Spiritual reading; ideological comrades who are spiritually primitive

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There has still been no vengeance for the murder of Ashley Babbitt on January 6, 2021 by a black cop who silently fired a bullet at her throat without any warning. It was a pure assassination.



….spiritual reading for August 30

Do you have any inkling at all of how powerful the energy of your heart can be? Do you have the tiniest sliver of an idea of just how magnificent and boundless its capacity is? Many of you have given great portions of your life to the exploration of the heart.

And even so, you have not begun to come near to understanding the incredible resource which you possess. And which, more to the point, you all possess.

Most of the time, you work toward finding a balance between that which is grounding and “real” in the world, and that which lifts you and helps you recall your divine nature. This is so important because you are both human and divine, animal and god. The balance and especially the integration of the two are essential to your work on earth.

But today we ask you to become fully divine. If you don’t mind. And in each of you, the divine lives in the heart. Most of the time, it is contained, limited and domesticated. It is cut to size for a human existence.

However, that which you generally know as the energy of the heart and the heart chakra looks
infinitesimally small when you can touch into the vast ocean of energy which is in fact the divine. This limitless reservoir is accessible through your own tender and human heart. And if you allow yourself to follow your heart’s guidance today, you may be able to fnd your way through the old thinking, the old feeling, and pass on into a new and broader level of love than you had even imagined existed.

This sounds heady, and it is. What is particularly breathtaking is the realization, as you immerse in the incredible substance of this love, that every being on your planet has the innate capacity to do the same.

What if that were to occur? What if?

We want to encourage you to explore deeply into the places your heart has not yet taken you. Follow a path until it ends or until you can bear it no more. We are speaking about an intensity of experience that you might find uncomfortable afer a few minutes. Even so, it is very valuable to do this because you are making pathways to god. If you can find your way, without any intercession, to the Source, then…. Well, you can see where that could lead, can’t you?

Ultimately, this is your purpose. All of you. You may have given yourself various activities in which to
engage, and you may have specific work to do while you are here, but the one thing you must do in the end is to realize you own divinity and to merge it with your humanity. In the end, it doesn’t matter if you have tended selflessly to the sick and needy, collected garbage or sold new clothes: the work is not about the actions of the body but about the opening of the heart.

Give yourself over — at least for a while today — to the unbelievable brilliance and power of the heart where it becomes one with all. Indulge in your sacred nature and let yourself grow as grand and as beautiful and as loving as you are. And make sure you put your mind in a kennel for the day, lest its constant barking keep you from the extraordinary experience of being divine.

We see it every day in you and send all our love, blessings and gratitude.



…German comrade realizes that despising migrants and jews does not make anyone a more noble person

I am translating this and others comments in German into English:


    • Why the obsession with the Jews as the sole evil?

      I would like to point out that a not inconsiderable proportion of the saboteurs and traitors during the NS era were Germans themselves. The attempted assassins of Hitler on July 20, 1944 were mostly Germans. The Red Orchestra, which passed on military secrets to the Soviet Union, also consisted of Germans.

      No, there are too many bad Germans and other racial Whites.

      This people [the Germans of today] is now at least 80% a dumb, humanoid pack of scum that would be no loss if they were wiped off the face of the earth. Most of these people are culturally and behaviorally inferior to the toughest Negroes from the deepest jungle of the Congo.

      The German people today are not noble, neither culturally (film, literature, creative arts) nor in terms of curiosity.

      I can see what interests the majority now: barbecuing, mowing the lawn, soccer, talking nonsense, drinking beer and listening to tasteless music at night.

      That was hardly what Hitler had in mind in his vision of the Reich.

      • That’s all true, only the American comrades say exactly the same thing about their fellow Americans of today’s generation. The French also get upset about the same vices. In Sweden, Finland, England, Ireland, Canada, Australia — I read identical complaints, comrade! They see stupidity, primitivization, cowardice, and zombie obedience.

        What all these white countries have in common is 1) the Jew is sitting on his economic, political and cultural cesspool-throne, and 2) the spiritual shortcomings of the Whites there, which flaws the Jew knows how to worsen and turn into poison for them.

        Only an Aryan martial religion can save us and make us worth saving again. This is my mission: first the internal revolution.

        • Yes, unfortunately that is how it seems in many countries now.

          But even some “comrades” are no better.

          I recently ended contact with one. I wanted to end it on good terms, explaining why there is no common ground for discussion any more. I was friendly, but got a response that was very presumptuous and, as we say here, “below the belt.”

          Explaining spirituality to him proved useless. I even referred him to your site, but he just laughed at it. He will die lonely and alone, without a wife or children.

          Unfortunately, the “movement” attracts many negative figures. From the chubby skinhead to people with other character deficits. Unfortunately, no religion can be brought closer to these people. They’re content with having their beer and bawling around.

          I tend to see hope in those people who are working spiritually, but they also have to be convinced of our views, even if t means they have to break with previous views.

          In Germany there is no leader or activist whom you can really take seriously—they are all egoists and narcissists. And many are certainly also on the payroll of the secret political police.

          I would also like to point out the 1942 publication “Der Untermensch” by the SS Main Office.

          The text is still so true today. But contrary to what is claimed today, it does not refer to any particular race [= Slavs]. It describes people of a very low mindset, and how the Jew knows how to manipulate these people.

          The DNA alone is also not decisive for a person. Depending on the biographer, Emil Maurice [Hitler’s chauffeur und SS man] was either one half or one quarter Jewish. But he was one of Hitler’s earliest political associates, one of his few intimate friends, and he was later made an honorary Aryan, although this was not without controversy. Also in “Mein Kampf” he was praised for his fighting spirit.

          Again today we see DNA is not the only factor. We have the ethnically pure German Stephan Kramer, who converted to Judaism and became General Secretary of the Central Council of Jews [like the ADL of Germany] from 2004-2014, and since 2015 he has been the President of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution [the secret political police] of the province of Thuringia.

          • Thanks for the comment.

            Yes, even people who work spiritually will have to rethink certain things that had been inculcated in them.

            Eckhart Tolle has no children and is married to a Chinese woman.

            Although Hans Wilhelm is married to a white woman, he has no children, though he is the stepfather of his wife’s children [and maybe has been a very good one].

            There are passages in Tolle where he extremely between-the-lines  criticizes the Jews as egoists.

            He writes about people who, because of their origin or religion, see themselves as superhuman and think they are better than others, but at the same time they present themselves as poor victims who have the right to complain forever – as if other people didn’t also know suffering, violence and the loss of their material goods! [and especially the Germans themselves in the Hellstorm of 1941-48!]

            Or he’ll come up with an anecdote about a woman he openly describes as Jewish, who rejects his suggestions for spiritual therapy, then accepts them a bit and gets better…

            But then she relapses… So the reader has to conclude that enlightenment contradicted her very nature.

            Although Hans Wilhelm describes and condemns the New World Order, and Soros, he never uses the J-word. He always smiles in a friendly and cheerfully way, and is also a handsome fellow. And especially, for a man in his seventies, he looks pretty good, but his constant cheeriness almost suggests that the massive power of evil in our world now is a minor matter that we must not be worried about.

            Sure, they both, Tolle and Wilhelm, and especially as blue-eyed, white, German males (all categories on the left’s hit list 😉 ), want to avoid, after many decades of diligently building up an Internet presence with enviable popularity and a relatively high level of recognition, being abruptly de-platformed by the Jewish internet bigwigs. Then any influence they could have on world affairs would be ended.

            But my main reproach, which is also sympathetic to them, applies to the seemingly dogmatic desire to be peaceful with everyone. Nothing in this world can bring the Big Jews to the point of sincere repentance or conversion, nor can the Islamic fundamentalist change.

            They are simply psychopaths, and rapists and child molesters, and as psychopaths they are neither curable nor treatable. These nasty men in positions of great power must be disempowered, and that cannot be achieved by peaceful means.

            Taoism is very insightful: there are two major energies that determine the universe: Yin (female, understanding and willing to forgive) and Yang (male, thirsty for action, violent, punishing and strict).

            The great George Lincoln Rockwell was right: You are fooling yourself if you still stubbornly think that our world can be saved and rebuilt in a better way with just love:


            In other words, finally understand that this is war. And Rockwell, as a senior officer and pilot in the US Navy, knew what war is.

            We must kill the enemy before he kills us.




  1. Yes, appearance is not everything. Look at former US-President Gerald Ford. He was blond and blue-eyed:


    He was tall and had a very germanic look. But according to Cathy O’Brien he was very evil. He was totally into the MK-Ultra Program. Cathy called him “try sexual”, because he tried everything sexually with everyone…a pervert!

  2. Alex Linder


    Looks just like Jesse Watters


    who is Jewish.

  3. Oops

    Jesse Watters looking Alex Linder


    And Watters him self


    • Alex Linder sometimes does look absolutely jewish, and he and I have clashed in the past. He is also an open atheist.

      What is the evidence that Jesse Watters is jewish? It could be true… To me he looks very Italian but I see no Italian ancestry in the Wiki article on him, just English and Irish, so where does the Mediterranean DNA come in?

      His views, like those of Tucker Carlson, seem to be closet WN.

  4. I don’t mean to be Rude, John. But you could’ve Googled it.


    What Religion Is Jesse Watters?
    Jesse Watters’s Religion Is Jewish. He addresses the ancestry of Jewish, and he should be observable, contradicting the anti-Jewish perspectives which have been discovered in rising from one side of the world to the other. People against or for him can concur that he is directly in this. He moved on from Trinity College and held a B.A. ever. At any point, his life has not been liberated from ideas since he has revealed the news that depicts a rare network as powerless or uneducated.

    You may be right. Sone sites such as the above could be lies.

    • I did, and none of these sites is trustworthy. The one especially is drivel and overtly a terrible translation from the Chinese, and this site offers zero proof.

      Wikipedia openly states if a person is jewish, and there is nothing there about him being a jew, or his parents. He has ben involved with two women and neither is jewish, but this may mean little these days….

      Also, this jewish site is considered authoritative: http://www.jewornotjew.com Its function is to say if the celebrity in question is jewish or part-jewish. Watters is not listed at all.

      Now, he still might be part-jewish. He looks Mediterranean, and yet has no Italian background, and grew up in Philadelphia, which could possibly suggest jewishness (or Italian ancestry).

      But he had an ancestor who owned a major magazine….

      He certainly has a big ego and wise-guy persona, which also could be jewish.

  5. Here, I think that this site, would not lie.


    Jesse Watters Religion – Is He Jewish? Hypotheses are drifting around the web about the moderate’s darling TV anchor, Jesse, being Jewish; these theories are valid in light of the fact that he is Jewish. His folks are Jewish.

    That’s why I called him Jewish. I read it somewhere in the internet, but needed to verify it.

  6. John, regarding the Ashli Babbitt murder, a while ago I posted a video which says this was a hoax (presumably to besmirch Trump and as a warning to all dissidents that the system can get away with murder).

    You did not reply to that, maybe it was not the best time as you were moving. If you want, can you watch and comment if this video is legit, please?


  7. Regarding the primitive nationalists:

    Yes, seeing how many low-lifes are in the movement it´s no wonder that they never reached anything.
    I mean, who really wants to be governed by skinheads, hooligans and other scum of that ilk?

    There was an older article on your site where you had some pics of tattooed chavs and you wrote that they don´t look “noble”…I searched the site and didn´t found it. IIRC it was around from 2014. Maybe it got deleted during the hack?

    When I was younger, I liked to listen to some RAC music. Some of it is good to listen.
    But well, it seems most of the musicians are also really primitive chumps…
    Here are some really bad examples.
    The guy with the tattooed face is Ryan McLellan, the son of Ken McLellan, the singer of Brutal Attack.
    I really question the upbringing of his son when he became such a freak and he fought for Jewkraine.
    I really believe that he is some agency asset…
    Really, anybody who has a tattooed face has serious mental issues. Such freaks would have been placed into the camps back then.
    Hitler wanted an orderly Germany, not a freak show of tattooed ruffians and alcoholics.

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