Spiritual reading: enjoy nature, the body and the senses; the pain body that makes us suffer, a central concept of Tolle

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February 9

It remains a time to ground yourself firmly in the joys of life-in-the-body. If you are to stay on, if you are to be able to help alter the very nature of life on your planet, you must find a way to connect with that which is in utter joy. It is so important that you be able to find and inhabit this vibration; for the world as you have known it is actually falling apart.

To what can you hold fast? Joy is the one thing we know of that will both anchor you in Truth and make you airborne. However you can find it—and it is essential that you find your own path to it—pursue it today.

Try your senses—they are a gift immeasurable when it comes to the delights of incarnation. Taste only those things that make your mouth dance today. Smell flowers for their fragrance and the messages hidden in its complexity. Open your eyes to nature, to beauty created by other people, and listen to music and poetry.

Dance with your entire body in whatever ways inspire joy. Devote yourself to finding and holding that energy today as often and for as much time as you can.

Pray, chant, meditate. Swim. Play. Heal yourself, heal others as is your greatest joy. Write a poem, send a letter. You all know what to do. We needn’t supply the specifics in this instance, but we cannot emphasize strongly enough how critical it is for each of you to know your way into the places where joy resides for you.

So we suggest that no mater what is calling to you in terms of responsibility, expectations, or challenges,  that you fnd some time today to dazzle yourself with joyous moments, with activities or ideas that make you weightless and free. Indulge yourself today. But remember that this is not really an indulgence at all, but a necessity for your own well-being and for the good of those who love and rely upon you as well.

Yes, you need sleep and good food and exercise in order to be strong enough to balance and hold the changes that are all around. But probably much more essential to your health is a daily dose (and a large one, when possible) of delight.

We delight in seeing you allow yourself access to the fullest experience of the sacred in form. Please give yourself over to this today.

Worship by becoming all that is bright and glorious incarnated. You cannot be any closer to the Source than this. And don’t stop afer the day is done. Do it again tomorrow and the day after that. This is something you can’t get too much of.

We will also cultivate joy today, with great gratitude. Have a day to remember. We love you so much.

…..The pain body: the anger, grief and baggage the egoic minds carries around in order to stay miserable, to rehash the past, and ruin the future

I have no doubt Tolle, who is German, though he writes and speaks in flawless and outstanding English was thinking of the German word Schmerzkörper when he invented the term “pain body.”

What he says about marriage is so spot-on.







1 Comment

  1. They don’t call it,”Joogle” for nothing.

    “If North America became a single country, it would have the largest economy in the world. The United States already accounts for 24.4% of the global economy. By combining with Canada and Mexico, a single North American state would dominate global trade, commerce, and industry. It would be an economic superpower.”

    What a slant — meaning no offence to the Chinese, LOL, who would invade such a backward state and enslave us, then force-breed the Whites and Browns, thus exterminating the Blacks in America and Africa, as I have long predicted.

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