Spiritual reading; and WOW! Watch this dynamite! Russian-jewish Blackrock recruiter Serge Varlay BOASTS about & CONFIRMS everything we accused the jews of!!; “It’s not who the president is- it’s who’s controlling the wallet of the president” & “You got $10K? You can buy a senator” & “War is real f***ing good for business”!

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Jew Serge Varlay, Blackrock recruiter, boasting to a supposed date on hidden camera, about who really runs the world.



…..spiritual reading for June 24

Today we would like to ask you to fend for yourself. Of course, we love nothing more than sending you our highest vibrations and love. That is what we are here to do. But we have no investment at all in remaining in this particular relationship with you. The goal, afer all, is for you to become a master, your own master.

So today, do what you can to ascertain the energetic weather. Center, close your eyes, go within and see how the day feels to you. What is the nature of the energy? Does it feel welcoming, hostile? Smooth, jagged, lively, slow?

Just sit with that. Feel into it and let it wash over you. If you find only a tiny thread of feeling, snatch it and follow it gently, coax from it greater depth if you can. Open the mind of your heart and your higher Self and try not to censor. Whatever you get is right. Trust us on this. Trust yourself.

What do you need to do today to make the most of those energies? What are they asking of an evolving soul? What are they offering? Any sense? Again, whatever you feel is exactly right.

Part of the process involves risking. (As if we are telling you something you didn’t know!) Not much in this case, though. Whatever rises up, go with it. Try it out. See where it leads you and have fun. Don’t worry about outcomes. Just go with your own wisdom and intuition, empower them to lead you where you need to be today.

This is all there within you and if you aren’t using it you must begin. Each soul’s gifts work differently in the human sphere and yours may not come through in precisely this manner. But don’t doubt your capacities until you have given them every chance to expand and emerge.

Each day, we ask you to push just a little further, in one direction or another, on the membrane that separates you from fully experiencing the truth of the Oneness. Today we ask you to stretch it in the direction of independence. By which, ironically, we mean connection—to your inner knowing, to Source.

Blessings on your growing freedom. It gives us great hope; our gratitude is literally boundless.

1 Comment

  1. The Jews are not a religion but a nation; and corresponding to this alien nation in our midst is an alien culture.

    The Jews do not think as we do; their values are different.

    This fundamental difference in culture between ourselves and the Jews is beginning to be exposed and brought to light in the public consciousness.

    There will be a reaction. The Jews are a powerful people who control our government as well as our media. Already in Florida exposure of the Jews has become illegal in areas with a high density of Jewish population — despite our Constitutional guarantee of free speech.

    We must anticipate a crackdown on our Jew-wise speech, un-Constitutional though this be.

    But we are on the road to victory, and the battle is beginning to go our way. The Jew, who needs to work in the shade, is being seen in the light of day.

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