Spiritual reading: a new you in a new year

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Red-headed kelt Joan of Arc stated explicitly to her local lord, to the king of France, and later to the glowering Inquisition — which under British pressure burned her alive, slandering her, of all people, as being a witch (!) — that angels gave her a mission to save her country.

Computer software re-generation of her face and coloring by the German Criminal Police in Wiesbaden


A nation led into victorious battle by a 19-year-old girl, a peasant! Btw, her angel warned her to only fight for one year. When she exceeded that, she was captured, given a show trial, and burned.


Angels (in Ancient Greek “messengers”) were called by pagan Greeks daimones, and by the Romans genii. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genius_(mythology) They watched over people, clans, tribes, military units, rulers and nations.

This vase below dates back to 320 BC, long before Christianity. It was said by Hesiod that the Hyperboreans, dark-blue-eyed Nordics who lived at a then warm north pole during earth’s last, and certainly long-over Golden Age of peace, happiness and prosperity 😉 , agreed to become guardian angels of specific earthlings.


As I have always taught, many angels are former earthlings who, by advancing spiritually, graduated off this planet.  They understand exactly what our earthen life is like — how difficult it is, and yet how bursting with growth potential among the eager, determined and willing!

One can change 30 times faster here than on orderly planets. As the late Waffen-SS soldier Hans Schmidt said to me:

“Well, we have to thank the jews for national socialism! 😉

They gave us WWI, the US entering the war, our defeat, then the Treaty of Versailles (you know, ‘the war to end all wars’), then the lovely Weimar Republic …and as a final gift, the Great Depression.

Without that misery, no one would have listened to Adolf Hitler.

So, you see, we must thank the jews.”  😉


I replied: “So ‘no pain, no gain,’ eh? ”

Hans answered, “Genau, John” (exactly).




….2023 will be a 7 year

What 2023 means for all…

2023 (2+2+3=7) is a 7-year, meaning this is a year of spiritual reflection.

Unlike the past year which focused on your relationship with others, this year focuses on you. It is a year of a self-seeking mission.

Your battle this year is with yourself.

The year 2023 holds a journey of selfdevelopment and introspection.

It is a year of becoming quiet and improving one’s skills.

Youtake priority this year, and you will see great improvements in preparation for the coming year, which is an 8-year.

2023 is the prep-time year.

It is the year of preparing and laying solid foundations for the future.

Your spiritual and physical journey is to be taken seriously in this period.

The guiding words for this 7-year include:

  • self-search

  • reflection

  • truth

  • enlightenment

  • purpose

  • quietness

  • loneliness

  • privacy

  • introspection

  • spiritualism

  • faith

  • mysticism

  • analysis

It may sound like this year carries a lot of weight, but really it’s one of those years that gears you up for the coming days.

Because it is a year of introspection, you will find yourself asking the more difficult questions.

So, if you’ve constantly lived without a clear direction, 2023 is the year that sets you on course.

It is a year of inner growth and a “me” year.

This 7-year focuses on the concept of centeredness.

The aura of this year will push you to look inward, to become more critical and analytic in finding yourself.

You, as an individual, will be the most important thing in the 7-year journey.

You need to accept the slow yet steady process this year requires.

The downside of this year might be that it will could take a toll on you and your relationships and make you feel unhappy.

Trying to rush goals or growth will lead to more hurt and frustration.

Falling out of balance is expected as you try to find yourself and re-evaluate your current position in life.

As you spend more time alone, you’ll begin a quest of “self-exploration.”

This is a lonely yet salient journey to realign yourself with your purpose in life or discover the needed steps you have to take.

Don’t be surprised that all the chances the Universe may throw at you will be about self-development and personal growth.


……Spiritual reading

January 1

Happy new year to you! As you might guess, the turning of your calendar is not of spectacular importance from where we sit, but it is worth taking this moment when the focus is so steadily placed upon a door opening to new beginnings, opening to the opportunity for renewal and change, to say some things that are of import not just for today but for much of the year ahead.

We want to talk with you today about surrender. Surrender is a tricky business; you see the state your world is in and you have to conclude that much of it is due to the fact that so many of you have surrendered the gifts you were given at birth, the ability to think and assess and most especially to love.

So the critical things about surrender are how and to whom you do it. It is obviously imperative that when you do give over your power, any of it, that you need to do so in consciousness and most particularly, to an entity that is worthy of it.

This is a sacred act of power, not one of submission or retreat, nor giving up. True surrender is a merging, a mutual giving and receiving of gifts, a loving and absolutely safe act of empowerment.

The reason we bring this up is that it will be a good thing for you to think about. For those of you who are becoming adept at manifesting the things you desire in your life, we have a warning. Please take care about what it is that you are intending. The universal intent, the great power that is carrying your world, cannot be stopped or inhibited. There are things coming that none of you can know just yet, and as you intend for yourself, you may find you are manifesting things that are in conflict with the larger intent.

What we are saying is that you need to stop using your mind so much. You need it to some extent, but don’t over-rely on it; it is becoming less and less reliable as a source of wisdom. That which you think you want or need may well be exactly what you don’t need in light of vastly changing circumstances.

So as you work with the universe to manifest and create your life, work to incorporate some surrender to the greatest powers involved.

Ask less specifically: you will be guided; you are guided now and watched over. If you manifest clearer guidance, or alignment with your destiny, it will be done. 

Similarly, if you manifest a specific job or person in your life or a teacher, etc., it will be done. But your ability to know what is correct for you (or anyone else) is much affected by the rapidly changing nature of reality. As you think things through and make plans, again and again you will be taken by surprise by the universe.

Cultivate an acceptance of not knowing. And ask to be carried; you will be. There is no doubt of this. We are telling you that your power is great, but your knowledge of what lies ahead is not — so as is often said, be careful what you ask for.

*** Edgar Cayce on how God judges us

The great seer and Atlantis expert said God knows we never have all the facts at hand to make a perfect decision. An event can happen on the other side of the world to foul all our plans. God judges us by our true motives, by what is really deep in our heart.



Ask with love and care to be doing what it is right for you to do, to be guided clearly, and to serve as you were meant to serve.

We send infinite love and blessings.



His destiny was to be loved by the world, and as president to wake up fully to the JQ during the Apollo Affair, to evolve into a man who was just as jew-wise as his father had been…..and then, like Jesus and so many others, to be publicly murdered by them in order to show the whole world what monsters these Khazars are. 


Born in 1917, JFK would be dead now anyway, or 106 years old 😉 — but his death will be used by me to awaken the world... and also the murder of Mary Phagan, who fought her rapist-strangler Leo Frank to the death….


…..and of my Margi, who got throat cancer in 2018 as soon as she got her inheritance, despite never smoking, drinking, being overweight. or ever eating one single bite of junk food….and when it recurred in 2021, she got NO cancer treatment for five months unless I called, harangued the cancer nurses, and complained bitterly also to her GP.

…and of the 34 USS Liberty crew,


….and of the 3,000 martyrs of 9/11,

….of the 65,000 white Americans a year who die of the addictive painkiller Fentanyl, promoted by the criminal/jewish billionaire Sackler family… https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/10/30/the-family-that-built-an-empire-of-pain


….and the millions of Whites now — gradually or very suddenly — dying of the clot shot.


Every tragedy can be the great wake-up call if a NEW ARYAN FAITH makes us receptive to the truth and to our own staggering power.

These three jokers are nothing to an Aryan with a clear, strong, disciplined mind who sees what has to be done.

It is time for the religion to take out the trash.



…..In religion, not throwing out the Aryan baby with the semitic bathwater

A comrade and expert on the great German philosopher Immanuel Kant of Königsberg, East Prussia, praised his work. I replied:


Yes. I took a course on Immanuel Kant at the then Barrington College in Rhode Island for an entire semester in 1976 under Professor Carlton Gregory. His teaching was deeply Aryan.

One can see why the royal successor of the very tolerant Frederick II of Prussia was uncomfortable with Kant’s debunking of standard Christianity being taught to young people at university. But the Sage of Königsberg was undermining, not the true Jesus and His teachings, but in reality only Saulianity, the re-semitized religion put out by Saul/Paul, the Sanhedrin operative. Yet rulers saw Saulianity pragmatically as the only faith the masses had at that time……

In reality, Kant was laying the groundwork for an end to the myths and a return to Aryanity and truth.

There is a touching scene in the masterpiece “Faust” by Goethe….

….where the pretty country girl whom Dr. Faust wishes to seduce, the innocent Gretchen, asks him — quite “Germanly” and this means bluntly and directly — if he is a believer in God, and to this day the idea of demanding the truth is called in German “die Gretchenfrage,” that is, “a Gretchen question.”


And, in fact, Gretchen has every right to want to know about what made Faust tick. For the friend of the impressive and smooth Faust was the Devil himself, and in the end she will die due to Faust’s diabolical seduction.


At the end of Part II of Faust, it is she, Gretchen, incarnating what angels say is “the Eternally Feminine,” who saves his selfish soul.

Kant destroyed many toxic myths, and now must come not more Kantian (or Nietzschean) debunking of what is not — but the proclaiming of what IS.

Gretchen knew in her own simple way — and far more than the highly educated Faust — that morality and a kind, just society depend on the masses having clear answers to

— “Why I am here?”
— “Does a loving Providence watch over the world?” …. and
— “What happens to me when I die?”

The sincere, imperfect but decent Gretchen, in accepting her fate after two sins, one of them grievous, is actually the hero(ine) of “Faust.”

As was my Margi a heroine, and little Mary Phagan…. both sincere strivers upward to the light, women who ascended to a much higher world where there are no more comforting myths, only empowering truths. 🙂




  1. Der Volkslehrer gibt auf seiner Seite bekannt, daß sein Postfach ab sofort keine Gültigkeit mehr hat und daß er in Kürze hierzu sowie hinsichtlich weiterer Belange Stellung beziehen beziehungsweise Bericht geben wird.

    Beabsichtigt der Volkslehrer sich nun gänzlich zurückzuziehen?

    • Tja, nach alldem, was er erlebt hat…und vor allem erlebt man eine inakzeptable Trägheit, Feigheit und Blindheit der Massen.

      Man hat das Gefühl, gar alles zu opfern für eine Knet-Masse, die mein gewaltiges Opfer überhaupt nicht verdient.

      Nur eine authentische, fanatische Kampfreligion kann das Blatt wenden.

      Ich erlebte schon 1923-28 dieses unvorstellbare Schafsein, aber mit den Chemtrails, 5G, Impfungen, Fettleibigkeit, und dem Niedrigtestosteronniveau ist die Lage noch viel, VIEL schlimmer.

      Dabei merke ich als 68jähriger schon an der halbweiblich klingenden Stimme, dass das buchstäblich keine Männer mehr sind und Krieger erst recht nicht. Es ist also eine Degeneration, die sowohl physisch wie geistig ist, im Gegensatz zur Weimarer Zeit. Es gab damals eine große Entartung, aber körperlich war das Deutsche Volk noch fit, und viele waren kriegsgestählte Männer mit hartmachenden Fronterfahrung.

  2. Mein Führer!

    In der Bundesrepublik Deutschland herrschen überdies besondere Verhältnisse vor, und zwar:

    – Das gezielte Umbringen der Elite, sei es im Kulturwesen, Politik, und in Millionenzahl Elitetruppen im Kommiß.

    – Die sogenannte Entnazifizierung, die in Wahrheit eine Entväterlichung und demnach eine Entmännlichung ist.

    – Das Streuen von den Jutt unter die Gojim als Kryptojutt in die Keimzellen des Deutschen Volkes in großer Zahl, nämlich in die Familien. Diesen Umstand hat Marianne Wilfert aufgedeckt, die dafür nun mehrere Jahre ins Gefängnis gesperrt wurde.

    – Die Schaffung der hc-Doktrin, die sich zwischenzeitlich zur hc-Religion transformiert hat, mit daraus resultierenden totalen Vernichtung des Deutschen Volkes. Wie Horst Mahler festgestellt hat: Glauben versetzt Berge – das aber hat zwangsläufig zur Folge, daß es unmöglich ist, den hc-Gläubigen sprich hc-Jüngern mit Wissenschaft beizukommen beziehungsweise ihre vermeintlich gesetzlich verbrieften Hirngespinnste zu entkräften.

    • Danke, ganz richtig.

      Ich erlebte in letzter Zeit sogar hier im Dorf Ontonagon (Bev. nur 1400!), dass zwei weiß-erscheinende Frauen Jüdinnen waren! Die eine sah sehr gut aus im süditalienischen Sinne, und gab sich als Italienerin aus. Die andere sagte mir, sie sei deutschstämmig aus Wisconsiner Bauernfamilie, was stimmt — aber nur väterlicherseits!

  3. So traurig und zynisch es klingen mag, aber für “Männer”-Nachschub sorgt das System kontinuierlich:

    “[…] Hat aber noch nie funktioniert. Es kommt nicht zur Vermischung, es kommt zur Balkanisierung und zur Zerstörung des Staates. Man könnte aber auf den Gedanken kommen, dass gerade das der Grund ist, warum sie nur Männer importieren, nämlich damit die nicht unter sich bleiben können und weiße Frauen nehmen müssen.”


    [1] https://www.danisch.de/blog/2022/12/29/vom-subtilen-zusammenhang-zwischen-der-seefahrt-und-dem-verschwinden-des-weissbrots/

    Auszug: “[..] Und dass das mit dem Ertrinken und Retten sowieso Fake und Inszenierung ist, ist ja bekannt. Was beschreibt der da, wenn nicht einen Genozid?

    Man beachte: Sie reden von “Enthomogenisierung”, wollen aber so eine Einheitshautfarbe zusammenmischen. Wie ein Kind, das im Wasserfarbenkasten alles umrührt und vermischt, bis es nur noch eine Farbe gibt. Und das nennen sie dann „Diversität“. Sozialistische Diversität heißt: Es darf keine Unterschiede mehr geben. Diversität ist, wenn alle genau gleich sind. Enthomogenisierung ist, wenn alle homogen sind. Jeder, egal woher, muss Sozialist werden.

    Hat aber noch nie funktioniert. Es kommt nicht zur Vermischung, es kommt zur Balkanisierung und zur Zerstörung des Staates. Man könnte aber auf den Gedanken kommen, dass gerade das der Grund ist, warum sie nur Männer importieren, nämlich damit die nicht unter sich bleiben können und weiße Frauen nehmen müssen (wie auch immer).”

  4. Buon anno!Di cuore.
    Si..questo è un anno decisivo per tante cose 🙂
    Sai, non avevo mai notato il numero 77 durante tutta la mia vita.
    77 in un concorso fatto per gioco.
    Un concorso musicale che ho incorniciato nel 2000.
    Questo numero è sempre presente sul mio cellulare..quando poso gli occhi.
    Ho comprato il numero sette(color oro)
    Lo porto al braccio.
    Sono molto stanca…per tanti problemi a casa, ma so che li supererò perché ho una grande fede.E ho fede in te 🙂

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