Average Russians in Moscow
…..Website news
This site has been relentlessly attacked over the last two weeks and was down twice for several hours, including Saturday.
It requires a major overhaul. It is based on WordPress, but has grown to a gigantic site with 40,000 images, because I propose such seemingly “outlandish” things as aliens and reincarnation that I must furnish photos and videos to support them.
Just to give two examples:
WWII US Navy pilot James Huston and James Leininger
Visuals are very important as are links to other articles corroborating my claims.
…..How American juze in 1912 forced President Taft to cave in and take hostile actions against a friendly Russia
Responding to this article about Teddy Roosevelt,
….a repeat donor wrote:
The Jews wanted to replace President Taft with Woodrow Wilson because Taft refused to abrogate the trade treaty with Russia that had been made under President Andrew Jackson. When Roosevelt entered the race, it split the Republican vote and this ensured a Wilson victory, which the Jews wanted.
JdN: President Taft was a typical Republican moderate, exasperated by the juze for their pushiness, but not antisemitic, and not grasping the mortal threat they represent to our freedom and existence
The Jews wanted to generate anti-Russian sentiment because they felt the Russian Jews were being mistreated. Russian trade ended up being mediated by Russian Jews and because of this mediation of trade with the US, Jews acquired positions in the Russian government that enabled them to kill the Czar and his family.
The Jews approached Taft and demanded that he sever the long-standing trade treaty between Russia and the United States because the Czar was “mistreating” the Jews of Russia. Taft refused because Russia was a friendly nation, to his mind. Then the Jews bribed members of Congress to pass a law breaking the trade treaty with Russia, bypassing Taft.
Trade with Russia thereafter was mediated by a Jew in Germany.
This allowed a Jew to mingle with Russian government officials since he was in the country officially to work out details of the trade treaty with the United States. Prior to that, it would have been impossible for any Jew to mingle with Russian government officials.
This provided an opportunity for the Jews to coordinate anti-Czarist forces in Russia in preparation for the Bolshevik revolution, which culminated in the killing of the Czar and his family, which was a primary Jewish objective.
*** JdN
Nicholas II as a boy with his mother from Denmark (who balefully hardened his antipathy toward the Germans because Otto von Bismarck and his Prussia (along with Austria) had taken from Denmark the part of the province of Schleswig which was majority-German
Nicholas adored his German-born wife Alexandra but loathed the Germans as a whole, and insanely went to war with Germany and Austria in 1914, risking thereby that — if he lost this war against the most formidable military powers on earth — the bolshevik juze in Russia would fan anger against him, overthrow him, and slaughter him and his family, which is exactly what they did in 1917-18.
An America-based Yiddish-language newspaper praises the emperors of Germany and Austria for defeating the armies of the Tsar — but this was before the juze, in 1917, switched sides ruthlessly. As if by magic, suddenly the entire American newspaper industry turned AGAINST the two German-speaking powers — because Britain, in the infamous Balfour Declaration, had promised Palestine (which was 99% Muslim and Christian) to the juze!.
Suddenly, the American juzepapers began “reporting” to the gullible goyim that German soldiers in Belgium were raping nuns, cutting hands off babies, spearing infants on bayonets, and crucifying captured Allied officers. The British newspapers had been doing this “black propaganda” (a euphemism for fake atrocity stories) for two years already.
German nurse sadistically pours water out on the ground as Allied soldier dies of thirst and fat Germans chortle.
German gorilla-like barbarian carries off a topless damsel in distress to his lair. OF COURSE the American goyim lapped it up without the slightest proof.
Amurrikins believed that Germans just loved impaling babies on bayonets, stomping on raped women (below), and crucifying solders (upper right)
Wading through a river filled with the corpses of dead children, the German is always burly — or even obese
Germans shoot prisoners who beg for mercy. (What is the proof? Why, silly, this DRAWING is all the proof you need!) In the background they paw at a woman.
Once agin spearing babies for sport, there lurks in every German businessman is a savage, boozing militarist — and his submarines are sinking ships full of American arms! The grave of Edith Cavell is also shown, an English nurse in Belgium who was executed by the Germans for, as she herself confessed at her trial by the Germans, smuggling 200 Allied soldiers out of Belgium to Allied lines: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edith_Cavell
US Marines at Belleau Woods kill the “Huns”
A German soldier named Walter Kleinfeldt took these photos, under the title “After the assault”
“And I’m proud to be an American, because this German’s now leg-free….” 🙁
Amazing resemblance (but less astonishing of one accepts the truth of reincarnation) between former Russian president and prime minister Dmitry Medvedev and Tsar Nicholas II. Medvedev’s name means “bear-son,” from “medved,” meaning “bear.” Medvedev is now the vice-chairman of the powerful National Security Council. It is powerful because Putin is not a dictator, not an autocrat, and he never has been. He was in effect hired or selected as president to “Make Russian Great Again.” He therefore MUST listen to the views of the patriotic, rightwing hardliners and Russian nationalists in Moscow such as Dmitry Medvedev, the group that first put him in power in 1999-2000, replacing the traitor, bribe-taker from juish oligarchs, and sell-out Boris Yeltsin.
Regarding the „mistreatment“ of Jews in Russia that the Jews were in such a huff about, which justified the severance of the long-standing trade treaty between the two countries, the Czar was merely protecting the peasants from being exploited by the Jews. The peasants had been serfs only a generation previously and because of this they were naive regarding financial matters.
The Jews exploited this naïveté and put the peasants in debt to them at extremely high interest rates with the consequence that they could not pay off their debts to the Jews and were in debt to them permanently. The Czar made laws that ended this Jewish exploitation of the peasants. That was the mistreatment of the Jews that the Jews were in a huff about! The Jews were no longer permitted to exploit the peasants! That was the „justification“ for the abrogation of the long-standing trade treaty with Russia!
…..Duplicitous half-truths about “deep friendship” between American juze and President Taft
President Taft And The Jews: A Remarkable Friendship
By Saul Jay Singer – 12 Tevet 5776 – December 23, 2015
William Howard Taft (1857-1930) was the only American president to also sit on the Supreme Court. The Republican was an effective administrator but a poor politician; caught in the intense battles between progressives and conservatives, he received little credit for his administration’s achievements, which included establishing a postal savings system, admitting Arizona and New Mexico as states, and passing constitutional amendments for a federal income tax and the direct election of United States senators.
Taft’s pro-Jewish affinities can be traced back to his childhood, when he attended a Unitarian church in Cincinnati across the street from the Reform synagogue headed by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, America’s leading Reform rabbi, who established the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, Hebrew Union College, and the Central Conference of American Rabbis.
Taft’s clergyman and Wise exchanged pulpits – the first time in the United States that there was an interchange of Christian and Jewish pulpits – and Taft later spoke of being impressed and inspired by the sermons delivered by Wise from the church pulpit.
The Jewish population of the U.S. increased dramatically during the Taft presidency (1909-1913) due in no small part to Taft’s open policy on Jewish immigration. The Taft years included some of the most dynamic participation by American Jews in national affairs to that point in time; not only did Jews play an important role in the political struggles of the day, they also took a deep interest in foreign affairs, particularly with regard to the fate of their co-religionists in Russia and Russia’s violations of the Russo-American Treaty of 1832.
The treaty was a commercial pact between America and Russia that afforded “reciprocal liberty of commerce and navigation” and that allowed mutual freedom of entry to citizens on both sides. Though Russia had erected significant obstacles to the rights of American Jews traveling to Russia since the turn of the 19th century, these violations became much more stringent after Taft was elected president, and the issue came to a head because Russia was denying admission to Jewish-American citizens [for being Bolsheviks, communists, anarchists and assassins!].
The problem was exacerbated when [Russian] Foreign Minister Sergey Sazonov, arguing that Russia did not discriminate because it treated American Jews the same way it treated all other foreign Jews (!), explained that
“Many agitators, revolutionaries, and anarchists who were adherents of the Hebrew religion had emigrated to America during the recent troubles, and it was not to be expected that Russia should encourage the return of these elements.”
The issue became a political flashpoint. The New York Times (then owned by the Jewish Adolph Ochs) opined that “this is not a Jewish question, it is an American question” and the Literary Digest asked: “When is an American not an American? When his religion doesn’t suit the Czar, evidently…”
[JdN: as if communists, atheists by definition, had a religion!]
The Jewish Oscar Straus, whom Taft had appointed as U.S. ambassador to Turkey, refrained from making a trip to Russia when he learned he would be able to travel there only because a special exception was to be made in his favor.
At a time of broad anti-immigration sentiment and plain old anti-Semitism in America, Taft faced significant political opposition to revoking the Russo-American Treaty, not only from traditional anti-Semitic groups, which still carried considerable influence in American politics, but even from officials in his own administration, not the least of whom was Secretary of State Philander Chase Knox, who argued that the nullification of the treaty was not in America’s interest.
Perhaps not entirely surprisingly, there was even significant condemnation of the very idea of abrogating the treaty from Jewish quarters. For example, Zionist leader Max Nordau, manifesting the classic mindset of the “Ghetto Jew,” published a letter in The Jewish Chronicle in which he denounced Taft, concluding: “The situation for the Jews in Russia will be worse than before and the anti-Semites in America will make the American Jews pay heavily for their manful stand.”
In the April 1, 1910 correspondence exhibited on this page, President Taft, referring to the Jews of Russia, writes to Judge Mayer Sulzberger, the first president of the American Jewish Congress (AJC) who, along with Jacob Schiff, an AJC founder [JdN: yes, the same Khazar who financed the genocidal Bolshevik Revolution!], represented the AJC executive committee in its protest against the Russian government’s violation of the Russo-American Treaty of 1832:
“I shall be very glad to see you and Mr. Schiff on Thursday, April 7th, at 12 o’clock in respect to the matter that you mention in your letter.”
In November 1911, the AJC committee met again with Taft, and it marked the first time an American president had invited a Jewish delegation to dine with him at the White House. They were shocked and disappointed when the president announced he would decline to rescind the treaty. But in one of the earliest and most successful national lobbying campaigns by American Jews, the AJC led the way in bringing extraordinary pressure to bear on both Congress and the president.
[JdN:Now, if you or I said this — that the juze brought “extraordinary pressure” upon Congress and the White House, it would be called antisemitic.]
The risks inherent in undertaking this campaign were monumental. The AJC and its supporters would need to take on the full power of the administration, which could be perceived as “Jewish agitation” inimical with the public interest.
[Yes, it would have been the national interest of the American people to have peace and cooperation with the gigantic and powerful Russia!]
Russia by WWI was (and, though shrunken, still IS) more than twice the size of the United States, with a huge, BRAVE, PATRIOTIC population and infinite natural resources
Russian bomber (left) cruises Alaska — and Russian fighter jet deliberately almost grazes American jet, with its wake causing the US jet to wobble.
New Russian patriotic song and video by (the half-ju) Alex Gazmanov:
They would have to undertake an ambitious public and media campaign, with no assurance that the American public would be persuaded, and they knew that failure would result in significant adverse repercussions, not the least of which would be a reduction of “Jewish capital” with the American public.
Their effort proved enormously successful, however, as they effectively convinced the media and the public – and, significantly, New Jersey Governor Woodrow Wilson, who would defeat Taft for the presidency the following year – that the abrogation of the treaty was an American interest, not merely a Jewish one.
In short order, a bill of abrogation was passed by the House of Representatives in an astounding 301-1 vote (the lone dissenter was George R. Malby of New York); the Senate, after only forty minutes of debate, unanimously passed it on December 19, 1911; and Taft, saying he would give the Jews a Chanukah present, signed it into law the very next day.
Reflecting this Chanukah theme, one publication ran a political cartoon juxtaposing an image of Judah Maccabee, the great Jewish hero, with an image of Taft thrashing a Russian figure.
Not surprisingly, the general response of the European press was to accuse Taft and Congress of catering to the all-important Jewish vote, especially in New York. There can be little doubt that the efforts of Sulzberger and Schiff, the activist role played by American Jews in general and the AJC lobbying effort in particular, and the passionate outrage against the Russians promulgated by much of the American media all played an important part in Taft’s ultimate decision to annul the treaty.
In a White House ceremony on January 6, 1913, Taft was awarded the B’nai Brith gold medal “in recognition of his service to the Jewish race,” particularly with respect to his championing the Jewish cause in the diplomatic imbroglio with Russia. On January 13, in what would turn out to be his last public appearance as president, he gave an address at Temple Beth-El in New York City to the attendees at the 70th anniversary of the founding of B’nai Brith.
In 1963, the Jews of Cincinnati, in conjunction with the Jewish National Fund, planted a William Howard Taft Forest in Israel to commemorate the president’s action in severing America’s relations with Czarist Russia in protest of the Russian treatment of Jews.
* * * * *
Taft’s revocation of the Russo-American Treaty was but one manifestation of his feelings of friendship for the Jewish people.
Taft became the first president to speak in an American synagogue during a regular service when, on the Shabbat of May 29, 1909, he addressed the (Reform) Rodef Shalom Temple in Pittsburgh, issuing a plea for religious tolerance in America (and, in an amusing faux pas, referring to Rodef Shalom as “this beautiful church”).
As a fascinating side note, Barney Dreyfus, the owner of the Pittsburgh Pirates and a Rodef Shalom member, announced that the start of the baseball game that afternoon would be delayed to afford Taft the opportunity to travel from the synagogue to the ballpark. (A year later, Taft became the first president to throw out the ceremonial first pitch on major league baseball’s opening day.)
In May 1911, Taft addressed the Washington Hebrew Congregation and advocated the erection of a monument to Haym Solomon, the financier of the American Revolution, thereby promoting the growth of interest in this great Jewish patriot, whose contributions to America had been neglected by historians.
Taft also personally interceded and facilitated the promotion of a Jewish soldier who was the subject of official military discrimination. And he was the first president to attend a Seder while in office when in 1912 he visited Providence, Rhode Island, and participated in the family Seder of Colonel Harry Cutler, first president of the National Jewish Welfare Board.
Taft’s protective disposition toward Jews was displayed in one of his final official acts as president, when he earned broad Jewish gratitude for vetoing the proposed Dillingham-Gardner immigration bill, which contained an objectionable literacy test that was anathema to American Jews.
* * * * *
On June 12, 1912, Taft became the first president to meet formally with a delegation of rabbis. The rabbis had debated whether to remove their head coverings as a sign of respect for the president, but Rav Eliezer Silver, who would go on to serve as president of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis (Agudath Harabonim), insisted that members of the group keep their hats on so that they could recite the blessing one makes upon encountering royalty: “who has given from his Glory to mortal man.”
In a touching gesture of respect, the president quickly donned his own hat in order not to embarrass his guests, and he was deeply moved when Rav Silver translated the blessing for him.
Taft and Rav Silver developed a warm relationship. According to a story that may be apocryphal but that captures the essence of the relationship, when Taft asked how he could win over Jewish voters, Rav Silver advised him: “Be a Zionist.” When Taft noted that Rav Silver, as a member of an ultra-Orthodox group opposed to secular Zionism, was not himself a Zionist, the rav replied: “That’s internal Jewish business. You be a Zionist.”
Indeed, Taft remained a Zionist through his political career.
Years later, Taft interceded on behalf of his good friend when Rav Silver wanted to build a mikveh across the street from one of the largest Reform temples in Cincinnati. The temple’s membership, determined at all costs to stop any attempt by Orthodox rabbis and synagogues to promote traditional Torah practice, retained a true legal powerhouse to represent them: Murray Seasongood, a leader of their congregation who had served three terms as mayor of Cincinnati.
Seasongood was going to argue that the proposed mikveh violated local zoning rules, a tactic used to this day by those opposed to the spread of Orthodox observance.
Rav Silver lost no time: he put on his formal top hat and went to see Taft, who had just retired as chief justice of the Supreme Court, and persuaded him to take the case. When Seasongood and the Reform Jews of Cincinnati learned they would be opposed by a former president and chief justice, they abandoned the case and the mikveh was built.
Asked how he had convinced Taft to become personally involved in defending the construction of a mikveh, of all things, Rav Silver replied: “I simply explained to him that we wanted a Jewish baptismal font.”
* * * * *
As reflected in the case of the Cincinnati mikveh, Taft retained a deep kinship with the Jews well after his presidency. When World War I ended he declared that all men had the affirmative duty to work for Jewish emancipation in Eastern Europe and, in a powerful January 19, 1917 address to the National Geographic Society, he issued a heartfelt plea on behalf of the Jews of Europe while extolling the contributions Jews had made to the United States.
When Henry Ford published the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in his Dearborn Independent newspaper, Taft publicly labeled the Protocols a monumental fraud. His name was atop a list of 116 prominent Americans denouncing the Protocols, and in a 1920 address he unambiguously condemned Ford’s spreading of anti-Semitism, which Taft characterized as “a noxious weed” that is “un-American.”
Finally, in “The Progressive World Struggle of the Jews for Civil Equality” a July 1919 National Geographic article (the cover of that issue is reproduced on this page), Taft wrote with deep understanding, profound sympathy, and remarkable insight about the Jewish people, drawing a loving picture of Jewish character and Jewish contributions to civilization comparable to the better-known ode to Jews by Mark Twain (“Concerning the Jews,” Harper’s Magazine, September 1889).
It’s a shame that few today know of – much less appreciate – Taft’s keen sensitivity to the sufferings and concerns of Jews, his admiration for their accomplishments, and his efforts on their behalf. Such a perspective, it bears remembering, was far from the norm in his day.
William Howard Taft remains one of our greatest, if least recognized, pro-Jewish presidents.
[Oh, is this why you sh-t-canned him as president by getting Teddy Roosevelt to run AGAINST him?].
Personal note:
Taft lost re-election in 1912 to Woodrow Wilson, thanks to the juze running Teddy Roosevelt against him. In 1918, former president Taft made yet another trip to Pittsburgh to lick the juze’ boots, hoping with their help to be appointed Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court (which he was in 1921, by President Warren Harding), stopped off at Tarentum on the Allegheny River, north of the great steel-making city. The train station there is now a nice restaurant, the Tarentum Station grille, and I met there several times with supporters. Strange experience: I used the men’s room, and it was all obviously unchanged from a century ago. As I stood there, an idea popped into my head, the John Fogarty song “Who’s Stop the Rain?”
I googled the lyrics and — wow…. Later on I found out that Fogerty’s agent, a ju, had ripped him off and he was not allowed for years by contract to play his own songs!
Long as I remember, the rain been comin’ down.
Clouds of mystery, pourin’ confusion on the ground.
Good men through the ages, tryin’ to find the sun;
And I wonder, still I wonder, who‘ll stop the rain?
I went down to Virginia [home of Washington, Jefferson, Patrick Henry], seekin’ shelter from the storm.
Caught up in the [patriotic American Revolution] fable, I watched the tower grow. [tower of Lord Sauron from “Lord of the Rings”]
Five-Year-Plans [marxist] and New Deals [Roosevelt-American], wrapped in golden chains.
And I wonder, still I wonder: who’ll stop the rain.
Heard the singers playin’, how we cheered for more.
The crowd had rushed together, tryin’ to keep warm.
Still the rain kept pourin’, fallin’ on my ears.
And I wonder, still I wonder: who’ll stop the rain?
…..How egoic band members and a jew manager destroyed the stellar band “Creedence Clearwater Revival” within two years
“Creedence Clearwater Revival” (called “CCR”) had been around for a decade when suddenly, with the unique voice of lead singer and songwriter John Fogerty, it produced huge breakthrough hits in 1969-70 in a unique rockabilly style.
But hitting the big time brought in greed, jealousy, ego, and, like a maggot feeding on decay, a treacherous jew agent, Saul Zaentz.
Zaentz used his fat profits from stealing the fruits of the musical genius of John Fogerty to start a big movie company, and he won three Oscars from his fellow jews for Best Picture: “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” (1975), “Amadeus” (which utterly slandered the Italian Antonio Saltieri as the poisoner of Wolfgang Amaedus Mozart) (1984) as well as for “The English Patient” (1996). He also produced two of the three huge “Lord of the Rings” movies.
The Hollywood movie jews had no moral qualms over doing big deals with the very man who had fleeced real good the goyim of CCR.
What is just as dismaying for me is to see just how easy it was for Saul to manipulate the goyim, in this case put ideas into the heads of the jealous fellow band members.
None of them had the voice or songwriting talent of John Fogerty. While these average musicians COULD have been grateful to have such a superstar in ther midst, who was also making them rich to boot, they instead became tense and jealous, especially John’s own brother, Tom.
They insanely demanded that this band, which was 90% John Fogerty, be ruled by a kind of musician democracy where their songs and voices too had to appear on a certain number of songs on the next album.
But these guys were just your usual rockers, and their stuff was ho-hum. Yet the jew Saul Zaentz convinced them by flattery and incitement that they were soooo gifted themselves, and how John was selfishly hogging the limelight.
In the end, this amazing band broke up — and it was the jew Saul who got the big bucks. He owned their songs for many years, which nauseated John Fogerty, who developed a drinking problem, got divorced and became estranged for life from his brother Tom and the other two band members.
Zaentz himself once said:
“Money does not change people; it unmasks them.”
Oh, and by the way, Saul Zaentz worked with this bank, Castle Bank & Trust, to steal CCR money. It was a crooked CIA front started by two other jews.
Castle Bank & Trust was a Bahamian bank that was involved in tax evasion, as well as covertly funneling funds for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The bank was founded in the 1960s by (((Paul Helliwell))), a former member of the Office of Strategic Services, and (((Burton Kanter))), a tax lawyer.
*** JdN Helliwell with the classic jewish bat ears:
The bank was used by the CIA to funnel money for covert military operations, including those at Andros Island, a staging area for anti-Castro activities. [JdN: (((American Jews, among them gangsters, had big gambling and pedophilia rackets going in Cuba — and Castro had shut them down.)))]
The bank had many clients, including celebrities, organized crime figures, and wealthy business owners. Some of the most notable included John Fogerty and other members of Creedence Clearwater Revival, who lost most of their wealth when the bank collapsed, Tony Curtis, Hugh Hefner, Penthouse, and members of the Pritzker family (owners of the Hyatt hotel chain).[1] Reputed organized crime members that were customers included Moe Dalitz, Morris Kleinman, and Samuel A. Tucker.[2][3][4][5]
In the early 1970s, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service started an investigation into the tax avoidance schemes used by the bank. The investigation was called Operation Tradewinds. The IRS was able to secretly photograph a list of the bank’s clients, after being provided with a bank executive’s briefcase that was taken from the executive’s apartment by an IRS informant.[1] As a result of this information, the IRS launched a new investigation, called Project Haven, into the tax affairs of the people on the client list.[6] A prosecution of one of those clients eventually reached the United States Supreme Court as United States v. Payner. Project Haven was later suspended because the names of the clients obtained from the briefcase was an illegal search. The Department of Justice also dropped its investigation for the same reason.[1]
According to The Wall Street Journal reporter Jim Drinkhall, the case was later dropped because of pressure from the CIA, which had been using the bank as a front to fund covert operations.[1]
……Why I rejected “democracy” as a cynical juish scam to murder the gullible and trusting goy; stopping the rain
In WWI I fought the English, Scots, and French, all brave and good men.
I also ran into two American soldiers, POWs — tall, blond, blue-eyed and handsome.
But the Americans hated our guts. There is no ju lie the white American goy will not believe, and the more nordic and Christian he is, the more he trusts the ju who loathes him and wants him DEAD.
The Amurrikin, as every poll shows for generations, sees politician and reporters as liars, but he still believes every single word they say.
So now it is the Russians who are evil, and the new “Huns”.
Lovely Russian woman
Russian little girl’s drawing of her parents
The Russians see themselves as Slavs, and they see Slavs as always blond (with somewhat broad faces, of course, which comes from some proven Asiatic/Tataric admixture)
This is how Russian hardliners accurately see the United States, as a hypocritical, hyper-violent, sinister and manipulated tool of the (juish) New World Order, and note Vladimir Lenin in the lower left, also seen correctly as a tool of American (Jacob Schiff) money, with, down near the bottom, Stalin, Rosenfeld and Churchill as his fellow lackeys:
Heart-rending new Russian movie about female Soviet pilots during WWII — the male German pilots largely slaughtered them, but did Stalin care? Hey, it killed off more blond Slavs — “vot’s not to like?”
What kind of barbarian sends girls off to kill as if they were males? It is established that testosterone-influenced men descend from hunters — and women from estrogen-ruled gatherers, designed for peace, having babies, and nurturing.
A tear in the left eye of their commanding officer. This unique movie actually violates the usual rule in the movies that main characters are not killed off. We learn to care about these girls, and then we see them die, one after another.
I said in a speech to the Federation of German women: Never will we send women off to war. In WWI I saw men heading to the rear with PTSD, shaking like an aspen leaf. But war is even more horrible for women!
F–k these god-damn, savage, lying, sicko juze!
…….Earth is indeed a kind of purgatory for morally mediocre, indifferent, and wicked souls
I saw this on Facebook, and realized “other people are starting to finally get it.”
Heather McDonald, a blasphemous, supercilious, smarmy, snarky libtard (married to Los Angeles investment banker Peter Dobias, hmmmm) that boasted about getting the ju-jab multiple times, got some instant karma from the clot-shot in Feb. 2022 in Tempe, Arizona:
The white South African trauma surgeon Vicky Jennings, MD got hers as well.
A ju-controlled “fact-checking” website (https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2024/12/fact-check-pro-vaccine-surgeon-did-not-die-of-covid19-vaccine-related-heart-attack.html) said it was not from the Covid vaxx, but admitted that she did die from a blood clot (to her lungs) that killed her in her sleep.
The ultra-fit youngish doctor perished in exactly the typical way the ju clot-shot kills people as exposed by the documentary Stew Peters “Died Suddenly.”
The “fact-checking” (actually, fact-denying) site even admits:
“According to the National Library of Medicine, a pulmonary embolus is a blockage of an artery in the lungs, most commonly caused by ablood clot that develops in a vein outside the lungs.”
But the ju jab dioes NOT produce normal (if dangerous9 blood clots, but instead a pinkish-grayish growth shaped like calamari:
The only good thing in any of this is it displays the core earthling problem: denial of reality, which is self-lying, which is a lack of love and respect for oneself. Anyone who trusts Big Pharma at this stage is spiritually insane.
Everyone knows Biden had all the shots and boosters and still kept getting Covid.
Earthlings are so fu–ed up they lie not just to others and about every subject under the sun, but they lie even to themselves, bringing about their own misery, sicknesses, poverty, and death.
I began to realize something from 2017 on when a friendly local knocked on my door and sought to give away to me his whole stack of Eckhart Tolle books, saying “I can’t make heads or tails out of what this guy is saying, but you are into this spirituality stuff, so take these books if you want to.”
The two bestselling books by Tolle were deep but extremely well-written, fantastic in explaining the human dilemma, and “just what the doctor ordered.”
Tolle explained that there will never be any solution to Earth’s ongoing crises and tragedies until earthlings face up to horrible facts about themselves. We are far from being “innocent victims.” Tolle calls it the “egoic mind.”
And I agree, but I put it more drastically. Earthlings are habitual liars, and they deserve all and whatever is now happening. Christianity calls it “sin,” and claims we inherited it from Adam…who listened to his wife, Eve, who had listened to a snake….However nonsensical the story, it reflects a great realization.
Earthlings lie constantly about everything, are at war with and reject any reality that they dislike, although TRUE, and this shows that they have no healthy self-love or self-respect. This gal in the vaxx anecdote above was a FOOL to take the v@xx, and she caused her own death. Yes, she murdered herself. Sounds harsh, but there you go. If you think they are all “just” innocent, pitiful victims, you are self-deluding, too. Just try to talk them out of the v@xx, and see how they turn on you like ravenous lions. You will see irritation, resentment, or even hate in their eyes.
Fact is: God gave us free will, we WANT freedom to choose, God GAVE us freedom to choose, and this means the right to dig your heels in, be stubborn, laugh at warnings from proven friends, and do utterly stupid and suicidal things. The only right we do not have is the right to whine, neither to God nor to man, when we reap exactly what we sowed.
As the saying goes, FAFO, “F— Around & Find Out.”
Clearly Jesus loves me the most, it didn’t work out very well for her.
By 1869 jews had killed over 100 million christians, but christians still kept worshiping jews and sending their own people to war to fight each other for the jews.
And they always think that their gods chosen people.
Without christianity the jews have been wiped out hundred of years ago. Without christianity cultural marxism would not have taken off.
And without christianity we would not have fought wars against each other for the last 2000 years.
Christianity did not bring us morals, we developed that ourselves with our genes and our dna.
I think that as long as christianity exists then the jews cannot be defeated, and the stuff it says in the bible is utterly ridiculous.
They have borrowed from Greek and Norse mythology.
I say this over and over again because i was coerced into getting the mrna death shots.
And i put the blame on christian politicians more then liberals,their utterly retarded.
Ive had terrible effects and it’s taken decades off my libe, i did not want to get them, it was made mandatory.
I would not even waste my time debating most christians because most of them are very simple minded stupid people.
They believed the lies of the jewish newspapers in ww1 and about Hitler before ww2 and after ww2.
Jews are inbred later stage neandothols that have bred into other races.
Their inbred neandothol genes are ultra dominant,our cromagnum ancestors did not wipe out the neandothols.
Christianity is definitley an abrahamic dessert religion, people can say what they want but that’s how it’s usually defined.
I don’t like white south Africans, every single one i have met have been stupid , ignorant and arrogant pieces.
Their either ultra conservative christians or degenerate libtard pieces of shit, with nothing inbetween.
The netherlands is one of the most filthy liberal shitholes on earth.
It’s only second to Sweden and Canada on how retarded the dutch are.
White people that i do like are Croations, Belorussians, Slovakians, some conservative Italians, some Russians that are not christians but conservative.
And a lot the Irish people are conservative.
The virtue of the White man is the ability to trust. Having Jews in our midst, with their control of our media and government, has turned the virtue of trust into a dangerous weakness.
So let’s not “throw out the baby with the bathwater.” We must tenaciously hang on to our special ability to trust. The solution is not to stop trusting but to eliminate the aspects of our society that render trust a dangerous liability. The problem is Jewish control of our media and government. That is what turns our inherited tendency to trust into a dangerous liability for us.
I grew up Unitarian. Unitarians deny the divinity of Christ, and for this reason they feel a natural affinity with Jews because both are outsiders to mainstream Christianity.
Several of the Founding Fathers were Unitarian. Emerson, the first American literary man to be recognized as such in England, was a Unitarian minister.
When someone raised Unitarian becomes an anti-Semite is is the result of personal discovery. It is not an opinion learned from friends, but a discovery.
A personal discovery is something more solid and grounded than any opinion learned from friends. For this reason I am glad I was raised Unitarian. This allowed for my anti-Semitism to be a discovery.
Very true. The key Founding Fathers were not traditional Christians at all: Washington, Franklin and Jefferson.
My mother Constance cajoled my father, James, who had been raised as a Presbyterian by his grandfather of Scottish heritage, into trying out the Unitarians in Providence. Theoretically, they could have besn a good fit for him because (as he confided in my mother) he had lost his faith in the Christian god after his scarring experiences in Korea.
As I have often written (but I have many new readers now who have not read this before), he had needed to see a Navy psychiatrist — Marines are traditionally a part of the US Navy — for six months, as he did tell me, due to insomnia, PTSD, flashbacks and nightmares. Half his officer class was killed or seriously wounded in the trenches, with incessant Chinese human-wave attacks and artillery barrages, and many not killed were severely wounded
and evacuated, as he himself was, spending three days in a coma and waking up in Tokyo in US-occupied Japan.
What dismayed him, however, as a conservative was that the Unitarian parishioners were almsot entirely hyper-libtards: Democrats and gays. And back in the 1960s that was still a really shocking thing for conservatives, though kind of common among people who were in the arts, ballet and theater.
Too bad…. My father would have been open to a non-fairy tale religion, but not to one run by lesbians. He viewed women as daffy anyway, like many men of that epoch.
One of them was John Kennedy, who here makes light in this video (about his witty press conferences) of every female reporter:
Medico psichiatra saudita Sionista…”l’Islam Radicale è la scopa del Sionismo” Cit.
Ora abbiamo anche gli AntiIslam nella minestra.
Cmq sia è uscito il numero 13(20/12/2024)
In più abbiamo la simbologia della città tedesca(Vergine del Borgo)e la città del Re Ottone(impero Romano)
Mi lascia pensare alla coalizione tra Celti, Sassoni e Romani.Una risposta concreta all’Impero degli Hyksos/Habiru
Sto facendo ulteriori ricerche illuminanti e un quadro riassuntivo.
Ottone primo cercò di “cristianizzare” gli Slavi…
Come tutto torna.
Qui abbiamo anche l’impronta dei Franchi.
Sassoni, Romani, Slavi, Franchi 🙂
Questi attacchi terroristici sono mirati e “intelligenti”.
Ma tu sei più bravo di me nel riassumere questi aspetti 😉
President Taft was a Unitarian. This would explain his sense of comaraderie with Jews. As I stated above, Unitarians and Jews are outsiders to mainstream, trinatarian Christianity, and being outsiders they naturally feel a bond of unity, as outsiders do with one another.
Taft stood up to the Jews by refusing to abrogate the trade treaty with Russia that had been initiated under President Jackson, but after the Jews had used their power to get Congress to abrogate this treaty, he lost the will to oppose the Jews in any way because he felt camaraderie with them — and this sense of camaraderie no doubt stemmed from his Unitarian religion.
These presidents arrive at a point of dejection. They may WANT to stand up to the juze, but then the whole Congress and media turn on them. So they throw in the towel, and like all self-deceiving earthlings, they find some way to rationalize their surrender so they can sleep at night.
“If I give these pushy juze what they want, more weapons for Israel, they will leave me alone — and then I can do lots of good in other areas. But what can I accomplish if the juze ‘primary’ me [pour money into some other Republican to challenge me, and suddenly the entire media turn on me, and some DA indicts me on some cockamamie charge] and get me out of office? Politics is the art of compromise.”
I know this to be true; I saw it, and I heard my dad say it. I also ran for Congress myself.
Getting a bit off the topic now, I was thinking about how much better Australian society was in the late 90’s and early 2000’s.
I’m 39 years old now which is pretty much middle age.
I talked to an older WN whom I know who is 56 years old, he’s only 6 years younger then my parents, who are in their early 60’s now.
I think that things were not all that great back then. It’s only because each generation has gotten much worse that it seems like they were a lot better.
Most people WERE normal back then, and it was because social media and the Internet were in their infancy.
We’re never going to have an era like the 90’s and early 2000’s again because of technology.
It’s more then fucking scary how out of hand it has been for so long.
Anyway, hHe said that things were only a little bit better, or less bad, which is right.
There was much larger unemployment problem in Australia 20 to 30 years ago, and drug and alcohol abuse were really bad in the major cities back then.
But thers were still enough decent people left in society, on the whole, to counter those issues.
Society is just so bad now –and people in general — and that’s why, I think, some of us long for “the good old days.”
Which were only slightly better then now. My own life was much worse back then, but society in general was better compared to now.
The massive, gigantic level of immigration that has flooded Australia in the last 2 years has ruined our country, and it will never be the same. The Australian way of life is gone forever thanks to our scumbag politicians. I could never be “proud to be an Australian.” What the f does that even mean?
Our politicians go to India to virtue signal and organise for Indian students to come over and become permanent residents.
They’re definitely libtard communist traitors who are living in a fantasy world — a very sick breed.
China doesn’t have the resources to invade Australia, plus they have already done that via migration. They own most of our real estate and have bought a lot of our companies. Australia today is just another multi-racial marxist shithole!
To Arminius: “The Netherlands is one of the most filthy, liberal shitholes on earth.” Perhaps true, but better look at your own country first; you sure ranted a lot about it. 😉
And despite now being “filthy liberal” and full of POC (just like Oz, which once, btw, was called New Holland by the Dutch and English)….Holland was the country that supported the Germans the most despite its size. More men in Waffen SS and Wehrmacht fighting communism..and the Dutch police and NS/Dutch railways collaborated fully with the Germans in the case of the Jews. And the Dutch people were very helpful, too.
Of course, after war’s end everyone revealed they had been in the Heroic Resistance; they changed sides quickly. But hey, what were the Ozzies doing at that time? Oh wait, fighting AGAINST the Germans in North Africa like your Common Wealth” (?) brothers…Well, the Brits and Oz got what they asked for in the end…the end of the British Empire and a hundred million POC for free…like every white western country after being “liberated” from the Germans” and occupied by Murrikins. Like Oz. So when you hate the Netherlands, please remember your own enabling of the defeat of Germany.
Have a nice day !!