Spiritual reading: a day to rest and take good care of yourself

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….Spiritual reading for November 13

Rest today if you are able. By this we mean that it will be a good day to sit in the center of stillness. Usually difficult, often impossible in the midst of busy lives. And yet, it is the energy you will likely need in order to replenish and renew yourself today. In that stillness is the deep peacefulness that allows you to let go completely and to be without doing.

If you can find half an hour of this time today, it would be wonderful. If you can find three minutes, that would also be wonderful.

Do your best to find the time and place to care for yourself in this manner today. We have already said this more times than we would like, but it still bears repeating: the times you are in have the potential to challenge you beyond your imaginings. If you do not take exquisite care of yourself (the kind of care you have heretofore reserved for others in all probability), if you do not attend to your own well-being with great seriousness, you may get eaten up by the energetic dragon-forces that are arriving on the scene.

For this reason, we implore you to put your own nurturance at the top of the list. There will be times when others need you more, but for the moment, tend to yourself. If you do not, it is possible that all the work you have done, all the gifts you have cultivated will be unused and unusable. Please be very, very gentle with yourself.

And it follows that if you are endangered by the energetic dragons, so are the other people in your sphere. Try to be gentle with them as well. Everyone is under tremendous pressure; most have no idea of its source. Make allowances for things and behaviors you would normally not tolerate. Do your best to recall that some people will feel things—like the universal pain and suffering that is set loose right now—very deeply and will be affected in ways that do not match your expectations.

Also, after you have re-juiced yourself, try again today to look a little more acutely into the reality you see around you. Were you able to see a bit deeper yesterday? Keep working on that, for it will be a great aid to you in future if you are able to see through the palimpsest of your current notions of time and space.

Remember that there are a multitude of beings of light who are all around holding love and faith and appreciation for all of you. We are here, please call on us. We love you and we want only to help.




  1. John, there is a very good article in The Barnes Review titled

    The Future for Whites in a Post-Trump America. Here is an interesting quote:

    Controlling the Debate

    “The reason why both parties are the same can be found in the explanation of how the Jewish lobby goes to work in politics, as revealed by the ex-Israeli and pro-Palestinian peace activist Gilad Atzmon.
    As that brave writer revealed, the Jewish lobby takes over the “left” and “right” wings of the mainstream political spectrum. The “political debate” of the day then becomes a debate between “right-wing Jews” and “left-wing Jews,” or, put in Israeli terms, a debate between the Likud Party faction and the Israeli Labour Party faction.

    Winston Churchill also spotted this phenomenon in his famous 1920 Illustrated Sunday Herald article titled “Zionism Versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People.” In that article, Churchill argued that the Jews were split into three camps: a Zionist group, a Bolshevist group—who together formed the vast majority of Jews—and a third “loyal” Jews group, which was a minority.

    Churchill’s accurate summary of the situation is equally applicable to the American political spectrum today. The Republican Party is representative of the “right-wing” Jewish lobby, while the Democratic Party represents the “left-wing” Jewish lobby.

    The end result of this “right-wing, left-wing” Jewish dichotomy is that the mainstream political debate is always only an internal fight between left- and right-wing Jews.
    European Americans—and all other Americans—stand idly by on the sidelines as spectators, while Sheldon Adelson-financed “right-wing” puppets slug it out with Haim Saban/George Soros-financed “left-wing” puppets over what are essentially Jewish interests. European interests are never even up for discussion.

    It would be a serious mistake to think that there is any significant difference between these two groups as far as European-American interests are concerned.
    This can be seen most clearly, for example, in the way that the Democratic-controlled Congress refused to supply funds to Trump to build a border wall with Mexico—while simultaneously providing billions and billions of dollars to Israel, which builds massive border walls to keep all non-Jews out of that Jews-only country.
    Another way in which this collusion can be seen is in U.S. foreign policy. It is not necessary here to point out that both Republican and Democratic administrations, going back decades, have always been engineered by the Jewish lobby to put Israel’s interests first, even, if need be, starting illegal and immoral wars such as the invasion of Iraq or bombing Syrian forces fighting ISIS.”
    Whites build progress and wealth. People of color only seek to steal that which they cannot build for themselves.

    Whites must band together in mostly White areas and secede from the rest of the country in order to survive and then thrive.
    A country must have common ancestors and heroes. The jew Marxist destroyers know this, hence they are trying to destroy all the history of our White ancestors.

  2. Thank you for correcting my spelling on secede. I knew I had it wrong but wanted to post it, instead of checking it first. Got ahead of myself. ))

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