Soros Foundation jews leave Europe — an ominous sign they want a general war?

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The jewish speculation billionaire George Soros, born Schwartz, has spent $19 billion to fund wokeness across the Collective West, transgwenderism, and the crime wave afflicting all American big cities, this by donating to woke prosecutors who let violent black criminals off with probation to the outrage of  Blacks, Browns, and Whites.  

….When jews leave a region or country, is war near?

(((Democracy))) is when Whites become good goys, accepting being plundered, and taught to hate, sanction, or wage war on any nationalistic country, whether it is Russia now, or, before that, white South Africa, white Rhodesia, the segregated American South, Germany, the Boers, and the Confederacy.  There are few men more demonic than George Schwartz,  who is deliberately causing misery and death for millions of Whites.
A French donor and  comrade sent this item, speculating it means the Sorosians have been tipped off that a general war is coming –yet again — to white Europe — yes, the US/NATO in direct combat with Russia, which can go nuclear.
And so yet again my relaying since 2018 of the 1917 Van Rensburg Prophecy of a third world war seems to be heading toward fulfillment.
For years now, Israelis have been settling in southern Argentina (the cooler part, near the South Pole)…. for the same reason.  The jews are planning a third world war in the northern hemisphere which is intended to kill off 90% of Whites. So some of the Big Jews are moving certain key operations to the southern hemisphere where nuclear blast is expected to be zero and radioactive fallout minimal.
One feature of the Van Rensburg Prophesy is that Turkey double-crosses Russia to help NATO, and probably blocks Russian warships from leaving the Black Sea for the Mediterranean while admitting American warships to this sea, which borders both Russia and its enemy, Jewkraine.
Only recently Turkey broke a major promise to Russia and released leaders of the fiercely anti-Russian Azov Battalion to return to Ukraine and the war. Yet we still see Putin trying over and over to get along with the muslim Turks.


Soros Foundation to End Most EU Operations in Radical Shift

  • Letter to grantees: “radical shift of strategic direction”
  • Soros handed control of OSF to his son, Alexander, in June
Photographer: Fabrice Coffrini/AFP/Getty Images

Open Society Foundations, the philanthropic organization that controls most of the assets in George Soros’s $25 billion family office, is set to end a large part of its operations in the European Union as part of a retrenchment under new leadership.

Soros, 93, handed control of OSF to his son, Alexander Soros, in December, and he later announced a headcount reduction of at least 40% at the foundation, which donates money to humanitarian and democratic causes worldwide.

“Open Society’s recalibration of our work in the European Union is part of a broader change in the organization, as we introduce a new operating model that includes a global review of how we work to support democracy, human rights, and climate justice,” an OSF spokesperson said in an email in response to Bloomberg questions.

Alexander SorosPhotographer: Jason Alden/Bloomberg

In a letter sent to grantees in Hungary and shared with Bloomberg by a person who wished not to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue, OSF said it was undertaking “radical shift of strategic direction” in a new operating model created by OSF’s leadership.

“The new approved strategic direction provides for withdrawal and termination of large parts of our current work within the European Union, shifting our focus and allocation of resources to other parts of the world,” the message said, quoting another note that had been sent to staff at OSF’s headquarters in Berlin. “OSF will largely terminate funding within the European Union, and further funding will be extremely limited.”

“The Open Society Foundations is changing the way we work, but my family and OSF have long supported, and remain steadfastly committed to the European project,” Alexander Soros said in a statement. Radio Free Europe was first to report about OSF’s slashing operations in the EU.

In the EU, OSF financed a wide range of philanthropic programs in the bloc’s eastern former communist members, including Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and elsewhere.

The letter to grantees didn’t provide further details of the shift, saying only that it had been decided because EU institutions “were already allocating significant resources to human rights, freedom and pluralism” inside the bloc. The spokesperson said the new model would result in a reduction in staff of no less than two fifths.

A native of Hungary, George Soros is known as a major supporter of liberal causes and Democratic politicians, and has long been a target of the political right. He founded Soros Fund Management and earned a fortune by making outsize bets, including an infamous wager against the British pound. He converted the fund to a family office in 2011.

The organization based its European headquarters in Budapest until 2018, when it moved to Berlin following a years-long campaign against Soros and the OSF’s liberal values by nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s government in Hungary. It also has offices in Barcelona and Brussels.


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