Spiritual reading; an Englishwoman, Jenny Cockell, is the reincarnation of an Irish mother of 8, Mary Sutton (Phil Donahue show, 1994) and she met her orphaned children from that other life

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…..Spiritual reading for November 18

Today is a day when we suggest that you take account of your energetic pulse and surroundings and set your course accordingly. As we noted yesterday, you are a master and need only to remember that.

Today, we hope you will move from that mastery to navigate your day in the most authentic and loving way, calling upon your deepest capacity to see and to know both what lies within and what is true without.

It might be tempting to just take the day off, and of course you can. Any day. But if you would be free, you will get there through a combination of grace and practice. You know this. So today: practice. And if that isn’t enough, look for the grace, for it always follows on the practice. You are so deeply loved and held in complete faith.




…..A hard-to-dismiss reincarnation case

A German comrade read this article and then commented.

John Cleese (of Monty Python & A Fish Called Wanda) supports U. Virginia studies of REINCARNATION and Near-Death Experiences


Dear John,

The man and the child who instantly reunite in the restaurant are authentic.

Maybe they already were together as a mother and her son in their last lives, or were relatives, or a couple of very close friends. In any case, they must have known each other from before, in another life, to connect so instantly like that.

In “Seth Speaks”, Seth says that in the future, people will not only greet each other as who they are in their present incarnation, but also as the personalities they were and knew of in other incarnations. They will recognize each other, which means that the knowledge of their other incarnations will be present and accessible. And you and Margi will continue your common work during your next incarnation(s); you will consciously meet again.

The interviews presented in this article of yours give us so much insights. And it truly is amazing to know that there are institutions, though only a few, which research the true nature of inner reality. There is a parallel scientific world out there of which the majority/the public knows little or nothing.

Over the years, by studying your website, I learned so much on the subject reincarnation, including so many basic aspects and the presentation of so many convincing cases, individuals and authorities.

The pace may still be slow during the next centuries, but the breakthroughs are coming more and more frequently. Materialism is fighting its last battles, and is slowly fading.

Physiognomy: Again and again, the basic facial traits reappear/remain during the incarnations. John, you have given us so many fascinating and convincing cases. Have you viewed this Phil Donahue Show with Jenny Cockell?

*** JdN

Jenny Cockell, b. 1953 in England, and Mary Sutton, died 1932 outside of Dublin, Ireland

Host Phil Donahue, an Irish-American with bright blue eyes, was his usual likable and respectful self with Jenny. (A sincere old-school liberal, he also believed in free speech and had Holocaust debunkers like David Cole and white nationalists such as David Duke on, and he let them speak.)


It is curious to see how Jenny is still an authority figure, a loving one, for these two Irish individuals, though, having been born to Mary in the 1920s, and she was reborn in 1953, they are at least 25 years older than Jenny!


Her book:


It is especially interesting as it considers so many aspects of all the persons involved, including the English teenage son of Jenny (one of her two children in this life) who might feel a bit uncomfortable with the situation [= of sharing his mother with five Irish senior citizens]. The audience is also very interested and open to the subject.

It truly is a highlight and a perfect introduction into the subject of reincarnation:

“The Phil Donahue Show” episode featuring Jenny Cockell (1994) This Jenny has a very nice, steady, calm personality, rather proper-English actually, and a lovely English accent, though she actually looks quite Irish with her quite dark hair, which some other Kelts also have — the Welsh, Cornish and Scots, plus the Gauls of olden France. Donahue brings two of Mary Sutton’s children on stage, both in their sixties, and both seem absolutely touched to the core, almost choking up, to be able to see their old mother yet again, having been just young teenagers when their loving mom had died, a traumatic day for all the Sutton kids.

In the mid-1990’s, Englishwoman Jenny Cockell published a series of books chronicling her alleged past lives and reincarnation. She appeared on numerous talk shows during this time period, including this 1994 episode of “The Phil Donahue Show.” This interview was about her previous life as Mary Sutton, meeting her surviving kids, now older than she is, visiting her old house, and recalling how her Irish husband from then had been badly affected by his combat service in WWI, becoming bitter, and not helping others, but drinking heavily.

Mary died fretting about what  would happen to her eight kids, and as a young English girl, she recalled all this (unlike most people) and was still deeply concerned about her children’s fates over in Ireland  with their mother gone and the father a drinker. This would fit in with the reincarnation teaching that in rare cases of very great trauma or worry, a kid can remember having been an adult in another life and having a kind of PTSD, grief or worries from that other life. (I know I do….crying about losing the war, the destruction of a once so beautiful Germany, the 16 million dead, and especially about my mistakes with the Russians.)

Jenny showed to the Sutton children an exact knowledge of their old house, which they toured together, though it had since collapsed and was covered with branches and grass. The son. whose name is Sonny, asks how an Englishwoman could know fine details about an obscure, tiny little house over in Ireland that had been lying in ruins for years.

Donahue gets good feedback from the audience and then brings in a psychiatrist and hypnotherapist, a Columbia and Yale graduate https://www.brianweiss.com/ (yes, a jewish guy, but that is not relevant here) who does now believe in reincarnation.

He also says that some of our issues, hang-ups, complexes and fears can go back to another life and to painful events that have never healed in us but should now be healed by facing them with understanding and love.

(I 100% agree; I had dozens of horrible nightmares about sexual abuse as a kid, and they only ended when I faced them with the help of two therapists, one of them using cognitive behavioral therapy. When bad things are simply buried, or you lie to yourself and say “‘I’m fine; I’m over it” when you are not, they just go on festering and ruining our life. 🙁 )

Dr.Weiss is then asked by an audience member how he as a a man of science can believe in something “supernatural.” Weiss responds that, for him, everything is energy, including life, and he cites Newton’s Law that no energy can be created or destroyed, just transformed. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservation_of_energy)



I reply:

Thank you very much, and there are videos out there like this one with the male stranger and the toddler which are striking and very unusual,  BUT are absolutely convincing to any fair and open-minded observer. The body language is just so firm, so authentic.

And many comments under the video were spot-on:


Soul friends from another lifetime ❤
His little spirit knows this man’s spirit …. Children are sensitive. They are not far from the other side. They pick up everything we don’t!!! So beautiful
I love how the man reacts. Look at his wonderful, kind face.
He knew right away: “That’s a gentle giant, and we’re gonna hang out for awhile” !!!
The peace and joy on the man’s face says he really needed what your son gave him! Unconditional love…..BEAUTIFUL!


It is the same with the Staffordshire UFO lady, Jenny Roestenberg…… Over and over I read in the comments how believable she is. She is also honest about herself, and how terrified she was, even hiding under the kitchen table with her boys until her husband (a Dutchman, incidentally), came home from work.

She even admits feeling foolish in retrospect, because the two handsome blond men she saw in the bay window of their flying disk had gazed at her with great,  loving compassion, and the had actually made no threatening gestures at all toward her and her kids.


I find this also convincing: In October 1967, British police constables Roger Willie and Clifford Waycott told ITN about their encounter with an unidentified flying object – or UFO – in the night sky over Okehampton. Giving a vivid description of the object, the officers seemed certain that, whatever it was, it was watching them. What motive would they have to invent this account back then, when UFO truthers and eyewitnesses were being ridiculed as “nutters” and, in America, sometimes even murdered. Interestingly, the alien craft they saw was not a flying disk  or saucer, or a tube either, or in a cigar shape (tapered at both ends,  something I saw with a client in July 1989 over McMinnville, Oregon/USA) — but a cross or a “plus” sign: +

In the Nuremberg, Germany newspaper from 1561 (almost four centuries before there was any modern air force with its various secret projects), one can see a variety of craft,  including  plus-sign-shaped ships, depicted as battling each other, with one craft shot down (lower right).  Then a huge, black thing (which reminds me of an electric guitar) shows up, upon which the other side “vamooses.” 😉 This is clearly aliens (some of whom many be advanced humans, and others Greys or Reptilians) who are at war with each other.




The great problem earthlings have is their egoic mind, which can enable them to believe any nonsense (such as there ar more than two genders….) and deny any truth, not to mention lie to others, steal from, betray and slander them!

This comes from earthlings being liars. They lie not just to enemies, or to their spouse, or to a boss, or a police officer.  No, they also lie even to themselves, and actually know they are telling themself a lie. Yet they do it, and believe a lie which they know is a lie, all in order to have an excuse for some failure or to do absolutely nothing or to do the wrong thing which others pressure them to do when right action is absolutely urgent.

The very early Holocaust revisionist Maurice Bardèche from France (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurice_Bardèche) wrote how American GIs embraced the Holocaust fraud, which rightly seemed to many to be yet another tall tale,  yet another lie like the fake WWI atrocity stories about Belgian babies’  hands being chopped off by Germans and the nuns raped. The whole gas-chamber thing was not instantly believed. Should a GI choose to believe it,  all on the word of jews and the “confessions” of German officers wh had held in American custody and were at the Americans’ mercy, plus their starving families were, too?

German civilian were then living in wretched conditions, in misery and mass starvation right after WWII, as depicted powerfully in the Italian film “Germany: Year Zero.”

So how could any decent GI sleep at night while obeying Eisenhower’s order to not feed the hungry Germans, not even their little blond kids, hovering near American garbage cans to eat something, or to “fraternize” with them?

The solution for the GI seeing all this US-caused suffering would be either to embrace the truth that the war against Germany had been an insane and wicked thing…… OR to justify Anglo-American cruelty with “Well,  look what the f–king  Krauts did! They worshiped Hitler, followed him and cheered him on when he started the war, and then they scapegoated and gassed six million innocent jews!”

So it is not “Where is God?” but where are the earthlings who welcome new truths and cast off even the most cherished beliefs if proven false?

In my case, I visited the headquarters of the George Lincoln Rockwell party, the NSWPP,  in 1978. I spoke with the duty officer, bought books, and took pamphlets, and read them for three days straight. 😉

In fact, I went in 72 hours from a conservative Republican like my father to a fervent national socialist with strong, clear views on race,  the jews, and the sham of multiparty “democracy.” How? Because I did not fight the evidence.

And when, after three days, I returned, and brought up the “Holocaust,” saying: “Well, now I can see WHY Hitler did the HOLOCAUST, to end the jewish menace,” the duty officer took a long breath and said, very, very, gingerly not wanting to overwhelm me too, too much with truths that went against all we are taught:

“Well, we actually have a lot of doubts about this Holocaust thing.”

I replied, briefly stunned: “But, given the truth about the jews, and Hitler’ threats to “annihilate the jewish race in Europe if jewry succeeded in starting yet another European war,” why would Hitler, when he had the power, NOT do a ‘final solution’?”

The duty officer (a Fred Verduin) looked at me in amazement at how “hard-core” I had become in three days. He had expected to have to be very careful to deprogram me gradually and gently.

Now I had gone from Establishment conservative in three days to more antisemitic and unsentimental than was Adolf Hitler ! 😉

Betraying some delight at my progress,  he said: “Well,  some do ask that question…. why he did not get rid of them all….but no,  we do not believe he carried out that threat, but” (Verduin had a wry smile on his face now) ” he sure did get blamed for it.”

I replied: “And so here we are now;look at the mess the world is in.  And the jews, who were not gassed, you say, now run everything and are destroying our country.”

He gave me an appreciative nod, obviously thinking: “Wow, this guy is a live one! He is just drinking it in without any fight whatsoever. He is already radical.”

Yep, and a few months later I was in full stormtrooper uniform on my campus, at Georgetown, giving interviews and demonstrating! This was in full view of my fellow students and professors, protesting “gay rights,” losing thereby, first, a Marine Corps officer career, and being, in the end, disinherited by my millionaire father.




Of course, I also knew in my bones,  I FELT, based on reincarnation, that while the Rockwell message stood in shocking contradiction to everything I had ever been told, and dismaying — it is hard to hear that WWII had been one big American crime, and that it happened because of the depressing fact that the jews have ruled America for generations, and control its media and government….

But it was all true.

And that is how it is now, btw, whenever I read some new supposed fact about Hitler: First, I FEEL in my bones whether it is true or false.

…just like that little toddler who went with his gut and went up to the bearded stranger in an orange hunting vest to be scooped up and held by him. 😉

As Jesus said, and very few understood him then or now,

“I tell all of you with certainty, unless you change and become like little children, you will never get into the kingdom in heaven.”

When a child wants something, he does not hesitate, vacillate, hem and haw. He acts.

We Aryans must learn to love and respect ourselves again, as  we did when I ruled Germany, and then happiness will be possible once again. But it all begins with this: do not lie  to yourself any longer.

About anything.

And gradually your profoundly unhappy egoic mind will disappear. And you will enjoy YOURSELF, enjoy life, and just being alive, a sentient being that can move, talk, have experiences, learn and grow.

And once you see the hard evidence via reincarnation studies, NDE research, and your own or other people’s supernatural experiences, you will know with certainty that you are immortal and cannot ever die.

And thus with billions of years ahead of you, you know that you will  someday achieve enlightenment and feel the most incredible human happiness.

You are then the loving, trusting child of a loving, trusted God. And this is the secret, secondary magic behind this video with the hunter and the toddler….. This man, at this moment, is like God, and the child is like us when we abandon egoic misery and love our Father and ourselves.  Jesus was right: God IS love.





…..Reviews on Amazon of Jenny Cockell’s Across Time and Death:

[link: https://www.amazon.com/Across-Time-Death-Mothers-Children/dp/0671889869/ref=sr_1_1]

Magda J

Reviewed in the United States on May 6, 2014

5 people found this helpful



Sandy T.

Reviewed in the United States on August 21, 2016

13 people found this helpful




Reviewed in the United States on October 19, 2020




Reviewed in the United States on January 1, 2001

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Reviewed in the United States on January 19, 2013

3 people found this helpful



Joan Denz-Hamilton

Reviewed in the United States on August 10, 2013

3 people found this helpful




Reviewed in the United States on January 27, 2016



Karen MacLeod

Reviewed in the United States on December 16, 2017

One person found this helpful



  1. The Jewish media smear the Nazis because they don’t want the world to know how great and benevolent the Nazis were to the Germans.
    Hitler rebuilt Germany without money.
    He was replacing mortgages with only capital repayment loans.
    He was planning to replace the industrial boom-bust cycle with agricultural economy. People would grow their own food.
    The Jew banks would lose out as usury debt would be abolished.
    Countries with large jewish banking sections declared war on Germany.

    As for France, Britain and America, no eferendum was ever given to the peoples of those countries regarding participation in the two world wars.
    Since WW2, there has been a constant smear campaigne against the Nazis — yet the truly murderous jewish Bolsheviks aren’t mentioned at all.

  2. I met Fred Verduin decades ago. He was fluent in Dutch, and I thought I had a working knowledge of my grandfather’s Flemish. We failed to communicate (mostly my failure). He worked for a while as a mercenary, and at one point was locked up in a South American jail. He wrote to his girlfriend requesting iron-fortified powdered milk. He used the iron file in the box of milk to escape.

    • Fred was from Michigan, actually, and from the Dutch-settled area, tall, about 6’2, blond and handsome. He came over to the house for dinner a number of times. Very dyslexic, btw (which Charlemagne was also). He wrote me a note once and the letters were literally reversed, so “e” looked like “3,” and so forth.

      [Two NSWPP members told me something which I doubt is true — that he moved back to California, became openly gay, dropped out of the Cause, and turned out to be a fed asset. He was a very nice guy and sincere when I and my first wife knew him.]

        • Which is why I did not endorse the rumor, reported to me by two former NSWPP members as being a fact. I merely reported it. I was in Marine Corps intel, where you get info and it must be kept in mind but not necessarily accepted as fact, in other words, kept in abeyance. It is just “out there.”

          So where is Fred now? Why has he dropped off the map? You are still on the map, comrade, and so am I, and many others.

          (I researched his name online and found no one resembling him with his height and long, narrow, germanic face.)

          As you well know, and I more than anyone else on this planet know it, our NS movement IS full of two kinds of damagers:

          1) FBI-schooled infiltrators who only feign to be with us, and they are inside our groups in order to cause chaos; and

          2) “turned” people such as Henrik Holappa, people who are and remain on our side in their hearts, but who are forced by dire threats to work for the Deep State — against their own comrades.

          Holappa called me on Skype webcamera in 2018 and admitted to me and Margi (at the urging of his wife, a devout and sincere Buddhist, and we saw her, him, and their baby on camera) that he had cut a deal with the police: smear me, and all charges in Finland for “hate speech” would be dropped.

          I had long suspected it, since Margi and I had treated this brave young man with tremendous kindness and love during the eight months he lived with us, and he had NO reason whatsoever to attack me and promote, as he did, the reprobate David Duke.

          Holappa had told me from Finland in 2007, before we invited him here to live with us and apply for political asylum, that he feared being shut up in a super-max prison cell with a gang of Somalis.

          He apologized to me and I forgave him. And he wrote me something profound which I promised not to divulge.

          Who can bear being gang-raped and even killed by ngrs? What would most of us not do to avoid that?

          “Comprendre, c’est pardonner,”
          as the French proverb goes. “To understand is to forgive.”

          But how I regret trusting people who lived under my roof and yet turned on me (yes, against their own will, and only under extreme duress!!!!!!) to save their own skin.

          I trusted someone for over a decade who betrayed me and caused the career-ending financial crisis I find myself in now.

          There were rumors about Admiral Canaris in WWII working for the enemy, and they turned out to be 100% true.

          Wernher von Braun was arrested by the Gestapo for a week for foot-dragging on the V-2 Rockets…. This dilatory, go-slow thing turned out to be a HUGE form of sabotage, and Major Otto Ernst Remer, whom I met in this life and knew in that one, went into it deeply in his book on treason against Hitler, Verrat und Verschwörung gegen Hitler.

          Stalin had it right: If a vital task is not performed within a reasonable amount of time, and all one gets is flimsy excuses, that person is indeed to be investigated, and Stalin, no fool, often had such people SHOT.

          Wernher’s own son, David von Braun, told me directly that his father was very critical of Hitler (like many aristocrats with “von” before their name) and his passion was the civilian exploration of space, NOT building military rockets to bomb London.

          Maybe the week in jail got Wernher back on the team out of sheer fear.

          My own experience with Fred Verduin was actually wonderful.

          I just wonder why he has gone underground. Where is he? The two NSWPP members told me (this was years ago) that he is somewhere in California, near his parents (who may well have passed on by now).

          Did he drop out because the white race is out of all danger? 😉 You and I are still sacrificing and fighting because the opposite is true, and the breakthrough is now, finally, possible! 🙂


          I spoke by phone last night with Martin Kerr, who was a top official of the then NSWPP, who told me that Fred died in 2007, and also dated a girl whom he knew, so likely he was not gay at all. Martin liked Fred very much. I will remember him with respect and affection.

          • I had years where I disappeared off of the map as well. I also had years of activism where I felt like the lone ranger with absolutely no side-kick. I knew one activist who suddenly dropped off the face of the earth, only to find out years later that he didn’t want his legal problems to damage the cause. If Fred has gone underground, I will continue to keep faith with him. I would hope others would do the same for me if I were in their shoes.

          • Yes, humans can sometimes, so to speak, hibernate with their ideals. (I am going to call an old friend who knew everyone from back then, and ask him what he knows about Fred. I sincerely hope the rumors are unfounded.)

            There are ardent NS men and women who see no hope in their generation, and they might be right.

            From the 1970s through now, and Fred joined the NSWPP shortly before I did (losing his Army career, and Fred was a proud soldier who had found his calling), White Americans with the old values of race and nation have refused to listen to us and have smoked one pot of opium after another: the fakers Reagan, then Bush II (a psychopath), then Trump, and one can throw the non-fakers who had no chance, Pat Buchanan (1992 and 1996), Ross Perot (1992) and Ron Paul (2008 and 2012), in there too.
            But now IS the time.

            I was watching a video with Judge Andrew Napolitano and ret. US Army Col. Douglas MacGregor, and both were saying that Israel is infuriating and disgusting the entire world now, with 13,000 Gaza civilians dead.

            I also saw a video with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, and he ripped into the jews and Israel. Never before have I seen him do this.

            Now IS the time to strike.

            And it is my pride that I never withdrew from the fight, and I have accumulated vast experience, battle scars, and terrible losses, by doing so. I have taken blow after blow, and not given up.


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    ​Something is terribly wrong with our world.






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  4. L’olocausto è un grosso problema.
    È la barriera, il muro tra la bugia Ebraica e la Verità tedesca.
    La questione palestinese (una scuola di rifugiati è stata abbattuta da caccia israeliani, vittime bambini e donne)rimane irrisolta a causa dell’olotruffa.
    Come si fa ad associare Netanyahu a Hitler?!!
    La risposta è l’olocausto.
    È nella mente dei Goim.
    Come un parassita che divora i neuroni.
    Alieni, reincarnazione, possono fare poco rispetto a questa grande Verità.
    Prima l’olocausto e dopo la Reincarnazione di Hitler e gli Alieni che ci visitano.

    • Transl:

      The Holocaust is a big problem.

      It is the barrier, the giant mental wall between the Jewish lies and the German Truth.

      The whole Palestinian issue (a refugee school was bombed by Israeli fighter jets, with children and women as victims) remains unresolved due to the holofraud.

      How can anyone associate Netanyahu with Hitler?!!

      The answer is the holocaust.

      It is in the minds of the Goyim, like a parasite that devours neurons.

      Aliens, reincarnations, can do little about this great Truth.

      First, the Holocaust [smear/lie] must be resolved, and after that, the reincarnation of Hitler. and the aliens who visit us.

  5. https://photos.app.goo.gl/fPkTLvh7pNoE5V639
    La storia dei Kurgan.
    Osiride, Iside, Nefti, Set.
    Parenti stretti e ricchissimi.
    Sono le famiglie nobili…
    Sforza, De Medici, Colonna ecc…
    Tutto il ramo di Gesù proveniente da Erode il Grande e da Cleopatra(Attraverso Maria Boeto).
    Iside ha sofferto il potere, le guerre, le lotte intestine della sua famiglia.
    La vedova nera.
    Miguel Serrano la chiama così.
    Tutte queste Donne hanno sofferto.
    Costrette a mantenere questa Enorme Eredità attraverso il matrimonio combinato.
    Nel tempo….

  6. Una interessante meridiana, orologio solare, ad affresco sulla facciata dell’antica osteria al centro di Barcis, opera dell’artista pordenonese Sam Pietro (1921-2010), raffigura assieme ai numeri delle ore, ai segni dei (solstizi ed equinozi), anche l’aquila, la solenne abitatrice dei cieli friulani, delle cime spoglie erte e rocciose circostanti il meraviglioso abitato lungo le sponde del lago che riceve le verdi e azzurre acque fresche, impetuose dei suoi dirupi.
    Giulia è stata trovata qui..il suo corpo.
    Il suo ragazzo fermato e arrestato in Germania.
    Barcis ha come patrono S.Giovanni Battista.
    La firma dei Giudei.
    Seguo le tracce…

  7. 2O coltellate alla Testa e al collo.
    La stessa procedura sulla Giulia(incinta di sette mesi di mesi fa).
    Un corpo trovato lontano…a distanza di giorni, mesi, anni.
    Lo stesso “modus operandi” di tante vittime sacrificate in questi anni.
    La nostra Italia…

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