October 20
Walk with heightened awareness today: of the ground beneath your feet, of the trees and grasses
and flowers that are holding forth with great glory, of the songs of birds and cries of squirrels and chipmunks.
Please let yourself experience the full force of this amazing world you inhabit.
Try to really feel the immense strength and resilience of the earth and Her creatures. Their power and determination not only to survive but to radiate blessings and love are breathtaking if you but attend.
So do that if you can. Open your pores to the incredible flow of energy and love all around you today. Try to feel into the nature you encounter.
Try to feel down into the earth, the quality of sensation She gives you here, and then here, and then there. With each step and in different parts of your day. This day is an auspicious one for soaking up the balm and the goodness and the love of all the other non-human forms of consciousness with whom you co-exist.
Be open, be playful and most of all, be ready to believe what you feel. It is true.
It will also be good to connect with family, to celebrate the commitment and love, and/or to ease tensions and heal wounds. Carry the birdsong in your heart today. Remember it when you can. There is an abundance of wisdom and guidance for you all; you must simply learn to listen and understand and follow it. What a joyous day this can be!
We wish you an inpouring of love and delight. May it be so today and every day. — E. West
…..A little birdy told me
Four spots where I was “serenaded” by the same bird. 🙂
The sad thing is how often materialistic people shrug off little signs from their angels that “We are always with you.” I have learned over the decades to be alert to when my guardian angels want to encourage me to push forward and not doubt.
Anyway, in June, I went out walking along Rose Island here in Ontonagon, which is separated from the town only by “the channel ,” a little branch of the Ontonagon River. The four larger ovals are where this subtle little divine thing happened. (The small dots are four lawns I had to mow that day — and was also heading toward.)
As I was walking along the paved road on Rose Island, with telephone wires overhead, I noticed some Canadian geese and all their goslings on the far side of the channel, past the reeds.
Zoom on the geese and goslings…..
And I was noticing the beautiful little yellow pentagram-shaped flowers that, this year, are appearing on lawns all over this town….
Anyway, and this has happened before, a Michigan songbird kept following me and then singing.
As I took the pix of the goslings, he began belting his song out, exactly over my head. I looked up, smiled, sent him some love and praised him.
Sure enough, he then flew another 50 feet along the same telephone wire — and belted out yet another song as I passed underneath. 🙂
Then I left the paved road for the path leading to the beaver dam and boat landing.
He continued following me…..and then flew from tree to tree to serenade me some more.
Wow, thank you, my dear angel, “Mr Invisible Man,” who had that birdy cheer me up!
With many cares I have at this moment, this really “hit the spot”! 🙂
Il pettirosso compare già nella mitologia celtica.Per i popoli del nord era infatti uno dei simboli del dio Thor,portatore di nuvole e tempesta. Esistono anche diverse tradizioni popolari che cercano di spiegare il suo particolare piumaggio. Secondo una nota leggenda cristiana,i pettirossi erano in origine tutti grigi, dal capo alla coda.
Un pettirosso si trovava sul Golgota e, vedendo un uomo crocifisso, cercò di liberarlo dalla corona di spine che portava in testa e, nel farlo, si macchiò il petto con il suo sangue. Per ringraziare il piccolo uccello, Gesù Cristo (l’uomo era lui) decise di lasciarli quel segno rosso così che tutti gli uomini potessero riconoscere da lontano quella creatura così generosa. E da quel giorno, secondo la leggenda, il pettirosso ha assunto il colore che tutti conosciamo.
PS:Oggi stava sotto la mia finestra a cantare;ho notato che era lui dal canto meraviglioso che fa.
Penso che ci vedremo spesso ora 🙂
Transl. from Italian:
The robin appears already in Celtic mythology and for the peoples of the north it was one of the symbols of the god Thor, bringer of clouds and storm.
There are also several folk traditions that try to explain its particular plumage. According to a well-known Christian legend, robins were originally all gray, from head to tail.
A robin was on Golgotha and, seeing a crucified man, tried to free him from the crown of thorns he wore on his head and, in doing so, stained his chest with his blood.
To thank the little bird, Jesus Christ (he was the man) decided to leave him that red mark so that all men could recognize that generous creature from afar.
And since that day, according to legend, the robin has taken on the color we all know.
PS: Today he was under my window singing; I noticed that it was he from the wonderful singing he always does.
I think we will see each other often now. Wonderful!
My reply:
Thank you, dearest comrade!
OUR robins, pettirossi, are even redder here!
But the males are the vainest! 😉
Che meravigliosa coincidenza!
Solo i maschietti cantano per attirare le femmine 🙂
Te la ricordi..?:)
Questa canzone è “profetica” come tutto l’album di Brunori.
Molte persone piangono su questa canzone.
Tutti hanno questa “speranza” nel Cuore..Questo passaggio all’età dorata è fondamentale;tanti sono morti sognando questa Era.
Molte persone si sono arrese alle “ingiustizie”, alla guerra, alla fame, al dover lavorare come schiavi per questi Esseri diabolici(li chiamano poteri forti).
Per questo questa Era sembra un “sogno”,qualcosa che non si può toccare perché la Realtà fa schifo.
Ma la realtà non è questa;è il loro mondo artificiale,plasmato sul loro modo infernale di vivere(che non è vivere affatto).