Spiritual reading

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….spiritual reading for June 13

Today there may well be hints, harbingers, of the new coming into your life. If you have been waiting for direction, it may present itself today. If not the full-fledged answer, the beginnings of guidance may be legible in your life. Whether it is where to go, what to do, how to approach a large and confounding issue, how to understand purpose—any of these big questions of mapping and moving—you will be able to glean some information, some help in navigating them today.

It will behoove you to stay open, because it is not infrequent that the most unexpected answers are the ones that you need. And alert, of course. There is no telling how this guidance will make itself apparent— differently for each one of you, so rule out nothing and stay awake.

Please keep in mind that whatever you receive today has always been within you. Sometimes, and this is such a one, what you already know is more able to manifest without, where you can see it. If your “answer” is written in the sky, it is simply that today you are able to read the clouds. Do you understand this distinction? What we are saying is that this is not magic, but rather a lifting of the veils you yourself and time have kept wrapped around your knowing.

If it is now the correct moment for you to understand something about yourself and your path, then you will be able to see it.

There are many things that slow you down, that keep you blind or deaf or dumb (in both senses) but these limitations are generally losing their value. For the most part, these obstacles to your possession of your own divinity in form have been called upon in order for you to learn, to grow and to move through the processes you agreed to experience in body.

As the pace of evolution quickens, there is less time for ponderous lessons. You are learning faster, reaching farther and you are so close—most of you—to realizing much of what you are there to know and hold.

There is no longer a need for teachings to stretch out over decades. There is no longer time for that. Instead, you can, if you want, accomplish vast amounts in each day.

So much of what you have to do on this path is about clearing—mostly of illusion of one sort or another.

This is essential work, and yet you often long for the forward-moving clarity of doing, versus un-doing.

Occasionally, there is a day propitious for seeing your own doing. Use today to look at that if you can, and to imagine how you can alter your life and habits to reflect where it is you are truly going.

It will be difficult in some ways today, yet if you are really willing to see and receive that which is offered, you will be richly rewarded.

Even if you are able to accept some guidance in small things, it will be trustworthy and helpful to you to follow. Remember: this is guidance from your own heart revealed.

Nothing less and nothing more. We are always excited on days like today because we can watch you really see into your own wisdom and
power, because the ability to do so brings you so much closer to the truth and because in so doing, you become, even for a brief time, the harbingers yourselves of what you will be.

We send much love and many blessings.


    • Ciao di nuovo! Ho guardato alcuni dei suoi video e letto alcuni del suo sitio web. Questo Herschel è ovviamente un genio o qualcosa del genere, un brillante idealista, di sangue tedesco dal nome e dall’aspetto, e anche un rhodesiano bianco nativo, quindi potrebbe comprendere abbastanza bene le realtà razziali. Sua moglie, Birgit Lederer, viene dalla Germania.

      Tra le altre cose, dice che Atlantide era nel sud della Spagna, ma questo era quando la Spagna, sostiene, era un’isola… E gli alieni ci contatteranno nel 2027.

      Continuerò a leggere e guardare i suoi contenuti.

      Grazie mille!

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