Spiritual reading; back to Covid vaxx news

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…Spiritual reading October 23

Okay. You survived another day, and this in itself is cause for rejoicing. Make no mistake: in this moment that is an accomplishment well worth noting and celebrating. So take a breath and thank yourself for the skill and consciousness, along with the grace, that pulled you through another one.

Today, we are both sad and glad to say, will be very supportive of any work you wish to do in the area of  letting go. Particularly of old attachments. As you are aware, there is a sort of constant clearing going on these days. The work and the energy come in waves. Today brings some big breakers. You can let go of who you were, what you wanted, what you owned, whom you loved, and where you were going today.

Any of it you no longer need. Just release it into the crest of the wave, and it will be carried off for you.

The power of this energy is prodigious, we should warn you, so should you choose not to do releasing today,  should you choose to hold on to what you’ve got, make sure you take shelter somewhere. 😉

Of course, this will leave you cleaner, clearer and lighter if you can take advantage of it. There is so much that you carry with you that is no longer relevant or helpful. Think of all the memories you clutch to your chest. Ah, these are mine. No one can take them from me. In fact, they are me, you often think. That was who I was then. How sweet, funny, sad, interesting, etc.

But, of course, those memories are nothing more than the shadows of illusions. You elevate them and give them substance by worshipping and adoring them, by draping them in whatever emotion befits them.

*** Letting go of grief

This has been one of my greatest challenges, and,via both spiritualty and simply the healing passage of time, I have mastered this crisis. Mortality goes up by 70% in widowers in their sixties — in men such as me.

When I hear of the “turbo cancers” that people are getting who took the Covid jew-jab, I can only shudder. Cancer is an awful thing for the patient and also their loved ones. In the photo, taken at the Mayo Clinic, one rings this bell to celebrate that the radiation treatments are completed.


But underneath: almost nothing of an enduring nature. How much energy do you use to hold your memories? How often do you share who you are with another through the gift of your memories? What madness that is!

And yet you all do it. In any case, that is one small example of the clutter and detritus which confuse and obstruct you every day.

Today the garbage truck is coming, or the truck from Goodwill, if you prefer. So sort a bit and then put the things you no longer want to use, the things which burden with the owning, out on the curb. Or release them into the waves.

However you want to see it, understand that there will be energetic cleaning teams sweeping through today, and it is so much easier and more efficient to work in concert with prevailing energies than to hoard and wait and eventually let go when you must do all the hauling yourself.

Of course, you will do the best you can, no mater how that looks. We know that implicitly. And you will be ready when you are ready. But…if you are prepared to clear out a bit, today is a good day to act.

The lighter and clearer you are, the better you will weather these times. We love you much and send all our blessings.



…..The Covid-vaxx nightmare has not gone away at all because of the new obsession, Gaza….

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