Spiritual reading: count your blessings; Kanye so far stays the course; how to judge the life of Henry Ford

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I thank God for my 17 years with Margi and also for her gorgeous little, fully paid-off house, even if I put hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars fixing it up myself, and I may end up losing both. The Power of Now means my work must NOW go on and NOW reach fruition — even if it means I must sell the roof over my head.

I cannot start my religion with nothing, and I cannot count on white nationalists to finance the launch, only to criticize — and urge me to be “practical”!

“Practical”? Practical to hunker down and think of my retirement? Think of myself as the Great Reset looms, and the lethal cashless society, the digital currency, and as World War Three approaches???? 

As I said in Mein Kampf, nothing is more practical than idealism, sacrifice of self to the greater good,  and heroic action!



November 22

Today, count your blessings and give thanks as deeply and sincerely as you can. There are so many aspects of your life, physical, emotional and mental, which are so much woven into your everyday realities that it is difficult to notice how fortunate you are that they are there. Or how much you rely on them.
As you enter into a new phase of life and transformation on your planet, more and more of these things which help to make up and define your life will be let go. Not all of them, by any means, but as is always the case, the old must step aside if the new is to enter. So take this opportunity to look closely at all you hold dear, at the small joys and pleasures, securities and gifts which surround you day in and day out. And give generous thanks for the enjoyment, lushness and beauty that they bring into your life.
You may even find that there are things you know are no longer serving you but which you are loathe to release. Take today to say thank you for those things as well, for they have indeed served you in the past.
There are incredible gifts on the way; do not doubt it. More than you can imagine. And in time, you will be able to express your gratitude for them. But for today, allow yourself to immerse yourself in the day, in the moment and give thanks for all that is around you right now.
We are thankful to be here with you and send our gratitude and blessings.
…..Remembering the heroic John Kennedy, genuine war hero in the Pacific, secret admirer of Hitler and enemy of the jews, KILLED by the jews in front of his wife (something which even the Mafia would not do) on this day in 1963 in Dallas, Texas for opposing the Israeli atomic bomb

How JFK secretly ADMIRED Hitler: Explosive book reveals former President’s praise for the Nazis as he travelled through Germany before Second World War

  • A new book reveals President Kennedy was a secret admirer of the Nazis
  • Embarrassingly close to visit being paid to Berlin next month by Obama
  • Comes one week before 50th anniversary commemorations of JFK’s memorable ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’ speech pledging US solidarity with Europe

A new book out in Germany reveals how President Kennedy was a secret admirer of the Nazis.

The news comes embarrassingly close to a visit being paid to Berlin next month by President Obama – one week before 50th anniversary commemorations of JFK’s memorable ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’ speech pledging US solidarity with Europe during the Cold War.

President Kennedy’s travelogues and letters chronicling his wanderings through Germany before WWII, when Adolf Hitler was in power, have been unearthed and show him generally in favour of the movement that was to plunge the world into the greatest war in history

Secret: A new book out in Germany reveals how President Kennedy was a secret admirer of the Nazis

‘Fascism?’ wrote the youthful president-to-be in one. ‘The right thing for Germany.’

In another; ‘What are the evils of fascism compared to communism?’

And on August 21, 1937 – two years before the war that would claim 50 million lives broke out – he wrote: ‘The Germans really are too good – therefore people have ganged up on them to protect themselves.’

And in a line which seems directly plugged into the racial superiority line plugged by the Third Reich he wrote after travelling through the Rhineland: ‘The Nordic races certainly seem to be superior to the Romans.’

The future president’s praise is now embarrassing in hindsight – a few years later he fought in War War Two against the Nazis and his elder brother Lt. Joseph Patrick ‘Joe’ Kennedy, Jr was killed.

More: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2329556/How-JFK-secretly-ADMIRED-Hitler-Explosive-book-reveals-Presidents-praise-Nazis-travelled-Germany-Second-World-War.html


….A black man, Kanye, so far is staying strong on the jew control of Hollywood

A wicked reporters cajoles him that he is losing a lot of money and endorsements by exposing the jews. Kanye replies with the simple truth and proves it with hard facts!



….Did Henry Ford wuss out? Yes, he did, BUT……

A comrade made this comment under

Henry Ford refused to do business with Germany during that time period, even though they asked. But he did business with the Soviets. In fact Ford built a large plant in Kharkov in 1936 for the Soviets. So his actions did not match up to his words.


I replied:

It is actually more complicated than just that. I would infer, based on my own experience and over four decades of activism (somewhat in vain), and reading about jewish and Deep State methods, that Ford had some kind of gun, even literally, at his head.

“Do not judge a man until youn have walked a mile in his moccasins.”

The other factor is world-weariness, or as the Germans say, “Weltmüdigkeit”.

Henry Ford, who was beloved, highly respected, and extremely wealthy, risked everything in 1917 to bring World War One to a halt. And he got nowhere.

Then he moved on to expose courageously the main issue, the gigantic threat posed by finance jewry.

Yet again, both the masses and the bought or cowardly politicians in both parties, who of course come from the masses, did absolutely nothing about the jews.

People like Henry Ford (or Charles Lindbergh, Senior and Junior) who try to wake white people up and fail, just get burned out.

And then they begin to rationalize how they need to haul down the flag for various moral reasons, such as……

“If I keep attacking The Powers That Be, either they will kill me with a bullet fired by a “madman,” just as with the slaying of the beloved Louisiana governor Huey Long, who had turned against President Franklin Rosenfeld, by the jew Carl Weiss, M.D., 


…or by putting poison in my food …..and then they will put my liberal son Edsell or Henry Ford II in charge…..

OR they will shut the whole Ford Motor Company down by smearing me as 1) a closet Nazi, and thus a traitor to America, freedom, and democracy, and 2) also an enemy of the trade unions, which supposedly defended the wages and safety of the working man (and I was indeed against Ford workers joining the United Auto Workers union)…. and then

3) the jews in Hollywood will also put out on the movie newsreels every single week that my Ford cars are unsafe and that I do not care if innocent American motorists get killed by the hundreds ……

The Hollywood Jews threatened Henry Ford that they would run a “safety report” on the Model-T before every movie they cranked out, showing horrible car wrecks and claiming the Model-T was a highly dangerous and unsafe vehicle. Ford caved in and publicly renounced antisemitism.


And then, in the midst of the Great Depression — when my workers desperately need jobs to keep food on the table — when the jews cause my Ford Motor Company to go under, a vast concern which I spent a lifetime building up and am so proud of — 70,000 of my loyal Ford workers, most of them family men with wives and kids, will lose their livelihood.

The result?

Massive hunger, bankruptcy, evictions, homelessness, despair, alcoholism, divorce, domestic violence and suicides.





“Comprendre, c’est pardonner.”

“To understand is to forgive.”

We need an Aryan religion to change Whites.

All the elections are rigged.

All the politicians, police chiefs and generals are either bribed or scared.

All the white masses, due to Baby Boomer aging, massive chemtrails and severe low-T, are <em>de facto</em> cowards.

And buying guns is not using them.

This is the reality.

I can change this.

But it begins with the cause, the egoic mind. It begins with a spiritual training to de-animalize us.

Either we are sheep to the slaughter, or vicious predators.

I will never forget the many stories I have heard from people I knew who were raising chickens for eggs and meat of foxes sneaking into a henhouse and killing all the hens just for the sheer pleasure of killing. Not one chicken was eaten.

Wolves are the same. Wolves who are not even hungry will fall upon a herd of deer and just rip their throats out, not even killing them.

Hunters come upon these dying deer, quivering in their death agony, and hate the wolves for doing this, for killing not to eat but for the diabolical “fun” of killing.

And what are earthlings? Largely young souls, or morally dubious people, either clueless sheep who love the very jews who are killing them, or treacherous, vicious predators who like to destroy.

Before you judge this man, Henry Ford, remember that before he folded his cards, he had already risked everything, including his very life and his beloved company that was his life’s work (and that made cars of very good quality that were affordable for the average American).

Henry Ford had a very big heart, and he tried his best.

“Judge not, lest ye be judged.” — Jesus of the Goyim District, “Galil ha goyim.”

I regret that Ford gave up.

But I understand the man.

And know this: while he gave up, I will not.






    • Thank you for your concern but it means you have no faith that I have a higher mission.

      I also have tried having white nationalists live with me and they were egomaniacs or snakes. One became an agent for the jews, another proved to be a shoplifter and satanist, and still another stole a $300 rifle bulletproof vest from my house!

      I would doubly reject a total stranger living with me who loathes our worldview and goals, hates Hitler, believes in the Holyhoax, takes rhe clot shot, and dates people of other races.

      Why would such a libtard not just take $10K from the FBI to open the back door for a SWAT team — or put poison in my food — and feel proud he did it?

      Gee, how about people donating so I do not need to do this sale?

      Now that idea would never occur to 99% of my readers. 😉 The smart thing, remember, is to do nothing — and blog away, or read away — waiting for the jews to close in and kill us. 😉

  1. Okay, so the roommate idea isn’t so great, considering the past.

    Certainly hope that you do continue to get large donations to further your cause.

  2. I have read that Louis Marshall, the most prominent Jew in America at the time, was instrental in the procural of Ford’s apology to the Jews and even wrote the text of Ford’s apology.

  3. From what I was told by my grandmother and parents, Henry Ford created a lot of momentum for others like the America First Committee, National Union for Social Justice and Elizabeth Dilling. These people did critical work exposing Talmudic and usurious Jewry, risking life liberty and livelihood. My father’s family lived on a starvation diet fighting these humanoid snakes.

    • Very true! Ford continued in a more low-profile way to support our cause.

      After my Georgetown University stormtrooper demonstration in 1979, my father, who was paying my $30K annual tuition there, gave me an ultimatum to quit the “Nazi Party — or else.” I too stayed active, but as a smaller blip on the radar screen, writing articles for White Power under the name “Arthur Grogan.” By 1985, my college days over, I was openly active again. 🙂

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