Spiritual reading: don’t allow chaos to get inside you; Chernobyl in Ohio: “authorities” run ultra-toxic vinyl chloride chemicals into a trench and set it on fire!

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February 17  (This spiritual reading is especially à propos when you read about the giant Ohio toxic spill, which might be far more suspicious and much worse than the authorities are letting on) 

Read this first, which shows even the mainstream media is alarmed: https://www.newsweek.com/ohio-train-derailment-could-become-full-blown-ecological-crisis-1781148

And remember that this Ohio region is prime agricultural land — the land that FEEDS us.

I have driven through there….. and let me tell you that Ohio, Indiana and Illinois have legendary topsoil, which is why many farmers from my native New England moved away and came to the lower Midwest in the 1800s.

And my own English-born grandfather was a farmer.

This may be a deliberate attack on 1) the economy, 2) on the food supply, and 3) on our healthcare systems, with a huge cancer epidemic from this perhaps coming our way.



And the more I talk with David von Braun,



AND HIS LOT, WORTH 391,000 dollars, IS STILL DESERTED in a booming Texas urban neighborhood of PRIME REAL ESTATE  between Dallas and Ft. Worth…..


Why has this lot been empty for 18 years as the population of Texas has BOOMED from both Mexicans pouring illegally into the US and from white conservatives pouring OUT of California to Texas?




I get more and more certain that people on our side, as David says, are regularly being poisoned and killed by diseases the FBI induces in us.

And IMO this is perhaps truly, just as I suspected and blogged, why my wife and mate of 17 years, Margaret, is dead, that is, IS LIVING, but living on the other side, at peace, cancer-free, out of her dreadful pain, and young and beautiful again… like at age 30, neither young nor old, and watching with love over me and my do-something supporters.


I do think it was divine intervention that David came here:

for his information,

his high intelligence,

his deep hatred and even grudge, shall we say, against our psychopathic rulers for both ethical and personal reasons, and

because he is armed and 6’1″. 😉

No other READER responded, after all, to my appeals for an assistant, just like an anesthetized zombie, or like a mummy from Egypt lying in some tomb. Or did you respond, dear reader?

Did you?

Crickets. 😉

I do thank those who have donated…. the handful.

It cost me plenty to get David here!

And I just sent off over one thousand dollars for my website,

….money for the webmaster, and also for the man who does website monitoring against hackers and who is also sharing my blogs on VK, Telegram and elsewhere. David will be learning from him how to do this as well.

As I DO things, remember not to whine over your dreadful fate as things unfold and you still do nothing, not for me or even for yourself!

“Where is God?!”

No, where are you?

And do not dare beg me for money to get to the UP as things get ever worse … if you have never sent me one thin dime.

I do not need any fair-weather friends and opportunistic good buddies up here.

I will not pay moochers, do-nothings, mockers and (unfair) critics (I take valid criticisms every day)

hundreds of dollars

to come up here to the rightwing and all-white UP of Michigan in order to mooch off me even more. 


….but doing nothing is a glorious earthling tradition. 😉

NOTHING WAS DONE against the jews by American earthlings —

after the German-atrocity lies that got us into WWI;

The US Cemetery at Belleau Woods in France….97,000 Americans died over fake German atrocities spewed by the jewspapers….

of WWII;

the giving up of 90 million white Eastern Europeans to the slaughter by Stalin and his communists;

the murder of John Kennedy, a flawed but beautiful and noble man in many ways;

the tragedy of Vietnam;

the USS Liberty attack;

September 11;


….the shocking CIA murder in 2004 of Pulitzer-Prize winning investigative report Gary Webb, who exposed how the CIA was bringing crack cocaine into America to 1) get rich, and 2) fund illegal operations in Nicaragua forbidden by law by the US Congress

His “suicide”!


….literally everything about Barack Obama

….who already in 2008 was KNOWN, was K-N-O-W-N to rank-and-file Republicans even to be a



communist who was

fathered by the black communist and porn novelist Frank Marshall Davis —

and was an illegal alien and non-US citizen ….

who was president of the United States for eight years, signing laws into effect

….and waging unprovoked war on Libya and Syria, even overthrowing the authentic Slavic government of Slavic Ukraine to replace every leader there by smirking JEWS

Zelensky, a smart-ass jew midget and coke snorter who here pretends, with his compadres, to play a piano with his penis in a supposed hilarious skit….


the endless false flags of the Charleston church shooting, the Boston Marathon bombing, the Las Vegas mass shooting, and Sandy Hook;

…..then the 2020 Stealection…..

Since all these jew crimes and murders, exposed online, nevertheless got no pushback and went totally unpunished,





(Oh, they will keep a few pure Whites alive, men and women, just to degrade and humiliate as their SEX SLAVES.)

Get ready, if still alive, to suck jew and negro cock or take it up the ass in a death camp.

Sorry, folks, but this is a Marine talking. No point in sugar-coating it.

You will hate yourself that you did nothing: nothing for me and nothing even for yourself.



Dearest ones: once again, we want to encourage you to trust, to value and to seek your refuge within.

In these times, so chaotic and unordered, as the world as you have known it comes undone, it is so very important for you to focus your attention within, into your own self and what is going on in there.

This can be done in conjunction with others; we do not mean to say that you should abjure society altogether. But there is a danger in giving too much of yourself to the events unfolding around you.

These events will proceed according to the maps already drawn. There is little that you can do at this point to alter or improve upon outcomes. But what is most important, what you can do right now, this moment and every moment, is to live in the truth and to feed your hearts. It is the quality of your beingness that matters now. And there is really no way to hold a high vibration if you are regularly allowing your energies to be infiltrated by the chaos.

Meditation or any practice which helps you to know better and spend more time in your strength is strongly advised. If you already do this, do more. If you don’t, do something. There are so many, many ways in which to pull your focus back from the brink, and we urge you to fnd one or more that help you do this more effectively.

You see, the thing is that the energies of deconstruction and dissolution are magnetic and powerful. As you extend yourself in their direction it is so easy to be pulled into their vortex, only to disappear down the drain. The fear factor is tremendous, and as it revs up, it is likely to sweep multitudes along, to their own destruction, in its path.

Only by firmly rooting in your own truth and inner light will you be able to withstand the on-rushing forces whose job it is to clear the detritus.

The bottom line: those who are left standing will be those who have something with which to build anew. Those left standing will be those who know how prioritize and act decisively.

Those left standing will be those whose hearts are stronger than their minds.

The time is truly upon us, and there is little room for prevaricating. Please, please—don’t give yourselves over to the fear, don’t let yourself be seduced by it. Instead, this is a time for an INNER retreat to reaffirm of all you have learned and cultivated.

So touch in today to what it is that strengthens your heart connection and resolve to do that every day in one way or another. The form is utterly unimportant; what matters is where you place your attention and your energy, and it matters more each day.

We stand beside, around and behind you with great love and faith in your wisdom, strength and courage. In every minute.

All our blessings.


…Ohio toxic spill and fire: how bad is it?

After the Ohio train derailment, small-town residents are living the plot of a recent movie which they helped make. This East Palestine, Ohio train derailment could become a full-blown ecological and even food crisis.

A TOXIC GAS CLOUD unleashed when “authorities” set fire to vinyl chloride to DISPERSE it over our skies, farms and rivers. This is in a major farm belt/food belt/fantastic-topsoil area. I have driven through there.

How will this affect the food supply? Watch this video. It’s not good!

M.D. Creekmore

About the Author

M.D. Creekmore is a former Paladin Press best-selling author and his preparedness articles have been published in American Survival Guide Magazine, Survivalist Magazine, and Backwoodsman Magazine. He is a full-time writer, blogger, YouTube creator, and publisher of MDCreekmore.com.

His books include The Prepper’s Guide to Surviving the End of the World as We Know it, Dirt Cheap Survival Retreat, and 31-Days to Survival.

He is also, the publisher of The Prepared Preppers Cookbook.

To find out more, please visit his website at mdcreekmore.com.

As a resident of northeast Ohio I am more than just a little concerned about the after-effects of this train derailment in East Palestine.
I live 83 miles from the impact site, and am trying to get the word out here on the many dangers resulting from this planned disaster. I fully believe this was a well-thought-out, planned execution of events with the intention that it will impact so much in the short term and long term.
The rivers just happen to run all the way to the Gulf of Mexico; not just Ohio will be impacted. I have heard that if you live within 1,000 miles you will have impacts from this. I have also heard that it is a 200 mile radius, and guess what, people! Welcome to Chernobyl in Ohio, people. I want to thank you for taking the time to post this video that is packed with vital information.
Noel Rivera
I’m at a loss of words for what’s going on. I left Brooklyn, New york over 4 years ago after 25 years there, and moved to Ohio, about one hour from this.
I knew since I was 18 something was gonna happen. I just turned 30 years old today ,and I feel like we are being attacked from all sides in this country. This was not by accident!! I honestly feel like there is nowhere to run. I already left New York City! Now something like this happens in Ohio! People, this is a BIG problem. What if there is nowhere to go?! It seems we are being attacked in every area from weather to food and water.
This is all about the Great Reset and making it to where people have to go into the 15 minute cities, eat the crickets and use digital currency!!
I’m ready to die for my freedoms — that’s all I gotta say! I’ve prepared for many years as best I can, and I don’t know what else to do, but when the time comes I will not go out silently
Darlene Carter
I believe everyone better get ready to see more of this terrible stuff happening…sorry to say
Lisa Johannson
This is absolutely horrible! Prayers for all. Thanks for all you do, M.D.
WatchWoman on the Vine
I live four miles from the derailment area. The acid rain is coming down now. They were also spraying chemtrails more than normal from planes. [] I can’t get away from here because my car broke down. I just got some supplies and self defense for something. I have a bad feeling something is going to happen. Thanks for bringing attention to this. There’s no information on the local level.
Siobhán Connellw
Yes, it is deliberate. Every single thing they do for the last ten years, esp. the last few years since 2020 has been deliberate, absolutely. There are those that call this the American Chernobyl; the ramifications will last for decades – IF the world lasts that long. The way things are heading downhill, fast is an understatement. More like nosedive.
Whoever made the decision to run those chemicals in a trench and set it on fire should be totally held liable for the whole incident!….JMO
Oreo Puppy dawg
I just called in a payment to a bank in Ohio and I ask the lady I talked to how her and her family was doing AND SHE DIDN’T EVEN KNOW ANYTHING HAPPENED!!! She said she heard they we’re supposed to boil their water for some reason! Unbelievable! The reporters were arrested and the people don’t know??
REMEMBER that the people not reporting on this supposedly had your health as their top priority over the last 3 years…
Derek of Gont
Made me so angry watching those animals nervously walking back and forth in their enclosures , only a few hours later to be found dead. We’re all on our own.
Betty Dailey
All rivers and water ways that are fed by the Ohio River will be affected. Also, the well water will be affected also because the chemicals will drain into the soil,and every rain and snow will spread it deeper and more through the soil. The burning of the chemicals makes it very dangerous for many states. Because once those chemicals get into the wind/air flow through the wind, it’s going to be spread out to others communities, weather carriers these chemicals. It can affect people, animals, ponds, grass, and soil. If the jet stream picks up these chemicals according to where you live and jet stream, these areas are highly possible to be affected. And we know the jet stream is not stable and can dip into the southern states also. This is not just going to affect Ohio but a larger number of communities.






It’s finally coming.

You earthlings were warned over many incarnations and did nothing. You still do nothing!

We cannot run, only fight — fight out of love — to win forever.

I thank God the choice is so clear.

Your actions will judge you when you face God at the end of your days.


You are not your mind; you are an eternal soul, here to grow via hardships! Choose to live, not just exist!



    • He is applying for disability from a very severe and visible hernia, caused IMO by a FBI poisoning, a collapse of his abdominal muscles. A jewess named Sebag at the Boston federal building denied him disability before.

      He has been getting free room and board from me, and, starting this week, he will get a very small salary.

      He was working two or three jobs to get by, and each time, the jews went to his boss and got him fired. “Why did you hire that Nazi?”

      He was working at the von Trapp lodge (as in “The Sound of Music”) in_Vermont –same thing. “If you want to continue getting our business, you should not have a Nazi on your staff who reminds us of the horrors of the Holocaust where six million innocent jews died.”


      David is very calm and practical, with automotive, construction, musical, and electronic skills.

      Very German…. 😉

      He does like women, I notice, just as his father did. 😉

        • White women can be awesome, and give a man strength and heroism he never knew he had in him.

          As for safety, there is no more safety in retreat or in being low-profile.

          How many white people, unhappy with the country’s direction, were just quietly going off to work every day when the lethal vaccine mandate came along? Now they are “dying suddenly” from it!

          The jews will not leave any of us alone!

          I saw that clearly with David von Braun. They even got him fired from a liquor store! He had even dyed his hair black to not look WASPy and fit in with the Puerto Ricans, jews and sicilians! A man with a genius IQ like his dad, hauling around crates of whiskey — and with a severe hernia which is a visible BULGE!!!!!

          But a fed jewess in Boston denied him disability! Von Braun was homeless and sleeping in his 2005 Toyota after the jews got him fired even from THAT job!

          Only us going on the offensive and attacking our enemy with everything we have in our arsenal can save any of us, even a remnant.

          This is why I talk about the REALITY of the afterlife and the TRUTH of reincarnation.

          You cannot die.

          You CAN truly live, but only by being a hero!

          • John, it’s insane how sick the system is against antisemites in USA -in denmark David would have gotten disability benefits long ago.

  1. State harassment of patriots is nothing new. In the old BNP [British National Party] under Nick Griffin….


    …the unions and reds would regularly approach a patriot’s employer and force them to sack/lay off the patriots.

    The boss would openly tell us they’ve had a visit concerning sacking the patriots. Or telling the staff about a patriot’s views in order to cause a fight.

    I had to reapply for my own job once, and I didn’t get my old one back.

    The person who got my job was less qualified than me and couldn’t do what the job demanded.

    I left for a better self-employed position that can’t be sacked from.

    Patriots have to be self-sufficient and determined.

    The scummy Jews and reds have turned into the people they claim to oppose [the Hollywood portrayal of “Nazis” who rule by fear].

  2. Almost two weeks passed from the time of the train derailment with its spill of a dangerous chemical until the incident showed up in the news.

    When I was young I am sure the incident would have shown up in the news right away.

    • Yes.

      When we were kids, the media was partially corrupted, but now totally. In tv journalism today, all that matters is to toe the official line, and say exactly as you were told to say — “blind obedience” or your career with the juicy salary is over, and you might even up dead, or framed and put in prison.

      I blogged on a CNBC oil-industry reporter who began telling the truth about the Deepwater Horizon BP oil spill (which happened on Hitler’s birthday in 2010) in the Gulf of Mexico. The next thing, he was raided and arrested for “having child porn on his computer” (surrrrre) and the man was indicted, tried, convicted, and then beaten to death in prison.

      The truth: BP had punctured the crust of the earth, the oil, under gigantic pressure, was unstoppable, masses of illegal, banned and highly toxic Corexit were being sprayed by Air Force planes at night into the Gulf to break up the oil globules, and this oil geysir from the punctured crust of the earth still floods upward today into the Gulf. The leak was NEVER stopped up, and it is affecting the Gulf [of Mexico!] Stream and making European weather crazy.


  3. I read that Jewish law requires that a warning be given before bad things are done to the goyim.

    Prior to the 9-11 event a movie was put out which showed airplanes crashing into buildings.

    Prior to the derailment disaster in Ohio a movie was put out which showed such a disaster happening, as was mentioned by Creekmore in his video above.

    I submit that the fact that such warnings have been put out prior to the actual events of 9-11 and the recent chemical release by a train derailment in Ohio and the burning of these chemicals which will spread these chemicals and their danger, strongly indicates a Jewish culpability in this recent train disaster.

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