Spiritual reading; colorist black women — wow

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….Spiritual reading for November 7

There is nothing ahead that cannot be seen already. You know all that you need to know. The time is here for you to live it. Oh, dear ones, we have gently counseled and then exhorted you for ages to do this.

There is no margin lef now. This does not mean that you need to change the external shape of your life—although you might—but rather that the season of growth and expansion is full. The harvest is now and you must bring in that which you have sown and tended if you plan to live on it during the time of coldness and dark.

This sounds dire, and yet it is not at all. Within, feasts can be prepared, the fire burns brightly and joy is abroad. There is no limit to what you can have and do on the level of you soul — and in concert with other souls. The potential is extraordinary, beyond your imaginings, we think. But you must learn to think differently.

Manifestation on the physical plane is for the beginning mind. The entire amazing cosmos is open and yet so many will stay in the sandbox and never leave it.

Even as it degenerates and becomes untenable. Many will labor in the frozen fields, hovering over crops long dead when the party, the light, the nurturance, the good company, the warmth are in abundance inside.

And when we say ‘inside’ we refer to the unnameable vastness, the unspeakable infinite, that one finds within. There truly is no limit.

We send you great love and all our blessings. Leap! Or let go. When you do, you are safer than you have ever been. You are in the arms of God, dear ones.



….Tommy Sotomayor (Black and Puerto-Rican) tellin’ it! Black Family Drama u will not find out about in Black Studies or your college sociology class

Pass it on .. It is based! 🙂

Black Mother Tells Her Daughter That She Can’t Be Her Mom Because Her Other Children Aren’t That Dark & Fat! (Video) by Tj Sotomayor November 6, 2023

The worst stewards! I have been telling you guys that black women are the worst stewards of children on earth!

A black woman on some lame TV show went on with her daughter telling the world that there was no way that this child could be hers because the child was too dark and too fat! Take a look.

Look, the truth is that there is no one more of a colorist than black women are. Just go and post a photo of a mixed baby and see how many black women come to like your post and tell you how pretty it is. Now post a photo of a dark skinned baby or person and see who comes over to say something negative about the persons color!





  1. padre di Abramo era infatti il re di Mitanni Parsatatar ed i Mitanni erano indoeuropei. Parsatatar era Tare, padre di Abramo, discendente di Sem, figlio di Noè/Ziusudra, mentre da Cam, altro figlio di Noè, abbiamo la discendenza dei re faraoni egizi, da Narmer, identificato con Mizraim/Osiride e Cush identificato con Seth. Il figlio del faraone Narmer/Mizraim era Aha-Hor ovvero Ananamin, meglio conosciuto come il dio Horus. Personaggi umani divinizzati e deificati al fine di costruire sopra di loro delle religioni in Egitto, così come avvenuto anche per il sumero Adamo, che abbiamo identificato con il primo re della lista reale sumerica Alulim e deificato come Marduk; lo stesso dicasi per suo padre Enki, suo zio Enlil e suo nonno An, tutti accuratamente svelati nel racconto di Genesi, sia per quanto riguarda il racconto della cosmogonia che quello del peccato originale.

    Questi sumeri venivano dal nord, rispetto alla zona che occuparono quando entrarono in Sumer, dove non erano una popolazione autoctona, ovvero il Turkmenistan e zone limitrofe.

    Per questo i genetisti rimasero basiti quando, in seguito all’analisi degli aplogruppi dei faraoni Amenhotep III, Akhenaton e Tutankhamon, si trovarono di fronte a un aplogruppo indoeuropeo denominato R1b1a2
    Questa è la prova che gli israeliti che stanno sterminando i palestinesi non sono Ebrei…discendenti di Noè.
    Questa razza semitica ha assunto Set come loro Dio..e lo nascondono!!!!

  2. Una Donna di chiesa(esorcizzata) mi ha bloccato il profilo whatsapp…solo perché ho messo una cacca sul suo stato. Un prete della zona (deceduto) che bacia la mano di papa Francesco. “Mi sono offesa”. Lo so che molti mi vedono come un Diavolo. Me lo hanno detto. Sono onorata. Il Fariseo dice Diavolo a Gesù 🙂

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