Spiritual reading: embrace the light

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December 24

Today is a day that is particularly special to some of you, but it is also, and perhaps more importantly, part of an arc of days that call upon you on earth to hold light in the dark time.

Whenever it is possible to celebrate, especially in the light and with light, do so with all your hearts. Enjoy any connections you may have with loved ones. Really pay attention to this, because, along with gratitude for all your blessings, it is the essence of what you need to do.

The lights of the season are all one, and can be rejoiced in by all.

Light a candle or two and ask that the light in your heart be kindled as well.

Also, pay homage to the earth today. In whatever way suits you best, make a small offering of thanks to the earth for the great gifts She gives you each and every day. This is a time of year when light can become matter, when high and angelic vibrations can rest in material form. Perhaps this is what is meant by the “magic” of the season!

But without the form (which all arises from earth) there would be nowhere and no way for the light to crystallize, as it has and will continue to do. It is often easier to focus on the light and pure celestial energies, but they would not come to you if you had no form in which to hold them.

That is why it is especially sweet to include the earth in your gratitude and love at this time of year. You are working toward wholeness and today is a perfect day to allow yourself to embrace both that which lies above and that which lies beneath you.

Finally, remember gratitude and appreciation for yourself and all the love and light you have been able to give to others this season. May it grow and grow and grow!

We love you and send light, love and many blessings. (E. West)



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