….Spiritual reading for November 21
Today, it will be very good to be gentle. It is not unlikely that you will run into some sharp things — experiences, people, emotions, longings—that entice you to visit the extremes of your range. Whether high or low, you are liable to get lost and lose your footing, lose your way. If you find yourself confronted with that which pierces you, do not attempt to feed it, but practice the kind of sweetness and softness you would offer a beloved child facing the same.
The goal here is to stay in some sort of balance. The opportunity to feel extremes of love or loss or desire or sorrow or ecstasy is a precious one and not to be missed. Yet it carries with it the danger of becoming so absorbed that you can forget the bigger picture, forget that although you are indeed these feelings, they are but a small part of who you are.
So be aware that there may be some peaks and valleys in the next few days. Let yourself live them fully, but do so with as much awareness as you can muster, that they are but vistas along the road. They are neither the destination nor the path itself.
In order to remain in balance, discipline will be useful. Try to give shape to your day and activities ahead of time rather than its opposite: allowing the activities and commitments to shape your time.
The latter is easy to fall into, but if you know where you want to go (both in the ultimate and the short-term) then you will do well to choose the path that leads in your direction. Particularly on this day when the detours will be more than usually seductive. In other words, give yourself over to the depths of any feelings and experiences you have, but do so while you chop wood and carry water. Do not attempt to mute what comes to you, but moderate it and soften it by allowing it to be integrated into your journey.
The sun will be a wonderful source of sustenance. If you can see it, use its energies to fortify and fill
yourself. In a time of intense introspection and internal involvement, the sun, like routine and balance,
can provide a counterweight, an energetic constant that will help you navigate successfully through the
ups and downs.
If you are someone who is on an even keel, we suggest that you try to notice the nuances of your internal
life and how they relate to the sun and its presence in your life. This may provide some information which
will serve you well in the future.
Please take good care of your physical self today as well. It is not a time for profligacy or a casual approach to your body’s needs. Eat thoughtfully, drink good water, rest when you are tired, exercise gently, and avoid the temptation to push yourself. In this case you are much more likely to push yourself into collapse than on through to the other side.
The day holds the potential to render many deeply valuable insights if you are paying attention and staying in alignment. There is much to be learned from the practice of holding the center while the margins expand and contract. Fear nothing and allow all, but don’t forget the totality of your truth. Don’t forget the vastness of who you are.
We send you all much love and urge you again to practice love and kindness for yourself and others through this day of wonderful ups and downs.
Many blessings. 🙂
I had a jewish landlord in Winthrop, Massachusetts 1996-2001, the late Ted Weiner,a blue-collar guy who had been a welder, one of the jewish majority who are “little jews,” not bigshots or billionaires.
We actually became kind of friends, and not only did I actually like him and he me, but he kept me as a tenant despite knowing who I was, and I was able to delve this way into the depths of the jewish mind.
Anyway, I once asked him what the key trait was in explaining jewish success. (As we know, the big jews have molded a highly organized, international crime family that 1) unites against its enemies, 2) is swimming in money, and 3) networks relentlesly to achieve its goals).
Ted said: “That trait would be perseverance.”
I can say this:
White Americans with the old values of race and nation have refused to listen to us and have smoked one pot of opium after another: the fakers Reagan (whom I met), then Bush II (a psychopath), then Trump, and one can throw the non-fakers in there too who had no chance: Pat Buchanan (1992 and 1996) whom I also met, Ross Perot (1992) ,and Ron Paul (2008 and 2012).
But now IS the time.
I was watching a YT video with Judge Andrew Napolitano and ret. US Army Col. Douglas MacGregor, and both were saying that Israel is infuriating and disgusting the entire world now, with 13,000 Gaza civilians dead.
I also saw a video with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, interviewing fmr Cong. Dennis Cucinich, an anti-Establishment old-style liberal type, and Adams almost openly ripped into the jews and Israel. Never before have I seen him do this.
So now IS the time to strike.
And it is my pride that I never withdrew from the fight, nor have others, comrades, and we have accumulated vast experience, battle scars, and terrible losses, by doing so. We have taken blow after blow, and not given up, waiting for this day when misery and dread finally pushed American Whites up against the wall.
This has been on TikTok and this is the part we need to focus on, as far as what they’ve done to us.
(ii) You are the nation that permits Usury, which has been forbidden by all the religions. Yet you build your economy and investments on Usury. As a result of this, in all its different forms and guises, the Jews have taken control of your economy, through which they have then taken control of your media, and now control all aspects of your life making you their servants and achieving their aims at your expense; precisely what Benjamin Franklin warned you against.
“Non chi comincia ma quel che persevera”.
Transl. from Leonardo:
“What counts is not starting but persevering.”
Madri Tedesche…
Erano le madri il Centro vitale della Germania.
Il retaggio del matriarcato.
Dear John,
In the 1980s my mother once told me about the book “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach. But I did not read it entirely back then. This day, I listened the original, narrated by the author, Richard Bach:
“♡ Full Audio-Book ♡ Jonathan Livingston Seagull By Richard Bach Timeless Spiritual Classic” (1:07),
I was stunned, totally. It is incredible. It can be read by youngsters too, by all generations. It describes the nature of reality, of the divine reality and the meaning of life, why we are here and what is our purpose (consciouness development, incarnations etc.). It is so incredible.
I do not say this to stimulate OTHERS to listen to it; I really mean it.It reminded me of your struggle to communicate and introduce to people a new way to look at themselves, to make them familiar again with their inner origins.
The book has an incredible depth. One intuitively feels the truth lying in it, becoming familiar (again) with reincarnation and angels. And all the struggles when exploring one’s limits and growing, when introducing new ideas, being outcast and being either comdemned or idealized.
It also deals with reincarnation. That’s why it is also dismissed by some. Last year I heard that the reincarnation taboo once was introduced due to the fact, that (at the “beginning” of humanity) the then young human consciousness was not supposed to be overloaded with too many information at once [such as about earlier lives, events, setbacks, tragedies, etc].
However, as the Church still holds on to this taboo, the Church itself would fall in time.
Here is someone condemning Richard Bach and Jane Roberts, probably from the 1970s (Jonathan Livington Seagull returns as a teacher, from beyond):
“WARNING! Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Seth Speaks Books – John MacArthur” (4 minutes),
Bach once visited Jane Roberts and Robert Butts, as described in “The Nature of Personal Reality”. Bach did not claim authorship.He got the book via his inner self / guardian angel. However, Seth emphasized Bach’s creative role, starting at book page 52 (in the pdf, on page 76), excerpt.[1]
“Jane Roberts Seth Nature Of Personal Reality”,
Bach received it similarly to the way the author of “A Dogs Journey”, W. Bruce Cameron, did. He once told (in essence) in an interview how, when he was writing, he normally would start from a new page, but in this case, it was like he would download a completely, entirely finished book.
Of course, if you/one receive something, you must also be able to express it. Getting a book in a certain language requires to be able enough to write in this language. To get a music piece, if would be helpful to be able to transcribe musical notes and compositions.
Considering this, one is ready to inquire,to receive and to “download” books and other works of art and science.
Here Bach summarizes how he got his books, about the creative process (6 minutes):
“Richard Bach interview”,
Maybe, during a rest, you can listen to the original, read by the author himself, Richard Bach. It only lasts 1 hour 07 minutes –and afterwards it consists of the sound of waves and images.
You will recognize yourself as Jonathan Livington Seagull, with all his struggles. 🙂
Audio book: “Full Audio-Book ♡ Jonathan Livingston Seagull By Richard Bach Timeless Spiritual Classic”,
[1] […] (Some notes added later: Dick Bach felt that he didn’t really write Seagull himself. By now the story of that book’s conception is well known: Late one night in 1959, Dick was walking beside a canal near a West Coast beach when he heard a voice say, “Jonathan Livingston Seagull. ” No one else was around. He was astonished.
He was even more so when, on his return home, the voice initiated images that gave him the bulk of the book in three-dimensional form. Then it stopped. On his own, Dick tried unsuccessfully to finish the manuscript. Nothing happened until one day, eight years later, when he suddenly wakened to hear the voice again — and with it came the rest of the book.
(Who wrote it? Dick didn’t claim authorship. He came across The Seth Material, saw similarities in Jane’s and his own experiences, and came here to see if she or Seth could explain the phenomenon. There are points of correlation, of course, only Jane is presented not with just a voice but with an entire personality, Seth, who then writes books while she is in an altered state of consciousness. So she and Dick were highly interested in what Seth would say.
(Besides this Jane’s novel, The Education of Oversoul 7, was written under similar [and yet different] circumstances. She describes the processes involved in her Introduction, along with the creation of some ofherpoetiy. * […]
(To Jane, these states are all aspects of the same kind of highly accelerated creativity that finally “goes beyond itself” into levels — or aspects — of reality that we don’t understand clearly yet. The whole question is also relevant in cases involving automatic writing, painting, singing, musical composition, etc.
Now here are some near-verbatim quotes from the information Seth gave Dick Bach and company on the evening of September 27, 1972:
“Information does not exist by itself. Connected with it is the consciousness of all those who understand it, perceive it or originate it. So there are not records in terms of objective, forever-available banks of information into which you tune. Instead, the consciousness that held, or holds, or will hold the information, attracts it like a magnet.. . The information itself wants to move toward consciousness. It is not dead or inert. It is not something you grab for, it is also something that wants to be grabbed, and so it gravitates to those who seek it.
Your consciousness attracts the consciousness that is already connected with the material. That is one of my goodies for the evening! Information, then, becomes new and is reborn as it is interpreted through a new consciousness, as Seagull was.
The inner portion of your being, using those abilities that have always been yours, interpreted the information through the kaleidoscope of your own being, using the best portions of yourself—producing, then, a brilliant truth in new clothes — but in clothes that no one could have given it but yourself. Now I will tell you: If you assign the authorship of Seagull to another, then you deny the uniqueness of your own inner self.
The truth came to you and was given to you, but the originality and uniqueness was provided by your own inner being, which may now be so separated from your conscious self that it seems to be apart from it.
So other things were also involved — not only the birth of a book, but the emergence of the inner self, through art, into the physical universe. Now part of the focus and the strength comes from those two births, and the intensity behind them is also the reason why the book’s nativity strikes the world as strongly as it does. The two are merged in the book. You are looking for the author of Seagull, and I tell you I am looking at him. He may not have the face that you see when you look in the mirror, simply because you cannot see your true identity in a mirror. But I am looking at all that is visible of the author of Seagull, and you should know him best of all. And I will tell you through the years how to become acquainted with him, and more on speaking terms.
Robert already has a head start on this, so I am not spoiling his fun. There are indeed ‘aspects’ of your own consciousness that operate in completely different environments. Environments, for example, that are not physical. There are aspects of you, therefore, that know many other kinds of information than those available to you at the conscious level now …” […]
Danke sehr! Das kam mir sehr gelegen.
Ich lauschte heute das Hörbuch von Bach und war gewaltig imponiert.
Ich las unterm Hörbuch-Video diesen Kommentar:
3 years ago
Listened to it twice. Sorry, don’t get it. I so wanted to get it and share in the enthusiasm that people seem to have about this book. I found it boring, confusing, not a very interesting story. I read a few pages of the book, way back in 1984 after my (wonderful) boss at the time insisted it would change my life. I never read another page of the book, but always thought I’d get around to it one day. I felt I owed it to my boss; a sort of unspoken promise. I love seagulls. I live at the coast. Sorry, Jonathan, for not getting your story. You’re a magnificent creature, but the storyteller doesn’t do you justice.
[Ich antwortete darunter]
15 minutes ago
Well, as the many very positive comments show (and the huge sales of the book itself, largely by word of mouth) you are definitely in a minority. But then, assuming you ARE a seeker, you might try Eckhart Tolle. He did change my life in 2017. I myself did not read Bach’s Seagull book when it came out, btw. However, after reading Tolle, now I get him 100%. I knew a woman, the wife of my then boss, who had corresponded with Bach, and she said he was a great, authentic, caring human being — and he had changed her life for the better.
auf deutsch:
Vor 3 Jahren
Habe es zweimal gehört. Tut mir leid, verstehe es nicht. Ich wollte es mir unbedingt zulegen und an der Begeisterung teilhaben, die die Leute offenbar für dieses Buch haben. Ich fand es langweilig, verwirrend und keine sehr interessante Geschichte. Ich habe bereits 1984 ein paar Seiten des Buches gelesen, nachdem mein (wundervoller) Chef damals darauf bestanden hatte, dass es mein Leben verändern würde. Ich habe nie wieder eine Seite des Buches gelesen, dachte aber immer, dass ich es eines Tages schaffen würde. Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass ich es meinem Chef schuldig war, eine Art unausgesprochenes Versprechen. Ich liebe Möwen. Ich lebe an der Küste. Tut mir also leid, Jonathan, dass ich deine Geschichte nicht verstanden habe. Du bist ein großartiges Geschöpf, aber der Geschichtenerzähler wurde dir nicht gerecht.
[Ich antwortete darauf]
vor 15 Minuten
Nun ja, wie die vielen sehr positiven Kommentare zeigen (und die enormen Verkaufszahlen des Buches selbst, größtenteils durch Mundpropaganda), sind Sie definitiv in der Minderheit. Aber vorausgesetzt, Sie SIND ein Suchender, könnten Sie es mit Eckhart Tolle versuchen. Er hat mein Leben im Jahr 2017 verändert. Ich selbst habe Bachs Möwenbuch übrigens nicht gelesen, als es herauskam. Aber nachdem ich Tolle gelesen habe, verstehe ich ihn jetzt zu 100 %. Ich kannte eine Frau, die Frau meines damaligen Chefs, die mit Bach korrespondiert hatte, und sie sagte, er sei ein großartiger, authentischer, fürsorglicher Mensch – und er habe ihr Leben zum Besseren verändert.
Ich will Ihnen nun etwas erklären:
Mein Wesen hatte es mir damals, als das Buch herauskamm, verboten, mich für ein Buch zu interessieren, wo das Tier im Titel, die Hauptfigur, bloß ein Beutetier ist, d.h. ein Tier, das seinem Naturell entsprechend bei Gefahren bloß wegfliegt oder wegläuft. Wie verächtlich!
Ich sah mal hier in Ontonagon, wie sich ein Falke in der Luft auf einen armen Möwen herniederstürzte und, mit Federn überall herumflatternd, auf der Straße (!) und vor allen den Möwen auseinanderriß und verschlang.
Und genauso sehe ich es mit den Weißen — 100 Weiße laufen aufs schändlichste weg, statt sich gegen einen Juden zu WEHREN!
Also bin ich lieber Raubtier, obwohl ich töten würde auch nur wegen der Nahrungsnotwendigkeit. Im Jahrzehnt davor hatte ich mich auch zu den US Marines gemeldet. So ist mein Wesen.
Aber ich begreife nun, dass die meisten Weißen eher Möwen sind und nicht Adler. 😉
Will ich ihnen helfen — so wie sie nun mal sind — muss ich das berücksichtigen!
Danke nochmals für diesen großartigen Kommentar, Kamerad!
PS Die Frau, die mir von Bach und seinem Möwenbuch erzählte, war eine der fünf (!) Ehefrauen des Dr. William Pierce. Recht schön, intelligent, und deutschstämmig, sie fand ihn zu yang, zu rechts, zu stur. Ich wußte, dass Pierce Atheist war, und einer ganz überholten Rassenkampf-Ideologie diente, die erstens sittlich falsch ist und zweitens politisch katastrophal.
Sie verließ ihn, was bei mir natürlich zu Bedenken führte, da sie ein feiner Mensch war. Am Ende trat ich selbst als hohe Figur der National Alliance 1983 zurück. Mit hartnäckigen Atheisten-Materialisten ist nichts zu machen.