You know, John I have always wondered why God put such diverse races all together. It’s primitive, since we are all so emotional.
I understand why Jesus said what he said. When you get it, the simplicity of it is so profound!
I also understand Edgar Cayce’s “readings” where he says all races are on a vibration and the negro is the lowest.
Throw in a gutter rat group of slime like the jew, who has made billions for millenia off doing nothing but prey on all of our emotions, and use them against us and one other.
Sometimes I actually get it, John. I call it like a lightening bolt of intuition that for 5 seconds I SEE it. I see the master plan, but that lasts for only for a few seconds.
WE have let this happen, white men in power willingly signing our freedom away.
1940 presidential election, the most consequential in white history. The Hitler-hating Roosevelt, despite failing totally to end the Depression, wins (blue states) in a landslide of white votes, ignoring the warnings of household names and national heroes such as Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh.
The joo planned this as the devils that they are. There is something about this that enrages me.
In a time long ago, I would have wielded my sword and lopped off all of their heads at once. I have seen this play out before in another place and time, and I know that this IS the plan, the final tribulation before GOD comes.
Sorry for my ramblings. Hope y’all are okay.
I replied:
Hi, H, and thanks. No rambling, but very well-put!
The great thing about this horrible earth is this —
–one can grow spiritually at a tremendous clip here, in this hell, though most do not avail themselves of the opportunity, and waste entire, painful incarnations, whole lifetimes, in zombielike stasis.
“Zombie” by the Cranberries about whites killing each other for five generations in Northern Ireland
All this agony and disgusting events are moving us toward a revulsion for the toxic ego — which the Jew feeds, builds up, and then uses — pitting us-against-us while the jew gloats and cashes in — and then, determined to be ego-free, we shall advance to a higher stage.
You can grow 30 times faster in a hell like this than in a perfectly ordered national-socialist society where no monkey-business is tolerated.
Both law and peer pressure made Germans go along. Once the Reich — and its control of law and peer pressure — were gone in May 1945, the Germans (though, yes, they are very hard-working and gifted to this very day) nevertheless reverted to beingjust another confused, brainwashed white people.
All the ugliness, selfishness, cowardice and misery we see now help us;
they push some of us to seek and embrace the light.
As John Kennedy said (paraphrasing him), we choose to do certain things not because they are easy, but because they are hard.
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