Spiritual reading: I revere the divine in you

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“Namaste” in Sanskrit means “I revere the divine in you.” Seen thus, everyone you meet will be either your friend or your teacher…. even an evil teacher, who will show you how ugly the egoic mind can be, and that you do not wish to ever be like this person. Thank you, O narcissistic jerk. 😉


November 30

Reverence is the over-arching concept that will help you make the most of the day. Reverence is always within you; you were made that way, such that the sacredness of being is ever present and always accessible. Choose to find it in your dealings with the world, with others, with self, and you could have a simply glorious time.

Bring reverence to what you see, to what you hear, to what you yourself might say to others, and particularly what you might say to yourself. Yes, give thanks as well, for the bounty and abundance of good things that grace your soul’s evolution, both on the physical plane and in the larger context of the infinite. You are terrifically fortunate and it is good to fnd your gratitude.

But reverence is a little different. You are part of something far greater than yourself. You are part—an intrinsic part—of something far greater than you can conceive, to be honest. But what you can see and feel and hear and smell and taste—these are all, like you, what make up the matrix of this amazing universe. Everywhere around and within you is evidence of the brilliant and loving nature of this creation.

To stride through, to dash through your life without stopping to look and to recognize the riches amongst which you walk—this is to be blind, to be lame, to be small. And you are not small…..though you often try to convince yourself that you are.

Open all of your senses to the world without and within. Pay attention and approach each moment and each encounter with wonder and excitement. Reverence will flow without any further effort, and you yourself will be worthy of the wonder and excitement which you arouse in the world around you.

Try not to reject anything. It is all part of the immense and incredible design. There are no mistakes and you need not look for them or hold yourself responsible for sorting the whole thing out. It is taken care of. All you need do is be present and wide open. If you run into discomfort, whether sourced outside or inside, try to fnd reverence. Explore it and do not judge it. You see, some are naturally entranced by the light that diamonds refract, while others are drawn into the richness of gold. There is nothing that cannot be loved, there is nothing that is not sacred.

We know that this may challenge some of you, for in truth, there are things around and afoot which appear to be much less than sacred. But we assure you that it is the limitation of your perspective that creates this appearance. And we do not ask you to embrace that which offends and repels you, but rather to consider that it all could be perfect and that your role no longer needs to involve fixing anything.

Instead, simply contemplate the beauty. And when you run into something that seems devoid of beauty to you, simply open to the possibility that you have not yet seen all its facets.

The deepening of reality is underway. On the one hand, many of those things that once constituted reality are becoming light and filmy, stuff that could blow away in a gust of wind. On the other, there is a sinking into that many of you may experience, a dropping into a reality that is enduring and solid in the way that matter can never be. When you touch into this aspect of reality, you will know that it, and you, are one and always holy.

We send you all our love and we truly revere you in every moment.





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