Spiritual reading; FOIA obtained emails proving Biden WH & jewess Walensky at CDC were “freaking out” in May 2021 over vaxx-caused myocarditis & blood clots; “media response” remained: vaxx is “safe and effective”

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Jew Kevin Griffis is the Director of the Office of Communications (OC) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC is crawling with jews: https://birthofanewearthblog.com/jews-of-the-cdc/

And as with the Covid vaxx side-effects, all the Big Jews do is murder the goyim and lie about it. (See below.)

Jesus said it more drastically than anyone else:

…..”Rich men” song going strong

That song “Rich Men North of Richmond” is now at 71 million views, and yet, no surprise, it is still not on the jukebox anywhere in America — too subversive.

But hey, that Oliver Anthony is probly involved with Putin and doing some kinda Russian collusion. We need to send the Army to quash these domestic terrorists, you know, who are against the rich, these Poor Men South of Richmond.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqSA-SY5Hro

This is one of the most popular songs in the world and I haven’t heard it played on the radio once. Says it all.

This song speaks to my soul! As a 23 yr old trying to start life out in a world that’s made for failure, I needed this song!
Just heard this song on 99.7 FM in route to Lubbock, TX. Finally a radio station with some guts!!! Awesome to hear you on the radio!! God bless you Mr. Chris.
Je suis Français, cette chanson me touche beaucoup, les paroles aussi, même si on ne comprends pas les paroles elle vibre en nous, il y a quelque chose d’universel 🙂 qui résonne jusqu’en France. Vous avez un énorme talent, continuez !!!
I’m French, this song touches me a lot, the lyrics too, even if we don’t understand the lyrics it vibrates in us, there’s something universal 🙂 that resonates all the way to France. You have an enormous talent, keep it up!!!!
I know he’s American but believe me he’s talking to many of us around the world. Lots of us are feeling this song deeply. Cheers from Canada.
That song brought tears in my eyes. We’re experiencing the same thing all across western countries, done by the same kind of people. Thumbs up from France.

This is a very good time to discard all forms of sentimentality. It may seem a small and inconsequential thing to suggest, and yet it will be of value to you if you can find the places where you allow emotional
waves to carry you from your center.
To feel is to be human. It is an extraordinary gift, and it is one that
comes along with, perhaps in compensation for, all the challenges of form. All beings feel, but there is a particular quality to feeling as it is experienced vibrationally in form that is quite special and spectacular.
Many humans fear the intensity of it and avoid it; it is life-altering and thus does terrible mischief to the best-laid plans of the mind.
On the other hand, your emotional capacity makes you vulnerable to drama. And drama, both the manipulation inherent in it and the stories that are ever built around the emotions (for it works that way most often and not the reverse as you tend to think), are extremely distracting and do not in any way expand or enhance your ability to feel.
Most people make no distinction between emotion and feeling, and perhaps there is a semantic line in play that is less than meaningful, but there is indeed a real and important difference between those things that you can simply feel and allow to move through you, pure and utterly of themselves, whether they be what you might term ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ comfortable or the opposite, meaning those things which take you from your connection to the divine and drop you into greater illusion.
When you layer ideas, thought-forms, over the feelings, you confuse yourself and you distort the truth.
This is extremely tempting to do. “I feel ______.” Ok. The next thing most of you are accustomed to do is to move to the next clause: “because_______.”
Makes sense, right? My finger hurts/ because it is in the fire. Since I don’t like the pain, I can locate the cause and I can stop the thing I don’t like. Or, I feel happy/because I am in the company of someone I love.
Since I like feeling happy I can attempt to send as much time as possible with people I love.
Up to a point this is a useful way to function in your world. Cause and effect, right? You learn at an early age how to manipulate your environment to create the effects you like best.
But (and you knew there was a ‘but’ coming) the problem that arises at a certain point is that it is easy to become so proficient at identifying and manipulating the ‘causes’ that create the circumstances in your
life that you barely have time to bring true awareness to the moment-to-moment experience of your life.
What does this moment feel like? You are so quick to take its measure and respond to it, invite more, change things to alter the feeling.
And we can tell you that simply by staying with what is before and within you, in terms of feeling, leaving aside the ideas and the desire to control them, will bring you into realms of knowing and expansion that will surprise and delight many of you.
Transformation and clarity come from doing nothing more than feeling what you feel without complicating or analyzing or acting. It is one of the most empowering things you can do. Be with what is.
It is not an easy habit to break—the one that calls for a hand always on the tiller, always adjusting course to head into the sweetest wind. And there is nothing wrong with using it from time to time. As always, the problem arises when something becomes both habitual and unconscious.
So not only are we encouraging you to look at the drama and sentimentality (which are really nothing more than feeling which has been interred in ideas, beliefs, and stories, and as such, distorted and twisted) with which you may at times meet feeling that graces your life, but also to greet that pure feeling (for it always arrives this way) without judgment or fear.
Anything that takes you from the straightforward experience of what is being given to you in any moment—whether it be the desire to control the future based on the present and the past, or the desire to dodge that experience through making it into stories—robs you of your right to live deeply, authentically and fully in the extraordinary form you now inhabit.
You can always try it and see what happens. Our advice is only so good as you fnd it in real practice!
We send you much love—always.

….BOMBSHELL: New-Found Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the Public

“You can’t kill Americans … knowingly without the okay of the President because you’re literally burning up too much political capital.”

The “Biden” administration is nothing more than a continuation of past illegitimate administrations that were all controlled by the Intelligence Industrial Complex, or the 4th and most powerful branch of government.

The below bombshell emails do not include the other adverse events like turbo cancers that the globalist bioterrorists always knew would occur from their DEATHVAX™ exposure as per the ferretmice, and rat studies that were so grim that they could never get their Modified mRNA technology to human trials…until the wholly captured FDA pushed through their “pandemic” EUA; in other words, through various tabletop exercises and simulations like Event 201 they finally pulled the trigger and created the optics to allow for their slow-kill bioweapon democide.

As this Substack has previously pointed out, the below email releases and other glacial rollouts of the Truth were always part of their plan. Now that significantly large swaths of the population have been genetically modified and poisoned, the Truth will foster anger, despondency, and, potentially, societal violence. All by design.

by The Vigilant Fox

The question of our time is, how could this happen? How could these catastrophic crimes against humanity perpetrated by these injections be allowed to occur?

It can’t happen unless the boss says it has to or that it can,” declared Dr. Naomi Wolf on Steve Bannon’s War Room.

As a former political advisor, Dr. Wolf said, from experience working around a White House, “You can’t kill Americans … knowingly without the okay of the President because you’re literally burning up too much political capital. No one wants to be on the receiving end of having killed Americans when that crime comes to light without the imprimatur (approval) of the President.”

“If someone is found to have killed Americans, inadvertently, they get fired and shamed publicly. And it’s all put on them. And that’s the end of them. And that’s not what we were seeing. So I knew that up the chain of command, the White House had to be involved in these decisions, but we just didn’t have the smoking gun.”

“Now we have the smoking gun,” announced Dr. Wolf.

Attorney Edward Berkovich made a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on August 29. He asked for emails to and from Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, Sherri A. Berger, and Kevin Griffis (all CDC staff) between February 1, 2021, and May 31, 2021, that include the term “myocarditis.”

*** Jew-jew-jew-jew-jew all over this thing

Rochelle Walensky:

Sherri Berger looks Aryan, but her first name, Sherri, is often jewish; her last name, Berger, is usually jewish,  too; she also works for the CDC; and I strongly suspect a nose job and also lightened hair.

(I unknowingly dated a jewess — who was actually very nice — who had natural blond hair and blue eyes. I did break it off, but felt very sad about having to do so, since she was a great gal, she really loved me, and I felt close to her, too  — and, in a practical vein, she also owned her own house and she stood to inherit $2 million, whereas I as a WN wa surviving hand-to-mouth. Anyway, the point is that she was racially quite nordic, yet was  jewish on both sides — from Lithuanian jews.)

Kevin Griffis:


Initially, Attorney Berkovich received 472 pages, but someone who Dr. Wolf believes could be a whistleblower recently released another 46 pages to Mr. Berkovich.

Amy Kelly of DailyClout reported that over 80% of the 46 pages were fully redacted and involved other government entities, such as the White House and the Executive Office of the President.

“Of the 46 pages, only two pages were released without any redactions. Seven pages were partially redacted pages, and 37 pages were fully redacted.”

Normally, redacted pages come with black bars that conceal the withheld text. But since 37 pages were fully redacted, you don’t even see any black bars. It looks like a blank page — but it was done so intentionally.

Amy Kelly wrote, “The redactions were ‘pursuant to 5 U.S.C. §552 Exemptions 5 and 6.’”

Alarmingly, Exemption 5 states, “The Presidential communications privilege protects documents solicited and received by the President or his immediate White House advisers who have broad and significant responsibility for investigating and formulating the advice to be given to the President.

In plain English, that means the President and his close advisers in the White House have a “special rule” that lets them keep certain documents private.

“The reason for all these redactions is that what is redacted was solicited or shared with the President or his most senior advisors,” added Dr. Wolf.

“Now, what is in these documents?”

In May 2021, particularly around May 24-25, high-ranking officials from the White House, CDC, NIH, and others were “freaking out,” shared Dr Wolf.

What were they panicking about? Myocarditis and TTS [Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Syndrome]. Or, in simpler terms, conditions involving heart damage, blood clots, and low platelet counts (bleeding risk).

So “they crafted a media response,” reported Dr. Wolf. “And the media response doesn’t tell the truth.”

The following summarizes the emails from the FOIA production.

In the first set of emails, there’s an email thread from May 24-25, 2021, titled “Draft WH [White House] Script and Slides.” This email was sent by Abbigail Tumpey, a former key communicator at the CDC, to Rochelle Walensky, the CDC Director at the time, and several other high-ranking health officials. Attached to the email was a draft meant for a press conference, but the entire 10-page content is blacked out and can’t be seen.

On May 25, 2021, Benjamin Wakana, a top White House communications official, sent an email titled “COVID Tough QA” to several key health figures, including Dr. Walensky, Dr. Fauci, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, and several White House advisors. The email had an attachment named “Tough QA 5.24.21 11PM.docx.

“The email says, ‘Hi, attached please find the latest tough QA. New topics include:’, and all of the topics are redacted. The attached document, which appears to be 17 pages long, is completely redacted,” Amy Kelly reported.

“The final email is from Grace KwakWhite House Advisor to the Deputy COVID-19 Response Coordinator, Executive Office of the President, asking Dr. Walensky’s Executive Assistant, Lynn Gershman, where to find ‘papers/briefings’ about ‘…updates on TTS [Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Syndrome], myocarditis, etc.’ Ms. Gersham forward this ‘request from WH’ to Sherri Berger.”

Amy Kelly’s full report and the entire FOIA production are available to read on DailyClout.

Dr. Wolf reflected on the chain of events that took place following these emails.

“Go back to May, June, July, August, all of 2021. Dr. Fauci lied and lied and lied subsequent to this crisis meeting, these crisis communications, this slide deck that we can’t see. And Dr. Fauci said, ‘Safe and effective. Safe and effective.’ Dr. Rochelle Walensky said, ‘Safe and effective. Safe and effective.’ They rolled out [a public announcement regarding] myocarditis, and remember what they said, ‘extremely rare,’ ‘mild,’ ‘resolves,’ ‘extremely rare,’ ‘mild,’ ‘resolves.’ They knew that they were lying. And they said nothing about the clotting issue from what I recall.”

“So basically,” explained Dr. Wolf, “they created from this set of crisis communications, directed by the White House with the White House’s most senior advisors, the COVID-19 Response Project, which was overseen by the White House. The White House [with] like 15 of these people who were leading this set of lies to the American public, they were convening because horrible things were happening.”

“It [adverse events] had been brought to them in February [2021] by Israel, that there was heart damage.

It was brought to them again in April that there was heart damage and blood clots.

Now, it’s May [2021], four months after they first knew about the huge amounts of myocarditis and blood clots. And in May, they get together at the behest of the White House, to create a media response that you experience, all of 2021, all of 2022, to get you to keep injecting this [COVID shot] into your body and injecting it into the bodies of your loved ones.

They knew that they were lying, and they knew that they were hurting people with blood clots, platelet problems, and heart damage. And that’s what they did.

And that’s what happened.”

Dr. Wolf’s full segment with Steve Bannon is available to watch via the video [link].

Mop up the “vaccine” spike protein (SP 2) damage, and prevent future gain of function infections with inexpensive repurposed drugs that also may treat turbo cancers, prion-based diseases, and various other adverse events.

Do NOT comply.

Upgrade to paid

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