Spiritual reading — hypocrisy is lying to yourself; 1962 classic “Where have all the young men gone?”

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October 28

Hypocrisy is what we wish to speak of today. Of course there are examples too numerous and outrageous to even mention here that swirl around you on the world stage and provide you with ample illustrations of what you would never want to do or be.

But compromises must be made in life, and you make them. All of us make them. All of you make them.

You make them based—most often—on your sense of what is best is for you, and frequently, what is best for all concerned. They may be litle compromises or larger ones. For the purpose of what we have to say today, it matters not much.

The point is that you do indeed often find yourself doing things that are not utterly and completely in alignment with your values.

So if it is a given that this is part of living in form, then the goal might be to do it with as large a measure of consciousness as you can bring. In other words, when you find yourself in a situation where you must choose a path that does not fit you perfectly, tell yourself the truth about that to begin.

Tell yourself—and others if appropriate—that what you are doing is not what you would ideally like to do.

This sounds really obvious, we are aware. But it is very common for many of you to try to fnd comfort in lying to yourself.

It is there that the hypocrisies—even the tiniest of them—sprout.

Do you know what we mean? Have you ever agreed to something that didn’t feel right but sounded good? That your gut rejected, but your mind embraced? Of course. We all have.


This was one example:

…..Hitler’s moral and strategic disaster in Russia:  the goal was to seize European Russia for Germany, not just destroy bolshevism


And rather than telling yourself the whole truth about your response to your choice, you sometimes try—mentally—to reinforce your

You go over all the reasons why what you are doing makes sense, is a good direction for you or for someone else. You want to feel okay about something that is essentially not okay.

*** Just one more drink 😉

Or one more fry. 😉

I absolutely remember the life on the left side of this image. Everyone had a job, and everything was made right here, and made right.

Except why did the inner alarm bells in our soul not go off when the jew postwar began spewing his culturally marxist lies? I know that I felt weird during my entire childhood as things began to rapidly change in the Sixties.

It just did not feel right.

And I LISTENED to my inner voice.

What we are suggesting here is that you simply stay with the discomfort because that—the discomfort—is the truth.

If you must at times make choices that do not reflect the way that you would like to live, at least you can live with those choices in a way that reflects the truth. Do not add more nonsense to the energies around you by lying to yourself in order to feel better.

Ultimately this will only increase the pollution, which—energetically seaking—is overwhelming. It may bolster you briefy to tell yourself that you are pleased with a betrayal of yourself, but in the end it layers mistrust and sorrow atop the offense already commited against truth.

*** Donald, Donald….

When you were Patton, you got it right.

Your grandfather was a Confederate colonel, and fell in combat to save the WHITE race.

From your diary — a French general (Juin) makes an astonishing admission:

Patton smiling through gritted teeth with Soviet marshal Zhukov, whose Red Army troops, with official encouragment by the jew Ilya Ehrenburg,  were raping German women by the millions. 

And now?


And here we want to tell you that love and hypocrisy are at the far ends of a continuum. There are many ways to elaborate duality, and of course you know that duality itself is illusion. But for the moment, let us look at a picture of hypocrisy at one pole, and love at the other.

This may strike you as an odd pairing, but it is correct, we assure you.

For when you give away what is right for you (or others) in the interests of something you perceive (rightly or wrongly) as bigger or more important, you act out of step, and not in step, with love.

Even when it appears to arise from love. This happens all the time to everyone and it is not irreparable.

What truly rends the fabric of love is the lying to yourself about it, the unwillingness to endure the discomfort of discordance within, to sit in the uncertainty.

When you tell your children that they must do something that grates, you ask a lot. And yet there are plenty of times when you can clearly see the overarching value of the thing you ask them to do. They may not like it, but you see that the benefts outweigh their discomfort.

On the other hand, when you ask them to do something that is unpleasant or feels wrong to them, and then insist that they thank you,
or approach the task with joy, you are forcing hypocrisy upon them.

You ask them to split themselves inside, to abandon and betray their own knowing and truth. You make evolution that much more difficult when you shut the door on the living reality.

Living reality which may–in this moment and that–be both
pragmatic and ugly.

When you speak of hypocrisy it usually circles around unacknowledged self-interest.

And so it is here as we speak of the little things that build the larger hypocrisies, that take you further from the love that is both your birthright and your nature. The self-interest is the desire to feel at ease with something that is inherently uncomfortable.

To make ‘right’ that which is simply not right.


Tell yourself the truth all the time, and you will be both loving and opening the critical channels for love that you need and long for so deeply.

It is not a path for the weak or fearsome, this honoring of the truth.
Most have no stomach for it.

But if you would know the vastness of love that is available to human beings, then you must also accept that love encompasses respect and respect does not try to alter reality because it is inconvenient.

Love—if it is unconditional—can tell the truth (sometime very unattractive truths) and be unwavering at the same time.

Remember this, for it is a cornerstone of the ability to look truth straight on:

you are perfect. You are where you are at this moment because that is where you need to be, where you chose to be.

There is nothing you can do or not do that will alter your essential beauty and perfection. You need not fear that discomfort, you need not defend yourself against the possibility of error.

Every time you look in the mirror, look hard and you will see the Divine, and you will no longer struggle so mightily with the petty fears that often make it hard to be honest with yourself.

We send you all our love along with honor and deep respect. — E. West



You can tell that Trump KNOWS this Cohenavirus-phobia and lockdown are a form of insanity!


….1962 song “Where have all the young men gone?”

I had written (https://johndenugent.com/my-statement-on-and-to-the-blacks-my-statement-on-joe-biden-after-his-daughters-shocking-diary-came-out/):

I will quote what Patrick Henry said in 1775 in the Virginia legislature as the news arrived from Boston that the talk had ended, and a massive gun raid by the British army had led to a violent armed battle with patriots:

“Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? … Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?

Forbid it, Almighty God!

I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”


And I then posted:

This song was a famous 1962 tear-jerker, sung by the Kingston Trio, AND YET WE HAVE HAD THREE MORE IDIOTIC WARS — VIETNAM,  IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN — SINCE THEN!!!


A lady comrade wrote:

It still hurts my heart to hear that song. So many have been wounded and have died through the years not even understanding why. This song should be paired with the US flag, because it is a true representation of what our country has been doing.

As for Joe Biden, he is a representative of every evil encompassed by the Democratic/Communist system that is being forced on the American people.

Every supporter of Biden is bringing all this evil to pass —  whether they know it, or not.

Biden could die and go to hell, but the evil will still be alive and powerful. That is why resistance requires dedication to eradicating the enemies wherever and whoever they are.

That is what Patrick Henry accepted as his duty in life, if he wanted freedom. Can/will Americans do this necessary action? Are there those who know that they are being called to action as Henry was?


I replied:

Thank you for your comment — and all the others.

I always go back to the Greco-Roman belief in the Furies — the goddesses of righteous revenge. They curse any man or nation that refuses to act.

Neale Donald Walsch puts it well in Conversations with God, and if one accepts reincarnation it all makes sense.

We are not here to “discover” and “learn” stuff — the knowledge is all there on the other side, a world ruled openly by God and angels — but to create.

We are here to create justice, and a world based on love and truth. We are HERE — to create it — HERE. 🙂

We had it 1933-45. It was no gray theory.

It was reality and it was magnificent. It was the only time in human history when people were happy. And all their nobility re-emerged. The things their souls knew, they did. There was no jew (or his lackeys) in power to confuse them and make them stray from what is right — from what their soul craved, a life with dignity and meaning.

Happiness is living under a loving ruler.

We clearly did it then; we can and we must now do it again. A Reich for all whites, not just Germany.

America is summoned to avenge what the jews got us to do to them in the Hellstorm.

The day before he was murdered, an ever more awakening Patton said to his driver: “How ghastly war is.”




America, a SUPERPOWER, is now summoned to happiness, to duty, and to the creation of something here and for all whites that is even more beautiful.



Now here is the truth:

  1. We reincarnated here at this time on purpose
  2. We are here to defeat the jews
  3. Most of us will die achieving this
  4. Dying for this victory is infinitely better for both the world and our own souls than existing as a wretched, craven, miserable and guilt-ridden slave, a man or woman who hates himself for not having fought when he could have fought and won!
  5. We must kill the genociders who openly state they intend to kill us!
  6. Never lie to yourself!
  7. Decide now to die in glory for your people and eradicate human filth! That is the only way to achieve good karma in this great time of testing that we chose to incarnate into!


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  1. Mr. de Nugent: Mother Russia, the magnificent,often incomprehensible Christian country ceased to exist after the judeo-bolshevik revolution/take-over of 1917, the civil war and the subsequent genocides (plural) of the triumphant bolsheviks. They were not Russians, they hated Russians and to quote the great Alexander Solzenizin, they slaughtered more than 66 million of them without a shred of human pity, and that was in peace times mostly!
    But the hate-crazed and blood-maddened bolsheviks did not just hate Russians. They hated and genocided other ethnicities as well. There were millions of ethnic Germans living on Russian soil since the days of Catherine the Great and even long before her. The formidable Baltic Germans are one such group, known for their distinguished service in the Czar’s military, as explorers (v. Kotzebue and v. Bellingshausen and Baron von Toll come to mind, educators, incorruptible civil servants, writers, the list is long. Then there are the Germans in the Ukraine, Mr de Nugent, it was the labor and ingenuity of German settlers, Mennonites and Anabaptists, as well as Amish (yes!) who made Ukraine a bread basket in the first place! Then we have the less well known Volga Germans who were almost wholesale annihilated by Stalin’s abducting them to Siberia and to the Arctic Circle, where they were left without food and without shelter. More than 1 million of them died.
    We can go further east and we find the Caucasus Germans and we end with the Black Sea Germans. That is how far east they went and settled, peacefully and without ‘stealing’ anyone’s land. We are talking about millions of Germans, not just a small group of hardy souls. Even today there are some remnants in the Caucasus Mts. and in Georgia (the country, not the US state). They are well-liked and well-respected. They brought many good things to the desolate places where they settled, wine-growing, very advanced agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry,order, prosperity, schools, universities. So, why am I telling you this? Because it irks me that we never hear about them, nor about their honorable and important role in Russian history.They fell victim to the judeo-communist genocide after 1919, after the resistance of the White Army collapsed.
    So, even if Hitler had only wanted to avenge the mass-murder of the Volga Germans at the hands of the bolshevik butchers, he would have been more than justified.
    And what about the confiscation without compensation of the entire worldly possessions and lands of these millions of ethnic Germans throughout the former Russian territories, then under the misrule of communist murderers?
    Did that not give them and by proxy their kinfolk from the Reich certain claims and rights? Why is this never mentioned?
    As for Hitler not wanting to liberate Russia, but just ruling over them, well, they had been under foreign rule during almost the entirety of their history, starting with the Kievan Rus, who were Scandinavians, under the Mongols, the Golden Horde, even ‘Ivan the Terrible’ was from the Rurikid dynasty, that is the Kievan Rus. After them came the Romanovs and the whole family married German princesses and princes, generation after generation. What does that make them?
    So, it is not that there were not certain ancient and very real claims to Russia.
    Allow me one last remark: Whatever the NS Germans planned to do to the people of former Russia, it would have been better, milder and more humane than the things the jewish bolsheviks HAD ALREADY DONE to them and kept doing to them, before, during and even long after WWII.

    • You make good points, comrade, but it is partly sophism. Wod ou as a Russian, accept this “logic”? “We were already slaves, so the Germans would just be new masters.”

      Can I say to my fellow americans:

      The jews ALREADY rule America, so fine, LET the Chinese take it now “with good conscience” from the jews?

      You can revere Hitler, comrade, while conceding he was, after all, a man.

      And the practical result of Hitler’s Russian policy, unchanged from Mein Kampf days though Soviet Russia had become by 1940 a superpower, almost impossible to beat, was disastrous.

      Also, Adolf Hitler’s appointment of the weakling Paulus as field commander in Stalingrad was a second catastrophic error.

      Even the ultimate Hitler admirer, Léon Degrelle, who entitled his memoirs defiantly “Hitler for 1000 Years,” admitted that.

      We (Margi and I) translated it into English

      Paulus was a planner at a desk at the General Staff in Berlin!

      His plan for beating Poland, yes, was brilliant, but that is not like leading warriors in the field and thinking on your feet in a life-and-death crisis.

      Adolf Hitler appointed an untried loser to the most important task in the war — take Stalingrad, then the Baku oilfields, the conquest of which would have 1) crippled Soviet war production and 2) fueled German victory with oceans of oil for its tanks and new Messerschmidt 262 jets!

      The brutal truth, my sincere comrade, is what counts — if we are to grow in each incarnation. We must love the truth.


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