November 27
Reach out to someone who needs you today. At least one being. But offer what you have in deepest respect, or it may rebound on you. This is always the case, so we are not telling you something you don’t know. Just a reminder that integrity of the heart is essential when you are giving.
The day is propitious for energetic expansion, and thus, it makes sense that as you allow yourself to grow larger—vibrationally—you can share some of that largesse with someone who is in need. It doesn’t have to be a person, by the way. The point and the goal is to allow yourself to fill your own space and then become even a little larger. At that point, you will be well situated to lend a hand to someone or something that is feeling small.
The weather is growing less hospitable, but try to be outside, where you have the space to extend yourself beyond “normal” boundaries. In case you are uncertain as to how to allow yourself this expansion, we would suggest that you simply imagine the space around you. Examine it to see how far out around you the air that “belongs” to you stretches, how wide is the oval of energy that surrounds your body. Also, look at its color, feel its texture, sense its vibration….and then imagine or allow the boundaries to move outward.
Experiment with how far out you can move your field, what feels comfortable—indoors or out.
Notice if different colors work better when your field is small and when it is larger.
This is a good practice, if you haven’t done it in the past. And it will actually fill your purse, energetically speaking, allowing you to hold more space and to offer more to others with less of a drain on yourself. A caution: the purpose is not always to fll the most amount of space with your energy, but rather to have some command over it.
Today we are suggesting that expansion is the order of the day, but in general, it is not advisable to over-extend yourselves. A three to four foot feld is generally ideal.
So try experimenting if this is new to you, or not something you do daily already. And then, make an offering of some of that energy. Of course, many of you will do that as a matter of course today and every day, so then we suggest that you simply watch your energetic process today. See what goes out, how it affects you and look at the relationship between how much you are holding and how much you can comfortably give.
We want for you to become energetic masters. We want for you to be able to meet the demands that are likely to be placed upon so many of you in the future without being drained and dried up. This is one way to learn to have more awareness on that level.
If you decide that this is not something you want to try today, still, we urge you to keep your eyes open for another being who could use a little kindness or consideration from you. You may find that simply in stretching with consciousness to meet those needs, you are expanding.
Please, be the great beings that you truly are today! We see you that way, and we send love and blessings.
…..On auras
Jewikipedia debunks anything and everything that is supernatural, or related to UFOs, or to natural healing….and so auras too get explained away…..
I guess the most powerful but also most evil aura I ever felt was in David Duke. I moved to Louisiana in 1989 to help him and learn from his one electoral success, winning (barely) a special election for state representative. He became then without a doubt the world’s laziest state rep, doing nothing for his constituents who had problems with the state — unless they were female and “hot.”
Margi got to know David, too.
Duke engineered in March 2009 with Don Black my ostracism from the white movement and the closure of the biggest thread by one person in Stormfront history.
You would have to be around someone like Duke to feel what a powerful aura is, though it was a dark one. You felt undeniably excited, but drained, as if you wanted to do something for HIM. And when he left, it felt like a black hole in the universe.
Jesus, of course, had a powerful aura….
This was an interesting encounter:
Luke 8:43-48
43 k Now a woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years, who had spent all her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any, 44 came from behind and touched the border of His garment. And immediately her flow of blood stopped. 45
Jesus asked, “Who touched Me?”
When all denied it, Peter and those with him said, “Master, the multitudes are thronging and pressing up against you, 2 yet you ask us, ‘Who touched Me?’ ?” 46
Jesus persisted; “Somebody touched Me, for I perceived power going out from Me.” 47
Now when the woman saw that she could not hide, she came forth to Him. trembling, and falling down before Him, she declared to Him in the presence of all the people the reason she had touched Him and how she had been healed immediately. 48
And He said to her, “Daughter, 3 be of good cheer; your faith has made you well. Go in peace.”
This passage always impacted me doubly because Margi too, a beautiful young woman actress and opera singer in the 1980s in Washington DC, suffered terrible bleeding in her female area before finally agreeing to a hysterectomy. This prevented her from having any adorable white children. I am not sure if this infection began when she was raped by a negro. What a horrible world we live in. But Margi was stoic about this and many specific things. Her feelings came out on stage.
In any case, Jesus felt some of His energy leave him.
And this is how, but in a negative way, it was with David Duke. HE did not feel empty, but YOU did — when he left.
But with Jesus, you felt elation and love. Gandhi was the same way. He radiated positive vibes, a warm buzz.
Always, if someone feels creepy, and like a conniver, scanning you as his mark, trust your intuition!
I hope Margi and I have a beautiful family some day in our next lives, but firs — and in this era it must happen via blood, toil, tears and sweat — the jews and their many, many white lackeys must be removed.
A German Kriegsmarine officer, wife and son
When we ruled, women and girls were safe.
Next time….
Horst Mahler abermals vor Gericht gestellt – alles Weitere anbei in aller Kürze:
Für die Verlesung dieser ersten vier Anklageschriften braucht der Staatsanwalt mehr als zwei Stunden.
JHWH sei der Satan selbst und die Juden seien Werkzeuge Satans, habe Herr Mahler geschrieben, so der Staatsanwalt.
Ich kenne Horst, und recht hat er über Yahweh.
Nach dem amerikanischen Autor Joseph Farrell, der ein Doktorat der Oxford-Universität hat, ist Jahweh ein buchstäblicher Außerirdischer, der die Menschheit hasst und allmählich, über den Wucherm versklaven und vernichten will.
Dieses Buch ist ein Meisterwerk, und verdient die Übersetzung!
Prozeß gegen Horst Mahler: Volksverhetzung aus der Haft
Schon mehrfach wurde der Holocaust-Leugner Horst Mahler wegen Volksverhetzung verurteilt und hat bereits lange Haftstrafen verbüßt. Nun muß sich der 86-Jährige erneut wegen antijüdischer Schriften vor Gericht verantworten.
Der 86-Jährige war bereits mehrfach wegen Holocaust-Leugnung verurteilt worden und hatte seine Freiheitsstrafen von 2009 bis Oktober 2020 mit einer Haftunterbrechung in der Justizvollzugsanstalt Brandenburg/Havel abgesessen.
2015 war Mahlers Haft wegen seiner schweren Erkrankung unterbrochen worden. Als er die Strafe im April 2017 wieder antreten sollte, floh der damals 81-Jährige nach Ungarn und bat dort vergeblich um politisches Asyl.
Nach seiner Auslieferung im Sommer 2017 mußte Mahler seine Reststrafe absitzen.
Dieser ehrenwerte Herr wurde von Herrn de Nugent ob seiner einmaligen Stimme verehrt, als er sich gegen den Bolschewismus erhob, der nunmehr im Gewande einer sogenannten Pandemie über die Menschheit daher gekommen wurde.
AUF1-Weihnachtsgeschichte: “Als man sich auf Weihnachten noch freuen konnte“
Schöööönnnn 🙂
Dennis Ingo Schulz TTA redet mit Horst Mahlers Adjutant über dessen Prozessauftakt am 29.11.2022–047BBaxVw
Die Länge des obigen Dokuments erstreckt sich auf 6 ½ Minuten.
29.11.2022 Potsdam Holocaustleugner Horst Mahler angeklagt wegen Leugnung des NS-Völkermord an Juden
Die Länge des obigen Dokuments erstreckt sich auf knapp 2 ½ Minuten.