Sounds like a frame-up against Holocaust disprover Germar Rudolf

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Germar inspecting a genuine gas chamber at Auschwitz —  for killing lice in inmate clothing. Note the Prussian-blue color of the cyanide-gas residue on the gas chamber wall. The Nazis did exterminate millions of lice biting unsanitary Polish Jews. 😉

4:06 AM —  no one even in the park at that hour and it was pitch-dark; sounds like a frame-up. Maybe they are going to contrive a claim that the married man with kids Germar Rudolf is gay — and was seeking out men for a tryst?

Or did they shoot him up with drugs in his food to make him do something bonkers?

In my few dealings with Germar, he was exactly as one would expect: a logical, quiet, factual, industrious German and scientist type. Anything but eccentric or weird.



….. Germar Rudolf, Holocaust denier, charged with open lewdness in Pa.

[Slanted MSM report]

Red Lion man charged with open lewdness is an internationally known Holocaust denier

Mike Argento, York [southeastern Pennsylvania] Daily Record
5-6 minutes

Published 3:59 p.m. ET July 9, 2019 | Updated 4:46 p.m. ET July 9, 2019
A Holocaust survivor welcomes to her suburban Detroit home a former soldier whose U.S. Army unit liberated the concentration camp where she was being held. (May 13) AP, AP

A Red Lion man who has been charged with open lewdness is an internationally known Holocaust denier who had served 44 months in a German prison for expressing his beliefs in that country.

Germar Rudolf, a 54-year-old native of Germany, was charged after Lower Windsor Township Police found him exercising in a public park on Long Level Road “naked from the waist down” at 4:06 a.m. July 2, according to a criminal complaint filed in the case.

The complaint doesn’t go into detail. Nor does it mention Rudolf’s claim to fame as an internationally known denier of the Holocaust. Lower Windsor Township Police Chief David Arnold said Rudolf “is known to police,” but declined to elaborate. Arnold said Rudolf “initially did not cooperate with the officer, but then did comply.”

Rudolf declined to discuss the matter, saying, “I don’t know anything about that” before closing the door to his house in the 100 block of North Charles Street.

The criminal complaint lists Rudolf’s date of birth as Oct. 29, 1964, and his place of birth as Germany. His biography posted on his website lists his date of birth as Oct. 29, 1964, and his place of birth as Limburg, Germany. His website also lists a post office box in Red Lion as a mailing address.

According to his bio, Rudolf holds a doctorate in chemistry from the prestigious Max Planck Institute in Germany.. While completing his thesis, he prepared what he terms as “an expert report on chemical and technical questions of the alleged gas chambers of Auschwitz.” In his bio, he writes that he had believed “the veracity of the ‘official’ version about the Holocaust when he was a young man.”

He wrote in 1989 that at the age of 24 he “accidentally learned about the now-famous Leuchter Report,” which contains research conducted by Fred Leuchter – a Massachusetts man who, before getting into Holocaust denial, worked with several states to improve their methods of executing death-row inmates.

Rudolf, according to his bio, had been called as an expert witness by lawyers defending a German man of Holocaust denial.

In 2017, he published an expanded, revised edition of his initial report concluding that “the alleged facilities for mass extermination at Auschwitz and Birkenau were not suited for the purpose as claimed.”

After he undertook research claiming to deny the Holocaust, the Planck Institute “totally disavowed” his efforts, according to the website

Because Holocaust denial is illegal in Germany – under a law that bans what’s termed “incitement to hatred” – Rudolf left Germany for life in exile in Great Britain, according to his bio. When Germany asked Britain to extradite him in 1999, he fled to the United States, applying for political asylum and, in 2004, marrying a U.S. citizen.

In 2005, his bio states, the U.S. deported him back to Germany, “where he was put in prison for 44 months for his scholarly writings.”

He immigrated to the United States in 2011 and settled in “southeastern Pennsylvania with his wife and three children,” according to his bio.

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