Spiritual reading: acknowledge fear and surrender to God’s will for you; my daunting task right ahead

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Summit Lake in Stone Mountain Provincial Park in British Columbia, Canada

January 2

We have a bit more to say on the subjects of surrender, desire and power. Obviously big topics; we will not be exhaustive. No need for that: you have contemplated these things endlessly.

Let’s begin with desire. It is important for you to know your desires, to acknowledge them and to ascertain their source. For instance, do they arise from fear, from love, or something else? If you have desires or longings that you know arise from love, and you can fulfill them, it is your job to do so.

To do your best, in any case. If you have desires that arise from fear, do your best to understand that which they seek to assuage and deal directly with the fear. Often, however, you have desires and longings that have no clear source, or whose origins are impossible for you to see. You simply long. In these cases, please honor your desire with acknowledgement, but then set it aside.

It is wise to wait, to watch and as we said yesterday, to surrender. To follow desires whose purpose you cannot identify may well put you in opposition to greater powers at work. And yet they are there, the desires, part of you, and must be seen and given their due.

Surrender to God, or to Spirit or to a Higher Power, is really akin to putting your boat in the current. So often, as human beings with free will, you are tempted to paddle upstream. This is something you are capable of, and for some reason, drawn to do. Like little children with their parents, you seem to want to test your strength against the prevailing powers.

The interesting thing here is that you are indeed strong enough to go your own way, but unfortunately that generally results in some separation from God. Is that freedom? We don’t know.

But the idea we really want to convey to you is that this is not a time to test yourself. The universe will toss you enough in the way of challenges; please don’t add to them by struggling upwards against the fast-moving rapids of this time. When you are in the flow, your true power is multiplied exponentially because you are joining your own with that of so many other beings.

When you are in the flow, less efort is required and more joy is experienced. Please, these are times for you to stop struggling, to stop suffering. Especially when the struggling and suffering are undertaken in order to placate ego and mind. Take the great gifts you have been given and use them to raise yourself and your planet. Let go of separation, and surrender to a higher will that loves ou .

Once that happens, you will see that there are only two things you can do that are wrong. Just two. You can hurt or denigrate yourself or others (body, heart, spirit, mind); and you can fail to forgive yourself for having made that very mistake.

Please be very, very gentle and loving with yourself and each other, today and every day. You are precious and beautiful and each a small miracle. Try to see that and rejoice in it.

We love you and rejoice in you.



…….In the presence of a great mystery

I recommend this long and deep video — with the proviso that Tolle, in exposing the egoic mind, as a white, male, blue-eyed German (!) is certainly not allowed to attack the principal egomaniacs on this planet, the jews.

He stays strictly apolitical, and that is okay. I have no hesitation to go boldly myself into those taboo topics which the great Eckhart, for good reasons, dares not crack open: race; the jews and their goal; Adolf; the Holohoax, and the genocidal “Died-Suddenly” clot shot.

But if you want to know right now where my religion will be going, then try to grasp now and understand now the insights of Eckhart Tolle.

It might all just start to sink in really good over time with you…..

….though my goal is to accelerate the progress — to warp-speed it from whites being pasty-face, gossipy cowards to skilled, fearless Aryan warriors.

And what is a true hero, a true warrior, if not SELFLESS? Free of ego and free of fear.

The theater in Ancient Rome had a stock character, the miles gloriosus,  the “glorious soldier,”….

Germans vs. Romans, Whites slaughtering Whites in perpetual, millennial madness

…swaggering around the stage, bullying, intimidating, super-macho, in his steel armor, boasting of his battles, scars and victories.

He was also derided by the laughing audience as a vain peacock!

I was a Roman; I remember it well. We, with our outsized egos and brutal enslavements of our neighbors, made lots of enemies that way, and the Scots (“Picts”), the Germans, and the Persians (“Iranians”) could never be conquered, because they were, one, very smart, and two, they rightfully and intensely hated us.

We built vast walls to try to keep them all out, and we sacrificed entire legions for 400 years. Maybe we should have tried mutual respect, and letting them come in instead as truly valuable individual WHITE immigrants?



Threading through thick, dark and rainy Germanic forests, General Quintilius Varus lost three legions and his life to a brilliant German mass-ambush led by Herman the Cherusker, a germanic chieftain’s son who had served in the Roman legions himself. Gee, maybe the Romans should not have treated the Germans like stupid barbarians — and crucified a hungry German for stealing a loaf of bread.

We CAN solve the jew problem,

because the jews are blind egomaniacs,

and when WE are free of ego,

then we will see through their every move, counter it,and

liberate the world from the hated jew.

Below is a translation of a blog today in German:


GERMAN the brave people of the teachers Gave up?

Nikolai Nerling, known as “der Volkslehrer” — “the people’s teacher” — has been harassed since 2017 by the jews’s lackey, the bribed “Federal Republic of Germany”


A German comrade, and  major donor, sent me the following:

The People’s Teacher announced on his page that his mailbox has now no longer valid, and that he will soon be make an announcement about this, as well as with respect to other concerns, positions, and/or reports. Does he intend to pull back completely?



Well, after everything he has experienced…and, above all, an activist experiences an unacceptable inertia, cowardice, and blindness in the WHITE masses.

You get the feeling you are sacrificing everything for a mass of dough, not people, slaves who don’t deserve our massive, permanent sacrifice at all.

Only an authentic, fanatical fighting religion can turn this awful tide.

I experienced this in 1923-28, this unimaginable sheep-hededness of the people, but now with the chemtrails, 5G, vaccines, obesity, and Low-Tm, the situation today is immeasurably worse.

Listening to men today, I realize as a 68-year-old that I am hearing semi-female-sounding voices, which shows that these are literally no longer real men, and “warriors”? — most definitely not that.

It is, therefore, a degeneration which is both physical as well as mental, in contrast to the Weimar period.

There was also some serious degeneracy back then, but physically the German people was still fit, and many of them were war-hardened men with harsh frontlines experience under their belts.

The comrade replied:

My Leader!

In the Federal Republic of Germany, there prevail in addition these special conditions, namely:

– The targeted Killing of the Elite, be it in culture, politics, and amongst the elite troops in the army.

– The so-called denazification, which is in truth a de-father-ization and, therefore, an un-manning.

– The Spread of the crypto-jew into the DNA of the German people in large numbers, namely, in the families. This circumstance has been revealed by Marianne Wilfert, who has been locked up for several years now in prison.

As Horst Mahler has found: “Faith can move mountains” – but our faith has to overcome their faith in the Holo religion, deprogramming its true believers, its disciples, and curing their brain infection.

Another German commentary:

As sad and cynical as it may sound, “men” (Muslim men) are being replenished here in Germany by the System and continuously:

““[…] But there is no mixing, there is only balkanization, creating dark, hyper-ethnic neighborhoods, and thus the destruction of the state. You might think that this is the reason why the state wants to import only males, namely, so that can’t keep to themselves and they need to take white women.


[1 ] https://www.danisch.de/blog/2022/12/29/vom-subtilen-zusammenhang-zwischen-der-seefahrt-und-dem-verschwinden-des-weissbrots/

[This is about a self-hating German leftist boasting about “saving drowning refugees” and bringing them to Germany. He says openly it is about making Germany racially darker.]

Excerpt: “ [ .. ], And this almost-drowning and saving anyway is all fake and staged, as is well known. What is the jerk describing if not white genocide?

Note: you talk of “de-homogenization,” but what you really want is all the skin colors being mixed together… the same way a child stirs around with his brush in the watercolor paints box and everything is mixed together until there is only one color.

And this grayish-brown muck they call “diversity”.

Socialist diversity means that there should be no differences. Diversity is when all of them are exactly the same. De-homogenization is when all are homogeneously BROWN. Each is equally brown under  socialism.”


My Answer:

Thank you, quite right.

I experienced lately even here in the village of Ontonagon (pop. only 1400!), two apparently white women were Jewish! The one looked very good like a Southern Italian, and said she was Italian.

The other told me that she was of German descent from a Wisconsin farm family, which was true, actually — but only paternally!


…..GERMAN Marianne Wilfert got 18 months in prison for loving the truth


Marianne on her home being searched and jewish revenge:

Marianne Wilfert was sentenced to 1 ¼ years in prison without parole for “inciting racial hatred.” The Prosecutor had frecommended 2 ½ years to even life in prison without parole.

Marianne Wilfert (née Schatz;  b. 30. January 1954 in Schauenstein ) is a German dissident demanding freedom of expression who spreads information about Judaism in a Handbook of the Jewish Question. At a demonstration in Nuremberg she asked hard questions about the “Holocaust “– leading prosecutors to charge her with multiple charges of “incitement.“

However, she fought back by means of a public letter to the Public Prosecutor’s office, in which she said that Judaism was indeed replacing the German people.[2]

Berchtesgaden, aww, the black and white lovebirds

The court costs add up to more than EUR 30,000, but this bill does not include the criminal defense attorney — who also wants several thousand euros.

Translated below:


Marianne’s letter to the DA:

— contingent jews (Jews brought into Germany as a “contingent,” a group, from Eastern Europe) get 18,000 euros to start

— they get a German-sounding name if they want!

— they get free language and acculturation courses for their children and grandchildren — and a free education even at a private school

— they get free, warm social housing with new furniture, sheets, blankets, cookery, etc.

— in greater Nuremberg, in both the suburbs and out in the countryside, jews get top public transportation connections… and, in many cities, contingent jews get top bungalow apartments for seniors with expensive kitchens, bathrooms and their own gardens……




  1. Waaas, sechs Maiden von Eltern – Vater und Mutter – uuund nicht aus der Retorte: Klaus Schwips vom WürgEcokomikVorrum kriegt Schnappatmung! 😀

  2. Eheleute Sasek haben 11 Kinder, nämlich 5 Buben und 6 Maiden, die teilweise bereits eigene Familien gegründet haben, daß heißt Enkelkinder entsprossen sind.

  3. Ivo Sasek ist wahrhaft ein Gerechtigkeitskämpfer, die Dokus auf kla.tv decken systematisch Herrschaftsstrukturen auf und er gab Sylvia Stolz auf der Anti-Zensur-Konferenz eine Plattform [1] (auch anschließend für eine Ergänzung von Sylvia) sowie Impfkritikern, diese Vorträge gehören zu den Standardwerken der deutschsprachigen Impfkritik![2]

    Unzählige der Beiträge auf http://www.kla.tv sind mehrsprachig erhältlich, in ganz vielen Sprachen!: https://www.kla.tv/


    [1] “Sprechverbot – Beweisverbot – Verteidigungsverbot, Sylvia Stolz auf der 8. AZK Nov. 2012” (1:40:39),

    Ergänzung von Sylvia:

    “Sprechverbot – Beweisverbot – Verteidigungsverbot, Sylvia Stolz auf der 8. AZK Nov. 2012”,

    [2] z.B., u.a. diese zwei (es gibt noch mehr!):

    “1. AZK – Anita Petek-Dimmer – Impfungen: Sinn oder Unsinn”,

    “6. AZK – Dr. Johann Loibner – Ursprung und Geschichte des Impfens”,

    Warum findet man diese Impfdokus, diese Standardwerke der deutschsprachigen Impfkritik noch auf Youtube, obwohl doch dort 99,99 % der Impfkritik gelöscht wurde bzw wird? Etwa als Honigtopf/Honeypot, um Impfkritikinteressierte zu identifizieren? Nein! Man findet sie deshalb, weil sich auch die Hintergrundmächte an die spirituellen Gesetze halten müssen, sie sind bestens über diese spirituellen Gesetze informiert:

    Ab einem gewissen zahlenmäßigen Ausmaß müssen bestimmte Taten im voraus angekündigt werden, sonst bleibt deren physische Verwirklichung blockiert. Die Schöpferwesen führten diese spirituellen/kosmischen Gesetze als Sicherungsventil im physischen System ein, damit keine zu großen Ungleichgewichte entstehen können: Wer die Wahrheit sucht, der kann sie nach wie vor finden.

    Die Hintergrundmächte müssen ankündigen, was sie tun. Da laufend geimpft wird, muß auch laufend der Wahrheit eine Plattform zur Verfügung gestellt werden, u.a. dadurch, daß man diesen Impfkritikstandardwerken eine Plattform läßt, unter anderem dadurch wird diesem spirituellen Gesetz Rechnung getragen.

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