Lansing video preview; South Africa — namby-pamby ways, messages and leaders have failed

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=============BRIEF PREVIEW


Introduction by white civil rights activist
and moderator Evan Thomas,
East Lansing, Michigan,
April 2007

(right after Irish songs by Margaret, seen center-left in the photo below, and speeches by Canadian activist leader Paul Fromm, center-right, Michigan activist Matt Creehan, unfortunately not in this photo, and rousing remarks by moderator Evan Thomas, far right)

 (If this sample does not play for you, open it here:

Laughter, applause, positive news about white progress — and excitement already in the first three minutes!




FROM THIS LIBERAL’S negative, envious and yet often accurate PDF, Hitlers-Rhetorical-Theory, p. 2 (Relevant Rhetoric Vol. 1 2010 “Hitler’s Rhetorical Theory”): ),  ANALYZING HITLER, THE GRAND ORATOR:

Hitler was indispensable. He built the Nazi party from seven members in 1919 to the largest political party in Germany in 1932. Through free elections from 1928 in fewer than four years the Nazis gained a plurality of seats in the Reichstag. Writes historian Robert Waite, “Hitler was Nazidom. Seldom in the history of western civilization has so much depended on one man’s personality. He created his own political theory and a government that could not
exist without him.”7 Fest explains that Hitler virtually “created everything out of himself and was himself everything at once.”8 Declares German historian Friedrich Meinecke, Hitler “is one of the great examples of the singular and incalculable power of personality in historical life.”9

Great Orator

Hitler was a great public speaker. His claim in 1939 was probably correct, “I am conscious that I have no equal in the art of swaying the masses.” Hitler scholars seem unanimous in recognizing his speaking skill. Writes Klaus Fisher, “Without his remarkable gift of persuasion, Hitler would never have reached such heights of power.”10 CBS correspondent William Shirer, who heard Hitler often, declares, “Hitler has a magic power to sway millions with his voice.”11 British scholar of the Nazi era H. Trevor Roper explains, “Hitler, at the beginning, had only his voice…that was his only instrument of power. His only asset was his demagogic power over the masses, his voice.”12 Kershaw concedes, “his rhetorical talent was, of course, recognized even by his political enemies.”13

.. “I know that men are won over less by the written than by the spoken word, that every great movement on this earth owes its growth to orators and not to great writers.”26 Hitler dismisses “fops and knights of the pen” who “for leadership” are “neither born nor chosen. The broad masses of people can be moved only by the power of speech.”27


Notice forehead with a “V” and two bumps above the inner eyebrows, circles under eyes, chin, cheekbones….not to mention height and exact dark-blue eye color (not visible here)





This was a special “God video” we did, thanks to generous donations from readers like you, on the Aryan doctrine of reincarnation. (It is one of many God videos found at, right side, under the video, and under “Eternal Solutrean Agency.” (Wave your cursor over that fleur-de-lis icon!)


Summary: University of Virginia; 2,500 studies of children with detailed memories of earlier lives, of which 2,000 were of violent deaths while still young;
Reincarnating in one’s own family or bloodline; birthmarks related to violent deaths; a boy who was his own grandfather returned; remembering heaven and angels




Today marks the 80th Anniversary of the National Socialists coming to power in Germany on January 30, 1933

We have posted an Audio Reading of Adolf Hitler’s January 30, 1939 Speech to the Reichstag, as read by World View Foundation Director Rodney Martin.  This is a long speech (2 hours) in which Adolf Hitler addresses many issues.  It is worth listening to.  Hitler addresses the NSDAP’s electoral success, their opponents, Germany’s opponents, National Socialism and the People’s Community, Germany’s relations with other Nations, the National Socialist Economy, the relationship with the Church and his description of America is still valid today.

 We have posted the speech in pdf as well as posted a graph which shows the NSDAP’s electoral success from 1928-1933.  Keep in mind that in 1932 the NSDAP reached 41% of the vote in national elections and there were in excess of 30 political parties.  This is quite significant.  The NSDAP reached just over 30% of the vote in Berlin and Berlin was considered the “reddest” city west of Moscow itself when Joseph Goebbels was appointed Party Leader at age 29. 

We have also posted a slide show of NSDAP political action in Berlin which ran in Der Spiegel [a major German news magazine] as part of their coverage of Berlin’s 775th anniversary celebration as a city. 

We consider this one of the “Top 10” of Adolf Hitler’s Speeches.






A comrade recently asked me what “Solutreanism” is. I replied and offered this link:

I recently left a message on your website, to which, you replied. Thank you for that link, and for your very brave stand for truth and justice in the former, ‘Land of the The Free’.

God bless you in your endeavours.




A nice Afrikaner women wrote me that she appreciated my writings

such as

but we cannot go the path of racism and antisemitism, NOT EVEN ATROCITY PHOTOS!

I replied:

Dear friend,

In the 1940s-early 1990s, the old apartheid South Africa also said it was not about race or the Jews, but only about culture, Christianity, civilization, and fighting communism.

That strategy — “Zulus just have a different CULTURE, language and level of economic development “ — just did not work, dear lady.

It did not mobilize the animal instinct in the white man for survival.

And, for understandable historical reasons (such as the atrocities ordered during the Second Boer War of 1899-1902  by Lord Kitchener on the instructions of the JEWISH-run, ROTHSCHILD-run “British Empire,” which wanted Afrikaner gold and diamonds) 


….the Afrikaners also focused on weakening the sway of their rivals for power, the British whites, not on the main threat to us all in every country — JEWS AND BLACKS.

Black nobleman Nelson Mandela and Lithuanian Jew Joe Slovo sing

“Kill the Boer” (but that ain’t racist…)



I am afraid that only brutal truth, and a charismatic, ruthless and fanatical new movement will win.

And avenge our dead. We must become NATURAL again! No more “love thy enemy,” except by sending him to his favorite god! 😉

An elephant in South Africa tangles with a crocodile.

Many blacks ARE in fact far closer in behavior, appearance and mindset to the animal level than we are. And it is indeed the JEWS who infiltrated and corrupted the Broderbund ( and thus destroyed the Afrikaner will to resist when your people was for centuries so courageous and strong!

The Jews who ran the old anti-apartheid PFP, the Progressive Freedom Party, betrayed you to their long-standing black and Chinese allies, and now they are “Packed For Perth” [Australia] or already have moved there, leaving behind RUINS and BLOOD, just as the hardcore Afrikaners of the Herstigte Nasionale Party (“Restored National Party”) outspokenly warned!

(I know this for a fact from a friend in Perth.) THE JEWS TURNED YOU OVER TO THE BLACKS AND CHINESE!

My goal: win or die trying.



And please do not forget that we whites in America face the same fate as you.





Having said this, white sister, I of course wish you all the best. But my path is without any soft-hearted illusions.

We will win with the 10% of whites that are not pitiful. The rest are doomed. It will be more like Noah’s Arch. A remnant will be saved, and they will rebuild after the cataclysm.

John de Nugent

PS A white South African and former cop who saw combat in a military unit wrote:

==========Striking modern Russian “ritual ambient music”

This is one of Russia’s pre-eminent “Ritual Ambient” groups. These guys have been pushing out album after album over the last decade and it is indeed an honour to see them perform live (even if only on YouTube video). Not only do they assemble beautiful soundscape compositions using an eclectic array of traditional instruments, improvised, handmade, or found, but their album artwork also is crafted with stunning otherworldly-type symbolic illustrations.

A contemporary take upon what might have been, the Lunar Abyss Deus Organum duo seems to effortlessly move from one song to the next, having created for themselves a style of Ritual Ambient music that is entirely theirs. And from the looks of it their listenership base has swelled across from Russia to the rest of Europe and even into the terrain of the Americas (North and South) where there is also a growing Ambient world amongst intelligent music listeners and aficionados.

And now I am going to RANT and SCREAM:

South African music dumbos, where are your f——g ears? Rammed firmly up your butts? Where are your MINDS? Soul-less, violent, gluttonous, avaricious and brainwashed f—–g South Africa has got to be the most culturally backward country on this planet.

I have assembled probably the largest eclectic “Ritual Ambient” collection of music in this country. But I am beginning to loathe this country and its people more and more for the simple reason that they are just so backward, dumb and brainwashed by sicko disco/pop/rave brainwashing radio music stations like 702, 5fm, Cape 567, etc. Exhibit ONE: Johannesburg. Idiots who have heard my music have accused it of being Satanic and all kinds of crap.

It makes me feel like puking all over self-hating South Africa’s ugly rainbow nation farce face. Oh Lord, Have Mercy for these idiots! Save them from themselves. No – the Devil can have them, and that’s coming from an agnostic, but I might believe now in the Devil. 😉 Plenty of proof he is around.

Honest, I live here in body, but spiritually my soul lives in the lands of my ancestors – the trans-European/Poland/Russia latitudes.

*VOMIT!* It’s a lonely place this, even for those with a half-functioning brain. Trying to educate your average WHITE Surf-Efrikan…, you just CANNOT, what a USELESS mob!


And did you notice in that video?

The Russian young people in it are all SOBER and WELL-BEHAVED, not like the f—–g idiots in South Africa at the mindless RAVE CLUBS, running around all pissed and drugged up like lost ZOMBIES and SLUTS…

The Ambient scene generally attracts an INTELLIGENT, DECENT, TIDY, SOBER, WELL-BEHAVED and APPRECIATIVE crowd… And that is the kind of white people we need!




01/30 @ 03:59 : Pearland, Texas, US
01/30 @ 03:59 : Aachen, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
The altar at Aachen Cathedral. Charlemagne is buried here.
01/30 @ 03:58 : Aachen, DE
01/30 @ 03:58 : Asheville, North Carolina, US
01/30 @ 03:57 : Calgary, CA[NADA]
01/30 @ 03:56 : Charleston, West Virginia, US
01/30 @ 03:55 : Leipzig, DE
01/30 @ 03:54 : Perth, AU[STRALIA]
01/30 @ 03:53 : Atlanta, Georgia, US
01/30 @ 03:51 : Pretoria, ZA
01/30 @ 03:51 : Heywood, GB
01/30 @ 03:50 : Burghausen, DE01/30 @ 03:59 : Pearland, Texas, US
01/30 @ 03:58 : Aachen, DE
01/30 @ 03:58 : Asheville, North Carolina, US
01/30 @ 03:57 : Calgary, CA
01/30 @ 03:56 : Charleston, West Virginia, US
01/30 @ 03:55 : Leipzig, DE
01/30 @ 03:54 : Perth, AU[STRALIA]
01/30 @ 03:53 : Atlanta, Georgia, US
01/30 @ 03:51 : Pretoria, ZA
01/30 @ 03:51 : Heywood, GB
01/30 @ 03:50 : Burghausen, DE

01/30 @ 03:38 : Cuiabá, BR[AZIL]

01/30 @ 03:37 : Saint Francisville, Louisiana, US
01/30 @ 03:37 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
01/30 @ 03:36 : Waterbury, Connecticut, US
01/30 @ 03:36 : Rio Rancho, New Mexico, US
01/30 @ 03:36 : South Bend, Indiana, US
01/30 @ 03:36 : Dublin, IE [IRELAND]
01/30 @ 03:35 : Manila, PH [PHILIPPINES]
01/30 @ 03:31 : Vryburg, ZA [SOUTH AFRICA]

Near here, black cops beat a fellow black man to death for protesting lousy delivery service in his city:

01/30 @ 03:30 : Leipzig, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
01/30 @ 03:29 : Pensacola, Florida, US
01/30 @ 03:28 : Königsbach-Stein, DE
01/30 @ 03:27 : Alhambra, California, US
01/30 @ 03:26 : Nynäshamn, SE [SWEDEN]
01/30 @ 03:24 : Houston, Texas, US
01/30 @ 03:24 : San Antonio, Texas, US
The Alamo, where whites, like the 300 Spartans, fought a huge non-white army to the last man, inspiring a nation

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613 USA

tel: (724) 596–4284


1 Comment

  1. Dear Mr. de Nugent:

    Thank you for posting and linking regarding our commemoration of the first NSDAP Government.

    World View Foundations is a United States-based non-profit educational foundation dedicated to historical truth and the preservation of Western Christian Civiliazation.

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