Soviet European Union attacks Poland for things it allows Denmark. Why?

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Poland has its good and bad aspects, like other countries, but occasionally it has resisted heroically against anti-European forces. This was King John III Sobieski, blessing his Polish soldiers before their attack on the invading Turks near Vienna in 1683. The muslim failure to conquer Europe, their last attempt, was largely thanks to the Poles rushing their army to aid the embattled Germans/Austrians.

The Poles only want what the Danes have: the right (“even” as an EU member state) to control their own borders, to run their own legal system, and to accept or reject militant LGBTQ. The EU goes ballistic when the Poles (or Hungarians) demand this.

@theduran Menachem Begin said “the Poles, Ukrainians and Russians were worse than the [NS] Germans.” The Soviet European Union idea began in the 1920s with Rothschild giving money to Count Coudenhove-Kalergi to create a “café au lait” New European, a mixed people-idea which the half-Asian, half-white count loved. Open borders, trans, and LGBTQ are necessary for this transformation. Since Poland rejects all this, it is indeed now “worse than the Germans.” 😉

1 Comment

  1. Poland can’t be in the EU and retain the tried and tested ideas against immigration, gay agenda, defense, finance and law. EU law overrides all EU members’ laws, past, present and future.

    Isn’t that basically a communist dictatorship?

    But money will change hands and the Poles will give in to the NWO. The Poles flood other countries as Polish gimmegrants, but now they complain when their own jobs and country are overrun by gimmegrants. Oh, the irony.

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