Spiritual reading — complete your tasks; obsessive niceness has killed white Canada

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August 5

Change is coming. In fact, change is with you each day, within and without. But as has become increasingly obvious, the current trajectory of the external is not sustainable, and the rising tide of internal transformation will not be held back or hidden. Today we urge you to ready yourself for the moment when events occur—again, within and without—from which no one can turn back.

There are probably things you need to clean up, things you need to finish and things you need to sort through.

This may actually manifest materially, but more likely it will relate to forms of your emotional and mental belongings. Perhaps even things of the spirit.

You will know where it is that you must do your cleaning and closing. The important thing is that you attend to loose ends, that you complete the things you want to complete and yet have not. Make some time today to inventory and to attend to that which you might regret leaving undone.

When the moment arrives for you (and here, we would add that it will not come for all in the same moment—that is science fiction nonsense—but it is coming) there will be the opportunity to embrace a life much larger and more brilliant than you have imagined to date.

However, it will be possible to step through that doorway and to expand into a reality of being that has been denied you, except in moments, only if you are unencumbered. The work that you need to do must be done. If it is not, you will be tethered to it and there will be no door to step through.


For me, it is the awful step of launching a new religion as the reincarnated Adolf Hitler — easily the most hated, most loathed man on earth, although also admired as a warlord — to declare unremitting war on both the external jew and the vile, selfish, lying treacherous, self-delusional jew inside us all.


Let us be clear: this is not at all about any ultimate realization, nor is it necessary to have cleared or completed all the work you have set yourself in this lifetime. To the contrary. This potentially expanded state will greatly enhance your ability to do more of that work. Please, do not think that we are suggesting you should have yourself perfected in the near future.

However, there are things you have been working on, there are issues in the forefront, there are ties and bonds which you have been worrying but have not yet untied. Today would be a wonderful day to sit yourself down (figuratively) and face those things.

Do not dance around them anymore. Look them in the eye, as it were, and—you know precisely what it is that you need to do to free yourself—dispense with them.

This is not easy, or you would have done it long ago. The power of the issues you now work with is amazing, as is the difficulty entailed in untangling them. As you move closer and closer to clarity, you encounter harder and more complicated challenges.

As your abilities and understandings increase, so does the level of work you ask yourself to engage in.

So…do not despair if for one reason or another you are still unable to cut loose from some of your demons. They are for the most part, right now, tenacious and deeply embedded. But we are all cheering for you, and want to help you to relax your hold on things that undermine and sabotage you. That is the route to take, we think.

Don’t try to do battle. Rather, look for those issues whose content you have long since exhausted, but which still make regular appearances in your life. Then loosen up. Let them float away. If you have done your work, this will just happen. It is time. You merely need to get out of your own way.

We will be sending softening and clearing energies your way, along with all of our love and blessings. — E. West



…..Canadian comrade wrote me


Kudos to you, Sir!

I replied:

Thank you, Canadian comrade. 🙂

My stepmother is a beautiful lady from Prince Edward Island, and I have also repeatedly visited Quebec, BC, and the Maritimes. I dated a Montreal gal, a poet, for two years.

What a beautiful flag Canada used to have, showing its different white elements, a good, and harmonious diversity! England, Wales, Ireland, France and Scotland! No Algerian symbol or Chinese dragon! And no maple leaf, SYMBOLIZING A PLANT FULL OF SWEET SAP 😉

Judging by your IP address, you are somewhere in greater Toronto. I visited there just once, in 1988, to meet the great Ernst Zündel, back when it was a 90% white city: clean, neat, friendly and almost crime-free.

Ernst was impressed, especially as a German, welcoming challenges and admiring expertise, how I parallel-parked a huge Cadillac (a friend’s car) into a tiny parking space opposite his Carlisle Street building. He and then his then assistant Jürgen gave me the grand tour of his bustling headquarters.

Ernst in 1968 with a full head of hair 😉

His Carlisle Street HQ

After the jews set fire to it in 1996, and then the Toronto police did NOTHING to investigate the crime — though jewish groups had openly boasted they would attack the building and kill him — he left his beloved Canada for Tennessee in the USA, and married US citizen Ingrid Rimland.

But the American jews got him arrested there. While he was then sent to prison over in Germany, Margi and I visited Ingrid and Ernst’s lovely home in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, and we got to sit on his favorite bench, overlooking a lush, green valley in the gorgeous Smokey Mountains.

Ernst was a great Canadian, a great German and a true warrior.

But he butted his head up against the obtusity of the masses, as we all do.

This is why I am creating a new religion to liberate us from ourselves. Not only the external jew with his hooked nose and fat wallet must be defeated, but also our own inner jew that also hates the truth, duty, respect, gratitude, loyalty and reality just as much as the external jew does.

I found over the course of 43 years in this cause that white nationalists are hardly any better than the society which produced them, and why should we be surprised?

Hating the jews, or hating blacks, or muslims, or militant gays — how on earth does that make you or me into a better person, or reduce our character flaws, in our actual day-to-day dealings with other whites, or especially our mates?

How does hating our enemies who hurt and slander us change us? Every mangy dog will snap if you poke him enough!

But we are more than just white animals, fighting the black, brown, yellow, and hook-hosed animals. 😉

This time, it cannot be just about propaganda, uniforms, marching songs, symbols. The jews are ready for that, and have brainwashed the masses to hate German national socialism.

It has to be about people actually changing.

And this will change them so that the absurd situation is obliterated where 99.75 % of the human race cowers before the 0.25% who are the scrawny, ugly, nasty, ridiculous little jews, kowtowing also to their turd-shaped, artificial little micro-country!

Only when whites change into Aryans, into spiritual nobles, for “Aryan” means “noble” in Sanskrit, will we be cease to be just like Dudley Do-Right of the Canadian Mounties in the old Bullwinkle cartoon:

— overly nice, futile, and naive about what incredible evil is engulfing us all as white nations.

Note, btw, Snidely Whiplash’s hair color and nose. They look naturally good on villains. 😉

As a Canadian, you are surely aware that obsessive niceness is the downfall of Canada, niceness even when faced with murderous, lying, psychopaths!

I do give credit to Justin for this — being open about his utter treason to our race. We can only blame ourselves if he is not arrested, tried, convicted and hanged for treason.

As George Lincoln Rockwell said:

The new Aryan faith will understand Mars and Venus, male and female, yin and yang, father and mother, violence and peace, and that there are two, not just one, great energies in the universe, both the harsh force and the gentle force.

God is love, but sometimes tough love!

And sometimes the one is appropriate, and sometimes it is the other energy we must apply!



  1. jews and all who hate aryans hate us because they are not us and they can never be us -Aryans = The greatest race and the only eternal race

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