhere you go. It is much needed and it won’t hurt you a bit either.

That is what we think, anyway. 🙂

And we love you and send many, many, many blessings.

Americans and Whites of other nations have been taught by their jewsmedia for three generations now to fear and utterly loathe Adolf Hitler.

Yet his eternal truths about us, about race, and the jewish enemy are vital to our survival, and by his banning of the jews and transforming of the German culture, he took a major country that was full of problems and divided, a nation in the real world that had been in utter misery and poverty,  up into a new era of happiness and stunning, marvelous achievements in every possible area, a Golden Age.

Welcome to the Jew World Order, where suicides have doubled since 1969. Says who? The National Center for Health Statistics of the federal CDC (Centers for Disease Control) in Atlanta.

But Whites must first learn to turn off the jewish conditioning, relax and trust him.

James French has shown with astounding success how to overcome fear in severely neglected and abused animals who are afraid to trust any human.

And what are we Whites if not abused and neglected higher animals who also are afraid to trust?
….W. Post claims Trump confided to staffers that jews, Hispanics, Blacks and Africans were no good; only a giant will DARE to “take on the jews”

“President Donald Trump has questioned the loyalty of American Jews to the United States, according to a new report in The Washington Post focusing on the president’s attitudes and policies around race.

“Behind closed doors, Trump “has muttered that Jews ‘are only in it for themselves’ and ‘stick together’ in an ethnic allegiance that exceeds other loyalties,” the newspaper reported in a lengthy article based on interviews with two dozen former and current White House officials.”

He also let Blacks and Hispanics have it.


One absolutely should NOT read too much into any of this. I bet Trump did say it, but so did my own father in private, and he was a very connected Republican.

Nixon and Reagan felt the same way — making all sorts of negative remarks about various minorities to trusted aides — and yet they did nothing for Whites (though they were their ONLY voter base!!!)

In fact, it was President Richard Nixon who started the serious enforcing of the twin anti-white disasters of both affirmative action and forced school busing!

Nixon caused years of violent turmoil by forcing negroes into white schools in South Boston and sending white kids from “Southie” to the ghetto of Roxbury! Result? Whites (Irish,  Italian and everyone else) began leaving their cherished and historic Boston, so the schools got even BLACKER!

These federal programs under Nixon and Ford destroyed white jobs and ruined thousands of white neighborhoods, and it was these NIXON doings that turned all our big cities (excepting just Pittsburgh) majority-black and/or hispanic!

Providence, Rhode Island (1945 photo), which MY ancestor, Thomas Angell, helped found in 1636, has now had two Hispanic mayors in a row! Gee, if  Whites is okay with that, it must mean that Rhode Island was once part of Mexico. Result: RI is now a totalitarian, one-party, jew-hispanic-libtard Demoncrat dictatorship! I remember well as a kid when Providence was a lovely white city (and the Blacks in South Providence feared the Mafia 😉 ).


This Nixon is the very reason why these cities, and whole states which used to be Republican, like Colorado, are all Demoncrat-ruled and chaotic today!

What a cowardly hypocrite Nixon was! Because that man KNEW better!

It was also Nixon who allowed the first giant waves of Third World immigrants in under the law which his predecessor, the crypto-jew Lyndon Johnson, had gotten passed in 1965.

And it was the genuinely antisemitic Nixon who took the world to the brink of WWIII during the Yom Kippur War to save Israel! He put US forces on high nuclear alert when the Soviet Russians began flying elite Russian paratroopers over Warsaw Pact countries in the Balkans toward Egypt to help it during that war.

Sure, in private, Nixon was very, actually VERY antisemitic.

And maybe “in his second term” he did want to really “do something about them.”

But did he? No. Because the jews made their move first. The jews Watergated him!


John Kennedy, too, was down on the jews, just like his old man, and even secretly pro-Hitler.

He also did everything in his power to block Israel from acquiring nuclear weapons.

But he procrastinated on doing anything beyond that about the jews — until they went and got him KILLED — so as to put into the White House their guy, the half-jew and Israel-lover, Lyndon Johnson!


The Jewish serial killing of the Kennedy family

Crypto-Jew (via his mother Rachelle Baines) and US senator and Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Baines Johnson meets with Robert and Senator John Kennedy in 1960. He later had both men murdered.

Dallas, 11/22/63 — Johnson shoots a true dagger look at Kennedy. An hour later, he was dead.


…..American Jews in Pennsylvania steal 500 pounds of plutonium for Israel, dumping radioactivity everywhere — and unleashing a cancer epidemic, then kill Kennedy when he starts investigating

I confront the US ARMY and the local police over the lagging $500 million plutonium cleanup of Israel’s mess


WE  NATIONAL SOCIALISTS are the ONLY people you, the WHITE American People, can trust to not get bought off or procrastinate, but instead ACT:

tackling the jewish cancer with every ounce of our will

— and never compromising with this lethal, pedophilic, satanic psychopathocracy!

–or even relenting or getting soft and moderate about the jews or race for one second.

ONLY this radical change can save America and the West in extremis! The white race is in Stage IV!

Adolf Hitler Was SO Right about our fake “Democracy,” exposing our plutocracy and the jew-run press. It is the jews who love democracy so they can divide us — into parties, classes, and multiple races — and conquer us.


……Comrade asks why I “think” I was Hitler

A donor, writer, and good commenter, he wrote yesterday:

I don’t deny reincarnation. I think it is very possible. However, I cannot remember any of the past lives I may have lived. Nor have I been close to anyone who can do this.

How then can you remember that you once were Hitler? Do you possess some psychic ability that typical men lack?

I would vote for you for president, for I think there is much that is right about you.

But some of your beliefs do seem overly imaginative.

My reply:

I am a bit surprised that in all the time you have spent on my site that you have never read my major essays laying out in detail the answers to these good questions. I have promoted these essays many, many times.

(See below for the big essays on 1) reincarnation evidence  and 2) on “Who was and is John de Nugent?”)

Btw, I am getting a whole new list of countries/regimes that are hacking me, including muslim Indonesia, communist Red China, Macron’s France …..

Macron’s mother: Gee, what a large nose you have, grandma!

….and Justin Trudeau’s soft-communist Canada.

It is not just the uncanny facial resemblance. Both Trudeau and Castro  stand/stood at 6’2″ (188cm). Observe the deeply moved expression on the face of Fidel as he holds Justin Trudeau at the funeral in September 2000 of Pierre Trudeau.  (Fidel, of course, at age 74, had shrunk a bit.)

the supposed father of Justin, Pierre Trudeau, stood 5’7”, seven inches shorter.  Pierre was not much taller than Queen Eluizabeth II, who stood 5’4″.


As Canada’s prime minister, Pierre was very pro-Cuba, even down to maybe sharing his wife Margaret with Fidel. She stood, btw, at 5’6″. Justin’s height is not from his mother or Pierre.



But it is also true that some things are just not on peoples’ “mental radar” until the right moment hits, and then they get interested.

I recall well how one of my very best videographers stayed stuck in “Alex Jones” mode for years…. He was very much against “the globalists” — but he never “got” me about race or the jews, and certainly not about that ranting dictator, Adolf Hitler.  Then one day, as we used to say, “the dime dropped.”

By the way, he was also sexually confused for years, though not now. I realized that, especially with all the hormone-affecting toxins in our environment, many good people really do feel gender confusion. He told me how, as a little boy, he overheard two other boys refer nonchalantly, with no doubts at all, to him as being a girl. This was his wake-up call that this is how he did come across to others.

His mother, btw, whom I met, is a Born-Again Christian in the Midwest (Ohio), and was not “gay-friendly” in the slightest.

Anyway, he finally decided I was right on the jews and race, and he resolved also, despite  mixed feelings, to go totally straight in his lifestyle, which makes his life simpler, too. (He had had girlfriends in the past, and showed me some nice photos of them.)

I never pushed my views on him, just paid him for his video work. He came to important new conclusions entirely on his own, and it was he who re-contacted me, asking if he could do more videos for me.

I respect both his talent and his physical and mental courage, to support a hated, harassed, defamed man like me as he does.

(And the Obama-era FBI blatantly harassed him as well while he was doing videos for me, showing him how seriously the FBI under then-director Robert Mueller took me. Two FBI thugs parked right outside his house in Natrona, Pennsylvania, jamming his computer with some device they had. He went right out, infuriated, went up to the window glass, and started close-up filming of THEM! They covered their faces and sped off.)

We need action, courage and sacrifice, not hot air, critics, and blah-blah talk.

So give me an ex-bi guy every day who will fight the jews over some “normal” guy who sits on his money, types “like” on Facebook, and otherwise does NOTHING!

And now, before my essay, let me summarize the JdN-Hitler thing.

I knew it with certainty from the age of five on, when I saw a framed Hitler stamp and was mesmerized by it.

My father meanwhile called me for ten minutes, then pounded up the stairs and cuffed me for ignoring him, but I was in another world.

“This was a very bad, bad, BAD man!” he yelled.

Me and my dad — I respected him as a business leader, military officer and conservative, but we disagreed on my entire path in life. He thought I was insane to throw away the path he had in mind for me, and especially for wanting to “take on the jews.”


I not only have many of Hitler’s specific physical and psychological features, but also many of the same passionate likes and dislikes.

My parents were simply dumbfounded how I turned out looking so square-faced and German, and where I got my love for all things German while growing up in a pure WASP, anglophile family, and my dad had fought the Axis in WWII.

And then of course I joined Rockwell’s party just days after reading two paragraphs from Mein Kampf at Georgetown. 😉

My folks were appalled but not surprised at a son who from earliest childhood marched to a different, very inner drummer….

I read Mein Kampf at summer camp at Camp Tokhomeupog in East Conway, New Hampshire, at age eight, but at Georgetown I knew I HAD to DO something.


It was also my MASTERY OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE without an accent AND then SPECIFICALLY the AUSTRIAN DIALECT that spooked my parents. (“Where on earth does John GET this German and Austrian thing?”  )


…..and then there was my taking off for Austria alone at age 21, living as an Amerikaner in small towns in the Alps!


It is on the same river, the Inn, as Braunau, where I was born before.




And upon graduation in 1981, I refused (again) to join my father’s multi-million dollar insurance firm, the 70-employee Davis, Bateman & Nugent, located here in Providence…. (the then Industrial National Bank Bldg, later the “Fleet Bank Building,” now “111 Westminster.”)


…or join the Republican Party where my father knew and was highly respected by the major bigwigs.

Two guys he knew….


I would have “had it made in the shade” had I just sold my soul, and become a RINO, country-club, centrist, jew-compliant Republican millionaire.

My dad’s place at 214 Nayatt Road, in Barrington, RI, literally overlooking Rhode Island Country Club, where he sponsored the first jewish member…. Then his biggest client, Hasbro Toys (as in “GI Joe” and other items) dumped him as their insurance man only because he was not jewish.


Finally, I decided in 2017 to begin openly asserting this JdN-Hitler connection, because, as I looked around and saw only human-all-too-human comrades without the stuff of greatness, I knew we all need HIM back. No one else can do the daunting job that is dead ahead.

But even Adolf Hitler needed to evolve further. And this is what I have done, grown beyond that stern, Germanic feel that turned off many whites who, like Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh, Jr. agreed with Adolf on the big issuesof jews and race, but who found his hyper-German style, his narrow German nationalism (to the exclusion of the Slavs and others) and his dictatorship truly off-putting.

I WAS Hitler then. But no, I am not Hitler now. I am John de Nugent, obviously. 😉

And, the fact is, Hitler lost, and I am here to win.

So out goes whatever has failed.

In with a new outreach of love and respect to all of jew-oppressed, suffering mankind. Together, we can do it. And we must, or die, exterminated in the most frightful ways.

And beyond this, if reincarnation is real, then the afterlife is real. Then our soul is real. Then we are moral beings who are here to grow, love and learn.

Then our lives and sufferings are meaningful.

Then everyone who sincerely tries to live for others, in radiant idealism, and fights with his prayers, money, sweat and blood for a better world is especially loved by our Father, from whom we came.

We all face a life here of suffering and then death.

We need to know why this beautiful world has become our hell.

Then we will stop being the jews’ cattle, their goyim, and remember who we truly are, noble children of the divine who have found the path again.

I love the motto of Quebec: je me souviens. I remember.

I remember who I am; I remember who you and I are, not mere animals but Aryans.

“My heart will go on”


…..Reincarnation facts



…..Who really was and is JdN?

Margi took this shot of me in May 2019 near the old Franklin Mine in Hancock, Michigan, and you can see — in very, very exaggerated form with the dowward, sideways angle of the harsh sunlight — the unique double bulges over the inner eyebrow area — and the “V” that flares off it onto my side forehead.




Hitler’s Landsberg prison cell in 1924

Why it should be beyond obvious to not look exactly like Hitler


I dyed it black so you maybe, just maybe finally “get it.”  My goal the last time was a worker-and-farmer movement, with even a communist-like red flag, and a party with the name “socialist workers” in it, so I had to look like The Average Man myself — like a working-class man.

Same mindset, same cheekbones, same sloping forehead, same twin bulges over the inside of the eyebrows, same v-ridges in the upper forehead and creases along either sides of the forehead, same height, same DEEP-blue eye color, same marionette facial line back from the chin — and the same military leanings, and an uncanny ability to speak both fluent German and Austrian dialect with no American accent.

Even my compositional style, just as with Mein Kampf back then, is way-too-long paragraphs, and concepts far too advanced for the average Joe.
Hey, I admit it — I am too wordy.
I often actually think in German, and my style in English occasionally shows it.
And I never kiss my readers’ butt, but instead I openly pour out my scorn like the mustache-guy on all WHITE whiners, WHITE excuse-makers, WHITE cowards and WHITE bumblers!
This was, in fact, the real me coming through in the bitter and sarcastic original title of Mein Kampf!

4.5 Years of Struggle

Against Lies, Stupidity, and Cowardice

— A settling of accounts [with my enemies]

…and a certainty, since age 5 on, that I WAS THAT MAN, AND — gulp —worse, much worse, that I WAS THE REBIRTH (a soul GIVEN A NEW CHANCE) of the MOST HATED MAN on this earth.
Oh, Shit! Here we go again!


with unique, rare, solid, dark blue eyes – not an Irish or Polish light-blue, not a blue-green, and not blue-gray either. Solid, deep blue.




Here is some humor — but the serious point is this: The whole Hitler approach may have turned the Germans on — who are a highly militaristic, stern, soldier-like people, and the Spartans (if not “Klingons”) of the white race — but all those uniforms, heel-clicking, and the sieg-heiling turned the rest of the freedom-craving white world OFF! ;-(




The Hitler strongman image, face it, was a huge turnoff to the freedom-loving Americans, who are genetically a heavily keltic people (meaning the common English people, and of course the Irish, Scots, Welsh and the southern Germans).

Hitlerism, the one-man rule, the dictatorship, was seen as a step backward in Western Civilization into the Middle Ages, and as a slap in the face to what the Founding Fathers wanted — freedom of speech and a limited government.

Even the young John Kennedy, secretly very antisemitic like his dad, disliked the Hitler approach, while also admiring the man’s achievements.

One-man rule went very much against our Anglo-Saxon grain, our fear of megalomaniacs, and the famous dictum of Lord Acton:

“All power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

We all know the Ancient Romans were no liberal, peacenik hippies.  Nor were they opposed to powerful leaders……

But for five hundred years even the Romans banned one-man rule and kings — establishing even a dual presidency, two consuls — two rulers — and even those two were closely supervised by the Roman Senate.

SPQR: Senatus Populusque Romanus — “the Senate and the People of Rome”

So this time around, the flavor of National Socialism has to be modified, but the core ingredients are exactly the same!

The Aryan folk community is invincible — and must live again!

God, guns, guts and glory!

And this time, Jews,

it will be the world!



…..James French’s miracle

This man is rapidly healing abused and neglected animals. And I ask you — — when looking at our lives and the future before us — are we Whites not also neglected or abused higher animals??????

Think about that!

I consider it literally a divine intervention that I found out about this James French (with his wife and animal-therapy partner, Shelly French), and their astoundingly effective, rapid “trust technique.”


You might understandably react with:

“Well, all this is fine and good for these abused animals whom French shows in the video [below] to find inner peace, and become cooperative, but how is this relevant to me as a human, as a white man or woman, and to the increasingly dreadful situation we find ourselves in?

We cannot just sit down in a pasture and roll over and relax! What are we going to DO about Biden — and the jews — and the blacks –and the muslims — and the Hispanics — and the militant LGBTQ fanatics — and the pedophiles — and the looming digital currency — and WWIII with Russia — and the whole Jew World Order?”

I will explain why this James French thing is VERY relevant. But first please watch this astounding video right below.

This man is using Eckhart Tolle’s techniques of stopping our own mental chatter and finding inner peace.

Then this James French, having inner peace HIMSELF, can slow and finally stop in the mind of these abused or neglected animals THEIR mental chatter, radiating his inner peace toward them.

And if you have ever dealt with a so-called “rescue dog,” a cat, or other animal that has been neglected or abused, think how attached dogs can become to their humans!!! Think of all the dogs that owners, who are broke from losing their job, or have to move into an apartment with no pets, just dump right out of their car by the side of the road!!!

Humans save this cat — who then, still traumatized, scratches the hell out of them….

……There IS some joy in Mudville

Scientist tell us that while chimpanzees physically resemble us humans the most, it is dogs who are emotionally most like humans. They literally feel part of a human family, and they have been living with us for a good 7,000 years. They can be incredibly loyal, empathic, loving and even very entertaining if their human owner just reciprocates.

Me with Spike in 2008


If you have ever dealt with a rescue dog, then you will know yourself that just trying to give, let alone “shower” any kind of love, petting and affection upon an abused or neglected animal may NOT work at all.

In fact, the abused or neglected animal can remain skittish for days, weeks, months or years, avoiding your touch and that of other humans, even growling and baring its teeth at the nicest, most compassionate and gentle  human person.

It might be seeing your attempts at bestowing love and affection as a trick and a trap.

The animal — and I emphasize that dogs are very much like humans emotionally, and have become our natural cross-species partners — can be as full of mental chatter as any human.They too can have searing memories of abuse, abandonment, hunger, sickness, and loneliness.

We have all, for example, seen a dog having a vivid dream and going through emotions such as anxiety.

And all the old, irrelevant mental garbage that is from the past with the other owner, and over and done with, and involved a completely different human being than the one caring for them now will stay present in their thoughts, in effect “haunting” them.

These animals are not “living in the now” anymore than a human who is having obsessive thoughts, remorse, grief, anger, terror, and flashbacks.

Why do 22 American military veterans KILL THEMSELVES every day? These humans too feel that they were used, abused and neglected, which they were for the wars of Zion, and horrible combat memories can recur in them, especially during dreams.

I met a former Marine who told me of his. In 2019, distrusting Establishment cancer treatments  (such as chemo and radiation), Margi tried for a while using Rick Simpson Oil.

Margi with her wonderful herb garden


This “oil” is a kind of marijuana resin, used by some to fight end-stage canc.  Margi had a rapidly growing throat tumor, and tried this Rick Simpson Oil, since it has saved some people, among them a Canadian chap called Rick Simpson himself. This is his website: https://ricksimpsonoil.com/

And what fool would blindly trust in Establishment chemo and radiation anyway, in things which are openly toxic, weakening the very immune system we need, and either do not cure the cancer or they just suppress it temporarily — and meanwhile your hair falls out, you vomit several times a day, and you lose 15-20 pounds, all so the cancer can return in a month, six months or a year?

With Margi she did do chemo and radiation as a last resort when all the natural stuff failed, and was cancer-free for a bit over a year.

Marijuana has actually been completely legal in Michigan for medical use since 2008 and for recreational use since 2019 after it passed a 2018 voter referendum by 56%. Marijuana growers are licensed by the State, which makes sense since it is a food or substance which people consume and that can affect their health.

However, Margi did give up on the Rick Simpson Oil because the cancer spread anyway, although during this time a major intestinal problem which had plagued her for three decades did go away.

And  so reluctantly, with the tumor the size of a ping-pong ball and perched on her carotid artery (!!!), a dire situation, we then turned to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, a wonderful place (with only about 5% jewish doctors!!!) and she did chemo and radiation there, which did stave off the cancer for over a year along with many cancer-fighting natural substances she took.

Anyway, her marijuana provider was a former US Marine, who did a combat tour in Iraq.

(Not him, but another Marine in Iraq in 2007 in front of his humvee.)

His whole tour was spent driving in truck and Humvee convoys between the Green Zone in downtown Baghdad (the US embassy in Iraq and military headquarters) and the Baghdad airport, which became The Road of Death for Americans.

But the American troops and public had been lied to by their cynical jew masters, among them the hideously ugly jewish journalist Charles Krauthammer, who brayed on neo-con FOX News Channel and in his column, which 400 newspapers ran, that conquering Iraq would be a “cake-walk” because the Iraqis would “welcome us as liberators.”

Krauthammer — Some jews are supernaturally ugly because, in many cases, of a high rate of incest, which I have delved thoroughly into on this website: (scroll 2/5ths down here to “Ryssen”:  https://johndenugent.com/ews-blocked-me-from-my-own-website-for-publishing-this-epstein-scandal-widens-jill-dando-murder-by-bbc-paedophiles-jews-and-incest-by-ryssen/

The truth? Basically, ALL Arabs (and almost all muslims, for that matter) hate the US as the bullying, bombing, killing world hitman for the jews. Every time Israel stomps further on Palestinians,  Arabs and other muslims seethe. And their religion, Islam, is a radically masculine, warrior religion, founded by a general, Muhammad, and not one of love, peace, humility, and “turning the other cheek.”

So our soldiers and Marines found out to their horror that there was a full-scale insurgency going on in Iraq against us, just as in Vietnam, which half-jew Lyndon Johnson got us bogged down in! In both wars, the people there hated our guts!

It amazed me that so soon after “the lessons of Vietnam,” among them 57,000 dead, we would march into Afghanistan and Iraq, utterly hostile and also non-white countries that saw us as would-be neo-colonial masters! Iraqis did not welcome us as their liberators at all but saw us as tools of International Jewry and as a foreign, occupying enemy seeking to make Iraq a US colony — all of which was 100% true.

What this meant was that every road the Americans drove on could be rife with roadside bombs, “IEDs,” that is, Improvised Explosive Devices.

He told me as a fellow former Marine that, while he never suffered a single scratch in Iraq, he was just lucky.

He constantly saw trucks and Humvees blown into the air in front of or behind him, and hauled out dead and dying Marines, many shredded, moaning and quivering in pain.

He said to me: “Everyday that I got up I knew could be my last.”

He did this one nightmarish tour in Iraq, then returned to the States and got out. He said: “I couldn’t sleep because I would keep seeing the IEDs going off and my buddies dying. I tried therapy, and meds — and only marijuana reduced my anxiety level.”

(This has nothing to do with being a wimp. My father was a tough-as-nails Marine in WWII, including the Battle of Iwo Jima, and an officer in Korea — one of his men wrote me what a fine officer he had been — and he had to see a Navy psychiatrist for six months for nightmares and insomnia.)

Off we go to be betrayed, maimed and killed for the jews, just like our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. (These were actually British soldiers, almost all white, as you can see, heading for Afghanistan, which became a 20-year-long total debacle.) 


Marine sergeant Tyler Ziegel and his fiancée Renée, both of good German stock from Illinois.  His father worked in construction; his mother was a waitress.

Renée and Ty after his face was burned off in Iraq.. read it and cry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyler_Ziegel

Renée married him out of duty, since she had said she would. But later she could not take it and left.


Ty, divorced and drinking, died at age 30 on December 26, 2012, after a very hard fall on the ice — but mostly he slipped due to a mix of alcohol and morphine.

This is incredibly sad. 🙁 🙁 🙁 They would likely have had nice children and a happy, Midwestern, German-American family.


The problem with these combat veterans is that their mind goes on autopilot and keeps dredging up awful things from the past.

So actually marijuana, as  well as therapy and other things, while helpful to many,  avoid the core problem: a racing mind.

The core solution is learning to slow and even stop your thinking…. developing the ability to say to your mind: “It is pointless to think about horrible old events that are over and done with! I wish instead to think about nothing at all, and instead enjoy a beautiful sunset, a walk on the beach, the taste of a wonderful slice of apple pie, or my favorite music.”

I can say this: Only self-mind-control has saved me, though Margi gets some real credit, too,  for being a loving and compassionate wife.

Someone on VK was defending Sinead O’Connor, who just killed herself, thus joining in suicide her only child, who had killed himself 18 months before.

I pointed out that I have been through things FAR, FAR worse

— The Manchurian Candidate program of MK-ULTRA

—  Endless government harassment since 1979

— Poverty

— Slander

— Being evicted four times in 2014

— Betrayal by people in need whom I had helped in tremendous ways

— the death of my best friend, my wife, which also triggered

— having to sell our paid-off house in order to keep this website and my mission going, and now I am in a very precarious economic situation

I could have committed suicide over all eight of these crises!

But I have self-mind-control. I am aware of my problems, but they never get the best of me. I can tell my mind what to do and what to think. It SERVES ME.

And basically this is what James French and his wife Shelly do with their  animals, all messed up emotionally, that people entrust to them — and the results are spectacular! His “trust technique” clearly works, and it does so within just days, not months or years!

At first it is just sitting quietly with no touch at all, which could scare the animal at this early stage. The human STOPS thinking and radiates simple “presence” (this is Eckhart Tolle’s favorite word) — “I am here for you, and enjoying being near you” — without any thoughts running through his human head, and this peace in the very spiritual human drifts over to the neurotic animal.

The horse, sheep, dog,  cat, lion or bear then sits down also…. and of course, this means that it is no longer “thinking” about running away or even attacking, which is especially nice with a lion or bear! 

Shelly is neither talking nor touching. She is also NOT THINKING.

Finally, the animal rolls over and actually lies all the way down, trusting the SERENE human who is radiating peace, awareness, respect and presence, with no cogitations, worries, memories –just now-ness.

This lion, still separated from James but by only a thin fence, stopped roaring at James and sat down close to him. Soon he will roll over on his side as if napping, indicating all fear of the human — as either a cruel circus master or a hunter who could shoot him — is gone.

This foal has just put her head on James’ lap. (And horses can be VERY skittish; thousands of men and women have died of a broken neck over the millennia when their own horse threw them off in fear or resentment…. or a horse, such as a Clydesdale, which can be a 1,300-pound animal, can kick you to death.)

The poor critter is healing emotionally, almost as you watch, and becomes a loving, trusting, friendly and fully cooperative sentient being for you.

(And, yes, there ARE a few psychopathic animals who are simply mean and treacherous and they end up being put down. One cannot risk being around a 2,000-pound horse who hates you.)

I have written on my father and his friend, John Chafee, his personal lawyer, a Marine combat officer in Korea like my dad, later the Republican governor of the very Democrat-leaning state of Rhode Island, and finally a US senator.

His daughter, nicknamed “‘Tribbie,” age 14, was kicked in the head by her own horse on October 10, 1968 (aged 14) and died. ( https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-burlington-free-press-about-tribbie/57424609/ ) This was quite a shock to the family and to all of Rhode Island.

But every animal, like us, has its own personality and nature — and good and bad days.

And we who are older all remember when movie star Christopher Reeve, who played Superman, and was married with a lovely wife and cute little son, became paralyzed and later died.

In 1995 he was thrown by his own horse, who simply refused to jump a fence, and skidded to a halt, which catapulted Reeve forward to the ground, snapping his neck. After nine years, in 2004 Reeve finally died.

And then Reeve’s widow, Dana, although a non-smoker, was diagnosed with lung cancer on August 9, 2005. She died at age 44 on March 6, 2006, leaving behind their son Will (a very handsome lad, btw, and now a reporter for ABC News.)

And are we Whites not also fate-battered, or neglected, or outright abused animals too, just with larger brains ?????? Do we not eat, sleep, drink, defecate, and reproduce like other mammals?

Here now is a heartwarming and impressive James French video on the visible results of his “trust technique”:

Notice in this video, where French explains things further, that he is most definitely not “doing nothing.

And he is not slathering the critters with any petting, rubbing, talking and touch either!

JUST by being present (=aware, alert, not mentally chattering away about anything, serene and calm) and without any mental chitchat going on inside him, the human, the long-abused/neglected animal picks up on French’s inner peace.

It then wants to feel the same way! And to be around this nice human called James!


And it begins to kneel and then lie all soothed on the ground!

You can see this miracle! Trauma is leaving the body and going away!

And even if the critter’s previous experience with humans — its PAST — had been very painful or even heartbreaking, still, the animal now realizes that this-is-the-present. 

THIS IS NOW — and THIS HUMAN IS REALLY DIFFERENT from that other one who was so callous! I like it!

It is  just as Eckhart Tolle says,




And now on to how all this is relevant to you and to me at this juncture.

A Texan and major donor (he recently sent me by Western Union $500)…. (Note how I am open-carrying at this Walmart, as I do elsewhere…)….

….wrote  me on VK:

“I think people will in fact come to accept that you are the reincarnation of Hitler, as I do, and take you seriously, and, depending on how they feel about Hitler they will line up for or against you just as they did the last time around.”

Of course, there is something about that prognosis which I did not like at all. 😉

I do not like scaring so many good white people shitless. 😉

And my fiery speeches/rants, the black hair in that life, the odd mustache, the fanatical glare, and even the guttural sound of the German language all scared people.

The “triumph-of-the-will” glare was in a way a put-on, something which my devoted staff and friends never, ever saw.

Rochus Misch wrote a whole book about how I was the nicest boss imaginable! Léon Degrelle said I was amazingly modest in person! The indomitable “giant of world history,” the Führer thing, was all for show to give people optimism! “Hitler is amazing; he can do anything!” It was because Whites needed a morale booster! “What can one man do?” people say. True — of an average man! So you had better not seem average!

Was Hitler “charismatic”? and Obersalzberg then and now; spiritual reading

It was an image that cost me nothing, but suggested very effectively to the defeatist German masses, who felt “no one can defeat the jews” — which my own father in this life said, too!!!!! — that a man looking like that was a force of nature with unstoppable, superhuman willpower. It cost not one pfennig, but distinguished me from all the smiley-face politicians..and it hammered home:  “Wipe that silly grin off your face. This is no game! Beer, pot, tv and sex will not save us. The Jews are a mortal enemy, and we are at war!”

Some of them I scared off were more or less good Germans, and millions of those good Germans had already left Germany for generations with a heavy heart, repulsed by “militarism,” and they immigrated into Pennsylvania –like Margi’s ancestor, Jacob Hochstetter — and filled up the American Midwest.

But especially it was foreigners whom I scared….

And I also “turned off” sincere libertarian conservatives, especially in the anglosphere, who simply view dictatorship as something dangerous, which it can be, and dictators as megalomanics, which some indeed are.

But to put things in perspective, even more dangerous is a “democracy” where the sheeple imagine they are free and so never rebel!

But the whole thing is a front for a jewish, billionaire, pedophile oligarchy — what we have now — where all elections are a meaningless spectacle, a show put on for the goyim, involving hype and hoopla around completely jew-controlled puppet candidates!

But yeah, I did scare many people I had wanted to win over.



And so the new faith must enable us to calm ourselves — by calming our mind.

You can see with these animals that when they stop thinking (thinking about old traumas, which retraumatize them), then they achieve peace and trust, and accept their human to own, care for and guide them.

White people are, in a sense,  just traumatized higher animals who also need to and can calm their mind, and then take the right actions.



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