Spiritual reading; the fulfillment of Schwab’s “You’ll own nothing — and be happy [not]”; climate chaos and homeowner insurance in Cali and Florida

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…Spiritual reading for July 20

A day for integration today. That which needs to happen will happen pretty much of its own accord.

You have been the impetus behind such tremendous transformation; give the ground time to settle.

Ask for all that is new and emerging to come into full bloom and anchor within you. Ask for all that is dissolved to disappear. That is all.

You can tend to obligations and do the ‘stuff’ you need to do, but we would suggest that you find a little time today for letting down and relaxing. It will do you a world of good!

Aloha. 🙂



…Geoengineering expert: massive heat waves, droughts and floods are real — yet not carbon dioxide emissions, but the Deep State, its chemtrails and HAARP, are causing them

Wigington’s powerful documentary, “The Dimming”:

This Californian, Dana Wigington, is a really impressive man.

I first became highly aware of him when my own essay on this site, www.johnhdenugent.com, on how psychopaths take countries over was hacked, and I had not made a recent backup.

But I found it on Dana’s site and copied it back to my own. 😉

..Psychopathy in our leaders (religious, political, financial, and in entertainment)


Henry Kissinger, one of the premier monsters of our time, is seen here photographing a child, Nicole Cianci, who later killed herself using heroin, (http://www.abc6.com/story/17632537/nicole-cianci-daughter-of-buddy-cianci-dies) …. With his hand on her head is her father, the mayor of Providence, Rhode Island, Buddy Cianci, who later did five years for extortion; next to them is my father, James Waddell Nugent.


Chelsea Clinton wearing an inverted, satanic cross


FILE – AUGUST 24: Donald Trump has called for the investigation of the Clinton Foundation, further intensifying scrutiny on the institution. LOS ANGELES – AUGUST 1: Former U.S. President Bill Clinton speaks during a press conference announcing a partnership between The Clinton Climate Initiative and Large Cities Climate Leadership Group as the Mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa (L) and British Prime Minister Tony Blair look on August 1, 2006 in Los Angeles, California. The partnership aims to fight climate change through the reduction of pollutants which contribute to global warming. (Photo by J. Emilio Flores/Getty Images)

Around 2000, the logo of the supposedly super-patriotic and family-values Republican Party changed from American stars to inverted pentagrams. George W. Bush even appointed a jewish homosexual, Ken Mehlman, in 2004, as chairman of the GOP.

1999 —- 2000


The Pentagon — its cornerstone was laid on September 11, 1941.


Inside the inverse pentagram (a five-pointed star) a pentagon fits, a five-sided, blocklike object

The sign of Baphomet (Satan)

Street map of the area north of the White House in Washington DC, designed by Freemasons (Pierre  L, with a Baphomet overlay:


Also, directly north of the White House, located at 1733 16th Street Northwest, is the 33rd-Degree Scottish-Rite Temple of Freemasons, inspired by a famous ancient TOMB,  the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus:


So, anyway, this Wigington really understands and has the guts to face the FACT that the Deep State ruling us now consists, not of corrupt men with weaknesses (for sex, fame, money, and power), but of something many orders of magnitude worse:


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 15, 2023, #414

Record deluge, record heat and record drought catastrophes are causing chaos and devastation from the US to China, Brazil, Australia and everywhere in between. We are still officially told that global climate engineering operations are only a dangerous proposal though those that take the time to look up are finally beginning to ask questions. From farms to fisheries global food production is plummeting and reserves are running dry. How much longer till store shelves empty out? What happens then? How many actually want to know? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 15, 2023, #414
( Dane Wigington )
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.Dane Wigington
Must view, THE DIMMING, the most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​
The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary
( Geoengineering Watch )
For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.

    GW flyer packet 300   GeoengineeringWatch.org booklets, DVD

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…..”You’ll own nothing and be happy” when you lose your home become uninsurable

Boy, is what the jews are doing this sinister.
Two major US states, California and Florida, with together over 70 million people, are seeing home ownership become unaffordable unless your income is over $117,000 a year.
At the end of this Bitchute video below, Tucker Carlson aggressively confronts RINO Mike Pense, about how crime in the US and suicides are soaring, and everything is getting worse.
Then Carlson asks Pense ‘why on earth Ukraine should be getting tens of billions of dollars when the money is needed by Americans?’
Mike Pense answers Tucker Carlson’s question with (and you HAVE to see this — it is memorable)….

“This is NOT MY CONCERN.” !!!





……Your donation is critical

It is clearly time to start my movement. Prosperity is ending for 90% of us, and that prosperity was long the “opium” of the white American people until now, lulling our folk into denial about the need for truly radical change.

The patient is perishing, dying of gangrene, of internal, toxic rot.. and all that is rotten must be amputated.

Others understand and act. Will you?

$6,583 (plus seven excellent books and two great pistol holsters) since December first



  1. As I said previously, John, people will have to rent until they die. What jobs will 80- or 90-year-olds be doing to pay their rent as we live longer?

    People will be begging to die rather than live in the poverty and the shit that are all of their own making, because they voted for the same political paedos every time.

    Or maybe they won’t really beg to die! Maybe they haven’t got the guts to do it. They will just live out a life of poverty, cheap out-of-date food, no car, holidays or blue sky, wearing clothes from charity shops, using light bulbs to keep warm by, keeping their clothes on in bed to stop from freezing to death….all while being bombarded by adverts for a champagne lifestyle they will never have. Lol!

    Not alive, nor dead, all because the believed the politicians and their controllers. Lol.

    Sorry, John. I feel no pity for them, as they have been told what awaits them.

    • Thanks for your comment, which I will use and respond to. Only the most spiritual and loving person will persist at this late point, because the masses ARE asses. We who have been activists for decades have experienced this. I guess they are good Christians,  because they sure do “love their enemies, turn the other cheek, and pray for those who persecute them.” 😉

  2. This is a coping survey carried out by banks, etc., to see how people cope during their working lives…. so banks can tailor their products to people.

    This is what they found.

    It doesn’t matter if you went to uni [US: college], or you have rich parents or not.

    Of people working from 20 to 65 years of age:

    30% will die before 65.

    46% retire broke on a state pension.

    20% keep on working past 65 as a necessity.

    3% will be financially ok

    1% will be rich.

    You will fall into one of these categories: the wretched 96% or the happy 4% group.

  3. I have lived in in California twice for a total of 28 years now.

    I remember when property values suddenly increased in a big way. The longtime White property owners sold their property and relocated up the coast to Oregon, where property was much cheaper. They bought an equivalent property and put a large sum in savings. New people became the owners of their California property — Jews, I suspect.

    Rents then went way up.

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