Spiritual reading: a crucifix of energies; Elon Musk perhaps a Hermann the Cherusker? & a German’s praise

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(I thank a Texan and regular donor for this meme.) Another keltic redhead like Joan of Arc, Mary Phagan and my Margi…. Imagine working at a Waffle House and putting up with negroes day-in-and day-out? YouTube and especially Bitchute are FULL of Waffle House riots by black customers!

Time to throw a rock into the white volcano:


January 4

We see a crucifix of energies: both those which move vertically and those which move horizontally, intersecting and offering you the opportunity to experience both at the same time. If you understand what we mean by this, skip ahead.

If not, here is the general idea: energies move around in all directions, with and without conscious intent. But there are always energies moving from the upper dimensions vertically down into the earth and then back up again.

And there are always energies flowing horizontally on your plane, between beings of all sorts, beneficent and conscious energies. Energies such as those you drew on yesterday to connect in love with your fellow beings.

On most days, we find that the predominant energy is either vertical or horizontal, that it is easier for you to move with one or the
other, and therefore to reap the greatest benefit. Today, we suggest that you focus on experiencing the extraordinary flow of upper dimensional energies moving through you and at the same time feel the more grounded energies that run between you and the plants, animals, waters and other people on the planet.

Our advice is that you take some time — if you can find it -— to both ask for and allow yourself to soak in this crossing of powerful and beautiful energy. It could be like the best massage you’ve ever had. If you can access both, you will be able to relax and feel grounded while at the same time you will hook into a sense of inspiration, hope and delight.


And face it, if you only get one, it will still be a beautiful bit of consciousness. Outdoors in nature is the best place to open to these energies, so get outside if it is at all possible. If not, a few quiet moments will be helpful. Just sit with what you feel and allow yourself to know what you already know, what a crossing of energetic paths is telling you.

Overall, this could be a very beautiful and important day in terms of understanding what is next for you, where you need to put your focus in order to align it with your purpose. But it is likely to be outwardly still, without much drama or excitement. A contemplative day that in its unfolding will reveal just how much excitement there actually is in the stillness. So, we encourage you to do all you can to make space for that contemplation, for soaking up some inspiring energies.

And if you simply cannot make that time and space, at least do it in moments. For instance, when you take a drink, or when you consult your watch, or when you pick up the phone—breathe each time and ask to open to the day’s energetic gifts.

We send our blessings and much love.



….No escape by running

EN Austro-Bavarian lady whom I know tries to relax by horse-riding…. and even there, they put an EU flag in on the left, and a gay rainbow banner on the right

DE Österreichisch-bayrische Frau, die ich kenne, will sich durch ein bisschen Reiten vom Wahn der Judenwelt entspannen, doch Regenbögen rechts und EU-Fahne links 😉 Hmmm, raffiniert….

FR Une dame austro-bavaroise que je connais essaie de se détendre en faisant de l’équitation… et même là, ils ont mis un drapeau de l’UE à gauche et une bannière arc-en-ciel gay à droite

….Elon a second Hermann?

A Roman gold coin gloats about “Germania capta” — a blond woman sits naked and weeping on the ground.


Not so fast, Romans….

Re Elon Musk:


(On VK: https://vk.com/feed?w=wall594897053_24409_r24564).


Child-Of-God In-The-Name-Of-Jesus-Christ

Audrey Rose

Trump was made a laughing stock for mentioning Hydroxychloraquine,It turns out it’s true, though.These people need to pay and soon. They are just laughing at us all.

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch

Audrey, I was a staunch Trump backer in 2016 and even in 2020. As we have seen, the guy talks tough but caved in, dumped hydroxychloroquine when he knew it worked, ignored ivermectin, and pushed the jews’ lethal clot shot “at warp speed”….listening not only to the psychopath Fauci but also to his jew son-in-law, the liberal Demoncrat Jared Kushner.
I do note, however, that there was a flurry of news reports that Trump had asked jew Jared and jew convert Ivanka to NOT be part of his 2024 team…. so maybe the guy is waking up finally to the JQ, or rather re-realizing what he already knew in December 2015 about jewry and had somehow forgotten, or indulged in wishful thinking about.

Luke Bodhisattva

Musk himself is not squeaky clean.

Mick Nester

Luke, Correct..Part of the plan !

Lord Reiss-Krippendorff

[JdN: A Musk tweet years back at Masada, Israel — yes, the man was brown-nosing the jews then as he was building his huge companies, Tesla and SpaceX]

Lloyd Wagner

So did Facebook. My account was completely and permanently disabled for sharing an interview with ex-Pfizer executive Michael Yeadon from Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s site “The Defender”.

Erik Plesner

Lloyd, congratulations on leaving the Matrix. Now, delete Instagram, WhatsApp and Twitter too, unless you already did

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch

Erik, umm, why Twitter exactly??? Ever heard of Elon Musk and the restored freedom of speech there? 😉 It IS real. Many important accounts have been restored.

Erik Plesner

Erik Plesner replied to John
John, Musk is just another globalist. He is trying to build a parallel world, which HE and HE alone controls, not depending on other globalist. By exposing the wrong doing of other globalists, he get the naive masses to join or stay on his platform, only to exploit them later.
Look at the research he is sponsoring…. Do you trust this guy ? I don’t.
Stay on Twitter, if you want, I couldn’t care less. We will get to my “I told you so” sooner or later.

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch

Erik, you may be right! But only if you know the man personally and have shared intimate conversations with him, then only do you know what he is really up to. …. Maybe you assume I just got into this game. 😉 But I have been in it since 1978, and seen false hopes come and ago, including Reagan. …..
A point to note: The savior of Germany from the Romans in AD 9, Hermann the Cherusker, was the son of a germanic chieftain and was raised in the Roman style as part of Rome’s elite romanization program. He served with distinction as a Roman army officer….but when the time to strike came, it was Hermann, the loyal vassal of Rome, who led the germanic revolt — and three Roman legions under Varus were ambushed and annihilated by this same Hermann….. He had kept hidden for years his hatred of Roman tyranny……
Again, you might be right, Erik, about Musk…. but a lot of elite white people cannot stand the jews, and go along with secretly gritted teeth. Trump saw through the jews, but then he weakened due to Jared and Ivanka, and tried to butter the suspicious jews up as president, with the pitiful results we saw…..
If Musk is assassinated, then it is you who might regret condemning the man…

Erik Plesner

I dumped mainframes in favour of PCs, i dumped IBM in favour of Microsoft, I dumped Microsoft in favour of Google, and I dumped Google in favour of Yandex. Now, let’s see if Yandex is any better in the long run. In 1985 Microsoft wasn’t a globalist company, and Bill Gates was working 2 years without holiday, to help his startup survive . Now this WEF moron thinks he has the moral right to depopulate the world. Depopulation is an aphorism for mass-murder.
Stay on Twitter, if you want, and I will wait for my “I told you so” moment…..
Erik, you have a strong egoic need to be right, win an argument, and see me wrong. Okay. But I would rather hope that a hyperbillionaire be at least somewhat on our side.
Let me guess: Tucker Carlson is also an agent, as is Trump, and so was George Lincoln Rockwell, too, back in the day.
I remember very well when the jews spread in the 1960s that: “Anyone hoisting the swastika is alienating the Whites we need, the WWII vets now running America, and therefore Rockwell is working for the jews.”
Everyone is secretly a rat….. no exceptions. So follow no one and support no one. The problem there is “Cui bono?” Whom does THAT help?

Erik Plesner

I guess that now these (mainly Democ-rats) morons are going to sue TWITTER for holding back this information, and not FBI, Democ-rats and Biden/Harris for making it happen. Your country is really “too fucked to be unfucked”…..

Donnie Bjorklund

I bet that twitter is registering all that info they get from awake people and getting the information to some alphabet organization.

…. He gets it, and I thank him

[source: https://johndenugent.com/spiritual-reading-give-and-glow-from-a-sincere-love-of-others-hemingway-on-the-brave-margi-in-the-house/#comment-712049]

You, John de Nugent, have undertaken nothing less than to lay a new spiritual foundation, to offer a set of basic assumptions as a spiritual tool, for the present and for future generations.

All initial circumstances were coordinated and aligned by your guardian angel in this sense, being born into a (power)political network that gave you insights into ruling structures and corresponding contacts, the MK-Ultra tragedy experience that acted as an unyielding research urge catalyst to subject the established thought structures to a fundamental revision.

And truly, the U.S. is an exquisite starting point for such a mission.

People always say so easily “Oh, I can imagine that,” but unless you are in the situation yourself, the best you can do is try to guess.

You really do a thorough cleanup of ineffectual and outdated concepts and all the manipulative thinking of the background powers. You add new and connect the existing good to a new synthesis. The mediation of spiritual help-to-self is your basic idea to introduce people to the spiritual potential and to make them aware of the inherent spiritual world.

In the end, this means nothing less than leaving the materialistic age behind and exactly this is what the Ahrimanic/satanic forces want to prevent under all circumstances, as you have illustrated often enough (atheism = leads to the fear of one’s own destruction).

That the rulers therefore drive forward their grueling permanent attacks against you on several levels is most fierce and logically comprehensible, because you tear the ground away from under their feet; your tragic loss on a personal level standing in this frame of reference is cruel.

Then there is the fact that countless people [whom we wish to enlighten and recruit] have deeply internalized the indoctrinated anti-ideals and live according to them. As you recently put it, today the slogan would be the opposite of national socialism: “I am everything, my people is nothing.” Egocentrism has taken the strongest form in our time and has hardened. People are entrenched in deeply materialistic structures.

There is a difference between being on the front line of enlightenment on the world stage and being far in the rear as a reader benefiting from the insights of the front-line fighters.

That the ignorance and the egomania of the majority is felt as disgusting, can be guessed, however, in the best way. The current National Journal article [in German] [1] also describes the present state of mind of the majority quite drastically (and it also deals with the present population replacement in the USA):

“[…] From experience, the voting cattle rejects thinking already on principle, and so they do not even notice the vaccine-killing of their family members, their friends, their work colleagues.

[JdN: It was years ago actually that RFK Jr was saying this about the vaxxes causing the true epidemic of autism, and because he was ignored then, the jews decided to go ahead with the biggie, the Covid genocide shot.] 

The global vaccine holocaust takes place under the eyes of this indolent, ignorant mass of people. And thanks to the globalist media monopoly, the thought-paralyzed sheeple are mentally incapable of recognizing and questioning false leadership.

Instead, they stroll to their deaths as if hypnotized, in insane rapture. […]”


There one must think again of the scene of “The Time Machine” episode,[2] where all warning, rousing and appealing end up being (for the time being!) in vain.

It remains to be noted that your publications analyses and syntheses have a worldwide influence and that the silent worldwide readership acts as multipliers and carries the ideas and knowledge of johndenugent.com further into the world.

The John de Nugent material is a unique synthesis of knowledge transfer. It contains guides for self-help, for the independent obtaining of self-agency, methods of a practical nature which mediate a life-affirming self-image and world view.

Spiritual “golden knowledge” is worth its weight in gold for individual advancement, but since spiritual growth (personality development) is usually associated with painful birth pangs, the masses just prefer to go the 99-cent hamburger route, as depicted in the famous cartoon.

Or, as Peter McWilliams described it, they prefer to stay in their “comfort zone” in which a (growth) standstill prevails.[3]

Slowly, however, there is movement in the game, and the first positive changes are becoming apparent. The fact is that the avant-garde usually has to struggle along quite alone, and then things begin to budge.


[1] https://concept-veritas.com/nj/sz/2023/01_Jan/01.01.2023.htm

[2] “The Time Machine”, 3 minutes

[3] “DO IT! Let’s Get Off Our Buts”, Here starting from PDF page 7, “The Comfort Zone”:

“Peter McWilliams: Be Grateful for this Moment”,



…..My reply

Thank you so much.

Not long after Margi and I got married in July,

…we visited the Ontonagon Public Library and Margi was looking for some nature books.

Margi at Bonanza Falls, fifteen minutes from here


To pass the time, I looked at a bookshelf full of older works being given away.  One was essays by great philosophers, and in one it said how to handle death…. how death is nothing but a transition to a better world, but what hurts is seeing the suffering and the dying of the loved one, and feeling the ensuing, sharp, knifestab of grief. I was stunned by the fact my fingers had randomly opened the book up to this very specific page on death — within such a big, fat volume covering many topics…………………….

I gulped. What was my angel telling me to get strong for?

For this:

For this, her ashes, and, to my surprise, plenty of bone fragments:

….and for this, GRIEF, the price of true love.

As I wrote in German:

Mein eigenes sicheres Wissen um die Ewigkeit der Seele, davon die der Margi, und des Zwischenlebens, und der Reinkarnation — dass es ein ganzes Programm des Seelenweitermachens gibt — sowie auch das Bewusstsein, meiner Frau meine Pflicht vollauf getan zu haben, entkräfteten etwas die monatelange Trauer — aber, ehrlich gesagt, nur halb.
Es ist einfach auch das Ende einer innigen Freundschaft von zwei Menschen! (Naja, die Verbindung, obwohl anders geworden, ist geblieben…)
Was mich immer wieder am meisten tröstet, ist meine Überzeugung, dass Margi als eine brave deutschamerikanische Frau in den vorübergehenden Himmel ging, wo all diese irdische Sauereien und Gefahren unbekannt sind.
Man empfindet hier fast nur noch Ekel. Hier verpasst Margi wahrlich nichts.
Was mich erschreckt nur, ist dass ich noch immer Traueraugenblicke erleben mit einem Pulsieren in den Schläfen, und ab und zu einen regelrechten Herzstich.
Ich habe doch so viel hier noch zu tun!
Ich will der Margi beim Wiedersehen im Jenseits Erfolge melden! “Ich habe das große Werk ins Rollen gebracht — Weiße werden spirituell enttiert, sie wachen auf, sie werden bewusst zu kämpfenden, liebenden Ariern!”
Die Trauer ist nun momentan mein rasender Todfeind. Nur die Kraft des Jetzt kann mich retten. Gott stehe mir bei, damit ich darin bleibe, damit meine Sendung vollbracht werde.


My own sure knowledge of the eternity of the soul, and thus of my Margi’s soul, and of the interlife, and of reincarnation — that there is a whole program of soul continuation — as well as the awareness that I have done my duty to my wife, has somewhat weakened the months of sadness — but, frankly, only halfway.
It is simply the end of an intimate, close, loyal friendship between two people! (Well, our connection, although different, has remained…)
What always comforts me the most is my belief that Margi, as a good German-American woman, went to the temporary heaven where all these earthly pigsties and dangers of jew world are unknown.
One feels almost permanent disgust living here. Margi really isn’t missing anything much. 😉
The only thing that frightens me is that I still experience moments of acute sadness with a throbbing in my temples, and an occasional physical heart ache.
Yet I still have so much to do here!
I want to be able to report successes to Margi when we meet again in the afterlife! “I’ve started the great work — Whites are becoming spiritually de-animalized; they’re waking up; they’re consciously turning into fighters, into loving people — into Aryans!”
Grief is now my raging, mortal enemy. Only the Power of Now can save me. God help me to stay ever in it… so my mission goes on.




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