Spiritual reading; I saw the tide turn tonight; oh, NOW the Army wants white boys again

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An Ohio-class US nuclear submarine with ICBMs has entered the eastern Mediterranean –to, what? Nuke Hezbollah? Nuke Iran? Talk about escalation, deliberate  escalation by the demonic Biden

The aircraft  carrier Gerald Ford (named  for the Republican lackey who served on the bogus Warren Commission) is now in the eastern Mediterranean. And the carrier USS Eisenhower (named for the Republican lackey who genocided in 1945 one million German soldiers who had surrendered) is heading there.

Never before has the US so openly gotten directly into a Mideastern armed conflict on the side of the jewish state. “We” are basically protecting Israel while it genocides the Gazans. The world sees this and knows this.





…Spiritual reading for November 8

Beautiful things will occur all around you today. Open yourself to the absolute glory that will be present everywhere and so easy to see today. In the past, we have spoken of the veils which separate different perspectives, or versions of reality, thinning and tearing. Today, those holes will be larger still and things of true beauty and integrity will positively shine through all the dimensions.

This is another example of the sort of support which is being poured down all around you, all for you. It simply is, and is not intended as a quid pro quo, but we want so much for you to see it, to be aware of all that is there to help you. Some of you feel as if you are journeying blind, yet there are angels to guide you everywhere and in whatever form best suits your idea of an angel.

Look, there is a lot riding on you, but you are not alone and you have never been alone.

So seek for inspiration and take comfort in the blazing beauty of those things which are eternal and without end. Look for them everywhere you go today and you will be rewarded richly. We are certain of this, for it is time for you to receive this information and support. Please, take some time today to ask for it if you do not see it. The way ahead is rough, there will be many hard parts, and you must learn to eat and drink when you can.

Otherwise, no one will make it. And there is a feast set on for you today.

So, eat, drink and be very, very merry, dear ones.

We send you blessings and a special bon appétit.



…….An inebriated woman and a friendly crowd

I was accosted last night at the local tavern by someone, but the waitresses and patrons rallied to ME. 🙂

In fact, a popular  local woman,the daughter of a Marine and married also to one, asked me what I thought of the “situation over there.” I said: “I would not want to be a child in Gaza.” Huge approval.

Then I added: “If we thought Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan were fun,  just wait til we get a nice war with Russia and China. They’re just itty-bitty little countries.” The whole bar agreed with me.

There is NO support for Israel or Biden in this typical Midwestern,  99% white town.

Americans are tired of war.

Tired of the Middle East.

Tired of Israel.

This is my time.




…..Oh, NOW the Army wants white boys again

“We’re Not Dying For Israel”: Americans Reject New Army Ad Targeting White Men For Recruitment

Chris Menahan
Nov. 07, 2023


The US Army dropped their commitment to “diversity, inclusion and equity” with a new ad targeting white men for recruitment but their efforts do not appear to be working.

Here’s an unedited snapshot of the comments:

It came out last week that the Army “suddenly and chaotically” ordered 800 soldiers to become recruiters “immediately” to try and fulfill a serious recruiting shortfall.

The Army going “woke” has clearly had a detrimental effect.

Less than 24 hours after this ad came out, the Army announced that they finished renaming all their military bases named after Confederate generals to advance Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE):

Fort Rucker, Alabama, renamed Fort Novosel in honor of Chief Warrant Officer 4 Michael Novosel, an Army aviator who earned the Medal of Honor for his actions in Kien Tuong Province, Vietnam.

Fort Benning, Georgia, renamed Fort Moore in commemoration of Vietnam War hero Lt. Gen. Hal Moore and his wife, Julia, an advocate for military families.

Fort Polk, Louisiana, renamed Fort Johnson in honor of Sgt. William Henry Johnson, a member of the famed “Harlem Hellfighters” from the New York Guard. Johnson earned the Medal of Honor for his actions in France’s Argonne Forest during World War I.

Fort Bragg, North Carolina, renamed Fort Liberty.

Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia, renamed Fort Walker in honor of Dr. Mary Walker, a Civil War hero and the only woman to receive the Medal of Honor.

Fort Lee, Virginia, renamed Fort Gregg-Adams in commemoration of Lt. Gen. Arthur Gregg and Lt. Col. Charity Adams. Gregg, who retired in 1981, is considered one of the Army’s great logistics leaders of the 20th century. Adams commanded the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, the first and only all-Black, all-female American battalion deployed overseas during World War II.

Fort Pickett, Virginia, renamed Fort Barfoot in honor of Army Tech. Sgt. Van Barfoot, who received the Medal of Honor for his actions near Carano, Italy, while serving with the Guard’s 45th Infantry Division during World War II.

Fort Hood, Texas, renamed Fort Cavazos in commemoration of Gen. Richard Cavazos, who fought in Korea and Vietnam and was the Army’s first Hispanic four-star general.

Now they want all the white Southerners they’ve been demonizing and disrespecting for years to fight in Israel’s wars.

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  1. The comments in the Army advertisement were both funny and good to see.

    “Now they want all the white Southerners they’ve been demonizing and disrespecting for years to fight in Israel’s wars.”

    Bingo. Stay home and defend America!

  2. Dringlichkeit und Warnung: In der esoterischen Szene setzt sich immer mehr die Ansicht durch, dass der Lichttunnel am Ende des physischen Lebens eine Falle ist. Sie behaupten, dass sich Archonten als Verwandte oder Engel ausgeben, um uns ins Licht zu locken. Dann kämen wir vor den karmischen Rat und wir würden mit Hinterlist negatives Karma erhalten, das wir in einer neuen Inkarnation abarbeiten müssen. Der “Himmel” wäre nur ein Frequenzgefängnis der Archonten, wo wir bis zur neuen Inkarnation geparkt werden. Wir sollen niemals frei werden und ständig wiedergeboren werden, damit sich Archonten und Reptos von unseren negativen Energien (Losh) ernähren…Wir sind also die Batterie für diese Dunkelwesen.
    Diese verderbliche und deprimierende Ansicht wird von Leute wie David Icke, Simon Parkes und Cameron Day verbreitet. In Deutschland ist es eine gewisse Maggie Dörr, die seit Jahren diesen Angstporno verbreitet:

    Diese Theorie halte ich für sehr gefährlich, da spirituelle Menschen ANGST bekommen und nicht wissen, was nach dem Tod das Richtige ist. Sie hält im schlimmsten Fall sogar Seelen davon ab ins Licht zu gehen.
    Es braucht hier eine Gegenbewegung, da diese destruktiven Esoteriker, die die Lichtfallen-Theorie verbreiten, immer mehr werden. Diese Dame macht es gut und widerlegt diesen gefährlichen Eso-Müll:

  3. Urgency and warning: In the esoteric scene, the view is becoming more and more common that the light tunnel at the end of physical life is a trap. They claim that Archons pose as relatives or angels to lure us into the light. Then we would come before the karmic council and we would deceitfully receive negative karma that we would have to work off in a new incarnation. “Heaven” would just be a frequency prison of the Archons where we are parked until the new incarnation. We are never supposed to become free and are constantly being reborn so that Archons and Reptilians feed on our negative energies (Losh)…So we are the battery for these dark beings.
    This pernicious and depressing view is promoted by people like David Icke, Simon Parkes and Cameron Day. In Germany it is a certain Maggie Dörr who has been spreading this fear porn for years:

    I think this theory is very dangerous because spiritual people get FEAR and don’t know what is right after death. In the worst case scenario, it even prevents souls from going into the light.

  4. Americans are tired not only of pointless foreign wars . They are now aware of the lying pointless politicians.

    Up until 1941 Americans have always been reluctant to get into wars, unless it’s on a weaker opponent such as Cuba, or Spain.

    If that fails, just buy countries such as the Philippines and all its inhabitants for $20 million dollars.

    The armed forces and police are now woke bordering on an a useless joke organisation.

    Too late, generals! You will only recruit lo-grade, poor-quality personnel who should never be within 50 miles of a frontline, let alone armed.
    Sure, the generals will win stunning victories against the little guys if you drop enough laser-guided ordnance on them.

    Let the robots fight the wars. Go to college and “learn to earn.” It you want to learn to shoot and have millitary skill then be a reservist or join the national guard.

    Don’t fight Israel’s wars for them, or oil, or to keep the industrial complex going.

    Join the National Guard to learn military skills for your homeland and survival.Your biggest enemies are your scum politicians and gimmigrant invaders.

  5. In war-time don’t they round up dissenters and put them in camps? Don’t we have empty FEMA camps in great numbers?

    Nevertheless, this is a time for the Jew-wiseamong us to step forward. Let us name the Jew and spread the news of the deeds he has enacted against us, such as the killing of Kennedy, the 9-11 event with its intended consequence of the Patriot Act, which overrides our Fourth Amendment and surveils us, and the flooding of our country with Spanish-speakers from south of our border.

    We have been given an opportunity to spread Jew-wisdom throughout America in a big way, and thanks to our First Amendment this opportunity cannot be taken away.

  6. Bene….
    Questo inferno finirà anche per me 🙂
    Per tutti quelli che mi deridono.
    Per tutti quelli che mi vedono come un Demone.
    Per tutti quelli che mi pongono dei limiti e prigioni.
    Per tutti quelli che mi accusano.
    Per tutti quelli che non hanno mai capito nulla di me.
    Per tutti quelli che credono che ho un mondo tutto mio.
    Per tutti quelli che non mi hanno mai letto dentro, e non hanno mai capito l’enorme sofferenza che porto dentro.
    Per tutti…
    La tua stanchezza è la mia.
    La tua vittoria è la mia.
    Nei secoli dei secoli…

  7. Sai, non ho mai creduto alle statue che piangono, alle madonne che piangono sangue…ma ora si. E’ successo a me…ho perso sangue, un solo giorno, durante questi attacchi.Ho pensato all’aborto ma è passato subito. Ho capito che non era nulla di preoccupante..in questi giorni. E’ terribile. E’ un dolore terribile 🙁 🙁

    • Ok, lasciami dire una cosa importante qui.

      Innanzitutto mi congratulo con te. Sentendo questo orrore e dolore della madre e dei bambini piccoli, dimostri di essere rimasta un essere umano decente e di non esserti unito alla nazione zombi che ha respirato le scie chimiche e che ora sei solo per metà umano. 🙂

      In effetti, è meraviglioso essere vivi! Sì, anche se i tempi sono davvero molto impegnativi.

      (E sono per me in questo momento. Sto vendendo tutto — dopo la casa e entrambe le auto, ora sto vendendo altre cose di cui avrei bisogno ma che devo vendere comunque — perché devo 1. mandare avanti questo sito web e 2. per avviare finalmente il mio movimento, certi ormai che una terza guerra mondiale nucleare sia veramente “ante portas”, come dicevamo in un’altra incarnazione quando eravamo romani.)

      Immaginate lo spavento e la disperazione degli atei morenti, sicuri che con la morte tutto finisce!

      Quanti “cristiani” inoltre non credono veramente nel paradiso e nell’inferno, o in Dio. Mio padre, come sai, capitano del Corpo dei Marines durante l’orribile guerra di Corea, con atrocità orribili e temperature siberiane sulle montagne, confidò a mia madre:

      “Ho smesso di credere in Dio dopo la Corea.”

      Quando mio padre è morto nel 2012, ci siamo allontanati e questo milionario mi ha diseredato.

      Ma molto spesso, le brave persone, prima di morire, vedono e addirittura parlano ad alta voce nella stanza d’ospedale con i propri cari defunti che si trovano dall’altra parte. I loro figli, ovviamente, sono stupiti nel vederli sorridere, tendere le mani e parlare con una persona invisibile.

      Coloro che muoiono in questo mondo improvvisamente non provano più alcuna paura, ma diventano desiderosi di andare nel mondo bello, più elevato e spirituale, nel paradiso temporaneo, dove va il 75% di noi che sono per lo più buoni.

      Piangere per questa madre nel primo video e per questi bambini in entrambi i video è una dimostrazione a Dio che, poiché Lui è amore, anche noi amiamo: proviamo ancora amore, compassione e anche una giusta rabbia e determinazione nel porre fine alla tirannia. degli ebrei.

      • Mi dispiace per le tue vendite..anche se sono beni materiali sono utili e c’è la questione “affettiva”.Per me sarebbe un trauma vendere il mio pianoforte e lasciare la macchina che ha i sedili disegnati con le rune.E’ circa un anno(2023) che sento questi attacchi “rituali satanici” sulle madri, donne incinte e bambini.Il numero sette è legato alla maternita’, al Giglio, alle Rose.
        Sono l’unica donna che avverte tutto ciò.Sembro una pazza.Ho sofferto tanto con Mario, proprio in questo anno.Sono stata colpita anche io.Subisco questi attacchi da quando ero bambina.Per questo li odio, odio i pedofili assassini.Per questo sono sfinita, distrutta dentro.

  8. John, my only fear is that the jews are going to try to do away with the first amendment, more than they already do by banning someone and ruining their job prospects.

    They’ve already enacted speech codes in Georgia and now in Florida with the dumb joo ass kisser DeSantis.

    Anyone who knows anything about the Soviet Union knows there were speech codes there. The jews would literally go out with machine guns and kill white people at random, but the Russians and Ukrainians could not say anything at all about it, for fear of being arrested by the Cheka (the secret police).

    So I predict powerful jews are going to try and use the current “anti-Semitism” of the pro-Palestinian movement, to enact ever more draconian speech laws.

    Do you have any ideas as to how we the White people of America can stop this in its tracks?

    Time is of the essence. We do need more muscle in our movement. We need more courage. Do you still have links with other White movements such as National Vanguard? Could you discuss this with them?

  9. There is an article in The Occidental Observer titled Jews Declare War on America. Here is a comment from a poster over there.

    Jank Willesays:
    November 5, 2023 at 10:32 am
    “It is astounding that 350 million non-Jewish Americans are dominated by 5 million Jews…” Well, you haven’t had the big picture epiphany yet. Let me provide a shortcut. There isn’t “350 million non-Jewish Americans” here, nor any cohesive collection of goyim anywhere throughout the west. We are atomized, individuated, having no shared goals, identity, or worldview. As a matter of fact, we ruthlessly compete against each other for survival. What you think of as some monolithic American culture, or nation, is an illusion, a myth. There’s nothing here outside of a bunch egos scrambling. for. the. cash. Every man for himself. And nobody has any choice. That’s the culture. There is nothing else. It’s too big, too diverse, too antagonistic, too dangerous, too complex. Whereas, on the jew side, you have the opposite, collective culture. All for one. Because the holocaust persecuted them all, they group up now for protection. They have long shared identity, goals, and security, like a cult. If you can’t see any of this, your blind, and a liability to intelligent people. Your lack of insight is a threat. Stupid people cause endless problems. This is why you used the word “jews” in the headline. They operate as one, as a team, an army.

    “We quoted Lenin before. So let’s quote him again. Lenin famously asked, “what is to be done?” Well, what is to be done?”
    The great Germans dealt with the same infection. They were a defeated people after WWI, decimated, starving, atomized, flooded with foreign monkeys, bankrupt. But they came back quick under NSDAP rule. So, what needs to be done is to follow tried and true solutions that have worked against the jew infestations of the past. I’ve been saying this for years now, and I’ll say it again! VOTE NSDAP.”

    • Great comments Erik. The Jew bankers constantly rubbish and smear the Nazis. This is so people can’t see how great the Nazis were for the German people. All the news reels show ecstatic crowds at Nazi events.
      So what caused people to be so happy?
      There was no colour bar in Germany only a desire to get rid of the Jewish cancer in Germany.
      Why have jews been kicked out of over 90 states?
      They are too stupid to see it.

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