Spiritual reading; typical faces around the world

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…Spiritual reading for October 10

There is nothing standing in your way at this moment. Oh, many excuses and reasons to be stuck, but nothing real. Your eternal, magnificent, brilliant, bright and beautiful being is right here. And there is nothing to keep it from being your constant experience of yourself. Or others as well.

Are you not beginning to see how everything is turned around? Everything in the worldly sense is and always has been upside down and backwards. That which always looked solid and reliable is but a chimera. And that which was nothing more than a second thought, a vague presence, is now demanding to be heard and seen as it is—the very core of reality.

This awakening is being felt on many levels.

So many assumptions made about who to be, what matters, how to act, what to do, how to care for self and others. All these are currently being de-constructed. It can be frightening, but the ultimate goal is liberation and we see that some of you are growing more free by the day.

At this time, the invitation is extended to all of you to allow that aspect of yourself which you have kept within, shared only with those nearest and dearest, to become who you really are. The energies around this are soft. There is no demand placed upon you to rise to the occasion, no striving asked for here and now.

Instead, we bring you an assurance and we beckon you. Your deepest and sweetest and more beautiful self is wanted and welcomed. The many layers of shielding and protection that you have put in place and carried on your backs all these years, you can put them down now.

You don’t have to be someone. You are.

And you are perfect. And you are wanted. And you are loved. And it is as simple as that.



…..CGI: the typical male face in your country

The differences in the big group photo below are subtle amongst the Whites but real.

I found the White American quite accurate.

One actor who is typical for me is Kevin Costner: half-German via his father (from North Carolina), and via his mother British Isles (England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland), and there you have a real American: a Teutonic-Keltic mix, which is a very good one. 🙂 Orderly but not “anal,” with “freedom-loving” paired with “the rules are there for a reason.” 😉 He was perfect to play New Orleans DA Jim Garrison in “JFK,” the man who wanted the truth about the murder of John Kennedy, which, on the advent of the half-jewish assassin Lyndon Johnson,  created the unlimited judeocracy we suffer under now.


  1. Alexandr Dugin:

    Se l’Occidente, come è adesso, sostiene Israele, è gravemente colpevole di qualcosa. Dopotutto, se la civiltà del diavolo è dalla tua parte, allora hai fatto qualcosa di sbagliato. Non esiste un mondo giudaico-cristiano. Questo non ha senso. Ma il mondo islamico, al contrario, esiste e in esso le tradizioni sono ancora forti. Si scopre che non sono i giudeo-cristiani contro i musulmani, ma i musulmani contro la cultura satanica, contro Dajjal. L’idea di Biden di combinare il tema del sostegno all’Ucraina con il sostegno a Israele non fa altro che sottolineare questo: l’Occidente è sempre dalla parte di coloro che si sottomettono alla sua egemonia e lo servono. I musulmani non erano nemici dell’Ucraina e alleati della Russia (ad eccezione dell’Iran e della Siria escatologicamente risvegliati), ma ora lo saranno. La Russia è il polo di un mondo multipolare. L’Islam è il polo di un mondo multipolare. Entrambi i poli si oppongono ai disperati tentativi dell’Occidente di salvare l’unipolarismo e il suo dominio globale ad ogni costo, anche a costo di una guerra mondiale. Il conflitto palestinese con Israele non è stato la prima linea di un conflitto di civiltà. Ora lo è. Proprio come le tensioni tra Russia e Ucraina erano di carattere regionale, finché i nazisti di Kiev non furono sostenuti dall’Occidente. E poi la guerra in Ucraina è diventata il fronte di uno scontro globale tra multipolarità e unipolarità. La portata di questo confronto sta crescendo. La situazione sta diventando sempre più sinistra. Già miliardi di persone sul pianeta sono convinte che l’Occidente collettivo e i suoi alleati siano il male assoluto e la civiltà dell’Anticristo. Forse solo l’arrivo di Trump negli Stati Uniti o l’inizio di una vera e propria guerra civile potranno salvare il mondo dall’Apocalisse, o almeno rimandarla. Democratici, globalisti e neoconservatori stanno portando l’umanità direttamente nell’abisso. Il che, a rigor di termini, è ciò che dovrebbero fare i demoni

    • It’s the controlled media that brainwash people to support Zionism — either false history or a false feeliing of guilt to garner support for Zionism.
      People are waking up to the truth because of people like JdN. That is the Zionist weakness — the truth about their actions.
      Yet look how stupid people believed “The Ghost of Kiev” story.

      [JdN: This is about a fictitious Ukrainian pilot who supposedly shot down numerous Russian jets, a complete invention by the Zelensky regime which was later admitted.]

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