Spiritual reading; EXCLUSIVE: Cash is king — Hold onto it with your life!!!!

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…..spiritual reading for July 7

Please move very gently today. Many things are in fragile arrangement and can easily be toppled or thrown into disarray. Walk lightly and hold your power closely. This is not a day for shaking things up or for asserting your will on that which surrounds you. You have an expression which aptly describes the situation today: your world is a house of cards. Any abrupt, thoughtless or misjudged action could bring it down around you.

There is so much that is in transition and in the process of transformation. Foundations are being excavated and rebuilt in order to properly support the new structures which are needed in order for you to move forward into a sustainable life. While this is happening, there are moments when nothing is solid, nothing is particularly reliable and nothing can withstand what might under other circumstances be deemed normal pressure.

Now, this may sound rather abstract and we want to make it as concrete as possible. You may find that the things that ground you no longer serve in many instances. There may be a sense of shifting sands beneath your feet, and little that can be turned to, even in moments of small stress or distress. This is apt to produce disproportionate responses, both in yourself and in others. Be on the lookout for your own over-the-top reactions and do everything you can to be soothing and uneventful with others.

It also means that the web of which you are an integral part is experiencing changes. Energetically the ways in which you connect with one another and with all other forms of consciousness are altering.

There are what one might call tears, or holes where once you could pull or tug and count on resistance or solidity.

Again, we fear this may sound abstract, and we will attempt to put it in terms most usable. When you take action, you have a relatively good idea of what the outcome or consequence will be. You cannot always predict, but you have learned to know when you are venturing into uncharted territory
and when you are in a comfort zone.

When you say “good morning” to a friend or acquaintance, you reasonably expect a pleasant response. When you throw a rock into a lake, you expect a splash and concentric ripples. You have learned to navigate your world. This can be a rough road; you have traveled it well. But now, all is in transition, and nothing is to be counted on. We are not saying that you won’t get a splash when you toss a pebble into a puddle, but in this time it is wise for you to proceed without any expectation that you know how the forces of consciousness which reside on your planet will respond to your own consciousness and action.

We suggest that you proceed as if you were a baby—observing, looking for patterns, for information, for communication from the world around.

All in all, it could be a good day for contemplation, for watching and loving and being present. Try to put away for another day any big plans, any desire to control or manipulate things in your world, your work, your relationships. You will not really be the master of your own energy or power, and they will not necessarily do your bidding.

Sit back, pay attention, be a beginner and you will do no harm and see much.

We send you patience and love and blessings as always.



…..Cash is king — Hold onto it with your life!!!!

Opinion for JdN by contributing writer, Francois Arouet

Of late I have been thinking a lot about cash, and the push to infringe upon our ability to use and possess it by our out-of-control State Department.

For those of you have not heard, the Biden Administration is looking at passing a series of laws to make it even harder for us to acquire and transfer cash. The Feds also continue to target small independent businesses and what is referred to as the “gig” economy with their renewed efforts to introduce a $600 IRS reporting requirement.

Although it appeared dead in the water prior to the mid terms, it’s back and this time with a vengeance.

“This new Biden bank rule and the tens of thousands of new IRS agents that are out patrolling the streets looking for money are part of the whole bank surveillance scheme,” Republican congressman Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) told Fox News earlier in the year.

He continued, “In the Trump Administration, we saw many pro-growth issues including tax cuts, modernizing our tax code, and driving regulation down and out, which not only allows you to grow as businesses and workers but also helps reduce inflation. This is the opposite approach we’re taking right now. Part of prosperity is growing the economy in a big way, and putting guardrails around the size of the government. What Biden wants is to squeeze regular folks. We are trying to stop that.”

And it’s not the “rich” whom Biden’s IRS are targeting, as lefty filth claim when met with this really frightening Republican talking point.

It’s not Biden’s billionaire donors that the IRS are going after.

It’s regular people like you and me, as Congressman Brady told Fox News.

To push such brazen measures to steal from us, the media and political elite have had to successfully convince their followers that the rich are bad, landlords are evil, all Whites are racist and people like you and I have “privilege.”

Once the masses believe this b.s., not only will they accept IRS overreach and systematic abuse, they’ll wholeheartedly cheer it on!!

And to the defund-the-police crowd who literally opine that “people who don’t cheat on their taxes have nothing to be fear” I’d ask, “would you be happy with the prospect of 87,000 new police being hired to target your peeps?” [JdN: “Peeps” is slang for friends, from the word “people.” An example of peeps are the people that someone hangs out with all the time.]

You don’t think they’ll find something that’s “not there” if they look hard enough?

One need only look at the math to know this has nothing to do in with billionaires.

Does one really need nearly one hundred thousand new IRS agents to go after a few dozen billionaires?

Or even a few million millionaires?

It’s people who do NOT know how to beat the system whom these men and be women have been hired to terrorize.

People who often file their own tax returns, who make a few pennies doing odd jobs outside their general income, and don’t know the system that well are the ones being targeted, subject to abuse and hit with fines that dwarf any moneys they may have procured.

Brady said as much on Fox News, stating,

“The Biden Administration’s $600 reporting requirement targets low-income earners. This is part of the whole bank surveillance scheme and unleashing 87,000 IRS agents. The IRS always privately told us they think tax cheats are not the wealthy and big corporations, but rather independent businesses and the ag (agriculture) community. They didn’t know how to get after them.

This new reporting requirement will catch people who are just selling a couch, reselling tickets at the same price, paying a babysitter, maybe doing a little extra work–which is a good thing for people to do. It is going to be a bureaucratic nightmare.

This is part of the whole Democrat approach–going after small and independent businesses, the gig economy especially, and agriculture.”

And as the IRS is “anti-racist”, or anti-white, I should say, you know they ain’t going after drug pushers named Tyrone or napp- headed crack-hoes charging five bucks for head.

If she’s charging for it, and the IRS knock on her door looking for cash, you best believe she lives in a trailer. Anyone that says otherwise is lying to you.

Back to the math….

My guess is individual IRS agents can deal with about 100 victims each in a calendar year. That would mean 87k IRS agents can probably deal with about 10 MILLION victims per annum.

There are a TOTAL of about only 30 million small business owners in the entire United States!!

A massive percentage of that 30 million are “small” in name only, earning tens of millions of dollars, and operating with a team of Jew accountants with connections on the inside.

Most genuinely high earners are, in fact, on a salary so the IRS has no reason to go after them.

It’s the small-business owners who are genuinely small, along with people who scrape and claw to earn a living the governments is after.

Never let them tell you otherwise….

There is in fact a war being waged by the government – local, state and federal – against the people that feed and build this country, make no mistake about it.

So….what can we do about it?

We need to use cash.





Cash when we shop, cash when we pay for goods privately, cash when we save.

The less money you have going into your bank account, the better.

Even if it is legitimately earned, documented on your taxes, if it arrives in cash, it should remain in cash.

Gone are the days when one should think it’s wise to walk into their local bank and deposit coins they’ve been saving.

Gone are the days you should teach your kids how to use a bank and balance a check book. There’ll be no such thing as checks soon, anyway.

We must avoid the banks except when we must pay for goods we need that require the use of a bank/digital currency.

We must save our money in cash and and use cash every opportunity we have….even when we pay our rent.

We need to use cash as often as we are able on every transaction that permits it.

Every transaction you can perform with cash, you must be use cash on with.

I tell everyone I encounter this.

Cash. Cash. Cash.

Sadly though, not everyone yet sees the importance of using cash.

In addition to the left-wing muppets who call me “a conspiracy theorist” for promoting cash transactions, i also receive a fair bit of push-back from libertarians.

Although libertarians too are also typically opposed to the use of digital currency, they are sadly far too rooted in ideological opposition to money printed by the State to recognize why cash is important in order for us to distance ourselves from the long arm of that same State.

Fran, “Cash is an instrument of the government. It is not real, nor does it have real value. Only gold can save us. Cash is literally a creation of the State. It only has value if it’s backed by the state”, is something I often hear when I talk about the importance of cash.

To that I often respond with something like,

“I agree having actual money in gold and silver is a good idea if one can afford it, but what do you propose the Average Joe uses when he heads to the supermarket looking for a carton of milk or a piece of meat or cheese for his kid? Should he barter with the cashier?

Should he offer them a piece of gold he shaved off a bar he has hidden under his floorboards? Do you own enough gold yourself to pay for all your consumption?”

Wake up. We need cash. Even though cash is just a piece of paper the government created, and has no actual value, if it allows us to procure goods and services we require in an untracked manner, it’s useful.

The STATE might print the money, but it doesn’t mean they support our using it. The laws the government is pushing demonstrate that quite succinctly.

Cash is king and will ALWAYS have value, especially the more the State regulates bit coin and forces people to go digital.

I also ask them to be think about Cuba…..a communist country less than 500 miles from our south coast.

Under communism, the Cuban State not only controlled the means of production but had a monopoly on what one could buy.

It was so oppressive the nation’s black-market economy grew larger than its regulated economy.

How did people avoid the long arm of the Cuban law?

They used American dollars. Dollars that literally have no value in the country.

It’s at this point they get flustered, often resorting to ad hominem attacks. I “know nothing” and “need to educate myself on the Fed”. I am “clueless” if I think that if nukes drop that cash will be worth anything….

To that I typically try to explain that something doesn’t have to have actual physical value to have transactional value.

Anything that enables someone to procure the goods and services they need to survive, has value.

What intrinsic or measurable value is there in a rare stone or precious gem?

Would a diamond have value if Jews didn’t control the diamond trade?

Many things devoid of value can have value if enough people believe they are worth something.

Pokemon or baseball cards, for example, are two such things.

Right now, there are Pokemon cards mass-produced by machines in the year 2000 that are “worth” tens of thousands of dollars when they are in essence just ink applied to worthless pieces of paper.

There are unopened video games out there that cost less than 50 dollars brand new in 1992 that can fetch 100 THOUSAND dollars today at auction.

There’s no value in the plastic and silicon they were built with or the laminated cardboard and plastic cellophane they were packed in.

In fact, if a Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis game still has its original plastic wrapper, it can be worth 1000X more than it would have been if it had been opened – even if the actual game or box is in the exact same condition.

That plastic is not even worth 1/10th of one cent, yet can add tens of thousands of dollars in value to that game.

Even if these old games don’t have actual value that doesn’t mean they don’t have transactional value.

If people are willing to exchange goods, services and money to acquire them right now, they have value.

I’ve stayed in a lot of hotels over the years. Hotels that host conventions and what’s referred to as “collectors shows”.

I see the wealthy (as well as poor) as they pile in and spend their hard earned cash buying bits of paper from vendors.

I, in fact, attended these types of shows as a kid with my dad. I was convinced these cards had value and spent my hard-earned money buying them. Sure, it was a bit of a con, but the bits of paper did in fact have value.


Because people would in fact give you money for them. Money you could use to buy food and pay bills.

I even see people spending hundreds of dollars collecting autographs often printed onto a photograph, or a piece of used sports equipment.

What’s the value in that?

There’s no actual value, but there is certainly transactional value.

It doesn’t matter if these items have no intrinsic value….as they can be traded for things that do!! like gold, petrol/gasoline, machinery and other things one can buy with the cash generated from trading for worthless items.

Gold itself is really only precious due to the fact we are told it is.

It’s after all just a metal found in mud, sand and rock with pretty much no use, other than to barter for things that do have use.

If you ever find yourself lost in a desert on your third day without water, and wander upon a passerby with water, ask yourself if you’d rather have a gold coin or a hundred-dollar bill in your pocket, to approach the hiker with.

The only thing more likely to get the hiker to part with his water than that greenback is a loaded gun.

And even for argument’s sake, I would assert that gold does have value.

8JdN: It does in many industries, especially electronics,  though your Average Joe is not an industry. 😉 Gold, quite aside from being shiny and beautiful, is actually a near-perfect conductor of electricity, does not rust, and is highly malleable. You can hammer it so thin you can see through it.

Smartphones are pocket-sized vaults of precious metals and rare earths. A typical iPhone is estimated to house around 0.034g of gold, 0.34g of silver, 0.015g of palladium and less than one-thousandth of a gram of platinum. It also contains the less valuable but still significant aluminium (25g) and copper (around 15g). One tonne of iPhones would deliver 300 times more gold than a ton of gold ore and 6.5 times more silver than a ton of silver ore.]

And I agree that, in some ways, precious metals ARE in fact better than cash printed by the government, but the average food producer and businessman on whom we rely on for our daily bread will want to be paid using a system he understands and can trade in.

He simply won’t take gold.

Just ask Mark Dice.

The people Dice encountered would have handed over all that crap for a few COUNTERFEIT dollars….

Some of the wayward girls would have been willing to take their clothes off for money. Even COUNTERFEIT money. (Estimates say 10% of all dollars exchanged in commie Cuba and the Soviet Union in the 1980s were in fact FAKE ANYWAY!!!!)

Cash works best and is still king….

Libertarians on the right and left (not sure how it is even possible to be a Libertarian Libtard – seems a tad oxymoronic, no????) are living in dreamland if they think cash is worthless simply because it’s printed by the State.

Besides, what’s a better alternative than cash?

Digital currency?

Cash is a whole lot better than the number on a screen that can be reset to zero with the touch of a button anytime a bureaucrat decides you aren’t worthy of eating.

Apart from sex, and most of us are not in the position to get paid for sex, there’s nothing people will voluntarily give up the shirts off their back for, more than cash.

Cash, and the goods and services one can procure in exchange for it, is the driving force behind our economy.

That’s not going to change anytime soon.

Where’s the incentive to produce anything of value without some sort of currency?

I’ve been met with, “well, what if the government blocks the use of cash, stops backing the currency, and says it has no value?”

To that I respond, “then it will have more value”, as it did in Cuba when Castro banned the greenback, and made it ILLEGAL to keep or use.

I often respond to them with something like, “Did you pay with gold for the computer you are using to spread your fallacy?”

People want to be left alone to earn and produce.

I typically point out that they have not suggested an option that works better than cash in today’s world.

“Please tell me how I will pay for the piece of cheese I want to buy for my supper this evening. I ask them if they would rather I take my ESG score and gold tooth to the local Safeway”

“What are you suggesting? Give me a better alternative in today’s world than cash.”

I’m usually left holding my cash and my piece of cheese.






    • I am glad you have a crystal ball and know the future. You must be a billionaire by now. 😉

      So you trust Joe Biden’s digital currency? If not, then what? Will you pay your rent with turnips?

    • Gold backed digital currency is a good starters

      In this scenario, you hold ‘real gold‘ registered in your name, preferably offshore, and you buy your coffee, or whatever via digital transaction. Your gold can be redeemed at any point.

      Glint-Pay is one option, but there are others to choose from.

      All fiat Western currencies are losing 8% pa, but in actuality it’s more like 15%. So anyone holding $10,000 in cash, has lost $1500 since last summer, and $3000 in two years.

      As Lenin said, ‘ we’ll crush the people through the millwheels of inflation and taxation,’ This is what’s going on.

      And you don’t need a crystal ball, you just study the charts, and understand where in the financial cycle we currently stand.

      • Interesting, but what about when the government turns off your GOLD digital account because 1) you haven’t turned your guns in, 2) you are un-Covid-vaxxed, 3) you seditiously want peace with the enemy, Russia (though Putin wants to re-establish the Soviet Union and enslave us all 😉 ) , and 4) you posted what they call hate speech?? You implied migrants are not a blessing!

        Later on, add: as a white person, you knowingly committed the deliberate, racist act of marrying another white person and having white children. We all know Whites are evil….

        You go to the ATM and your balance is zero.

        It happened to white nationalist Nick Fuentes — US$490K+ simply confiscated under post-9/11 laws on a suspicion of “terrorism”! He could not get even one hundred dollars out! And no warning, of course!

  1. Solid information. If you’re audited by these welfare recipients, hire a tax representative to avoid an IRS fishing expedition. The IRS agents are trained to trip you up, and catch you in a lie of their own design.

    • Good advice.
      The IRS, when I was at Georgetown and had a wife and new baby, once had some questions for me. I came with the wife, the baby (little Ingrid), and a very stinky diaper.
      The IRSer, a black guy, said “Just send me to paperwork.” 😉

  2. I couldn’t even pay a £5 note into my daughter’s account because of “money laundering” so I had to transfer the £5 electronically.

    The cashless society is near. If we riot or rise up, then the Banks close the ATM and online banking for 48 hours. This means no food, bills not paid, then your services such as mobile phone, Internet, and cable tv are shut off as you didn’t pay this month.

    Gas and electric are turned off via your smart meter, because you didn’t pay this month.

    No petrol/gasoline either as the swipe machines are turned off. See how long you riot with no gas, electric, food, phone, Internet or cash. The food in your fridge starts to rot.

    You can eat cold from tins/tin cans.

    Veterans can survive the best.

  3. As the Government has not yet, turned off such accounts, then such speculations are pointless. It is futile and unproductive worrying about things beyond one’s control, where instead, – we should concern ourselves with what is within our control.

    As mentioned, these accounts should always be secured in jurisdictions ‘outside’ of one’s country of residence. And the gold can always be moved between countries according to the owner’s instruction. For off the books ownership, then bury it and trade within select circles, as others do.

    What most people don’t realise, is that every currency ever produced has always collapsed to zero, hence, the perpetual reinstatements of new currencies.

    Western currencies are currently at the end of their natural life cycle, which is why CBDC’s are being implemented as their replacement for credit exchange.

    Again, what most fail to realise, is that the end of a currency collapse always moves into the ‘exponential phase’ at the very end of its cycle, and because Western currencies have already lost 98% of their purchasing power, we are now down to the final 2% of remaining purchasing power in the U.S. dollar, AUS dollar, Euro and Pound Sterling.

    And because of this current reality, the final stage of the currency collapse is not too far away, – and will shortly move into the ‘exponential phase.’

    In this valuable article, Egon von Greyerz provides the famous sports stadium metaphor of what exponential means in regards to a collapsing currency [see sixth image down].


    Due to the Weimar inflation debacle, smart Germans are extremely gold wise, and many excellent online discussions can be located, such as Jan Kneist, and those over at Deutsche Goldmesse (German Gold Show) Frankfurt, etc.

    What’s happening is nothing new.

      • FYI, John…
        They did not confiscate numismatic coins in the 1930s due to their inherent rare value. That’s what I have accumulated over the years.

    • During the Covid UK lockdown, the UK had a department ready to stop anti-vax info. Everything then could be turned off to stop people from even physically moving about town.
      As an ex-military I can say that the system to control the masses is already in place. In Britain it’s covered by the “Civil Contingency Act.”

      You’d be surprised at the draconian powers the UK Gov’t has in place. In case of a national emergency, as a soldier I could do a lot of things without gov’t permission. We took courses to be advised what would happen and what we could do. We were tested on our responses for leadership and promotion.

  4. No I don’t work for a gold company. I’m simply trying to make a useful comment.

    I’m just like some other Europeans, who are fully aware of the current realities of the currency situation and look at how to avoid it, or eliminate the damage as best as possible. As the article was about cash, I was merely pointing out the known realities of the present currency situation. This as clearly stated, – is now moving into the last 2% of its existence.

    Knowing this, and if people still want to hold cash, that’s fine, – they ‘will’ lose it.

    This loss is ‘guaranteed’ and is occurring every day via inflation [one of Lenin’s mill-wheels]. If people now know this, and still refuse to behave accordingly, their impending poverty or enslavement will be their consequence of choice.

    And just wait until Q4, where between late September to December the Fed will lower interest rates, and boom, – inflation will fly. There.’s no crystal ball for this one either, as they do it every single time in the run up to the elections.

    And there goes more of your remaining cash purchasing power.

    As for Roosevelt, – that’s just another thing out of one’s control, so is not worth worrying about. People should worry about what they can control, and then they would have fewer things to worry about.

    PS.: in my previous post, I tried to make it clear, that the gold [majority holding], should be kept ‘outside’ of one’s country of residence, which can also be moved according to emerging geo-political developments. This negates the Roosevelt type issues of local government. Smart folks have been doing this for millennia, and for the first time in history, ordinary people can do the same.

    Even those with a rudimentary understanding of economics, knows full well, that ‘inflation’ is the best form of ‘taxation.’ This is the easiest way to steal wealth from the ignorant, and doesn’t rely on the additional government expense of tax collectors. This is why, over the past year, the Fed [and other Western governments] have been tightening every month, thus, robbing you and your readers with the so called ‘silent tax.’

    Only by preserving one’s purchasing power, will one avoid being robbed and impoverished by the government. Cash is simply incapable of preserving its purchasing power in the current economic environment.

    Hope some of this helps?

    • The author of this article responded as follows:


      Actually, I wasn’t talking about investments; I was talking about liquidity.

      If it’s held in an acct., it can be taken. The infamous cocaine smuggler George Jung (subject of the movie “Blow”) lost a hundred million dollars when Panama just up and closed his accounts.

      Having gold in another country which you can only access via a plane and a vaxx passport is, IMHO, piss-poor advice.

      For transactional currency, again, I wasn’t talking about investments; I was talking about survival and having day-to-day currency.

      I will never have my milk money in gold coins in Azerbaijan. 😉

  5. I’m glad this detailed article appeared. Start thinking, dummies!

    This article should get you preparing for simple things
    (1) How to start a fire to cook and keep warm
    (2) Store tinned food
    (3) Find and store water
    (4) Fuel for car
    (5) Weapons
    (6) Medical kit and how to apply first aid.

    This article could save you and your families lives. Your comfortable little world can implode in hours and your back in the Stone Age.

    This is a great article as it should tell you how vulnerable you are and you have to do something about it. Yes, you reading this.

    This article tells us money is good for now. But who carries gold about?

    If the Govmts turn off the ATMs you can’t eat your gold. But you can barter tinned/canned food that you purchased today with cash.

    This article reminds me of when George Soros (the evil bastard) manipulated UK interest rates from 5% to 17% within a few weeks. People lost their homes, jobs and businesses, and all over electronic repayments, not real money.

    My house was paid for and didn’t affect me, as I saved enough cash/credits to pay off the mortgage.

    The cashless society is for the little people. The elites will have gold, diamonds, and company stock shares, and compromising photos to trade.

    Your non-existent electronic credits are worthless if the system crashes.

    Cash in your pocket is king.

    Thank you, author, for this article; most people are two paycheques away from broke.

    Most people have less than £1000 cash.

    96% of people will get to 65 and be broke, relying on a state pension.

    So think, plan, and act to get debt-free. Do it now. You’ll thank the info in this great article.

  6. Hey John. You are making an excellent point. The only downside is we don’t know when it will all go haywire. So, if things go as they are for another 10 years, a 10k investment in cash will yield 3.5k thanks to today’s roughly 10% food inflation. If you are wrong about when it goes south, you will lose 40% of your money in 5 years, and 66% of your money in a decade. Perhaps it would be wise to go heavy into greenbacks in the weeks before it all goes to shit. I’d bet we’ll see it coming. BTW, here’s a song about money and cheese. Thanks John, that was a good read.

    • That’s if you invest your money. Peoples’ wages also go up roughly with inflation.

      In the UKm, peoples’ homes are the biggest wealth generator, with a lot of homes making more money each year than the occupants earn!

      Money depreciates due to inflation. Land and houses increase due to inflation. It is only hyper-inflation that destroys all wealth .

  7. Sure, the Deep State can turn off one’s digital money supply, which is why smart people diversify their wealth, and spread it around — never keeping all one’s eggs in one basket.

    Cash [or CBDC’s for immediate local payments] works well, as intended, but in the near future, when the purchasing power of western currencies fully collapses, as it will, and where at this point CBDCs are introduced [which is why they’re being issued!], then it’s probably a very good idea to move into a ‘gold-backed’ digital currency, where as previously explained, everyday purchases such as coffee, milk, etc, can be purchased digitally from your ‘offshore’ gold reserves, just as original paper currencies operated when they were gold-backed –as they were prior to President Nixon’s dissolution of the gold-backed currency.

    The idea of offshore storage is purely designed to hold one’s gold in a jurisdiction that is safer than the home government. At the moment, this consists of Switzerland, Singapore, HK [Hong Kong], and I think Dubai is getting in on the act(?).

    If people imagine their government is ‘not’ going to rob them, via taxation, inflation [silent taxation], or downright confiscation, then keep it within your own country. I for one ‘don’t’ trust Western governments, and keep only a portion onshore.

    As the purchasing power of Western currencies collapses, the purchasing power of gold will rise in opposition, so those holding gold safely offshore, will be living comfortably in their home nations as inflation soars, pushing their neighbours into poverty.

    It’s merely a case of wising up to the reality of what’s actually going on.

    And here’s a little something that some readers may find interesting, i.e., gold does not rise and fall in value. It always remains at zero! hence, the gold standard. Gold is basically a form of ‘measurement,’ through which to gauge the value of currencies, etc.

    So when Gordon Brown sold Britain’s gold ca. 2003, for £300/Oz, and it’s now £1500, what does that show?

    And very shortly, Sergei Glazyev may release something, which will change the whole global economy.

    Hope this helps.

    • Gold in a life or death situation is useless. What would you have if you was stranded in the desert, with a kilo of gold or 100 gallons of water?

  8. One final thing for those interested in the spiritual aspects of gold: the metal of the gods.

    If interested readers refer to pages 141-148, etc, they will find an interesting account of the ancient Manna, White-Powder [flour] of the Shrewbread, or Upwards Firestone, etc. This was the power of sublimated gold when miraculously transformed into monotomic gold.

    Hope this is interesting to some?


  9. I knew a survivalist who was saving his pre-1982 copper pennies in buckets (the last honest money). He reasoned that a burglar wouldn’t bother with them, but if the government discontinued pennies, he could have them melted down for future commodity prices. This was decades ago, but I liked the way he was thinking ‘outside the box’.

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