Spiritual reading — enlightenment and joy can come over you gradually

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September 21 (Happy Equinox,  y’all 😉 )

When you have made it over a particularly arduous mountain pass and are climbing down the last stretch, you look out and see, spread before you, a plain.

The Seiser “Alm” ( = alpine meadow for grazing dairy cattle), Kastelruth/Castelrotto, South Tyrol, Italy — I did my honeymoon here in 1976. 🙂

The way ahead is neither rough nor is it dangerous. There are spots of water, shade and places to rest and recoup.

This is what many of you can anticipate today. It is not as if your journey is at an end, or that the challenges are all over.

But you have made it through a particularly difficult time and now you have a stretch that is much easier, gentler and simpler directly ahead.

The wind will be at your back, so you will keep moving, but you will be moving with the wind instead of trying to make your way into it, against it.

There is still much ground to cover, but it may turn out that what you need to do is follow up on details and make manifest that which you have been creating in your heart these last few weeks and months.

In other words, you need not take the big leaps today. You have done that and now you need only to put the pieces into place of a new sense of yourself in the world.

This is a time to be practical and literal. To move step by step across a terrain that is friendly and supportive.

This day could be one in which you either rest and regenerate energies that have gone into meeting big challenges, or it could be one in which you accomplish a great deal.

If you do run into walls, don’t read much into them. They are nothing more than density and they do not speak about anything bigger in

If you run into walls, just calmly find another way around, and keep heading where you were going. You will make it so long as you don’t become overwhelmed or overly caught up in what they might
‘mean’ or signal.

You know what you need to know, you know what you value and what is important to you. You have come to this knowledge through great effort, sacrifice and love. Trust it now. You are no longer negotiating a narrow mountain path. You are on firm, fat land and you can proceed without fear, without second-guessing yourself.

Breathe deeply, allow yourself to relax into that which you do love and be present in all ways to that which is around you. Pat yourself on the back if indeed you do have a sense of having come through much.

And even if your journey does not feel as if it has been terribly challenging or dangerous, realize that much more than you currently can see has in fact changed and shifted within you.

The last few months have brought about vibrational transformation that you have not side-stepped. So no matter what, take this day to center and enjoy some ease, and accomplish those things that have had to be set to the side while more urgent demands have held your attention.

We send many pats on your back, much love and blessings. — E. West



……Gradually evolving 

Eckhart Tolle describes how, in London, wallowing in a pit of utter despair about himself and his seemingly meaningless life, he had a mystical experience, and felt bliss — sheer ecstasy — come over him for about a whole day. Everything was beautiful, and, whether good or bad, karmically just as it should be.

He suddenly could see wonderful details of everything — such as sunbeams chasing across a wall in his room — and he felt an intense wave of inner piece and joy. He sat on a park bench and just marveled at it all.

But he say this is rare. Usually, it is gradually that people seeking growth start to become more peaceful and in command of themselves.

You notice it when something that would have enraged you earlier no longer bothers you but a tiny little bit.

Or when you see someone else floundering, and going to pieces in their life, you realize: “Wow, I am no longer like that.”

Or when you have younger people coming to you respectfully for personal advice. Then you see that your aura is attracting people. You are not troubled, but a soothing person to be around. Auras don’t lie. They can be shot through with red and black, meaning inner storms. Or they can be radiating a golden hue.

So, gradually, yes, it seems you ARE changing. 🙂

I guess God wanted me to take the gradual path that most take, because my religion will be designed for the masses.

The outer reward for me in all this has been:

1) Margi is really, finally, doing much, much better… freeing up my time and soothing my mood… It is like a dark cloud hovering over you to be around someone you love who is suffering acutely, moaning, and close to death — especially a mate like Margi, a health fanatic who did nothing whatsoever in her lifestyle and eating habits to ever “deserve” her dreadful throat cancer…


2) I finally got, after 26 years, my small inheritance.

It is as if the gods decided that I just could not start my new Aryan religion AND be broke AND have a wife in agony and at death’s door at the same time.

No human can do great things unless he or she can focus. (This is why I stayed single in my last life, but I regret that decision, as understandable as it was. A good woman can have lots of yin wisdom.)

My experience has been that you will be rewarded if your heart is right. 🙂

God knows how much you can bear.

Gradually, things do fall into place for those seriously doing their daily spiritual work. 🙂

…like reading these spiritual readings (not just jews-in-the-news) and thinking about them. 🙂

Rocky’s paper actually had a column full of appalling stuff called “Jews  in the News”  😉

Now, all I have to do is this —

….convince the world that the totality of their belief system is wrong 😉

— Hitler was actually righteous, not a madman,

— And the jews are actually wicked, and the real madmen of world history.

Yes, it will all be easy as pie now…. 😉

And so I say, “verily, verily” (to use some King James Bible English), do keep plugging away spiritually — and you will notice you are changing, and so will others.

“You’ve changed,” people say, and (relief) they smile as they say it. 🙂

Hitler was not a god. Humans cannot follow gods.

They can only follow a human like themselves who beckons them to join him in climbing the higher path.



  1. Non era un Dio del Cielo,ma un Dio della Terra.
    Quel famoso faro che porta luce e chiarezza,accende gli spiriti e traccia un vero percorso.
    Fuori dalla tana del Bianco Coniglio,lontano dal gatto pedofilo,dai gemelli clonati,dai funghi allucinogeni e dalla Regina Cattiva.
    Quel cappellaio Matto-che poi matto non era!
    La stessa persona che ha svegliato poi la piccola Alice 🙂
    Ci sono alcuni Dei che non hanno poteri magici,ma la magia sta nella grandezza del loro Cuore!

  2. Barhiōnâ” e “uiòs” di Giovanni.
    È Andrea l’apostolo associato al numero 11degli apostoli,figlio di Giovanni.
    Numero 7=21-9-2020 associato al Giglio e ai nomi Rosa,Iris,Margherita,Rita.
    Delitto di Andrea,di anni 11..sparato dal padre Claudio Baima Poma,marito della madre Iris.
    Questo è il delitto di settembre,poi mi dovrò aspettare quello di ottobre!
    Non riesco a digerire la loro influenza,quello che fanno,le famiglie che distruggono,questi cuori spezzati.
    Soprattutto non sopporto che commettono queste cose per colpire i Giovanniti e tutto quello che ruota intorno alla figura di Gesù.
    Ma chi può odiare questi bastardi più di me?!a parte te..

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