Spiritual reading; highly credible NDE

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….Spiritual reading for April 23


When you find yourself at the very end of your capacity to persevere, when you cannot imagine how to go forward even one more day, one more hour, then you have reached the point where
transformation is within easiest reach.

Oh, dear ones, we don’t want to say this to you. We would rather gather you up and enfold you in softness and ease. We would rather say, “Now it is time to rest, to step
back from the edge, to let someone else take the risks while you are nurtured and succored.”

We would so much rather put you in a safe lap and comfort you like a child, overtired and overextended.

But you are not children, nor are we your guardians. And the truth is that at times, the place where you feel like your very soul will break is exactly the place where it is your resistance and your fear that are breaking.

Perhaps you don’t find yourself in this position today, but many of you have been here of late, and if not today, then maybe tomorrow or sometime soon you will feel these things. We have never minced words with you; we are not allowed to do that. Our job is to explicate and reveal, not to soften and disguise. So if you know the place of which we speak today, pay attention. If our words do not resonate on this day, then we earnestly hope that they will offer you something of value when the time comes.

The egoic mind is tremendously strong and crafty. It deceives and misleads you endlessly in order to preserve itself and its supremacy.

When you feel as if you are being broken on the rack (and sadly, that is what it feels like sometimes) it is your egoic mind being torn apart. Dear ones, there isn’t time to do this slowly, to pick it apart little by little with infinite care and gentleness. For some of you—not all– the imperative is to destroy it now.

You know who you are: you know deep down that your egoic mind is blocking the blossoming of your great gifts to yourself and life. You know that this structure which has seemed to hold you together is now holding you apart from all that really matters.

You know that the patterns and the conceits have worn thin and no longer vibrate with the same power or apparent grandeur. In fact, if it is time for you to let go, you will have noticed that your egoic mind’s lunges and parries have an air of pathetic and occasionally vicious desperation.

As in any moment when you find yourself up against something that feels like fate or destiny, when it seems that your back is against the wall and there is no help anywhere—surrender.

This is the only thing to do. And it will set you free. No matter how terrifying the prosect, this is the way through. We wish, again and again, that we could spare you this, but we cannot. You must allow yourself to stop struggling against your true nature.

It is hard to let go on many levels—at very least most of you will want to cling to your lives and much of how you live them, and to the specialness of your individual being. But you must
allow yourself to let go of the illusion of separation. This is the egoic mind’s job, you know. To keep you separate, one from the other, and each from God.

It is imbued with terrific power, but it is not so strong as your longing for freedom and union.

We cannot protect you from this, but we can remind you that you are not your egoic mind. Nor are you your incarnation, your persona, your mind or your body. You are many things at once, and yet you are only God and all God.

If you are afraid of what follows surrender think of this—the alternative is nothing less than dodging the truth, hiding from your purpose.

For just as long as you avoid opening to what truly is next for you.

And you will find your back against that wall over and over until the day arrives when you are ready to surrender. Even if your mind and heart can somehow turn from the knowledge of what awaits you, your soul will eventually sicken and your body protest.

In other words, you can delay surrender of the egoic mind, but you cannot escape it.

In light of all this, we will suggest that when you encounter this point in your path, the one where it seems all but impossible to take another step, take heart, draw on your deepest wells of courage and hope, and be glad that you have come so far, that you have cleared so much that a great letting go can occur.

Allow the transformation.

No matter what you can manage, we will be here, watching, loving and sending our most profound blessings to you all.





…..A wild party at 17 leads to a Near-Death Experience

I would show this to anyone who is a skeptic about NDEs.



International Association for Near-Death Studies

2023 IANDS Spring Symposium – April 22nd


……Unpleasant NDEs

Distressing Near-Death Experiences (iands.org)





  1. Can Quantum Physics Explain Consciousness? One Scientist Thinks It Might

    “Hameroff says that a patient under anesthesia exhibits relatively normal brain function save one thing: consciousness. Neurons keep firing, and even pain signals travel their normal routes. But that pain is never felt, never experienced. The science of anesthesia sits right at the heart of the hard problem — allowing “easy” computational processes to continue while selectively eliminating subjective experience. But no one knows quite how.”

    “Hameroff came to believe the microtubule plays a defining role in anesthesia effects — in consciousness. He points to the single-celled paramecium as evidence. “The paramecium has no central nervous system,” he says. “No brain, no neurons, but it swims around, finds food, finds a mate and avoids danger. It seems to make choices, and it definitely seems to process information.”

    How? Or more to Hameroff’s point, where? In what part of the paramecium does this crude kind of cognition take place? Hameroff believed he could find the answers in the paramecium’s only internal structure: microtubules, the paramecium’s cytoskeleton. And since these are nanoscale structures, he also began thinking that quantum physics might play a role.”

    • Very good — thanks.

      Of course, reincarnationism would say we are souls that have bodies, that inhabit and use bodies like a man puts on a coat and gloves….even a paramecium. But the man is not gloves or coat.

      Nor is a radio in any way music or a tv in any way an interview or documentary …..it just relays these things.

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