Spiritual reading — as with monkey bars, swing forward or drop

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November 6

If the winds of melancholy sweep through your psyche from time to time, take comfort in the fact
that you are in tune with the larger currents that are moving around you. Not only is this the time of
bittersweet surrender to the coming of cold and dark across the northern hemisphere, but this is also a
time of letting go and loss—many dreams and thought-forms that were so strong as to seem real are no longer able to sustain themselves.

For thousands of years it has been possible to simultaneously hold more than one reality, but as the inner and outer move closer together and begin to merge, there is no longer the option to do that.

Where mentally- and societally-originated beliefs and convictions are out of alignment with what you know in your deepest being, there is going to be discomfort and confusion, even if you cannot identify the source.

The only way to alleviate these feelings is to let go of those ways of imagining  your ‘real’ life which fail to refect the deeper understanding of who you are and why you are here.

Letting go, though, can be hard to understand, in and of itself. How does one just do it? What happens to
the body and the life and the web of connections if one succeeds?

Fear begins to play in the field and soon there is more than the initial confict to deal with. Soon, there are myriad obstacles and reasons to retreat.

And those reasons are not bad, per se. They will serve to sustain the status quo. If you like it, if it is working for you—the status quo—then by all means you must side-step this discomfort which is an impetus to radical change.

But if you are feeling that life as it has been is no longer inspiring or vibrant or hopeful or meaningful, then you may want to send some time contemplating the places where outer reality conficts with inner truth for you.

We want to caution you that this process is not and cannot be one that is directed by the mind. It is in fact
your mind which is throwing up obstacles and just so long as you come to it for answers, it will assure you
that to step beyond what is currently known is not in your best interest.

Tis process is alchemical and can only happen when you surrender to what is wiser and stronger within

And in the universe as well, for there are forces all about which favor your expansion into a new
sort of being, and which are right here right now to make what may seem almost impossible possible.

The image that comes to us is of a child swinging on the monkey bars. There is an instant where it is
necessary to let go with one hand and reach for the next bar. In that moment, the weight is transferred
briefy into open space and the risk of falling is greatest. But without taking that risk, without releasing
the security of the known, one is lef with the guarantee of stasis.

We say to you: your dreams have been too small. You know not what is possible in that moment of
freedom and flying. You cannot change the paradigm by willing it to change, but you can fnd yourself in
one that is all new if you are willing for that to happen.

Deep and sometimes diffcult energies are afoot right now. Foundations are rumbling and cracking and
shifing. Fear just loves these times and fnds the most fertile ground for reinforcing contraction.

Stay conscious of this potential pitfall, use the energies of the moment, though they be not easy, to lead you
to whatever it is that might be preventing you from swinging forward into realms where your potential
as beings of light can be more fully realized.

Tis is as much grace as anything that is ever put before you.  We send you much light and want you to know that if you trust, you will not fall. And if you cannot trust but make that your intent, trust will follow.

We love you very much. — E. West


  1. Ora ho la conferma che il “pettirosso” che mi ha tenuto compagnia in questi giorni è mia nonna!Ha cantato in direzione della mia finestra,eh si..si è fatto proprio notare.Ho sognato mia nonna in mezzo alla neve,ci separava un cancello rosso(evidentemente era la zanzariera della finestra che mi dava problemi mentre registravo la sua voce,ho tentato di fare anche una foto che non è uscita bene!).Ho visto mia nonna felice;nel sogno volevo tentare di scattarle una foto senza farmi vedere 🙂 ma durante la notte mi ha svegliata mio figlio,peccato!).
    Stavamo pensando anche al blocco del governo con altre persone;abbiamo brindato con analcolici rossi(forse un riferimento al pettirosso)..questo perché il blocco avrebbe scatenato così una ribellione più sostenuta.
    Il sorriso e la serenità di mia nonna mi hanno dato forza e speranza..
    La situazione non è rosea per queste elezioni.
    Biden ha fatto votare anche i Morti!
    Siamo arrabbiati…
    Ora sto chiedendo un “Miracolo” perché hanno davvero stancato..siamo tutti sotto pressione!Io sono la più fiduciosa,ho fiducia in Dio e il terrorismo che hanno messo in atto non mi prende rispetto alle persone che litigano tra di loro!
    Ci sono riusciti!Era questo il loro obbiettivo.
    Ma non vinceranno più.
    Hanno superato il limite consentito!

    • Transl:

      Now I have confirmation that the “robin” who has kept me company these days is my grandmother! He sang in the direction of my window, oh yes .. he really got noticed. I dreamed of my grandmother in the snow, she separated us a red gate (evidently it was the mosquito net of the window that was giving me problems while I was recording her voice, I also tried to take a photo that did not come out well!). I saw my happy grandmother; in the dream I wanted to try to take a photo of her without show me but during the night my son woke me up, too bad!).
      We were also thinking about the blockade of the government with other people; we toasted with red soft drinks (perhaps a reference to the robin) .. this is because the blockade would have triggered a more sustained rebellion.
      My grandmother’s smile and serenity gave me strength and hope ..
      The situation is not rosy for these elections.
      Biden got the Dead to vote too!
      We are angry …
      Now I am asking for a “Miracle” because they are really tired .. we are all under pressure! I am the most confident, I have faith in God and the terrorism they have put in place does not take me with respect to the people who argue among themselves!
      They succeeded! That was their goal.
      But they won’t win anymore.
      They exceeded the limit!

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