Spiritual reading; Bach’s Brandenburg Concerti

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….Spiritual reading for September 28

It is a very good day to tend to business, to get things done. Especially those things that have been left hanging for some time. If you have any desire to dive into emotionality and deeper longings, know that such forays will mostly prove to be dead ends that waste your time and keep you from some tasks and accomplishments that are calling for your attention in the three dimensional world.

Be practical, such as you can be. Do some things on your list and ask for mental clarity in order to solve dilemmas and other concerns that do not have a ready solution. But above all, stay above (or below) the
emotional/spiritual fray and keep your nose to the grindstone.

This is unusual advice for us to give you, but we see that events in the offing are going to require your full presence soon. This moment offers an ideal opportunity to clear your desk, or the decks, and make the space you will need soon for more complex challenges.

Do your work with awareness and love, but just do it. You are a being of several dimensions—always difficult, often very rewarding—and today we suggest you put your primary focus on the concrete and material.

Also, take really good care of your physical being. If you need rest, try hard to prioritize that. Eat well if you can. Drink good things. Be loving to your flesh and blood.

In other words, pushing past limits is not a great plan today. Respect the 3-D world, its requirements and its realities. It is far, far from the whole
Truth, but it is a piece of fabric from which your current lives are sewn.

Today, tend to it with care and you will fnd that vaster freedom is yours as a result.

We send you all our love.



…..Time-out for some aural beauty 



This delightful performance by the Freiburger Barockorchester, conducted by Gottfried von der Goltz, takes place in the very Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Cothen (Der Spiegelsaal im Schloss Köthen), where the great German composer, Bach, himself served from 1717 to 1723. 

In the 1970s a scientist was commissioned to determine if playing music — and if so, then what kind of music — would make crops grow better. The Deep State was appalled by (and then smeared) the findings:

Baroque music made plants grow best, then light classical, then country, and then light rock. Heavy metal was lethal.




  1. Roger Waters is the man https://twitter.com/antisemitism/status/1707077645559619635?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1707077645559619635%7Ctwgr%5Ee1bc4f638f0fdcd580161fb2d8145e09ff726110%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fdailystormer.in%2Froger-waters-accused-of-anti-semitic-behavior-over-use-of-word-kike-in-brainstorming-email%2F

    “Dirty kyke”“Jew food”“Fucking Jew”Is Roger Waters antisemitic?Watch The Dark Side of Roger Waters now and decide for yourself.Then add your voice at https://t.co/7F6c6M3nk1. pic.twitter.com/eh9n15DLsn— Campaign Against Antisemitism (@antisemitism) September 27, 2023

  2. Che brutti sogni ancora, ho trovato Draconiani in guardia…pronti ad attaccare. E sono fuggita. Di nuovo. Un tempo non vedevo le loro sembianze. So di essere in ostaggio. Mi tormentano da sempre. E so che finirà questa prigione quando verrai allo scoperto. Hanno rovinato tutta la mia vita in qualche modo. E so che pagheranno. So cosa mi porto dentro, anche se nessuno lo sa. Non è facile perché divento ridicola, e nessuno potrebbe capirmi. Tu si 🙂

    Grazie per essere qui.

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