Spiritual reading – embrace the dark times

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May 11

There are dark, unlit passages through which most of you must move on your way to clarity and light.

Your time in [physical] form requires that you spend time in the catacombs if you wish to understand the full meaning of physicality. It is not possible to know the country without having actually spent time in all of its provinces. Do not despair if you find yourself in the musty dank, in the bowels. This is just as important a part of your path as any other. You never need to waste time, or to see your sojourns in sadness or confusion as opportunities missed.

In fact, these are the richest times of your life. You may not find yourself positioned to celebrate them, but by all means embrace them. It is only when you wish that it were otherwise that you lose something of value.

When you dive into the darkness, that is where you can find a certain kind of truth, the key, that leads into realms you have heretofore not even imagined.

Stay at the fair having fun –and that will be the limit of your climb. Your cultures, all of them, have given you stories and myths about “the journey of the hero.”

It is without exception that the hero must face mortal danger in order to arrive at his heroic destination. Despite regular exposure to this sort of theme, most humans balk at the bad times, like slugs curl away from salt.

And the truth is that you are at liberty to stay at the fair, eat the cotton candy, visit the fun house, and pay to ride the Ferris wheel. This is within the range of your free will. But when you choose to visit the subterranean, or you accept your transport there, as a gift, as the most powerful means of transformation, then you can find your way into other levels of living, levels where you can actually fly.

We say all this today, not because we wish to direct you into your own subconscious or darkness, but because we know that so many of you have and will continue to find yourselves there. We want to encourage you to hold in your consciousness that these times of exploration in the dark are gifts of inestimable value.

The times and the currents of radical change that are sweeping your world upend the order you have known, both externally and internally. You, in other words, as you have known yourself, are likely to be up-ended in some fashion. Most of you are already experiencing this.

The old structures collapse, and then how are you to fashion the new?

The best advice we can offer is that you will need to clear away much of what has been. And unless you clear deep down, to the very roots, you will collapse again and again. The best way to get to those roots, to find out which are sound and which are rotten, is to explore them.

It can be dirty work, no doubt about it. But there is also no doubt that under the surface is where you are most likely to find unexpected treasure as well. By treasure, we really mean freedom, of course. Freedom and true strength.

So if you notice that you are blue or even black in mood, if you find yourself, angry, depressed, disempowered, frustrated or just grumpy, don’t try to fix it. Just as a day of great glory in nature is a gift
from the universe to help you on your way, so these “moods’ are gifts to help you find your self, to access your own truth and vision.

You may not always have the time to indulge them, but see them for what they are: doorways into the aspects of your being that direct and control your life. Until you have surveyed them, they do their work without your permission, without your knowledge.

If you choose to live consciously, to be present for your life, then you must eventually know all these dark corridors. Many of you have spent your time wandering them, but few of you approach the doorway with delight and gratitude. Just try it next time (and sorry to say it, but the next time is probably not too far off!) and see what happens. You are amazing beings, and that which you keep below ground is equally fascinating and worth knowing. Don’t pull back, don’t be afraid. You are strong enough to look and see, and you will be stronger for having seen. Remember to keep your eyes open and intend to make the most of your journey. It need never be time wasted.

At the risk of sounding sentimental, we say that you are a hero. You are here now, struggling to live in a way that is often not easy. But you meet adversity and do not turn back.

For what is there to turn back to? If you must shovel mountains of manure, like one of your mythical heroes, then do it with verve and yes, even joy, if you can. It would not be put before you if it were not critical for you to shovel. Trust this.

We send much love, many blessings and wishes for even more great courage and joy in your lives.


….My own life has born all this out

Many who come here to this rowdy planet, which is by turns beautiful and horrible, are here for very good and brave motives, to grow and to serve.

It is said that certain impetuous souls volunteer for the hardest things.

I guess I was one of them. 😉

The Manchurian Candidate program was a period of unspeakable suffering.

BUT I learned first-hand what the jews are like, and this stoked my inner fires.

And I was forced onto the spiritual path. No amount of booze, pot, reading books, doing sports, or sex (and I had plenty of all this in the 1990s) was able to heal gushing inner wounds.

In the end, the Buddha was right. It is our own ego that causes all this suffering. The jew only takes advantage of it.

And suffering can indeed lead to enlightenment, and enlightenment to inner peace.

And so I am “glad” as well as sad that whites are suffering from this Corona lockdown and the collapsing economy, not because I want them to suffer, but because they need it to wake up.

Why can humans not learn from reading wise books or talking to a mentor? Tragedy and growth have been going on for thousands of years.

A friend of mine is going through really bad times right now. But bad times can lead to good times.

Embrace the pain…hurts so good.





  1. I know this will also sound like a truism since you’ve probably already thought it yourself, but it’s neither ego or selflessness that are the problem here, but a lack of balance between the two. Clearly,disidentifying from the ego and identifying with others is good sometimes, but it isn’t so good when women just identify with the whole world and hold up the Rapefugees Welcome signs in Europe. Nor is it good when a guy only cares about his own self and is too scared of being disagreed with to let’s say even voice the opinion that maybe his race and country should still exist and not get flooded with immigration, which would’ve been handled a whole lot easier if politicians had done so 20 to 30 years ago instead of not saying a thing. Although there also definitely needs to be some consciousness of the world too or else the whole environment could get polluted and destroyed as all the oceans turn inhospitable. The point is though that both ego and selflessness have their own flaws and Eckhart Tolle type spiritualism doesn’t mean much when disconnected from any actual goals.

    Basically, the goal of spiritualities and ideologies should be to improve people in both body and mind continuously while doing the same with all political and economic structures. But you are right to say that the egoic mind can be very bad. Ego-obsessed people like Trump could literally end up destroying the planet if their egos end up being more important than triggering wars which could trigger 10’0000 nukes. He did a lot better than Hillary would have with the No Fly Zone she had planned for Syria back in 2016 which likely would have escalated tensions with Russia even further, but he is not perfect.

    This idea of disconnecting from the egoic mind ties into the idea of disconnecting from the hysterical mindset the media promotes. Basically, looking at things objectively. The end goals that Democrats promote are not all bad. A world fully powered by sustainable and non ecologically harmful energy sources would be a much better one than the modern world if done right and not done as a segway into self driving cars, microchips monitoring thoughts, and the like, all controlled by a dictatorial government. If higher levels of civilization spread throughout the world, there would no longer be an excuse to force white countries to accept immigrants, as they would have all the first world infrastructure eventually, assuming they could actually maintain it. For some reason, Democrats never discuss total nuclear disarmament as a worldwide goal, even though it is common sense that any good world 100 years from now will be either already disarmed or moving towards total abandonment of nuclear weapons. In addition to the end of nukes, while I know this would be a controversial opinion to you, it would also be preferable if lethal guns were eventually unneeded as well, but only after the government no longer was in a position to oppress people. The ultimate end goal, though, would not be the elimination of guns, but changing the mindset of the world so that nobody has lethal intent, and taking it a step further, making ‘aggression’ an obsolete concept that has no use for anyone anymore. I know guns can be a valuable way for people to maintain their freedoms, and they certainly are. However, you certainly wouldn’t advocate for everyone to get their own personal nuclear missle arsenals. The point is the ‘lethal intent’ capable of being delivered by all this technology is extremely high, and it’s a result of humanity being spiritually unadvanced. It’s getting to the point where all sufficiently advanced countries have the potential to destroy the world on a whim, so clearly, this escalation cannot go on endlessly or everything will just be destroyed. In the future, who knows, 100 years from now people might be free enoguh that they all have personal flying vehicles they can fly around the world endlessly with, but everyone should not be allowed to just maintain their own personal army of killer drones. In an ideal world, people will probably have capabilities to kill each other, but the key goal is to make it so nobody has a logical reason to do so and everybody has the positive intent to make that not happen. It would seem silly in the modern world, but in one that has moved past scarcity, you would probably be surprised.

    It surprises me to no end how capitalists and socialists alike basically never discuss an end goal for what their economic system is supposed to achieve. It just seems obvious to me that the end goal should be a peaceful world without war, disease, and pointless deaths, and a world with a goal of increasing everything good about itself, like beauty, intelligence, happiness, fitness, etc. And this is not some kind of violent thing, but a genuine positive ideal, it would not be forcible sterilizations or anything else abhorrent but just individual people trying to become the best possible versions of themselves and giving future generations the best opportunities. A capitalist argument could be made that the world isn’t ready for a post scarcity world anytime soon but in that case capitalists should base their argument on how capitalism is the best option they think is there to move towards a renewable energy world and eventually, with any luck, a post-scarcity one without wars or any risk of catastrophic annihilation, and which system has the best expected timeframe for how many decades it will take to reach such an outcome. It’s not ‘communism’ to want to build a better world, since that assumes a state of abundant resources or technology necessarily means suddenly tyranny begins and everyone is enslaved into the Borg or something. It’s just common sense that this is basically the goal every civilization should be aiming towards.

    Of course, Religion plays a large role in inhibiting all good visions of the future. Christianity’s End Times prophecy promotes insanity in the population and makes them think a doom disaster will come before anything good happens. In reality if anything like those predictions happened and the conspiracy theorists who think the “Mark of the Beast” is microchips being put in everyone, it would just lead to everyone dying or being enslaved, not suddenly being saved by Jesus or something. In reality, that is all just insanity made popular by religion, and some horrible catastrophe like that should be avoided at all costs if the world’s going to go anywhere good.

    Basically, I agree with the reading you are mentioning here but just think it needs context to be understood in a meaningful way.

    • If one does not, will not, and cannot grasp Tolle about the egoic mind, then one will always misinterpret my message as the hoary old “altruism versus egotism,” or as they say nowadays “service to others versus service to self.”

      This is not about that at all.

      Altruists can be full to bursting of blinding ego that is immune to facts. And various ideologies of altruism, all out to save the world, have wrought utter havoc:

      –libtardism (including abolitionism during “the Civil War”)

      –Reaganism (tax cuts for the rich, one-way free trade with China, and a huge military)

      –communism (good only at killing people)

      What they all do is puff up the adherent, telling him how special, unique, brave, noble and,in effect, elite he is.

      The egoic mind is when the mind of a man rules him, and he cannot turn it off.

      This is far more profound than it sounds, far more than self-control or positive thinking.

      This is answering the greatest question of all:

      Who am I?

      A bundle of thoughts and feelings, produced by a body, a brain, and its electrochemistry? A creature obsessed by the past and fearing the future?

      Or a being living in the Now, and fully present to either “stop and smell the roses,” OR to focus on a threat, and with eight sword strokes take down eight samurai, as Miyamoto Musashi did… by the power of NOT THINKING….

      “At every second, when surrounded by swordsmen,” Miyamoto Musashi said,
      “your mind must go snap, snap, snap.”

      With each of eight strokes, he had to kill, and he did.


      He won 61 duels in a row — and was never beaten.

      As Yoda said (the first “Star Wars” contained many truths), “think not — do.”

      Musashi was a man who was almost free of the egoic mind, and it had nothing to do with altruism or egotism, or balance.

      • I’m not trying to oversimplify this and I see what you mean that the egoic mind is also about disidentifying from your thoughts and understanding yourself as the one who experiences and controls them. I am just saying that it all feels contextless without ideology although I realize i made a mistake by not describing the egoic mind idea accurately.

        Yes, many ideologies have caused problems while claiming to be the solution to everything, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong to aim at a goal like i described. I think my point about Christianity is still very accurate here in its ability to outline why people often do not think enough about the future.

        I realize that suspending thought and actually doing things is important and that you are talking about that, but I am just saying that can’t be all there is. That is just one mental observation that Eckhart Tolle made and on its own, it is in no way enough to solve the problem of spirituality for the many mentally dying of atheism and religious doctrine. Let alone also put it into context with the real world.

        For example, to put the ideas i outlined into context of the real world and offer real solutions, the Middle Easts needs a nuclear weapons free zone, and this would solve the problem of wars in the middle east. The real problem there is that the USA refuses to acknowledge Israel’s nuclear weapons and the need to get rid of them so the Middle East can have peace and the threat of nuclear war between USA and Russia can be mitigated. It’s a fairly common sense idea that is routinely dismissed by both American parties, but it would be a key step to world peace. I’m just saying this to show that the ideology points i outlined aren’t baseless and that I do have some specific ideas of how change could happen.

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