Spiritual reading — breathe in the peace, and release the fear; Trump, feared and fearful

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It is impossible to think about anything that can bother or hurt you when you focus on your breathing.  It costs nothing and takes just seconds. Do it twenty times daily, and watch stress and fear go down.


…..Excellent book The Male Brain

(I got this thanks to Amazon gift card donations.)

This is the second book I have read by Louanne Brizendine, MD. A mother herself, she relates both hard facts and telling anecdotes from her own parenting and her patients — men and women exasperated with each other and with their kids of the opposite sex. (She is a neuropsychiatrist from Harvard, Yale and UC London.)

The funniest part was how, still a quasi-feminist as a young mom, she gave both a GI Joe and Barbie doll to her little son.

He picked Barbie up, grabbed her trunk like a knife handle, closed her leggy thighs, pointed them straight ahead, and began fencing against an invisible “bad guy” with his new “sword.” 😉

Highly recommended. The last third of this solid work is very interesting footnotes. I guess Dr. Brizendine felt a need to prove overwhelmingly to radical feminists that it is not just upbringing; boys and men are very different from females, and all kids thrive under loving but very strict dads.


…..”Thank you” hug from a little octopus!

This two-minute video seems to have little action until the end, when the grateful octopus comes over to the rescuer gal to show her thanks with a tentacular hug. 🙂


……Spiritual reading

November 14

Please don’t be afraid. There is no reason for you to fear. In the first place, and as you well know, there is no advantage to be gained from being in fear. It just saps your energies.

But more importantly, we want you to know that we are talking to you about coming challenges simply so that you can be prepared for them, so that you are not caught off-guard.

You are all magnificent beings and have all the resources you need, all the wisdom and skill and compassion and love you will need to weather these times and to be beacons of light for others who are in the darkness.

If we did not know this for a fact, we would not be here now. So trust in yourselves and in the grace which is everywhere around you. There will no doubt be some times that test you ahead, but you will meet the challenges. Don’t be afraid.

We are aware that it can look quite bleak and foreboding, but we see it all and know that at this very moment you are succeeding, and that you will continue to do so, moment by moment.

And this is a key. You have all thought about living in the moment, but from our perspective, there is really nothing else. It is in the very center of each individual moment that you create reality, and thus, there that you can alter it. So even as you are working to see more deeply into the world around you, try now to feel more deeply into each moment, or each breath, if you will.

If you only note one breath out of 750 and acknowledge its infinite and eternal nature, that is a wonderful beginning, a place from which to build. See if you can take in a breath and find in it the entire universe, time from the beginning to the end.

Again, we are asking you to play with your perceptions, to stretch and add to the ways it is easy for you to experience reality. Please, just play with us a litle. Try it out.

Today could be a bit more peaceful than many of the last few for some of you. If you find it so, give thanks, and enjoy the quiet. If you notice that you are feeling more pressure of one sort or another than you would like, then looking into each moment becomes even more important. And given how long a breath takes, also possible to fit into all but the busiest schedules!

Remember to let go of fear in any and all ways that you are able. It will undermine you. We are working on that as well, for it is one of the most devastating vibrations on your planet. Until it is lifted there will be confict and suffering.

You make a difference of a magnitude you cannot imagine whenever you unequivocally release fear.

In the meantime, we send love and blessings and much gratitude for your courage and admirable work. — E. West




….Trump the unpresidential, undignified and fearful

A lady comrade wrote me of her frustration at Trump for not acting against the forces demolishing his presidency. https://johndenugent.com/our-strong-but-kind-message-to-president-trump-you-waited-too-long-to-deal-with-your-enemies-and-now-sadly-it-is-most-likely-too-late-a-letter-from-francois-arouet/#comment-624584

I replied:


I can only sadly concur. Trump is no spiritual giant, but a kind of semi-narcissist, exactly as in his earlier life as the brash, aggressive, attention-seeking General George Patton.


He seems to be fulfilling one of those laws of the business world that says:

A man rises to his own level of incompetence, and there he flounders until removed.

One of his worst flaws is an inability to grow into the dignity of the presidency. In our American system, called a “presidential system” in contrast to a parliamentary one, the president is both head of government (in other words, a politician) and the head of state, representing the values and dignity of the entire nation.

In the British/white Dominion system (Canada, Australia and New Zealand), since the 1840s the Queen (or her representative, the Governor-General), acts in a stately manner, far above partisan politics and eschewing the vicious wrangling and negative ads of a typical political campaign. And her family life is supposed to be impeccable.

Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, a prince from Germany

Obviously, Trump has no ideas of how to even do this, and this is the one and only area where Obama was superior to him. Obongo put on his baritone voice, walked to the podium in a lordly manner, and said all the right platitudes. 😉

Frankly, I am tired of Trump because I do not see the man as growing and evolving. (John Kennedy was a relatively young president who visibly did grow into the high office he had attained. This also scared the jews.)

And therefore Trump’s current incarnation has sort-of maxed-out for him — and for us.

Had he only stuck to his guns about this Coronavirus, when he saw it correctly as not being any kind of lethal pandemic, and thus no reason whatsoever to shut the economy down, and had he just continued to recommend the 90% effective hydroxychloroquine as the main answer, today the US economy would be booming, the other white nations would have followed America’s lead, and Trump would have coasted to a landslide re-election.

But no, he succumbed to the pressure of his jewish son-in-law, his daughter Ivanka, Fauci and other Deep-State traitors.

It is my time to step forward, for I can see before us AT BEST merely another four years of Trump and this:

endless wrangling, name-calling, “Russian collusion,” and jew politicians and media thugs getting away with even more vilifications based on shameless lies,

…while Trump, flailing about like a huge bear in a bear trap, never gets even close to smashing for good his and our vile jew enemies.


And it always feels like it is all OR MOSTLY about Trump: “poor me.” Yes, Donald, poor you indeed, but poor us since in four years you still have not wiped these traitors out and things are again stagnating!

I’m now frankly a bit tired of the man….. while being genuinely grateful for what he HAS accomplished.

One, saying “the fake-news media” was a huge step forward! No president before Trump ever attacked our main problem, the lying jewsmedia!

Two, the other great thing was taking the Chinese juggernaut on before they buy this whole country up.

However, in German we would say Trump has “ausgedient.” He has accomplished all he can.

Now it is my turn.

For what have we now to look forward to? The man may yet be assassinated, OR he does as the generals want who secretly have had his back during the current power struggle — and he inadvertently starts WWIII with Russia, and so we all end up dead.

1983 –ABC’s “The Day After” –the US and Soviet Russia go at it

Great, President Trump:

Make America a Wilderness Again.

It is time for a new spiritual organization where we see that our enemy is twofold:

1) the external jew with his proverbial hooked nose and his hate, and 2) the internal jew inside us all who is blind, immune, rejectionist and mocking toward the most urgent truths.

And so Jesus stands vindicated: Only the truth can set us free. And that means EMBRACING the truth, and chucking, without hesitation, all our favorite lies and false beliefs overboard.

But as long as the Roman adage remains true “mundus decipi vult,” “the world wants to be deceived,” the external jew can invade our minds and make us not only not resist our own genocide, but actually get us goyim to help the jews, and this means we exterminate ourselves.

The mandatory vaccine, the mandatory biochip, the cashless society, the end of free speech via an unchallenged Big Tech domination, the abolition de facto of gun rights, and the crashing of the white birth rate — Trump can only slow these genocidal developments down.

But he is avoiding the central problem:

As the country goes brown, it also goes Demoncrat.

America is a WHITE nation under attack!

It was never, EVER intended to be anything other than a “melting pot” of various kinds of freedom-seeking whites!

And that fact is true “originalism.”

Our whiteness was so self-understood that the Founding Fathers did not think to even mention it. While it was enshrined in the 1790 Immigration Act, saying that only “free whites of good character” could immigrate to our shores, this fundamental principal — unlike the First and Second Amendments — was never enshrined in the Constitution itself.

I repeat: Only Whites can be Americans.

And “someone” has to set this straight. This is the sine qua non of us having any kind of future.

Otherwise, as the Baby Boomers die out, called Boomsday, the white population will drop to 20% within 15 years, by 2035, and this will lead to a South Africa situation: a savage nation of white-hating, white-raping, white-killing browns and blacks, all ruled by the eternal jew.

Three South African blacks without any conscience went on trial in 2012 for killing an entire white family in Capetown.

The little white son (seen above with the sneakers t-shirt) first saw them slaughter his parents and siblings.

Then, as he begged for mercy, whimpering, these three blacks tied him up, then filled his bathtub up with boiling hot water….

…and shoved him into it.

Hardly one peep in five years from Trump about white genocide in South Africa — or the jew plan to do it here as well!

I am tired, Trump.

Your silence IS violence!

You have been useful, yes, but now you are found severely wanting.

You are not up to the task ahead of White Reconquista.


……Thank you to two donors —  in Germany and France

They know what governments are like, what life for white people is like, after you lose both guns and free speech. It is so much worse than what we Americans experience. All you can do is suffer in silence……


I personally know/knew (and, in some cases, Margi too) dozens of non-violent patriots who have been put on trial, in jail, or in prison for YEARS:

Robert Faurisson, Ernst Zündel, Manfred Roeder, Hervé Ryssen, Vincent Reynouard, Fredrick Toeben, Thies Christophersen, Hans Schmidt, Ursula Haverbeck, Sylvia Stolz, Pedro Varela, Gerd Ittner, and Horst Mahler.

What do these European donors “get” that you still do not? 😉

–14 November 2020 45 euros from C in Germany

–14 November 2020 50 euros from M in France


Especially important blogs



  1. Mi rendo conto che la Gente è stanca,umiliata da questi Criminali.Le persone hanno bisogno di Verità.
    E solo il Socialismo nazionale può soddisfare tutto ciò.
    La guerra civile è inevitabile perché tanti sono corrotti,altri felicemente ingannati.Trump può fermarsi per queste persone?e far disperare le altre che hanno riposto in lui tanta fiducia?!
    L’Italia è diventata zona rossa comunista!Non possiamo neanche più andare al nostro lago,a 15 chilometri da qui.I bambini sono disperati perché avvertono questo disagio.A scuola si va con le mascherine,gli insegnanti si assentono,i genitori danno i numeri e corrono a farsi i tamponi;ideati da quel criminale di Andrea Crisanti.Che sia maledetto! È il nostro limite ormai..

    • Transl:

      I realize that the people are tired, humiliated by these criminals, and need the truth.

      And only National Socialism can satisfy all of this.

      Civil war [an uprising, not elections or more blogging] is inevitable because so many are corrupt, others happily deceived — and do nothing. Can Trump go slow or stop for these [brainwashed, ignorant] people?

      And make others despair who have placed so much trust in him ?!

      Italy has become a communist red zone! We can no longer even go to our lake, 15 kilometers from here.

      Children are desperate because they feel this discomfort. At school you go around in masks, many teachers are absent, parents give their numbers and run to get swabs — all this designed by that criminal, Andrea Crisanti.

      We are at our limit now!

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