Spiritual reading

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April 9

[As I labor mightily on my spiritual religion for our race, I am reminded how long people have been acquiescing in lies. The problem is really spiritual, it is allowing enemy mind control. It is letting your enemy, who obviously hates you, and wants to rape, torture and kill you, take YOUR mind over — your most precious weapon for survival.

I saw it as a kid in 1963 when we let this slide:

FBI/Warren Commission/Chief Justice Earl Warren/future president Gerald Ford all said:

Lone nut Lee Harvey Oswald shot John Kennedy from behind.

So then why, in the Zapruder film, as his Jackie watched in horror as the president’s head exploded, did it also rock backwards?

You have to be mind-controlled to believe comforting yet dangerous lies, like “it was no conspiracy at the highest level; a lone nut shot Kennedy.”

Then you can go back to your beer and watching the ball game. By lying to yourself.

And the murderers stay in power over you.

Spirituality is

1) getting a firm grip of steel on your own mind, telling it what YOU believe, not what your mortal enemy is spewing, and 2) really seeing yourself in the fate of the other white man, the suffering we all undergo under jewry.

I see myself also in Jackie Kennedy. (My parents met her in Newport.)



The jew monster winks at his henchman, who winks back.

The jews raped our nation when they killed the last president who did not kowtow to Zionism. (Up top is Arlington House, the mansion of Confederate general Robert E. Lee, after which Arlington Cemetery is named.) Spirituality is not escape. It is when we control our own mind, and we feel the AGONY our nation is suffering, and decide to do something about it.



Dear ones, the next couple of days we suggest quiet. You will do best to move little (you can move your bodies, but don’t attempt any spiritual aerobics) and allow the work that has been accomplished in the last month and more to integrate. Allow the turmoil to settle and the clarity to rise. In short, there is not much to do. It will help to spend time alone or in silence. This will facilitate that rising of clarity. But you need do no digging or analyzing. You are due some results, and if you await them patiently, they will come.

Connect with nature. This is most often helpful. Be out-of-doors and among the new growth. Ground yourself in Earth and enjoy Her slow and steady rhythms. Allow yourself to be soothed and stilled. It is in this state that you will best be able to recognize the truth that emerges from all your searching, your practice, your prayers.

You can cultivate gratitude if you are so inclined. It never hurts and it most often helps. If nothing else, it uplifts, so you can enjoy these next few days more fully.

In the world, do your work deliberately and with attention, but try not to become absorbed to the point that you lose track of your spirit.

Stay away from initiating anything if you can, and take whatever steps you need to take in order to slow the pace. Again, just for the next couple of days, put off anything you can put off.

You will be better able to handle it (whatever it may be) by then, and you will be more receptive now to that which you want to receive, more open for if you are not frantically busy.

Be gentle with your own body and those you encounter. Feed yourself lovingly, take quiet walks, do those things that make your body purr in a contented fashion. Treat others with tact and patience. This should be easier if you are not relentlessly pushing yourself.

Remember, you don’t need to carry the weight of the many worlds on your shoulders for a bit. Take a break.

We send all our love.

–E. West


  1. http://storiasoppressa.over-blog.it/2019/01/gilania.origine-della-tauromachia-e-del-vello-d-oro-il-dio-toro-fertile-agricolo-compagno-della-dea-madre-neolitica-da-le-mouvement
    Guarda cosa ho trovato…sembra incredibile ma la cultura del “fallo” è ancora presente nella Religione Bo tibetana,è associato solo a Enki,Dio Ario,Annunaki..e al SOLE.
    Immagina come questi due simboli, maschile e femminile,siano stati “deviati”.Il Giglio come “firma” negli omicidi rituali…e il “fallo” in altre cose deprorevoli.Altra cosa:”il simbolo dei “Giovanniti” è rappresentato proprio dall’Uomo Vitruviano,simboli della cultura “vedica”-Il punto,il cerchio,il quadrato..

  2. https://pin.it/29abghx
    Questo è il simbolo yin-yang associato alla Dea Durga,Dea creata da Brahma,Visnhu,Shiva e altri Dei maschili per combattere il “Nemico”..un vitello grigio.
    Lo stesso Shiva è rappresentato come un essere Blu con tridente che combatte il “Leviathan marino”.
    Cambiano solo i nomi…

  3. (Vishnu corretto)
    una Buona pasqua…sperando che cambino tante cose e che il vero messaggio di Gesù possa trionfare.
    Non ha mai detto di uccidere i poveri agnellini..che ricordano i bambini.
    Sicuramente un “vegetariano” come tutti i “Giovanniti”.
    Non sopporto la Pasqua proprio per questo.. è rinascita della Natura,non la sua Morte!
    Ho letto il tuo articolo sulle “Gomme esplose”,una risposta “esemplare” ai miei video..Giusto?Ti voglio bene.

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