Spiritual reading: intuition; Aryan pilots keep their cool

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….Spiritual reading for April 15 


We need to return to the same point we raised yesterday. Your own inner knowing is of the highest order, accessing and attending to it is one of your most important jobs right now.

You no doubt have some intuitive sense of your own guidance. You often know quite clearly what to do or how to respond to a situation.

There are other times when you know — and yet you undermine your knowledge, thinking instead about what others would do or think, about potential (and imagined) consequences of following what you know to be true.

And of course there are other times yet when you have absolutely no idea what is going on or how you should be living your life. 😉

There is a continuum, both within you and among you. It is likely that you have a good idea of

how close you are to your own intuition, when you can access it easily and when it evades you.


If not, these are things we urge you to contemplate today.

You see, communication and action based on higher knowing are so much more accurate and efficient than those that arise from your traditional means of interacting and sharing information. Now, and increasingly in the future, those who are better able to know intuitively will be both more independent and more able to assist others.

We want those things for you, and we are completely confident in your abilities. Inner knowing takes different forms in each individual; you are the one who understands when something clicks within and how that works for you.

Is it a picture? A voice? A physical sense? A simple certainty? If you don’t know, then this is another thing to mull today.

It is a wonderful day for slicing through all the muck that separates you from your intuition. And to be clear, it is not really ‘your’ intuition at all, but rather your personal path into the center of all-knowingness.

It may not be your habit to try to travel that path, but you can make progress on it today that would be more difficult on OTHER days.

We suggest that instead of setting out to answer a particular question, you use the day’s energies to learn more about how your own path is drawn, when you arrive at your knowing, how you know and how you know you know! You can play a little. Do something utterly subjective and untestable: see if you can understand a bird or a cat or a tree today. Just try it.

You may get absolutely nothing. You may get a story.

And it is quite possible that it will be true. It is also possible that you will think, “nah, that is absurd.” And then you might find yourself in a position to investigate something that you can verify: how is a friend or family member or co-worker really feeling? What are they thinking about?

The central goal today is to be aware of your own capacity to know your truth, so don’t drift too far from that. It helps to range a little, but don’t get lost in parlor tricks.

Many of you are facing big challenges in your lives. The only way to navigate safely through these difficulties is to follow with complete faith the dictates of your core truth. If you know something about how you can best move forward but you are not heeding what you know, give that some careful thought today.

And finally, if you are in deep and constant touch with your intuition, you are lucky. Use the day to refine and quicken your access. It is a perfect day to map and traverse your path to your truth. An amazing opportunity; please use it as well as you can. You are needed.

We send much love.

….Typical jewish humor

Once upon a time, a powerful Emperor of the Rising Sun advertised for a new Chief Samurai. After a year, only three applied for the job: a Japanese, a Chinese and a Jewish Samurai. “Demonstrate your skills!” commanded the emperor. The Japanese samurai stepped forward, opened a tiny box and released a fly. He drew his samurai sword and *Swish!* the fly fell to the floor, neatly divided in two! “What a feat!” said the emperor. “Number Two Samurai, show me what you do.” The Chinese samurai smiled confidently, stepped forward and opened a tiny box, releasing a fly. He drew his samurai sword and *Swish! *Swish!* The fly fell to the floor neatly quartered. “That is skill!” nodded the emperor. “How are you going to top that, Number three Samurai?” The Jewish samurai, Hiroshi Cohen, stepped forward, opened a tiny box releasing one fly, drew his samurai sword and *Swoosh!* flourished his sword mightily, but the fly was still buzzing around! In disappointment, the emperor said, “What kind of skill is that?? The fly isn’t even dead.” “Dead?” replied Cohen in contempt. “Dead is easy. Now circumcision, that takes skill.”


….Cool, calm and collected (our race at its best)

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